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McKade Fasel


Mr. Goring

The mixtape project was what I can describe as both a blessing and a curse. The project

itself wasn’t hard. It's just that when it came to presenting and creating the slides was what’s

hard. This was mostly because my partner Eykker wasn’t there most of the time for various

reasons. But over all, this project's aim was to use one of 21st century skills.

There were a lot of 21st century skills developed. However the most developed skill was

the Thinking and Problem Solving skill. This was because when it came time to present, I was

the only one there and the only one who did work on the slides so I had to compensate for

Eykker’s absence. This somewhat fits the definition found in the student handbook for thinking

and problem solving skills: “Students will demonstrate thinking and problem solving in all

curricular areas through projects,application of the scientific method, higher order math skills,

and literary analysis.”

Thankfully, a lot went well with this project despite Eykker’s absence. The task itself was

to select 10 songs of a specific genre or theme. This was the open ended portion of the project

that I liked. For this part, Eykker and I decided to select our theme as 80’s rock music. I knew

right off the bat that this would be an easy topic to cover, mostly because I can name at least 25

songs from this era off the top of my head. This was the first of two things that went well. The

second thing that went well was the presentation itself. I ended up spending roughly 2 hours
putting together a good presentation. This part was done in class, which sadly, Eykker wasn’t

there for. For this presentation, I decided to use google slides. Working with google slides is

amazing because you can create the perfect presentation without having to know what every

button does. I have always worked well under pressure so I was able to just jam this out easily.

If there were two things that went well, then there are most definitely some things that

Both Eykker and I could have done better. Although, I want to stick with my struggles since I

have already unintentionally thrown Eykker under the bus in this reflection. One thing that I

think would have made this presentation even better was more communication between Eykker

and I. This would have allowed him to contribute a bit more despite his absence which I am not

blaming him for. The second thing I think that I could have done better was spending a bit more

time on the slides. Compared to other group’s slides, ours were pretty short. Again this is where

communication would have been important.

Ultimately, like I said in the beginning, this project was both a blessing and a curse. It

could have been better, but overall I think this managed to get the job done. All of the things

mentioned above about Eykker were never meant to throw him under the bus despite the way it

came across. Eykker was truly an excellent guy to work with for this project, and his absence

was the only thing that held him back.

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