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Joebert S. Melendrez
Danielle Joy L. Alcantara

Table of Contents

Module 5: Analysis of Machine Foundation 35

Introduction 35
Learning Objectives 35
Lesson 1.Analysis of Machine Foundation 36
Assessment Task 5 41
Summary 41

Module 6: Machine Foundation 43

Introduction 43
Learning Objectives 43
Lesson 1.Typical Layout of Machine Foundation 44
Assessment Task 6 52
Summary 53

Module 7: Coulomb Damping 54

Introduction 54
Learning Objectives 54
Lesson 1. Coulomb Damping Equation 55
Assessment Task 7 61
Summary 62

Analysis of Machine Foundation


Machine foundations supporting vibratory loadings are often present in the

industries, heavy manufacturing and power generations. The vibratory loadings are caused
by the unbalanced machine forces as well as the static weight of the machine. If theses
vibrations are excessive they may damage the machine or cause it not function properly.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

1. Understand the factor in designing machine foundation

2. Design a simple machine foundation
3. Determine the different theories and concept regarding machine foundation

Lesson 1. Analysis of Machine Foundation

The analysis and design of foundation and structures subjected to vibratory loads is
considered a very complex problem because of the interaction of structural engineering
(Arya and Pincus, 1979).
Design of concrete foundations supporting static of pseudo-static loadings usually
involves computation of internal forces (example axial, shear, moments, etc.) by satisfying
the equations of equilibrium (∑ ∑ ∑ ) and then check for strength
and service ability requirements. Static loading are dead loads or permanent loads while the
pseudo-static are occupancy live loads, wind and earthquake loads. (Note the earth quake
loads mentioned denotes the use of approximate equivalent static lateral force procedure
per building codes). For static analysis the materials and geometric properties needed are
density, young’s modulus of elasticity, stiffness, thermal coefficient and Poison’s ratio (Arya
and Pincus, 1979).

For foundations supporting large vibratory also known as dynamic loadings, a

dynamic analysis is required to determine the dynamic response of the structure. The
response of the structure is measured in the form of vibration amplitudes (example
displacement, velocity or accelerations); these are done by satisfying the equation of
motions based on Newtons second law of motion (F=ma). In dynamic or vibration analysis,
in addition to material and geometric properties needed in static analysis: damping
coefficient and natural frequency of the machine foundation system are required (Arya and
Pincus, 1979).

In the analysis and design of machine foundation system, a designer should be first
familiar with fundamentals of theory of vibration. As mentioned previously, traditional
approach in controlling vibration in design of foundation was to increasing the mass or
weight (Prakash and Puri, 1988).



Undamped With Damping

Figure 5.1 Foundation base in equilibrium position just prior to being displaced slightly
downward by a quick push.

According to Arya and Pincus, 1979, vibrations developed by operating machinery

produce several effects that need to be considered in the design aside from the usual static
loads. The usual procedure in doing a vibration analysis is to establish a mathematical
model of the real structure. The structural configuration of machine foundation is generally
determined by geotechnical consultant and machine manufacturer, theses initial
configurations may change to suit design criteria or avoid interference of other fixed objects
such as pipelines and other ancillary items. The common configurations or types of machine
foundations are:
Motor Machine

Figure 5.2 Block type foundation

Motor Machine

Figure 5.2 Box or Caisson type foundation

Motor Machine

Figure 5.3 Wall type foundations

The following basic definitions are important in the vibration of machine foundation
dynamic analysis.

Vibrations – an oscillation of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has
been disturbed.
Period – if motion repeat itself in equal intervals of time, it is called a periodic motion and the
time elapsed in repeating the motion is called period of vibrations. It is the time needed for
one complete cycle of vibration to pass a given point. As the frequency of a wave increases
the period of the wave decrease in example frequency is the reciprocal of period.

Cycle – motion completed during a period is referred to as a cycle
Frequency – the number of cycles of motion in a unit of time is called frequency of vibrations
Natural frequency – if an elastic system vibrates under the action of forces inherent in the
system and in the absence of any externally applied force, the frequency with which it
vibrates is its natural frequency.
Forced vibrations – vibrations that occur under the excitation of external force are termed
force vibrations
Degrees of freedom – number of independent coordinates necessary to describe the motion
of a system specifies the degrees of freedom of the system. When a system has several
degrees of freedom, the system is called multidegree of freedom system (MDOF).
Resonance – if the frequency of excitation force coincides with any one of the natural
frequencies of the system resonance will occur. This is a phenomenon that is being avoided
in machine foundation design because of the amplitudes (displacement, velocity or
acceleration) of vibrations to be excessive and cause damage to the system.
Normal mode of vibration – when the amplitude of some point of the system vibrating in one
of the principal modes is made equal to unity, the motion is called the normal of vibrations.
Damping – damping is a associated with energy dissipation and opposes free vibrations of a
system. If the force of damping is proportional to its velocity, it is called viscous damping. If it
is not dependant on its material property it is contributed by geometry of the system is called
geometrical damping.
Harmonic motion – the simplest form of motion is harmonic motion, which is represented by
sine or cosine functions. The excitation in structures or foundations caused by the
unbalanced force in the machine are generally in the form of harmonic under steady-state

Figure 5.6 Degrees of freedom of a rigid block foundation (Prakash and Puri, 1988).

The rigid foundation has six degrees of freedom (also called the modes of vibration)

1. Translation along Z axis

2. Translation along X axis
3. Translation along Y axis
4. Rotation along Z axis
5. Rotation along X axis
6. Rotation along Y axis

Each Degrees of freedom of the system will produce different natural frequencies

Assessment Task 5

Draw the following:

1. Machine foundation of a industrial water pump

2. Machine foundation of a industrial AC motor
3. Machine foundation of a industrial generator
4. Machine foundation of a 50 storey building
Provide a written discussion about the comparison of a machine
foundation experiencing a dynamic force (moving) and static force


There are 3 main types of machine foundation the block type, box type and the wall
type foundation. The following basic definitions are important in the vibration of machine
foundation dynamic analysis. Frequency, period, harmonic motion, resonance, forced
vibration and degree of freedom.


Prakash, S. and Puri, V. K. (1988), Foundations for Machines: Analysis and Design, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y.

Arya, S., O’Neil, M., and Pincus, G. (1979), Design of Structures and Foundations for
Vibrating Machines, Gulf Publ. Co., Houston, Texas.

Machine Foundation


Machine foundation is the supporting part of the structure. It is a transmission or

structural connection whose design depends on the characteristics of both the structure and
the soil and rock beneath.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

1. Determine the functions of machine foundation

2. Understand the basic formula in computing machine foundation

Lesson 1. Typical Layout of Machine Foundation

Motor Machine

Machine Foundation 6 INCH


Figure 6.1 Layout of Machine Foundation


Foundation h

Figure 6.2 Layout of Machine Foundation

Functions of Machine Foundation

1. T o support the weight of the machine and distribute this weight and its own over
safe sub-oil area.
2. To absorb vibrations produced by the machine.
3. To maintain proper alignment of the machine

Design of a Machine Foundation

1. Length of the foundation (L)

c = clearance

2. Upper width of the foundation (a)

a = w + 2c


w = width of the bed plate

c = clearance

3. Weight of the foundation (

( (√


N = engine speed in rpm

e = empherical coefficient

Standard of Designing a Machine Foundation

1. The clearance or the distance of the edge of the foundation from the bedplate must
be 6 inch. (120mm) to 12 inch. (300mm) to secure the belts imbedded with the

2. The vertical distance from the floor or soil level to the top edge of the foundation
must be around 6 inches as minimum distance.
3. The foundation depth may be taken to be 3.2 to 4.2 times the engine stroke; the
lower factor for a well balanced multi-cylinder engine and increased factors for
engine with fewer cylinders or on less firm soil.

Values of the empherical coefficient (e) in foundation formulas

Table 6.1 Values of (e)

Type of Engine Cylinder Arrangement No. of Cylinder e

Single-acting Vertical 1 0.15

Single-acting Vertical 2 0.14
Single-acting Vertical 3 0.12
Single-acting Vertical 4,6 and 8 0.11
Single-acting Horizontal 1 0.25
Single-acting Horizontal duplex 2 0.24
Single-acting Horizontal twin duplex 4 0.23
Double –acting Horizontal 1 and 2 0.32
Double - acting Horizontal twin tandem 4 0.20

Weight of Machine Foundation

The weight of machine foundation can be computed on the HP of the engine.

Table 6.2 Weight of the Machine Foundations per Brake Metric Horsepower

Prime Mover Single Cylinder Multi Cylinder

Gas Engine 1135 kg 730 kg

Diesel Engine 910 kg 570 kg

Steam Engine 320 kg 230 kg

Steam Turbine Not to exceed permissible

deflection as stated By
turbine Manufacturer.

Volume of Machine Foundation

Table 6.3 Volume of the foundation can be computed based on kW of the engine

No. of Cylinders 1 2 3 4 5 to 8

1. High Speed Engine 0.152 0.095 0.076 0.065 0.057

2. Medium Speed Engine 0.190 0.118 0.095 0.08 0.072

3. Low Speed Engine 0.228 0.152 0.114 0.099 0.087

Volume of the Machine Foundation if the density is given (

Table 6.4 Approximate Density ( of Building Materials

Materials Density ( in kg/

Plain concrete stone, stone 2323-2403

Plain concrete, slag 2082

Plain concrete, cinder 1602

Reinforced concrete, stone 2403

Brick Masonry, pressed 2243

Brick Masonry, common 1922

Ashlar Masonry, granite 2643

Ashlar Masonry, limestone 2563

Ashlar Masonry, sandstone 2243

Sand and gravel 1602-1762

Cinder fill 641-721

Table 6.5 Data on concrete mixes to yield 1 cubic meter concrete

Mixture Cement Sand Stone Application Weight Safe

(Sacks) ( ( tons/( compressive
Stress (tons/
1:2:3 9.2 0.51 0.77 Roofs,sills,tanks 2.66 328.78
1;2;4 7.8 0.44 0.88 R.C.,floors,beams 2.66 328.1
1;2.5;4 7.3 0.52 0.83 Building walls 2.66 273.42
1;3;5 6.2 0.52 0.86 Foundations & 2.66 218.73
1;2;4 8.6 0.49 0.98 R.C floors 1.99 153.11
1;2;4 8.6 0.49 0.98 R.C floors 2.13 153.11

Lower Width of the Machine foundation (b)

( )


N = factor of safety
1. If b is less than a, then; let b = a, which means that the foundation is a rectangular
cross section
2. The safe soil bearing capacity is computed using a factor of safety of 5.

Depth of the Machine Foundation (h)

( )

Weight of the steel bar reinforcements


Anchor bolts Recommendation

The anchor bolts should be imbedded in the concrete at least 30 times the bolt diameter.

Example Problem

1. What is the required base area of the foundation to support an engine with specified
speed of 1200 rpm and weight of 9000 kg? Assume a safe bearing capacity of soil as
47.867 kPa. Use c = 0.11.

Solving for the weight of the foundation

( (√ )

( (√ )

Then substituting

( (

2. What is the length of the machine foundation if the length of the bedplate is 4 and
clearance of 0.4?


3. If the width of the bedplate is 3 m and the clearance is 0.3 what is the upper width of the
machine foundation?

a = w + 2c

a = 3 + 2(0.3)

a = 3.6 m

4. What is the approximate weight of the engine if the weight of the machine foundation is
35,000 kg.

35,000 = 4

5. A machine foundation has a base dimension of 3m X 6m and has a weight equal to 4

times the weight of the engine. Find the maximum weight of the engine to be mounted if the
safe bearing pressure of soil is 159 kPa.

Solving for F:

F = (150 kN/ [3m(6m)]

F = 2700 kN

F = 275,229.36 kg



Alternate Solution:

( (

Assessment Task 6

Answer the following problem with proper solution and complete diagram.
Avoid erasure.
1. What is the required base area of the foundation to support an engine
with specified speed of 1800 rpm and weight of 12000 kg? Assume a
safe bearing capacity of soil as
2. A machine foundation has a base dimension of 4m X 8m and has a
weight equal to 4.6 times the weight of the engine. Find the maximum
weight of the engine to be mounted if the safe bearing pressure of soil is
211 kPa.
3. What is the approximate weight of the engine if the weight of the
machine foundation is 42,000 kg.
4. If the width of the bedplate is 4.2 m and the clearance is 0.36 what is the
upper width of the machine foundation?

5. What is the length of the machine foundation if the length of the bedplate
is 5.4 and clearance of 0.38?


1. The clearance or the distance of the edge of the foundation from the bedplate must
be 6 inch. (120mm) to 12 inch. (300mm) to secure the belts imbedded with the
2. The vertical distance from the floor or soil level to the top edge of the foundation
must be around 6 inches as minimum distance.
3. The foundation depth may be taken to be 3.2 to 4.2 times the engine stroke; the
lower factor for a well balanced multi-cylinder engine and increased factors for
engine with fewer cylinders or on less firm soil.


Capote R.S. and Mandawe J.A. (2009), Power Plant Engineering, JAM Publisher, 4 th floor
GMT Building Cor. P. Del Rosario and Junquera Street, Cebu City.

Coulomb Damping


Coulomb damping is the damping that occurs due to dry friction when two surfaces
slide against one another. Coulomb damping can be the result of a mass sliding on a dry
surface, axle friction in a journal bearing, belt friction, or rolling resistance. The case of a
mass sliding on a dry surface is analyzed here, but the qualitative results apply to all forms
of Coulomb damping (Graham, 2012).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

1. Determine the equation of coulomb damping

2. Understand various problem regarding coulomb damping
3. Apply previous equation on this topic
4. Solve problems provided at the example on this module and assessment task

Lesson 1. Coulomb Damping Equation

As the mass of Figure 7.1 slides on a dry surface, a friction force that resists the
motion develops between the mass and the surface. Coulomb’s law states that the friction
force is proportional to the normal force developed between the mass and the surface. The
constant of proportionality, is called the kinetic coefficient of friction. Since the friction force
always resists the motion, its direction depends on the sign of the velocity.
Application of Newton’s law to the free-body diagrams of Figure 7.2 and 7.3 yields the
following differential equations:
̈ ̇ Equation 1
Equation 1 are generalized by using a single equation

| ̇|
̈ Equation 2


Figure 7.1 a mass slides on a surface with a coefficient of friction


Mass Mass

Figure 7.2 FBDS at an arbitrary instant for ̇

= ̇
Mass Mass

Figure 7.3 FBDS at an arbitrary instant for ̇

The right-hand side of Equation (2) is a nonlinear function of the generalized

coordinate. Thus the free vibrations of a one-degree-of-freedom system with Coulomb
damping are governed by a nonlinear differential equation. However, an analytical solution
exists and is obtained by solving Equation (1). Without loss of generality, assume that free
vibrations of the system of Figure 7.1 are initiated by displacing the mass a distance to the
right, from equilibrium, and releasing it from rest. The spring force draws the mass toward
equilibrium; thus the velocity is initially negative. Equation (1) applies over the first half-cycle
of motion, until the velocity again becomes zero. The solution of Equation (1) subject to
( and ̇ ( with on the right-hand side is

( ( ) Equation 3

Equation 3 describes the motion until the velocity changes sign at when

( ) Equation 4

Equation 1 with – on the right hand governs the motion until the velocity next changes
sign. The solution of equation 1 using equation 4 and ̇ ( )
( ( )
Equation 5

The velocity again changes sign at when

( ) Equation 6
The motion during the first complete cycle is described by equations 3 and 5. The amplitude
change between the beginning and the end of the cycle is
( ( ) Equation 7
The motion is cyclic. The analysis of the subsequent and each successive cycle continues in
the same fashion. The initial conditions used to solve for the displacement during a half
cycle are that the velocity is zero and the displacement is the displacement calculated at the
end of the previous half-cycle.

Equation 8
The coulomb damping has no effect on the natural frequency.
Mathematical induction is used to develop the following expressions for the displacement of
the mass during each half cycle.

( * ( +
( ( Equation 9

( * ( +
( Equation 10

( ) ( ) Equation 11

Equation 11 shows that the displacement at the end of each cycle is less than
the displacement at the end of the previous cycle. Thus the amplitude of free vibration
decays linearly as show, when equation 9 and 10 are plotted in figure 12. The amplitudes on
successive cycles from an arithmetic sequence. If is the amplitude at the end of the nth
cycle then

Equation 12

With then the solution of this difference equation is equation 11. The motion
continues with this constant decrease in amplitude as long as the restoring force is sufficient

to overcome the resisting friction force. However, since the friction causes a decrease in
amplitude, the restoring force eventually becomes less than the friction force. This occurs

Free response of a system with Coulomb damping. The motion is cyclic with a linear
decay of amplitude. The period is the same as the natural period with motion ceasing with a
permanent displacement.

m = 100 kg

4.0 6.0

Time (

Displacement (

Figure 7.4 response of a system with Coulomb damping

| ( | Equation 13
Motion ceases during the nth cycle, where n is the smallest integer such that.
Equation 14

When motion ceases a constant displacement from equilibrium of is maintained. The

effect of coulomb damping differs from the effect of viscous damping in these respects.

1. Viscous damping causes a linear term proportional to the velocity in the governing
differential equation, while Coulomb damping gives rise to a nonlinear term.
2. The natural frequency of an undamped system is unchanged when Coulomb
damping is added, but is decreased when viscous damping is added.
3. Motion is not cyclic if the viscous damping coefficient is large enough, whereas the
motion is always cyclic when Coulomb damping is the only source of damping.
4. The amplitude decreases linearly because of Coulomb damping and exponentially
because of viscous damping.
5. Coulomb damping leads to a cessation of motion with a resulting permanent
displacement from equilibrium, while motion of a system with only viscous damping
continues indefinitely with decaying amplitude.

Since the motion of all physical systems ceases in the absence of continuing
external excitation, Coulomb damping is always present. Coulomb damping appears in
many forms, such as axle friction in journal bearings and friction due to belts in contact with
pulleys or flywheels. The response of systems to these and other forms of Coulomb
damping can be obtained in the same manner as the response for dry sliding friction. The
general form of the differential equation governing the free vibrations of a linear system
where Coulomb damping is the only source of damping is

̈ Equation 15

Where is the magnitude of the coulomb damping force. The decrease in amplitude cycle
of motion is

Equation 16

Example problem
An experiment is run to determine the kinetic coefficient of friction between a block
and a surface. The block is attached to a spring and displaced 150 mm from equilibrium. It is
observed that the period of motion is 0.5 sec and that the amplitude decreases by 10 mm on
successive cycles. Determine the coefficient of friction and how many cycles of motion the
block executes before motion ceases.

The natural frequency is calculated as

The decrease in amplitude is expressed as

Which is rearranged to yield.

( ( )
( )

From equation 14 the motion ceases during the 15th cycle. The mass has a permanent
displacement of 2.5 mm from its equilibrium position.

Assessment Task 7

Answer the following problem with proper solution and complete diagram.
Avoid erasure. Open the book/e-book of Mechanical Vibrations Theory
and Application by S. Graham Kelly page 165 for more examples and to
be guided answering this problem.

A father builds a swing for his children. The swing consists of a

board attached to two ropes, as shown in Figure 3.17. The swing is
mounted on a tree branch, with the board 3.5 m below the branch. The
diameter of the branch is 8.2 cm and the kinetic coefficient of friction
between the ropes and the branch is 0.1. After the swing is installed and
his child is seated, the father pulls the swing back 10 and releases. What
is the decrease in angle of each swing and how many swings will the
child receive before Dad needs to give another push?


Since the motion of all physical systems ceases in the absence of continuing
external excitation, Coulomb damping is always present. Coulomb damping appears in
many forms, such as axle friction in journal bearings and friction due to belts in contact with
pulleys or flywheels. The response of systems to these and other forms of Coulomb
damping can be obtained in the same manner as the response for dry sliding friction. The
general form of the differential equation governing the free vibrations of a linear system
where Coulomb damping is the only source of damping is

Where is the magnitude of the coulomb damping force. The decrease in amplitude cycle
of motion is


Graham Kelly S (2012). Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Application, 200 First Stamford
Place, Suite 400 Stamford, CT 06902 USA.


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