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Table of Contents
How to login to your admin dashboard......................................................................................................... 2
How to upload file ........................................................................................................................................ 2
How to edit a newsletter page ....................................................................................................................... 3
Helpful links.................................................................................................................................................. 6
How to login to your admin dashboard
1. Go
2. Enter your username and password.

How to upload file

1.Upload the file on the site. Click Media -> add new.

Once uploaded, click on the file to copy the link of the file to use it to the Newsletter page. See below

Click on the file once it is uploaded and copy the url link.
After, go to the Pages-> Newsletter.

How to edit a newsletter page

1. Go to Pages and hit Edit with Pro just below the page title.
2. Once the edit page is being loaded, click the element or content that you want to modify.
Add the title and the link to the text editor. Ctrl + S to save the changes.

Figure 1: Text
You may notice some underlined texts, those texts are called html tags, do not remove them because
they are being used to add style to the texts content such as color and margin.
Helpful links
See the list of documentation here.

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