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Company profile of KBZ Bank

Kanbawza Bank is a private commercial bank in Myanmar. e name Kanbawza is a traditional

name for Shan State, an ethnic minority state of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Kanbawza Bank (KBZ Bank) was established on the 1st of July 1994 in Taunggyi, located in the
southern part of Shan State. Initially, the bank catered the local population in Taunggyi. In
November 1999, our present management acquired the organization and oversaw its
development into one of the biggest private commercial banks in Myanmar. In April 2000,
KBZ headquarters was relocated to Yangon, the business capital of Myanmar. At present, KBZ
Bank has more than 491 branches across the country with nearly 980 ATMs, and over 190
currency exchange counters. In November 2011, the Central Bank of Myanmar granted an
Authorized Dealer License (ADL) to KBZ Bank as the first step to operate foreign banking
business. KBZ Bank will maintain a continuous growth in financial industry along with the
development of Myanmar.

Vision of KBZ Bank

To become the best-managed bank in the world. That is simply what Myanmar needs and

Mission of KBZ Bank

To improve the quality of life through banking.

Core Values of KBZ Bank

KBZ Bank is guided by a belief and a culture that runs throughout the entire organization:
being good to people and doing the right thing. That is why we are driven by our three values
– Metta, Thet Ti, Virya – loving kindness, perseverance and courage.
Objectives of KBZ Bank

Marketing profit

Marketing profit is the main task of all banks except the central bank. Bask creates profit
from money transaction. Bank takes more interest from debtor than give interest to
depositors. The difference between these two makes a profit for Bank in 2021.

Issuing Notes

The Central bank has the sole power to issue the note. Other banks make the availability of
note in the market. No other Bank can issue note in next five months.

Controlling of money market

The most fundamental duty of central bank is to control the money market. For this, it has to
take help from other commercial banks. To control money market central bank and other
bank have to work jointly in next year.

Creating utility of currency

To make utility currency commercial banks always work actively. Several kinds of monetary
instruments are used by banks to create utility and speed up the flow of the economy in next
three months.

Rendering service
Commercial banks render service to people by various activities. By serving people banks
earn the profit and increase goodwill in October.

Taking deposits and giving loan

Deposit is the lifeblood of a bank and the lending is the life-supporting main function of the
bank. So, the bank is established to take a deposit from one group of people and lend it to
another group in December.

Economic development

Bank and the economic development are inter-related to each other. Basically, bank increase
the credit creation, infrastructural development, internal trade financing, remittance etc.,
those are the indicator of the economic development in 2021-2022.

Dealing in foreign exchange

Bank deals with the foreign exchange as the authorized dealer. They purchase and sell foreign
currencies to the intending sellers and the buyers at the market rates in September to

Development of standard at living

Bank helps people to make their life easy, flexible, and standard. It gives standard salary to its
employees. Bank gives loan to many types of commercial sectors for the development
between September and December.
The bank has the principle and the ancillary functions that create the significant role of the
bank. Above discussed points must be followed by the bank to sustain and to create goodwill
in the market so sophistically comparing to the core competitors in 2022.

Learning Outcomes (1)

Statistics studies practices in order to collect, review, analyze and interpret from data. Two
types of statistics can be distinguished as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to
make statistical data analysis [ CITATION Bul12 \l 1033 ]. According to [ CITATION Lin12 \l 1033 ] ,
statistics can be defined as the process of collecting, presenting, categorizing, analyzing,
presenting, associating and interpreting data in order to contribute in making the more
effective results and decisions.

Data are the evidences which are individual factual information pieces recorded and they are
used with the aim of analysis in accordance of [ CITATION And11 \l 1033 ].

Data Set
According to [ CITATION And11 \l 1033 ], the gathering or collection of data which are typically
obtainable in tabular form is termed as data set.

Data Elements
Those are the entities on where data are collected. A data element can be defined as a data
unit for values of description, identification, representation and permission. Data elements
are specified by means of a set of attributes [ CITATION And15 \l 1033 ].


Variables means a characteristic of an interest for the element. Any number, quantity or
characteristics which can be counted or measured is a variable [ CITATION Koh05 \l 1033 ].


The set of measurements collected aimed for a particular element is termed as observations.
Observations are usually informal actions; however, they can also be formal and compose
data collection. Therefore, it can also be collected information by itself [ CITATION Sri08 \l
1033 ].

Business data

Business data refers to the information about people, places, things, business rules, and
events in relation to operating a business [ CITATION Ish19 \l 2057 ].

Economic Data

Economic data is information used for calculation, analysis, or planning. Producers can
generate instant sales by using[ CITATION Lon201 \l 2057 ].

Differences Between Business and Economic Data

Economics is a broad subject that studies how human being uses scarce resources to meet
their unlimited wants. It covers large aspects and has a wider scope. Key economic metrics
help the government to make sound economic and political decisions to ensure the
prosperity of the nation. Business is an economic activity that uses the available resources in
an organized manner towards a common objective. Business always tries to maximize its
profit. Activities that don’t help to contribute towards their profit fall out of their purview. In
contrast, Economics’ main objective is to maximize the welfare of society and need not to be
always profit-making. Sound Economic policy and decisions are prerequisites for the success
of Business and prosperity of the nation. It can improve factors like unemployment, poverty,
a life expectancy of a nation, whereas Business will not focus on these aspects. So the term
Economics has a very wider concept than the term business and business in one of the
economic activities[ CITATION Tha201 \l 2057 ].

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