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Chapter 3

This topic is related to chapter 1 thus can be included in to it.

After the completion of the chapter, the students should be able to:
1. explain teaching as a process
2. identify the different principles of teaching
3. explain the components of teaching-learning process

Teaching as a Process:
Teaching – a process of interacting; stands for pedagogy, training, nurturing
- students will acquire knowledge , skills , values and attitudes
- Involves values, experience, insights, imagination and appreciation - , cannot be
easily observed, measured (Greene)

Seven Principles of Good Teaching: ( › academic-affairs › online-

resources › seven. . . University of Tennessee)
1. Encourage contact between students and faculty.
2. Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students.
3. Encourage active learning.
4. Give prompt feedback.
5. Emphasize time on task.
6. Communicate high expectations.
7. Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.

Five areas to consider in Teaching Principles:

1. Respect for individual
2. Democracy, as a way of life
3. Providing suitable condition for the development and maintenance of a sound
4. Improving group living in the classroom
5. Improving the classroom environment

Components of Teaching as a process: planning, implementation, evaluation and

1. PLANNING – by setting goals for teaching for an entire semester, a course
syllabus to a course outline with the task on how the students will learn to think
critically and the basic concepts in a specific discipline; how to integrate other
issues; and planning of the day-to-day activities
2. REVISION – is always necessary for students’ learning, considering teaching
process as an encouragement dealing with relationship of cooperation and
mutual discovery
3. ASSESSMENT – the success of a teacher is based on the regular assessment
of the students in order to understand if teaching is effective and students learn;
that teacher should solicit meaningful feedback from students not just at the
end of the semester to modify teaching. An environment of mutual trust and
respect can be created by a teacher by relying on students’ feedback, a valuable
resource for verifying whether the class pedagogy is (or isn't) working. There are
two technical terms related to assessment:
a. assessment - Asserting learning needs; readiness to learn and learning styles
b. evaluation - To determine behavior changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills
4. IMPLEMENTATION – try to implement the plans to make teaching meaningful, if
not working right, change, and try something new. This will help in improving
teaching skills.

The Teacher “ If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant a
tree; but if your plan is for eternity; the educate children.”

1. Name the process to assess the learning needs.
2. How to determine the readiness to learn?
3. Name the classification of the learning styles.


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