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1. Proteins consist of long chains of amino acids which contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
2. Food rich in animal (haiwan) protein are meat (daging), fish (ikan), milk, and egg.
3. Beans (kacang panjang), peas (kacang pis), nuts and vegetables (sayur-sayuran) are rich in plant proteins.
4. Function (fungsi) of proteins:
a) Needed for the growth (pertumbuhan) and repair (perbaiki) of body tissues (tisu badan)
b) Become source of energy (sumber tenaga) during extreme starvation (kebuluran).
c) Required for the formation of enzymes, hormones, haemoglobin, and antibodies in body.
5. Lack of proteins (kekurangan proteins in the diet can cause kwashiorkor


1. Fats are compound made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

2. Fats consists of smaller units of fatty acids combined with glycerol.
3. Animal fat (lemak haiwan) are found in butter (mentega), cheese (keju) and fatty meat (daging berlemak).
4. Fats are found in plant product (tumbuhan) such as vegetable oil (minyak sayuran), nuts(kacang) and
5. Function of fat:
a) source of energy (sumber tenaga)
b) fat underneath the skin (lapisan lemak dibawah lapisan kulit) act as an insulator (penebat) and keeps
our body warm (pemanasan badan).
c) fats stored around the organ (lemak meliputi organ ) protect the organ (lindungi) from
d) transporting (menghantar) fat soluble vitamins (vitamin larut lemak) like vitamin A,D,E and K.

6. Excess fats (lemak berlebihan) in our body can caouse hearth disease (penyakit jantung).

1. Vitamins are organic compound that are vital (amat penting) for healthy growth (pertumbuhan sihat).
2. They are required (diperlukan) in small quantities (kuantiti yang sedikit).
3. A deficiency in vitamins (kekurangan vitamins) can cause disease (penyakit). Excess vitamins (vitamin
berlebihan ) also effect (menjejaskan) our health negatively.
4. There are two major groups of vitamins:
a) Fat soluble vitamins (vitamin larut lemak)- vitamin A, D, E, and K.
- This vitamins soluble (larut) in oil (minyak) and stored (disimpan) in the fatty tissues (tisu lemak).
b) Water soluble vitamins (vitamin larut air) – vitamin B and C
- Excess vitamin (vitamin berlebihan) are removed from body (dikeluarkan dari badan).
- Regular intake is necessary (pengambilan berterusan diperlukan).
5. Vitamins do not provide any energy (tidak membekalkan tenaga).
6. Most vitamins (kebanyakkan vitamin) are destroyed by cooking.(musnah ketika memasak)

1. Minerals are inorganic substances needed in small amount (diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit) by our
2. They are needed for proper growth (pertumbuhan yang sihat) and development.
3. They are used in some chemical reaction (tindak balas kimia) in the body.
4. Excess minerals (mineral berlebihan) are excreted (dikeluarkan) through sweat (peluh) and urine.

1. Fibre (serat) made up of cellulose from plant cell wall and cannot be broken down by our digestive
system.(dinding sel tumbuhan yang tidak boleh dicernakan oleh system pencernaan manusia)
2. Fibre obtained from beans, brown rice, fruits, leafy vegetable.
3. Importance of dietary fibre:
a) Provide bulk to the intestinal content
b) Stimulate peristalsis that helps food move along the digestive tract.
4. Lack of dietary fibre leads to constipation (sembelit) and may cause piles and bowel cancer.


1. Water is very important to our body.

2. We lose a lot of water (kita kehilangan air) in our urine, sweat (peluh), and exhaled air (hembusan
nafas).This loss must be replaced(perlu diganti balik).
3. A person needs an average of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Importance of water:
a) About 70% of our body made up of water.
b) Water act as solvent(pelarut) for many chemical.Needed for chemical reaction.(perlukan untuk tindak
balas kimia).
c) Transpert digested food and waste materials.(menghantar makanan tercerna dan bahan buangan).
d) Needed in the production of mucus that help s keep cells,tissues, and organs moist (pelembapan).
e) Helps to regulate our body temperature.(mengawal suhu badan)


1. Our body depends on food (makanan) for energy (tenaga).

2. Food provide our body with:
a) energy to carry out all living process and functions.
b) energy to do work.
c) materials (bahan) for growth (pertumbuhan) of new tissues and repair (perbaiki) damaged tissues.
d) materials for maintenance of good health (kesihatan) and to fight disease.(lawan penyakit).
3. Food can be divided into seven main classes.

carbohydrate minerals

fats vitamins
Classes of

fibre water


1. Carbohydrates are organic compound made up of elements carbons, hydrogen, and oxygen.
2. Carbohydrates includes:
a) Sugar- found in cakes, chocolates, fruits and soft drinks.
b) Starch (kanji)- found in rice, bread (roti), potatoes (kentang) and cereals (bijirin).
c) Cellulose (cell wall of plant cell)- found in vegetable, fruits and cereals.
d) Glycogen- or animal starch stored (disimpan) in our liver (hati) and muscles (otot).
3. Function of carbohydrates:
a) Source of energy (sumber tenaga) for physical activities such as walking, running and climbing.
b) Keeping the body warm
4. Excess(berlebihan) carbohydrates are stored as fats in our body.

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