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ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Personal Information

Married / Male / 19.10.1986 Indonesia / Bogor (Kota) Passport / - / B2547452

Marital Status / Gender / Date of Birth Country of Birth / City of Birth Type of your ID / ID Number / Passport


- Islam I dont have any disability.

Other Citizenship Religious Belonging, Ethnicity Disability Status

Education Information

Lise Lisans Yüksek Lisans

High School Information (Graduate)

SMAN 2 BOGOR /General High School /Science/Natural Sciences
School / High School Type / Major field of your education
Indonesia / Bogor (Kota) Secondary Education / 100 / 65.33
Country / City Educational Stage / Grade Type / Grade

14/07/2001 - 14/06/2004
Start date / Graduation Date



/ İstanbul / - / 4

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Lisansüstü Burs Programı
ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792


Other Language Skills Native Language : Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

Do you speak Turkish?

Language Grade/Level

İngilizce - / Advanced

Fransızca - / Intermediate

Letter of Intent

I want to pursue a Ph.D. in Geosciences (Geophysics /Geology) at one of the universities in Turkey, and my
career aspiration is to become a Professor in Geothermal Engineering. My research interests include Reservoir
Engineering in Geothermal, Enhanced Geothermal System, Petroleum Reservoirs, Oil & Gas Economics,
Coalbed Methane, and Flow Assurance. My motivation for pursuing research related to geothermal from
learning about the challenges of geothermal development in Indonesia (case study in Geothermal kamojang,
West Java) during my undergraduate studies in Petroleum Engineering at University of Petroleum 45
Yogyakarta. Although I found the actual development work to be educational, what really sparked my interest in
research was experiencing first-hand the challenges that Geothermal Engineers face daily. My seminal colloqia
entitled “The Utilization of Geothermal in Kamojang Power Plant, West Java” in 2010 focused on the potential
of geothermal energy for electricity generation in the Kamojang area, the working principle of geothermal power
plants, the type of powerplant developed in the area, and the benefits of geothermal power plants for the
Indonesian economy and its impact for the community and the challenges in developing PLTP in West Java . I
am currently interested in optimizing an Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Technology. In this study I will
investigate what factors can hinder the implementation of EGS on several geothermal fields in Turkey (Western
Anatolia Central Anatolia, Marmara Region, Eastern Anatolia and the other regions) and in the end it will
determine which fields are potential for EGS development and which are not. Although I am open to a variety of
research, there are several professors at Turkish Universities whose projects are especially appealing to me:
Profs. M. Cihat Alçiçek and Hulusi Kargi (Pamukkale University); Profs. Abdurrahman Satman and İlyas Çağlar
(Istanbul Technical University); Prof. Mehmet Çelik (Ankara University); and Asst. Prof. Fusun Servin Tut
Haklidir (Istanbul Bilgi University). Studying some of these professors’ papers for my research and the fact that
the Turkey Government is targeting the development of geothermal energy in 2030 at 4,000 megawatts have
given me a sense that Turkey is a great match to support my research interest in Geothermal. Additionally, my
Academic Supervisors were Profs. Dr. Ismail Mohd Saaid, and Sonny Irawan recommended me to pursue PhD
abroad and I hope to be successfully accepted as a PhD student in Geophysical Engineering at Istanbul
In this section, it is expected to explain following details: your academic and social experiences relating the field you want to take an education, your
reasons for choosing Turkey for study and the importance of your future plans for your education and scholarship in Turkey.You can write the letter
of intent in the language you can express yourself.

Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS)

1- Subject of study

Feasibility of Enhanced Geothermal System in Kizildere Turkey

2- Working Title (Up to 15 words)(Please write in short and concise terms the title of your work as a thesis or an article title.)

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Lisansüstü Burs Programı
ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Turkey is ranked seventh richest country in the world in geothermal potential with an overall geothermal
potential of around 38,000 MW. This country has set itself a new target of 4,000 MW of capacity to be reached
by 2030. However, the geothermal resources that have been utilized are only 1,000 MW or less than 3 percent.
This is because not all geothermal energy prospects can be produced. The main causes are lack of
permeability and water content in the hot spot and there are low temperature factors. Kizildere geothermal
system is slowly experiencing the latter. Therefore it is proposed to analyze the feasibility of implementing EGS
water injection in Kizildere geothermal system. Based on literature studies there is Enhanced Geothermal
System (EGS) technology, with this technology the ideal geothermal field can be formed by injecting water at
high pressure into these deep rocks to re-open the natural fractures and allow hot water or steam to flow into
extraction wells. This project aims to determine the feasibility of EGS water injection in Kizildere geothermal
system, the pressure gradient and temperature gradient are to be analyzed during exploitation between two
wells: an injection well and a production well. The thermal power of inlet and outlet stream is also calculated
and analyzed.
3- Analysis of the Problem (at least 75, maximum 300 words)(In this section, briefly describe the topic and your theory (concept map) to be used in
the study.)

The approach adopted involves literature study, field studies, experimental work, investigation on the water
injection effects and modeling study of a single and multiple well EGS configurations. The methods used in this
study begin with finding primary data on the Kizildere geothermal system. The primary data includes
temperature & pressure measurements vs depth of Kizildere well (PT profile), then secondary data which
includes fracture spacing, porosity, permeability, and thermal drawdown are analyzed and at the final stage, the
water injection response is simulated using TOUGH 2 to produce pressure, temperature, mass flow rate, and
certain enthalpy data sets.
4- Research Method (minimum 50 maximum 300 words)"(Give information about the academic research methods you intend to use in this study. For
example, in-depth interviews, observations, surveys, experiments, etc.) For example, in-depth interviews, observations, surveys, experiments, etc.)

The general structures of this study is as fellows, in the first chapter we will discuss and introduce EGS
Enhanced Geothermal Systems, why is Turkey considered potential for the application of EGS technology?
The underlying reason for choosing Kizildere as a pilot field for EGS technology. The role of EGS to fulfill
electricity supply in Turkey. Explains the motivation behind this study and describes the methodology of the
study briefly. Chapter 2 presents literature review related to geothermal systems, their utilization ways, and new
energy conversion technologies, specifically hot dry rock systems, which are recently gaining momentum
worldwide. this chapter also focuses on evaluation parameters and methods for EGS project site selection
based on geological resource condition, engineering condition, and economics & market condition. Chapter 3
explains the methodology which is employed during resource assessment of Kizildere geothermal field.
Chapter 4 discusses the results of economic and environmental aspects by using Monte Carlo and TOUGH 2
simulation. Chapter 5 draws conclusions and presents suggestions for future studies.
5- General Structure of the Study (at least 75, maximum 300 words)Write the main headings of the study.)

Geothermal is a multidisciplinary field that can be integrated into elementary school subjects to doctoral course.
By the presence of geothermal energy, it is not only beneficial for advancing research in earth science, but also
improving people's living standards and national energy security.
6- Academic Contribution of the Study (minimum 75, maximum 300 words) (Explain how this study will contribute to your academic field.)

Literature review section will use scientific high cited journals (Geothermics), books, and white papers related to
our study.
7- Literature Review (at least 75, maximum 300 words)(Please write down the main academic sources written in this study area.)

Nothing to mention all the questions was clear enough.

If you have a subject in your application documents that you think is not clear enough and you want to explain, or if you want to draw the attention of
the evaluation committee, please briefly explain in this section. You can write the description in the language you can express yourself.

Field Questions
Family Information

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Lisansüstü Burs Programı
ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

RULYANTINI / Yes Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor Retired / retired civil servant
Mother’s Name / Is your mother alive? The institution/company your mother works Your mother’s occupation / Title/Position

SUMARDI DAHLAN / Yes Universitas Persada Indonesia Academician / Senior Lecturer

Father’s Name / Is your father alive? YAI Your Father’s Occupation / Title/Position
The institution/company your father works at

3 Married 500-1000 ($)

Number of Siblings Marital Status Total Monthly Income

Nursyahirah Mohd Safie / 1 The Sentral Mint Sdn Bhd - / Project Engineer
Your Spouse’s Name / Number of Children The institution/company that employs your Your spouse’s occupation / Title/Position

Contact Info (Current)

Jl Lancar Raya No 54 Sumur Batu Kermayoran//

Street/Building Number/Door Number

- / Jakarta Pusat (Kota) / - / 10640)

Post code

+60143266906 +6282246609514 Residence Permit

Phone (Home) Mobile Phone Purpose of your stay in this country

Flat Sri Kota Aras14 Bandar Tun Razak Cheras / 90 / 12


- Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia / 56000

Post code

Academic Qualification
Social Activities

Award, Person/organisation
Project, that offered
Certificate Level Scholarship Scholarship Year of scholarship
Type Field Name Title Field Scholarship (Sponsor) Description

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ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Award, Person/organisation
Project, that offered
Certificate Level Scholarship Scholarship Year of scholarship
Type Field Name Title Field Scholarship (Sponsor) Description

Scholarship only for Master's Graduate only for 2 PETRONAS This

 postgraduate
by research
Degree Student
postgraduate by
covers tuition
Scheme (GA) fees, including
semester fee
and research

Work Experience / Internship Experience

STIKOM PROSIA / 1.08.2016 / Assistant professor / Left /

Company/Institution Name / Date / Title / Employment Status / If you are awarded with a scholarship, what will your work status be?

Indonesia / Academician / Develop and implement innovative instructional methods. Develop professional
logistics to improvise student performance. Guide, lead & mentor student
Country / Position / Please give details about your responsibilities at this job.

Petroleum Engineering Department, PETRONAS University of Technology, Malaysia / 30.01.2012 / Graduate

Research Assistant / Left /
Company/Institution Name / Date / Title / Employment Status / If you are awarded with a scholarship, what will your work status be?

Malaysia / Academician / Conducting experiments Presenting findings in a thesis,etc Organizing or analyzing

data Collaborating with faculty in preparing publication
Country / Position / Please give details about your responsibilities at this job.

Petroleum Geoscience Research Center, Division of Coal Bed Methane, Universitas Gajah Mada / Coalbed
Methane Reservoir Analysis / 4 Month
Company/Institution Name / Subject/topic of Internship / Duration of Internship

Academic Activities

Effects of Solvents in Mitigating Wax Precipitation of Waxy Crude Oils / M / Malaysia / Universiti Teknologi
Petronas / Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering / Petroleum and Gas Engineering / English
Thesis Subject / Thesis Type / Country / University / Faculty / Department / Language

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Mohd Saaid

Name of the consultant


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ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Key Words

Access link

Impacts of Viscosity, Density and Pour Point to the Wax Deposition / 13.09.2014 / Acceptance, Journal of
Applied Sciences,
Academic Paper / Publication Date / Journal That Published the Paper

Andhy Arya Ekaputra, Khalik M. Sabil, Arya Hosseinipour and Ismail Bin Saaid

English (English)

In order to overcome wax deposition problem, the better understanding of the physical characterization of
crude oil is necessary. Viscosity, density and pour point are properties that ascertain handling characteristics
of crude oils. In this study, crude oils from Malaysian oil fields are studied to determine their wax formation
tendency for flow assurance purposes. For this study, density, viscosity and pour point of all crude oils is
measured by digital den-sity meter (DMA 4500 M), advanced AR-G2 rheometer and D-97 ASTM methods,
respectively. Result showed that there is linear trend between density and temperature. In general, wax
precipitation and deposition has direct relationship with wax content of crude oil. Moreover, the shear rate
has considerable effect on viscosity reduction. Temperature reduction causes viscosity to increase.
However, it is against shear rate that tends to lower it

Wax deposition, density, viscosity, pour point, shear rate

Key Words
Access link

Applied Mechanics and Materials / 625 / Iqbal Ahmed / Trans Tech Publications / 01.01.2014 / English
(English) / 9783038351818
Book Title / Book Title / Editor / Publisher / Publication Date / Language / ISBN

One of the major problems in petroleum industry is wax precipitation and deposition. The component’s
compositional and structural analysis of the crude oils is key factors to be studied to mitigate wax formation
and precipitation tendency for the betterment of the crude oil flowability. In this work, the compositions and
structures of two Malaysian and Sudanese crude oil samples were determined to investigate their effects on
wax precipitation. The GC/MS was used to analyze hydrocarbon components. For this work, high pressure
micro differential scanning calorimetry (HPμDSC) is used to determine the wax crystallization point and
solubility curve. Results showed a linear relationship between wax appearance temperature (WAT) and
weight percentage of component in the crude oil having > 14 carbon atoms. In addition, the effect of
temperature on the amount of wax precipitation has also been investigated.
Access link

Information on Hobbies

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ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Voluntary Activities

Name you served at Description

Radio Radio PPI Dunia Strengthening the relationship between Indonesian studentswho are widespread throughout the world
Broadcaster through radio broadcasts

Staff of Indonesian Student Advocacing Indonesian students and workers in Malaysia

Social Association in
Advocacy Malaysia (PPI-
Division Malaysia)

Professional Society of Petroleum collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and
Member Engineers production of oil and gas resources and related technologies for the public benefit and to provide
opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence

Reference Information

Company/Institution This information belongs to

Name Name Title/Position my academic reference. Phone E-mail

Ismail Universiti Teknologi Associate Yes +605 -

PETRONAS Professor 368 70 

Interview Location

Saint Paul / Jakarta Pusat (Kota)

Country / City

Education Information

Undergraduate (Graduate)
Universitas Proklamasi '45 - University of Petroleum / Engineering /Petroleum and Gas
Engineering 
University / Faculty/Graduate School / Department

Indonesia / Sleman 4 / 3.23

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ENDONEZYA / DOKTORA / 2017604792

Country / City Grading System / Grade

15/08/2009 - 16/07/2011
Start date / Graduation Date

Master's Degree (Graduate)

Universiti Teknologi Petronas / Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering /Petroleum and Gas
Engineering 
University / Faculty/Graduate School / Department

Malaysia / Perak Division / Pass

Country / City Grading System / Grade

30/01/2012 - 23/03/2016
Start date / Graduation Date

Under MSc by research programme, I underwent focused study and experimentation in one of several
areas of expertise - the area of my choice. I was invited to venture into ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary
research and work with professors and teams

My Applications

You have no previous applications.

Turkiye Experience

No What was the purpose of your stay in that country?

Are you in Turkey now or Have you ever been to Turkey ?
YU No (Foreign Number)

-/- No
Start date / Graduation Date Have you ever received a scholarship from any institution or
organisation in Turkey?

- Sosyal Medya
Institution/organisation that provided the scholarship Please specify how you learned about this scholarship?

No No
Do you have a relative who is currently or was previously a holder of a Do you have any relatives living in Turkey?
Türkiye Scholarship?

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