ANSWERS, Castillo, Jean Claudine B.

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Castillo, Jean Claudine B.

Prof: Marlo Alvarez

1. Looks at the differences between digital natives and digital immigrants. Digital
natives are the new generation of young people born into the digital age, while
digital immigrants are those who learnt to use computers at some stage during
their adult life. Whereas digital natives are assumed to be inherently technology-
savvy, digital immigrants are usually assumed to have some difficulty with
information technology.

Digital immigrants Digital Natives

 Adopters of Web  Born during or after the

technologies digital age
 Prefer to talk in person  Always on, attached to a
 Logical learner’s phone or other devices
 Focusing on a task one at a  Intuitive learner’s
time  Multi-task and rapid task
 Prefer to have interaction switch
with one or few people  Extremely social
rather than many  Multimedia oriented
 Get info from traditional site

The idea of the digital immigrant grew from the complaint that teachers were having a
hard time communicating with the newer generation due to a technology gap students
who were digital natives were speaking a different language than their older, digital
immigrant teachers. This gap called for a change to the way educators interacted with
their students so that they could learn in a way that made sense in the digital age.
Today’s students, known as digital natives or net-generation, who are grown up or
surrounded by digital technologies, are radically different from those of the past. Born
into an era of instant connectivity and networking they explore the world in an entirely
new way. As a result, digital natives have different expectations for education that
centers on their relationship with technology.
2. Educational technology can be a powerful tool in improving learning outcomes of
students. It can help educators widen the horizons of students and allow them to
explore the boundaries of their freedom. It can add value to each teacher's
lesson and give greater depth to each school's curriculum. However, in order to
utilize educational technology to its maximum potential, educators must take
steps to evaluate the value of educational technology in their schools. Below is a
step-by-step guideline by which schools can evaluate the value of educational
technology as used in their institutions of learning.

 Educational technology: Evaluating its Effectiveness in Classroom use

Further, educational technology must :

1. suitable for the teaching and learning situations

2. motivational
3. Promote learning
4. Be at the right level or age of the learners
5. Address the needs of the curriculum
6. Help meet the learning outcomes

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