Shortwave Diathermy SWD in The Treatment of Unreso

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Cf - f f
Class / f f-r (f-ry f

Experim ental 0 23 15,5 7,5 56,25 3,63 / = actual frequency of

group 1- 2 5 11,5 - 6 ,5 42,25 3,68 re-adm ittance
3+ 2 3 -1 1 0,33

Control 0 8 15,5 - 7 ,5 56,25 3,63 f = theoretical frequency

group 1 -2 18 11,5 6,5 42,25 3,68 of re-adm ittance
3+ 4 3 1 1 0,33
ef = 60 e/1 60 15,28

x ' = 15,28 (acquired chi-square).

Degrees of freedom = 2.
Critical 5% level = 5,991.
1 % level = 9,210.
Fig. 3

from unnecessary psychological and physical traum a counsellor: an emerging role. Phys. Ther., 45, 6 7 § T
during recurrent periods of hospitalisation and the 682. ?-
fam ily will be spared unnecessary expense. Every 3. Hobson, E. P. G. (1961). Physical therapy in relation
physiotherapist should therefore m otivate the parent of to the disabled patient and the home. Physiother.,
such a child to become a mem ber of the team. 47, 133- 135.
4. Porter, A. L. (1967). Physiotherapy in the treatm ent
References o f bronchiolitis and bronchopneum onia in babies and
young children. Physiother., 53. 333 - 335.
1. Burgess, J. (1965). T he m anagem ent of sick children 5. Reynolds, R. J. S. (1975). Paediatric physiotherapy
in hospital from the physiotherapist point of view. in the past 25 years. Physiother., 61, 106 - 108.
Physiother., 51. 183 -186. 6. Shepherd, R. (1974). Physiotherapy in Paediatrics.
2. G oldin, C. J. (1965). T he physical therapist as parent Alden and M owbray. Oxford.

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S. H. M. BLACKW OOD, M.C.S.P., Dip. T.P.*

OPSOMMING m arked reduction in the size of the inflam m atory patch.

A further six treatm ents were given in exactly the same,
Dit is gevind dat pneum onie in die konsolidasie stadium way for the next three days. A t the com pletion of tW
effektief behandel kan word m et kortgolfdiaterm ie om course the chest radiographs were clear and the patiA*.'
sodoende resolusie aan te help. Som m ige chroniese was feeling well.
borskwale, byvoorbeeld asma en em fiseem , vind ook As a consequence, over the years SW D has been
hierby baat. 'n D eur-en-deur aanwending word gebruik used routinely by me and now in my practice for
en asemhalingsoefeninge m oet altyd daarmee saam ge- unresolved pneum onia. A pplication has always been as
doen word. described, the electrom agnetic field being directed as
nearly as possible through the area of inflam mation. It
How many physiotherapists know the frustration of has been found, however, th at one daily treatm ent of
treating a pneum onia which refuses to resolve. In spite twenty m inutes’ duration is equally effective.
of chem otherapy, postural drainage, percussion, shaking A maxim um of six to eight treatm ents should be
and vibrations, rib-springing, breathing exercises and given. If there is no change in the size of the pulm onary
the patient’s own activity, back come the chest radio­ opacity, then some other lesion is present, possibly
graphs still showing that resolution has not occurred. sinister, and the patient should be referred for further
M any years ago, when all efforts to clear up a investigation. Check radiographs should be carried out
pneum onia in a patient who was herself a doctor had after three or four treatm ents and if there is seen to be
failed, it was decided to try shortwave diatherm y. The an increase in the size of the opacity then treatm ent
patient was interm ittently febrile and chronically unwell. should be stopped immediately.
The resistant patch of inflam mation was situated in the As a further consequence SW D was tried for some
anterior segm ent of the right lower lobe. A pplication other chronic respiratory disorders and found to be
was through-and-through this area w ith a large useful in the treatm ent of emphysema, asthm a and
m alleable electrode placed posteriorly and a medium chronic bronchitis. It is N O T used, however, in the
glass electrode placed anteriorly with close spacing.
Initially four mild therm ic treatm ents of fifteen minutes
duration were given twice a day for two days. The * Private Practice, Westville, N atal.
patient was sent for chest radiographs which showed a Received 16 July 1980.

presence of infection. A pplication is again through-and- ral relaxation, and it may be th a t mucus is rendered
through the chest wall with a large malleable electrode less viscid; the attribute of SW D of effecting vaso­
placed posteriorly in the upper thoracic region and a dilatation may serve a purpose when used across the
medium m alleable electrode placed anteriorly over the lungs or it may serve only to increase the ventilation:
sternum and pectoral region. Dosage is mild thermic perfusion inequality. This might prove an interesting
for fifteen to tw enty minutes. field for research.
SWD applied through the chest unequivocally gives T here should be no need to stress th at other proce­
the patient a sense of well-being — perhaps on the dures, such as vibrations and breathing exercises,
cleus ex machina principle. It may be that the effect is should always accom pany the treatm ents by shortwave
to relieve bronchospasm, not only to induce m ore gene­ diatherm y.


JO H L Y N E C. B EE N H A K K E R , B.Sc. (Physio) (W itw atersrand) D.P.E. (W itwatersrand)*

R eport of a pilot study undertaken to determine the
behaviour o f an effective physiotherapist. The critical Verslag van 'n voorlopige studie wat onderneem is om
incident technique was used to collect data fro m 30 die gedrag van ’n doeltreffende fisioterapeut vas te stel.
practising physiotherapists and 300 separate incidents Die kritiese insident tegniek is gebruik om data van 30
o f effective and ineffective behaviour were identified. praktiserende fisioterapeute te versamel en 300 aparte
On the basis of this study, the desirability o f objectively insidente van doeltreffende en ondoeltreffende gedrag
identifying curriculum content in physiotherapy educa­ is ge'identifiseer. Op grond van hierdie studie is die
tion has been established. wenslikheid van objektiewe identifisering van kurriku-
lum inhoud in fisioterapie-onderrig vasgesteh
One of the problem s facing physiotherapy educators
today is w hat should be taught and w hat should be and training centres. There were eight physiotherapists
deleted from the rapidly expanding undergraduate curri­ from private practice, five from cerebral palsy schools
culum. We must establish w hether the present syllabus and institutions, thirteen in hospital em ploy and four
is meeting the needs of the society in which the physio­ at training centres, w ho took p art in the study. These
eproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2013.)

therapist will practice and ensure that the needs o f the 30 physiotherapists were given 10 form s each in which
students are also being met. to report incidents w hich they considered to have had
Of the many studies th at have been done by the a positive or negative outcome, as regards effectiveness.
various professions, one o f the most prom ising methods To ensure the collection o f a full spectrum of behaviours
of determining curriculum content appears to be the in the cognitive, psychom otor and affective dom ain, the
critical incident technique. areas suggested for collection o f the incidents were:—
By incident is m eant a un it o f observable hum an # Interpersonal relationship with the patient, his
activity which is sufficiently complete in itself to allow fam ily or other m em bers o f the health team.
inferences to be m ade about the person perform ing the # Intellectual — use of problem solving and other
act. A critical incident is one which leaves the reader skills in the assessment of the patient o r situation
little doubt regarding its effectiveness o r ineffectiveness. as well as the planning o f a treatm ent programme.
\ The critical incident technique was evolved by 9 Technical — methods of carrying out the assess­
Ijflanagan (1954) and he has used it as a basis for studies m ent or treatm ent program m e.
in many varied fields. Jensen (1960) and Barham (1963) O f the 300 forms given out, 180 were returned in
have applied the technique to different aspects of time for the study which was lim ited to an initial six
Nursing and a large study in O rthopaedic training was week period. As several of the forms had m ore than
described by M iller (1968). In these studies, practitioners one reported incident, 300 examples w ere collected
in the various professions w ere asked to describe a which fell under two o r m ore of the m ain areas. Each
situation, record w hat action was taken by the person incident was extracted from the form and recorded on
observed and w hat the result o f the action was. Once a separate card.
the incidents had been collected, it was possible to T he first analysis o f the data was done in June,
identify the key actions o f the profession being studied. 1979, when 194 incidents were identified. In July, a
A pilot study was carried out by the Physiotherapy further 106 incidents were categorised and o f these
D epartm ent of the U niversity of the W itw atersrand to only one was found to be a new behaviour (Table I).
determine w hether the critical incident technique would Each m ain area was subdivided according to the
be a practicable m ethod of establishing w hat behaviours incidents, and as new behaviours were received, new
characterise an effective physiotherapist. sub-areas were form ed, e.g. A -I-R elationship with p a­
tient (a) Listens to patient, (b) Explains to patient, (c)
METHOD G ains patient’s co-operation etc.
Six physiotherapy colleagues were chosen to carry
out the study and each was asked to approach five ANALYSIS OF DATA
senior physiotherapists representing hospital and private
practitioners, as well as those from special institutions The validity of the interpretation and classification
of the incidents was checked by subm itting a random
sample of the cards to two of the co-workers. These
Senior Lecturer, Acting H ead, Sub-D epartm ent of w orkers then sorted out the cards under the various
Physiotherapy, U niversity o f the W itwatersrand. areas and it was found that there was a ninety-five
Received 11 January 1980. per cent agreem ent in their classification as compared

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