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Arab conquest of Armenia

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Early Muslim expansion

Byzantine Roman Empire
Syria – Armenia – Egypt – North Africa –
Southern Italy

Sassanid Persian Empire

Persia – Afghanistan – Indus

Turkic Khazar Empire (Caucasus)

Visigothic Kingdom (Hispania)

Chinese Tang Empire (Central Asia)

The Arab conquest of Armenia was a part of the Muslim conquests which began after the death
of Muhammad.


 1 Islamic expansion
 2 Armenians yield to the Caliph
 3 See also
 4 Notes
 5 External links

[edit] Islamic expansion

History of Armenia

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Prehistoric Armenia
Kingdom of Armenia
Orontid Armenia
Kingdom of Sophene
Artaxiad Dynasty
Kingdom of Commagene
Arsacid Dynasty
Medieval history
Marzpanate Period
Byzantine Armenia
Arab conquest of Armenia
Principality of Armenia
Bagratuni Armenia
Kingdom of Vaspurakan
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
Zakarid Armenia
Foreign rule
Hamidian massacres
Armenian Genocide
Contemporary Armenia
Democratic Republic of Armenia
Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Republic of Armenia

Armenia Portal
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After Muhammad's death in 632, his successors started a military campaign in order to spread
Islam. During the Muslim conquests, the Arabs conquered most of the Middle East.

Towards the year 639, under the leadership of Abd-er-Rahman, 18,000 Arabs penetrated the
district of Taron and the region of the Lake of Van and put the country to fire and sword. The
Arab warriors were poor, ill-called, ill-armed, but recklessly brave and inflamed with an intense
fanaticism until then unknown among ancient peoples.[1]

On January 6, 642 the Arabs stormed and took the city of Dvin, slaughtered 12,000 of its
inhabitants and carried 35,000 into slavery.[1] Prince Theodorus of the Rshtuni family confronted
the Arabs, and came out victorious by liberating the enslaved Armenians.[2]
Bishop Sebeos recorded the history of the Arab conquest. In his History of Heraclius, he wrote
of the sad fate of his country. He said,

"Who can tell the horrors of the invasion of the Ishmaelite (Arab), who set both the land and the
sea ablaze? [...] The blessed Daniel foresaw and foretold like misfortunes. [...] In the following
year (643), the Ishmaelite army crossed to Atrpatakan (Azerbaijan) and was divided into three
corps. One moved towards Ararat; another into the territory of Sephakan Gound, the third into
the land of Alans. Those who invaded the domain of the Sephakan Gound spread over it,
destroying, plundering and taking prisoners. Thence they marched together to Erevan, where
they attacked the fortress, but were unable to capture it."[1]

[edit] Armenians yield to the Caliph

During the Arab expansion, Armenians understood that the Byzantines were in no hurry to help
them, and thus they had to make their own decisions. Theodorus Rshtuni and other Armenian
nakharars (lords) accepted Arab rule over Armenia.[2] Constans II, the Byzantine Emperor, sent
occasional reinforcements to Armenia, but they were inadequate. The commander of the city of
Dvin, Smbat, confronted by the fact that he could no longer hold out against the Islamic army,
submitted to Caliph Omar, consenting to pay him tribute. In 644, Omar was assassinated by a
Persian slave and was replaced by Caliph Uthman. The Armenian acceptance of Arab rule
irritated the Byzantines. Emperor Constans sent his men to Armenia in order to impose the
Chalcedonian creed of Christianity.[2] He did not succeed in his doctrinal objective, but the new
Armenian prefect, Hamazasp, who regarded the taxes imposed by the Muslims as too heavy,
yielded to the Emperor. The Caliph thus ordered the massacre of 1,775 Armenian hostages then
in his hands, and was about to march against the Armenian rebels when he was assassinated by
the rebels in 656.[1]

Armenia remained under Arab rule for approximately 200 years, formally starting in 645.
Through many years of Umayyad and Abbasid rule, the Armenian Christians benefited from
political autonomy and religious freedom, but were considered second-class citizens. The
Armenian Church enjoyed greater recognition than under Byzantine or Sassanid jurisdiction.[3]
The Caliph assigned Ostikans as governors and representatives, who sometimes were of
Armenian origin. The first ostikan, for example, was Theodorus Rshtuni. However, the
commander of the 15,000-strong army was always of Armenian origin, often from the
Mamikonian, Bagratuni or Artsruni families. He would either defend the country from
foreigners, or assist the Caliph in his military expeditions.[2] For example, the Armenians helped
the Caliphate against Khazar invaders.[3]

Arab rule was interrupted by many revolts, whenever Arabs attempted to enforce Islam, or
higher taxes, to the people of Armenia. However, these revolts were sporadic and intermittent.
They never had a pan-Armenian character. Arabs used rivalries between the different Armenian
nakharars in order to curb the rebellions. Thus, the Mamikonian, Rshtuni, Kamsarakan and
Gnuni families were gradually weakened in favor of the Bagratuni and Artsruni families.[2] The
rebellions led to the creation of the legendary character, David of Sassoun.
During Islamic rule, Arabs from other parts of the Caliphate settled in Armenia. By the 9th
century, there was a well-established class of Arab emirs, more or less equivalent to the
Armenian nakharars.[3]

At the end of this period, in 885, the Bagratid Kingdom of Armenia was established.

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