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Finding Happiness In Who You Are

You wake-up everyday, make yourself part of a global rat race

everyday, get tired every day. You work hard to get a material
possession which is displayed to you as the ultimate source of
happiness. But is that true? Aren’t you confusing happiness
with pleasure? The thing is happiness is dependent more on
ourselves.It is not something to be obtained rather a habit of
appreciating valuing what we are experiencing at the
moment.There’s a story about the discovery of the diamond
mines of Golconda. Ali Hafed was a wealthy Persian man who
owned much land and thought he was happy because he was
wealthy and was told by a priest to find diamonds because they
can make him wealthier. Ali in his search for diamonds sold
everything and travelled to the farthest lands but his successor-
the man who had bought his land one day led his camel into
the garden to drink and as the animal started drinking, the man
noticed a flash of light. He picked stones from that place and
found diamonds. There was an entire diamond mine in that
place. We can only feel pity for Ali Hafed who travelled distant
lands in his pursuit of happiness but how often do we look for
our happiness in what we have right now? Happiness is inside
us, its always there waiting for us to realize.If we cannot find it
in ugliness, we will not be able to find it anywhere else either.
Finding happiness in your own self requires one to accept
oneself and pursue things that he cares about. There’s no need
to conform according to the values and expectations others
have of you. The freedom to embrace oneself is the ultimate
way of being happy. If one is happy with themselves, external
circumstances cannot affect much in any way.

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