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Appendix 13. Questionnaire on Pig Population and ASF Outbreaks for PVOs (English).

Name of Respondent ________________ Respondent No. _____

Office ________________________ Date:

Total number of municipalities in the province: _______

Total number of pigs in the province: _______
Number of commercial pig farms: ________
Number of households raising backyard pigs: _____
Names of municipalities affected by ASF in the province: __________
Time (Month/year) of ASF outbreak in the municipalities? _Cite municipalities and time
of outbreaks.__________
Mortality number of pigs due to ASF per municipality & barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Number of pigs culled per municipality & barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Place of first case of ASF in the province:
History of first case:
Price of pigs (live) before ASF outbreak
Piglets ______ Growers/Finishers (/kg) ______ Breeders (per kg) _______
Please state other relevant information: ____________

Signature of the owner:

Appendix . Questionnaire on Pig Population and ASF Outbreaks for MAOs (English).
Name of Respondent ________________ Respondent No. _____
Office ________________________ Date:

Total number of barangays in the municipality:

Number of commercial pig farms in the municipality: ________
Total number of households raising backyard pigs per barangay in the municipality:
Time (Month/year) of ASF outbreak in the barangays?______________
Names of barangays in the municipality affected by ASF: __________
Number of household per barangay affected by ASF:
First case of ASF in the municipality:
History of first case:
Mortality number of pigs due to ASF per barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Number of pigs culled per barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Price of pigs (live) before ASF outbreak
Piglets ______ Growers/Finishers (/kg) ______ Breeders (per kg) _______
Please state other relevant information: ____________

Signature of the owner:

Appendix . Questionnaire on Pig Population and ASF Outbreaks for Barangay
Captain/Barangay Livestock Coordinator (English).
Name of Respondent ________________ Respondent No. _____
Office ________________________ Date:

For Barangay Captain/Barangay Livestock Coordinator:

Total number of households in the barangay: _______
Number of commercial pig farms in the barangay: ________
Total number of households raising backyard pigs in the barangay:
Time (Month/year) of ASF outbreak in the barangay?______________
Number of households affected by ASF: ____
First case of ASF in the barangay: ____
History of first case: _______________________
Mortality number of pigs due to ASF in the barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Number of pigs culled in the barangay:
Backyard pigs _________ Commercial pigs ______
Price of pigs (live) before ASF outbreak
Piglets ______ Growers/Finishers (/kg) ______ Breeders (per kg) _______
Please state other relevant information: ____________

Signature of the owner:


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