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Sentence: Adverb clauses, Adjective

Adverb clause
• Là một mệnh đề đóng vai trò như một trạng từ
• Trả lời câu hỏi: when, where, why, how, how long, how far, how often, purpose
• Time clause
When people had to hunt for food, they moved from place to place
• As soon as: ngay sau khi
Eating habits changed as soon as people stopped moving from place to place in search
of food
• As: cùng thời điểm
People in the United States started eating more processed convenience foods as their
lives became busier
• Place clause
Most people shop where they get the lowest prices
Adverb clause
• Distance, frequency, and manner clause
• As + adverb + as: khoảng cách, tần suất, cách thức
Fire had destroyed the trees in the forest as far as the eye could see
I do not visit my parents as often as they would like me to
Our instructor asked us to fill out the questionnaire as carefully as we could
• As: như là
We mixed the chemicals exactly as the lab instructor had told us to
• As if, as though: cứ như là, dùng trong ngôn ngữ viết
The bus's engine sounds as if/as though it is going to stall at any moment
• Chuyển ngôn ngữ nói sang ngôn ngữ viết: it looks like it is going to rain => it looks as if it
is going to rain
Adverb clause
• Reason clause
Europeans are in some ways better environmentalists than North
Americans because they are more used to conserving energy
• Since many Europeans live, work, and shop in the same locale, they are quite
accustomed to riding bicycles, trains, and streetcars to get around
• As the price of gasoline has always been quite high in Europe, most
Europeans drive high-mileage automobiles that use less fuel
• Result clause
• So + adjective/adverb + that, such a(n) + noun + that
Joanna's cookie business is so successful that she hired three new employees
last week
Adverb clause
• Purpose clause
• So that: để nhằm mục đích
Farmers use chemical pesticides so that they can get higher crop yields
• Contrast clause
• Whereas, while, although, even though, though
San Francisco is cool during the summer, whereas Los Angeles is generally
• Conditional clause
If you study, you will get good grades
• Unless: trừ khi
• Unless you study, you will not get good grades
Các lỗi thường thấy
• (I)Incorrect subordinator
• (T)Too many connectors
• (C)Comma error
• (W)Wrong subordinator

• Làm bài tập trang 229- S5

Adjective clause
Everyone who studied for the exam passed it easily
• Các dạng adjective clause:
• Pronoun là chủ ngữ của mệnh đề
I have not read the magazine that is lying on the coffee table
• Pronoun là vị ngữ của mệnh đề
The address that he gave me was incorrect
• Pronoun theo sau giới từ
The candidate whom I voted for lost the election
=> The candidate for whom I voted lost the election
• Pronoun sở hữu
I returned the book, the cover of which was torn
I returned the book whose cover was torn
Pronoun về số lượng và chất lượng
• Some of whom, all of whom, each of whom, both of whom
• The best of whom, the oldest of whom, the most important of whom
He gave two answers, both of which were correct
She has three daughters, the oldest of whom is studying abroad
The citizens of Puerto Rico, ninety percent of whom are literate, are
well educated
There are many delicious tropical fruits in Puerto Rico, most of which I
have never tasted before
• Làm bài tập 6 trang 244
Cách thêm dấu phẩy ở adjective clause
• Có 2 loại Adjective clause
• Adjective clause cần thiết: bắt buộc phải có đề câu có nghĩa => kh cần dấu phẩy
The professor who teaches my biology class won a Nobel Prize two years ago
• The professor won a Nobel Prize two years ago ???
He won the prize for research that might lead to a cure for AIDS
• He won the prize for research ???
• Adjective clause không cần thiết: chỉ mang tính bổ sung thêm thông tin => phải có dấu phẩy
Professor Jones, who teaches my biology class, won a Nobel Prize two years ago
• Professor Jones won a Nobel Prize two years ago OK
He won the prize for his research into the structure of T-cells, which might lead to a cure for AIDS
• He won the prize for his research into the structure of T-cells OK

• Làm bài tập p.233

Các lỗi của adjective clause
• (I)Incorrect relative pronoun: dùng pronoun sai
• (D)Disagreement of verb and antecedent: chia động từ sai
• (R)Incorrect repetition of nouns or pronouns: vẫn giữ danh từ thay thế
• (C)Incorrect comma usage: sử dụng sai dấu phẩy

• Làm bài tập trang 248

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