ES Essay No. 1

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1. How do you determine if a beam is tension or compression controlled?

When a member force points toward the joint it is attached to, the
member is in compression. If the force points away from the joint it is attached
to, the member is in tension.

Compression controlled are defined as the sections in the maximum tension

zones, where net tensile strain is limit set for the compression. Tension
controlled are those section in which the NTS, is equal to or greater than 0.005
just as the concrete in the compression reaches its assumed strain, limit of

2. What is the difference between a tension-controlled section and an under reinforced


Tension-controlled Sections:

Such sections are those where the extreme tensile reinforcement steel
shall attain a strain GEQ 0.005 when the concrete extreme fiber in
compression attains a strain of 0.003. such design philosophy is a better
option because it incorporates significant ductility into the system.

Under Reinforced Section:

In this section, the quantity of steel is not adequate to make the extreme
concrete fibers in the compression area to get compressed to their
highest permissible value. That means the steel is provided less than that
a balanced section is required.
3. Why under reinforced sections are preferred over-reinforced sections?

In an under reinforced section, the percentage of steel provided is less

than that provided in balanced section. In under reinforced section, the failure is
ductile because steel fails first, and sufficient warning is given before collapse.
Due to ductile failure and economy, the under-reinforced sections are preferred
by designers.

4. Which type of failure is expected in over reinforced flexural members?

The Flexural Compression Failure begins by crushing of concrete at

compression side followed by yielding of steel at tension side of the beam. It
occurs when the beam is over-reinforced which means the beam reinforcement
ration is greater than balanced reinforcement ratio as per ACI 318-14.

This type of failure is sudden and does not provide warning i.e., brittle
failure. That is why it is not desired from reinforced concrete design point of
view. This type of failure can be prevented by avoiding over-reinforced concrete
beam design or increasing compression strength of concrete by introducing steel
reinforcement at the compression side or increasing the geometry of the beam.

5. What is the situation which demand doubly reinforced section?

Sections that have tensile as well as compressive reinforcement are

called Doubly Reinforced Sections.
Important conditions where doubly reinforced sections are to be used:

 When the dimensions of the beam are restricted for architectural or

structural purposes.
 Sections that are subjected to the reversal of bending moments
 The portion of the beam over middle support in continuous T beams has
to be designed as doubly reinforced section
 When loads are eccentric
 When the external loads may occur on either face of the member.

Why Groups important? Cite examples to further support your answer.

The importance of social groups is that it acts as a support system for us every
time we need. Social groups can help you identify problems and help you to solve them.
Social groups can also provide us a sense of safety and belonging, the feeling of being
needed and wanted can motivates us to keep on living and it will also affect our mental
health. One example of the importance of group is family and friendship. Family is the
very first social group that we connect since it plays an important role in our life. From
our physiological needs to psychological our family is always there. So thus friendship,
since we begin to establish relationship as early as we’re kids.

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