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Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease
caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause
disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death. This virus
was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019, and was
recognized as a pandemic by the world health organization (WHO) on March
11, 2020. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China
and to several countries, including Indonesia. As of March 28, 2020 more than
662,000 COVID-19 cases have been reported in more than 190 countries and
territories, resulting in around 30,800 deaths and more than 141,000 people
have recovered.

This virus spreads during close contact and through respiratory
droplets produced when people cough or sneeze. People can also be crushed
COVID-19 by touching the face, nose, eyes or mouth after handling an item
that is affected by the saliva sprinkling with this virus. Can also with close
contact with sufferers of COVID-19. The incubation time for this virus is
usually around 5 days but can range from 2 to 14 days.

Common symptoms that often appear are fever, cough, headache, sore
throat and feeling unwell. Corona virus can also cause severe symptoms. The
infection can be bronchitis and pneumonia which can cause symptoms such as
fever, slimy cough, shortness of breath and chest pain when coughing. There
is no known vaccine or specific antiviral treatment at this time, recommended
precautions include washing your hands, closing your mouth when coughing,
keeping a distance from others, and isolating yourself for people who suspect
they are infected with this virus.

Efforts to prevent the spread of this virus The Indonesian government is

currently making efforts to break the chain of transmission of the Corona
virus. The appeal is to maintain physical distance.

work from home, study at home, to worship at home. Various border closures
or restrictions on departing passengers, screening at airports and train
stations and restrictions on the travel of departing passengers, schools and
universities have been closed. This is related to the nature of the Corona virus
that is transmitted between humans. Transmission can occur through a spark.
Reporting from the CDC, Corona virus can remain alive on the surface of
inanimate objects for hours or even days. So, it is very important to know how
to prevent the spread of corona virus. Other efforts are also by implementing
healthy living such as diligently washing hands, avoiding touching the face,
avoiding shaking hands and hugging, ethics when sneezing and coughing,
cleaning household furniture and maintaining social distance.

This pandemic has caused severe global socioeconomic disruption,
postponement or cancellation of sporting, religious and cultural events, and
widespread fears of supply shortages that have prompted panic purchases.
Facing this virus, we must be careful, follow government orders and do not
panic. Staying at home and remembering prevention is better than cure.

To explain why or how the corona virus disease-19 (COVID-19)
pandemic spreads.
 Use of simpel present tense: Corona virus or severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that
attacks the respiratory system.
 Use action verb: ethics when sneezing and coughing, cleaning
household furniture and maintaining social distance.
 Use of conjuction: This virus spread quickly and has spread to
other regions in China and to several countries, including
 Use of passive voice: This virus was first discovered in the city of
Wuhan, China, in December 2019, and was recognized as a
pandemic by the world health organization (WHO) on March 11,
 Use of abstract noun: Corona virus can cause disorders of the
respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.


Covid-19 is a very dangerous virus, until now many victims have died due to
exposure to this virus, this virus is transmitted quickly through direct contact
with people who are exposed. the efforts made for the government are very
good in stopping the chain of distribution with social distance. Other efforts
are also by implementing healthy living such as diligently washing hands,
avoiding touching the face, avoiding shaking hands and hugging, ethics when
sneezing and coughing, cleaning household furniture and maintaining social
distance. I hope for all to obey the government's appeal, stay at home,
cooperate with each other and remember prevention is better than cure.

Covid-19 adalah virus yang sangat berbahaya, sampai sekarang banyak
korban yang meninggal karena terpapar virus ini, virus ini menular dengan
cepat melalui kontak langsung dengan orang yang terpapar. upaya yang
dilakukan untuk pemerintah sangat bagus dalam menghentikan mata rantai
penyebaran dengan social distance. Upaya lainnya juga dengan menerapkan
hidup sehat seperti rajin mencuci tangan, hindari menyentuh wajah, hindari
berjabat tangan dan berpelukan, etika saat bersin dan batuk, bersihkan
perabot rumah tangga dan jaga jarak sosial. saya berharap untuk semua
mematuhi himbauan pemerintah, tetap berada dalam rumah, saling bekerja
sama dan ingat mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati.

Covid-19 is a very dangerous virus, until now many victims have died due to exposure to
this virus, this virus is transmitted quickly through direct contact with people who are
exposed. the efforts made for the government are very good in stopping the chain of
distribution with social distance. Other efforts are also by implementing healthy living such
as diligently washing hands, avoiding touching the face, avoiding shaking hands and
hugging, ethics when sneezing and coughing, cleaning household furniture and maintaining
social distance. I hope for all to obey the government's appeal, stay at home, cooperate with
each other and remember prevention is better than cure.


Covid-19 adalah virus yang sangat berbahaya, sampai sekarang banyak korban yang
meninggal karena terpapar virus ini, virus ini menular dengan cepat melalui kontak
langsung dengan orang yang terpapar. upaya yang dilakukan untuk pemerintah sangat
bagus dalam menghentikan mata rantai penyebaran dengan social distance. Upaya lainnya
juga dengan menerapkan hidup sehat seperti rajin mencuci tangan, hindari menyentuh
wajah, hindari berjabat tangan dan berpelukan, etika saat bersin dan batuk, bersihkan
perabot rumah tangga dan jaga jarak sosial. saya berharap untuk semua mematuhi
himbauan pemerintah, tetap berada dalam rumah, saling bekerja sama dan ingat
mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati.

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