1 Write Questions With Where. Use A Question Mark (?)

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1 Write questions with Where. Use a question mark (?

1.-your grandparents / live…………..Where do your grandparents-live?

2.- John's friend / go shopping….Your friend john where does he go shopping?....

3 .-her brother / study English…Where does your brother study English?

4.- you / eat breakfast…….Where do you have breakfast?

5.- they/ listen to music……Where does they listening to music?

6 .-Rob and Nancy / exercise…Where does rob and Nancy do exercises?

7.- his mother / work…Where his mother works?

8.- your brother \ do the laundry…Where does wash clothes your brother

2 Complete the statements with in, on, at, or to.

1.- His house is ……on ……Barker Street

2.-They work……on…….the tenth floor

3.-Ms. Cruz takes the train…to……work.

4.-It´s…at…………18 Spencer Street

5.-Jack studies French……at………..the BTI Institute.

6.- Mr. Klein works…at………the hospital.

7.- Ms. Anderson's office is……on………..the fifth floor

8.- Jason's sister works………to………5 Main Street

3 Complete each sentence with There's or There are.

1.-There's a movie at noon.

2.-There's a concert at 2:00 and a game at 3:00.
3.-There's a bank on the comer of Main and 12th Street.
4.-There are two apartment buildings across the street.
5.-There are bookstores nearby.
6.-There's a pharmacy and a newsstand around the corner.
7.-There are two dressers in the bedroom.
8.-There's three elevators in the Smith Building.

4 Write questions with Is there or Are there. Use a question mark (?).

1.- a dance / this weekend. Is there a dance this weekend?

2.- three meetings / this week Are there three meetings this week?

3.- a bank / nearby Is threre a bank nearby?

4.- how many / games / this afternoon How many game are there this afthernoon?

5.- how many / pharmacies / on 3rd Avenue How many pharmacies are there on
3rd Avenue?

6.- how many parties / this month How many parties are there this month.

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