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Involves safety measures to maintain orderliness and discipline with in the jail or

The state of good order and behavior in prison. It includes maintenance of good
standards of works, sanitation, safety, education, health and recreation.

The prompt correction of minor deviations committed by prisoners before they
become serious violations.

It involves supervision of prisoners to insure punctual and orderly movement to
and from one place of work or assignment to another.

Defined as guarding or penal safekeeping.
It involves security measures, locking, counting routines, procedures for searching
prisoners and their living quarters, and prevention of contraband to insure security amd
control within the prison.

Aims of Institutional Security, Custody and Control

1. Prevention of Escapes
2. Control of contrabands
3. Maintenance of good order

Anything that is contrary to prison or jail rules or regulations.
The Prison Custodial Division/Force is in charge of all matters pertaining
to the custody of the prisoners and security of the institution.
It is composed of the following;


Headed by:
Chief Security Officer usually with the rank of Inspector to Senior Inspector
Assisted by:
Security officers- are assigned as commanding officers of the three shifts of
guards and the escort company or the platoon.
Supervising prison Guard- take charge of a big group of guard details or
several posts within the perimeter of the institution.
Senior Prison Guards- take charge of a squad or groip of guards in work detail
or escort guards assigned to important post such as the control gates.
Prison guards- lowest in rank and assigned to man the sentinel posts, guard
houses and gates.
Functions of the Custodial Division/force:
1. supervision of prisoners
2. maintain order and discipline
3. inspections and security
4. escort
5. keep records


The Disciplinary Board for jails is organized and maintained for the purpose of
hearing disciplinary cases involving violation of jail rules or regulations by the inmates.
(Shall be heard and decided within 48 hours from the date of receipt)

The Disciplinary Board has the authority to impose disciplinary punishments such as:
a. Reprimand
b. Temporary or permanent cancellation of some or all privilages (visiting
privileges, recreational privileges and other privileges)
c. Extra-fatigue duty or assignment to a disciplinary squad for manual labor
d. Close confinement in a cell which shall not exceed 7 days in any calendar
month. This punishment shall be imposed only in the case of incorrigible inmate
when other disciplinary measures are proven ineffective.
e. Transfer to other penal institutions
f. Partial or full forfeiture of good conduct time allowance to be earned for that
month and subsequent month depending upon the gravity of the offense.

Note: instrument of restraint such as handcuffs, leg iron and strait jacket are not to be
applied as a form of punishment. They shall only be used as a precaution against
escape or on the ground of medical precautions to prevent the offender from injuring
himself or others.

Composition of the Disciplinary Board in Jails

Chairman- Assistant Warden
Members. -Chief Security officer
-Medical/Health Officer
-Jail chaplain
-Social Worker or the
Rehabilitation officer
Note: if the above composition is not feasible because of
personnel limitations, the jail warden may perform the function as
the Board Summary Hearing Officer.


A. Minor offenses
1. Selling or bartending with fellow inmates of items not classified as
2. Rendering personal services to fellow inmates
3. Untidy or dirty in his personal appearance
4. Littering or failing to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in his quarters and/or
5. Making frivolous or groundless complaints
6. Reporting complaints on behalf of other prisoners
7. Late in formation or duty without justifiable reasons; and
8. Willful waste of food.

B. Less Grave Offenses

1. Failure to report for work detail without sufficient justification.
2. Failure to render assistance to an injured personnel or inmate
3. Failure to assist in putting out of fires inside the jail.
4. Acting boisterously during religious, social and other group functions.
5. Swearing, cursing or using profane or defamatory language, directed
personally towards other persons
6. Malingering or reporting for sick call to escape work assignment
7. Spreading rumors or maliciously intriguing against the honor of any persons
particularly members of the custodial force.
8. Failing to stand at attention and give due respect when confronted by or
reporting to any officer or member of custodial force
9. Forcing fellow inmates to render personal services
10. Exchanging uniform or wearing clothes other than those issued to him for the
purpose of circumventing jail rules
11. Loitering or being in an unauthorized place.
12. Using the telephone without authority from the desk officer.
13. Vandalism
14. Withholding information which is inimical and prejudicial to the jail
15. Possession of lewd or pornographic materials
16. Absence from cell or brigade or place of work during headcount or at any
time without justifiable reasons.
17. Failing to turn over any articles issued after the work detail.
18. Committing any acts prejudicial to or which is necessary to good order and

C. Grave Offenses
1. Making untruthful statement or lies in an official communication, transaction,
or investigation
2. Keeping or concealing keys or locks of places in the jail where it is off limits to
3. Giving gifts, selling to, or bartering with jail personnel
4. Keeping in his possession money jewelry or other contrabands which the rules
5. Tattooing or allowing himself to be tattooed on any part of the body, or
keeping any paraphernalia to be used in tattooing
6. Forcibly taking or extracting money from fellow inmates or from visitors
7. Punishing or inflicting injury or harm upon himself or other inmates
8. Receiving, keeping and taking or imbiding liquor or other prohibited drugs
9. Making, improvising or keeping any kind of deadly weapons
10. Concealing or withholding information on plans of attempted escapes
11. Unruly conduct and behavior and flagrant disregard of discipline and
12. Escaping, attempting to or planning to escape from the institution or from
any guard.
13. Helping, aiding or abetting others to escape
14. Fighting, causing any disturbance or particularly participating therein and /or
agitating to cause such disturbance or riot
15. Indecent, immoral or lascivioud acts by himself or others and/or allowing to
be the sibject of such indecent, immoral or lascivious acts.
16. Acts and disrespectful manner towards any officer or member of the custodial
17. Willful disobedience to a lawful order issued by an officer or member of the
custodial force
18. Assaulting any officer or member of the custodial force
19. Damaging any government property or equipment issued to the inmates
20. Participating in any kangaroo court, an unauthorized or irregular court
conducted with disregard for or perversion of legal procedures as a mock court
by inmates in jail/prison.
21. Affiliating oneself to any gang or faction whose main purpose is to forment
regionalism or to segregate themselves from others.
22. Failing to inform the authorities concerned when afflicted with any
communicable disease, like VD, etc..
23. Engage in gambling or any game of chance
24. Committing any act which is in violation of any law or ordinance, in which
case, he shall separately be prosecuted criminally in accordance with law.


1. Women offenders
2. Drug addicts
3. Alcoholics
4. Mentally ill persons
5. Sex deviates
6. Escape prone prisoner
7. Suicide risk prisoners
8. The handicapped, aged and infirmed
9. Youth offenders and
10. Alien inmates
Under Rule 5 of the BJMP manual, it states thay unusual offenders
should not be held in jails or prison with the common jail/prison population.
They should br segregated in other institutions as their temporary
detention houses.

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