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Name: ______________________________________ Period: ___________

Critical Thinking through Ethical Dilemmas

This can serve as an introductory thinking and writing activity for a range of lessons in ELA, History, Ethics, etc..

ETHICS, Definition: Moral principles that govern or influence someone’s behavior; the study of what is
right and wrong; morality

Answer the following questions, which bring our ethical perspectives into focus:

Two of your best friends are dating. While walking in your neighborhood, you see one of them “with”
someone else (who is also a friend of yours). What decision do you make? Cite at least two consequences
of your decision--one positive (pro) and one negative (con).



While walking in a local corner store, you find a $50 bill on the ground. You’re pretty sure it belongs to the
shop owner but you’re not sure. What decision do you make? Cite at least two consequences of your
decision--one positive (pro) and one negative (con).


a) What if you saw that $50 bill drop from someone’s pocket?


You just graduated from high school and you’re offered a job with your uncle’s promotional company. A
family friend of yours, a 35-year-old parent of 3 who is clearly more qualified to take the job, is applying as
well. You know this person would be better at the job, and you may feel bad that you’re getting the offer
because of family connections. What decision do you make? Cite at least two consequences of your
decision--one positive (pro) and one negative (con).



You witness a friend commit a crime. They get away, but you’re arrested. Because you happened to be in
the wrong place at the wrong time, you face jail time. If you tell the cops what happened, you won’t go to jail
but your friend will. If you stay quiet, you will go to jail, and your friend may go as well. What decision do you
make? Cite at least two consequences of your decision--one positive (pro) and one negative (con).



Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the
discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

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