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Introversion Essay

By:Trevor Dilley

I took the personality test, and on the test, I got ISFP-T. ISFP-T stands for Introverted,
Observant, Feeling, Prospecting, Turbulent.ISFP-T is considered an "Adventurer." An
adventurer is an artist, but not in the usual way. They make their own decisions and actions to
test the limits of social convention. It is said that adventurers are unpredictable even to people
they are close to.
I ultimately predicted that I would be an introvert. A lot of the time, I like to be alone and
do what I need to recharge my energy. A lot of the information in here about adventurers I can
completely relate to.
The info on adventurers also talks about strengths and weaknesses like a weakness for
adventurers is they are easily stressed. I think that is entirely true. I can be tilted very quickly.
Even if I'm playing a competitive game like Valorant, I get stressed at the littlest thing, so I think
we will lose. Then I start to do bad, and we lose. Another weakness is fluctuating self-esteem.
I’m doing great one moment; the next I feel like crap. One of my strengths is curiosity which is
something I master. I get curious about the most random things when I hear about them.
Adventurers are also very passionate about different things. They will drop everything if they
find something they are interested in. I feel like I get into something, and I don't care what I have
to do. I just keep doing what I want, even if I need to do homework.
There are also things about how we don't like to just sit in a dull space and do things like
type at a computer. We would instead do something hands-on like designing and building things
or something like model design for games. Us Adventurers, don't believe in words but actions.
My friend, Logan I got Mediator, which in ways is very similar to what I got(Adventurer).
mediators are creative and imaginative; adventurers are the same. People like Logan are
empathetic, and they are curious about human nature. While people like me love discovery by
experiments with other perspectives and themselves. Mediator friendships have been on a
deeper level than just knowing the person. It needs a deeper connection. For adventurer
friendships, the person needs to be supportive and easy-going. We take remarks personally.
People that befriend us need to not be too judgmental or demanding. How have you seen this
play out in your friendship with Logan?


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