Beginners of Foreign Language Always Meet Difficulties From The Outset

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Beginners of foreign language always meet difficulties from the outset.

Some students are in

trouble with listening comprehension, while falling victim to reading comprehension. From my
personal standpoint, idioms and phrasal verbs are the factor that I find myself in complicated.
In Vietnam, proverb is a simple and insightful, traditional saying that expresses a preceived
truth based on common sense or experience. And for that particular reason, sometimes when I
try to translate idioms from English to Vietnamese, it ges awkward. This can be seen when the
idiom “a leopard doesn’t change its spot” means that people cannot change basic aspects of
their character whatsoever and this is completely dismiliar when it translate into Vietnamese.
Idioms and phrasal verb take part to make me confront with problems in learning English and I
sometimes feel excruciating, embarrased when trying to explain the meaning with others.
Fortunately, I found that many applications such as Notion or Quizlet come in handy when I try
to memorize those tough idioms. And “pactice makes perfect”, so, if you are interested, give it
a go!

English begginers languages always meet difficulties from the outset. Some students
are in trouble with listening comprehension while falling victim to reading
comprehension. From my personal standpoint, idioms and phrasal verbs are
the factors that I find myself in complicated. In Vietnam, a proverb is a simple and
insightful, traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense
or experience. And for that particular reason, sometimes when I try to translate
idioms from English to Vietnamese, it gets awkward. This can be seen when the idiom
“a leopard doesn’t change its spot” means that people cannot change basic aspects
of their character whatsoever and this is completely different when it translates into
Vietnamese. Idioms and phrasal verbs take part to make me confront problems in
learning English and I sometimes feel excruciating, embarrassed when trying to
explain the meaning to others. Fortunately, I found that many applications such as
Notion or Quizlet come in handy when I try to memorize those tough idioms. And
“practice makes perfect”, so, if you are interested, give it a go!

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