Selomen, Precious Rona S. (Week 5 Evaluation)

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Identify the historical and cultural context of the works of the authors introduced in this
module. Integrate the research you have done on your author. Explain how the author’s
history and culture have influenced their works.


Francisco Sionil Jose Melvin Banggollay
List 2 important
experiences that
influenced the author:
List 2 conditions in the
author’s country/region
that influenced his/her life
(poverty, political unrest,
war, lack of opportunities,
social constraints
especially for women):

Analyze the meaning of the poem entitled: “Day on the Farm” by Luis G. Dato and “A
Cloud Named Looking-for-You” by Marne L. Kilates based on reliable sources then
answer the following questions briefly but substantially:

Questions for a “Day on the Farm” by Luis G. Dato:

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
2. What makes the speaker cry?
3. Why can’t the speaker accept the gifts offered to her by the speaker?
4. What does she want from the speaker?
5. What are the gifts for the woman?
6. How does the woman respond to the gifts?
7. What is the tone of the poem?

Questions for “A Cloud Named looking” for you by Marne L. Kilates:

1. Who is the persona speaking in the poem?
2. To whom are the lines addressed?
3. What is the tone of the poem?
4. What figurative language and symbolism are found in the poem?

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