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Course: English V

Teacher: Madelin Mercedes Moreno Ávila

Studen: María del Carmen Santos Zamora 200710610108

October 6, 2021
Work-related stress is an increasingly frequent phenomenon that is increasing
in our society, mainly because the types of work have been changing in recent
decades. It affects the physical and psychological well-being of the worker and
can deteriorate the organizational climate.

Currently, due to the relevance of information in production processes, tasks

that traditionally required only muscular strength require mental effort. In
addition, the pace of work has been increasing, since with a smaller number of
workers better results have to be achieved.

However, it is advisable to have a balance with our work, family life, friends and
¿What is work stress?

Work stress is a consequence of different situations that occur in our day to day
work and of different factors that affect your mental and physical health.

We speak of work stress when there is a discrepancy between the labor

demand and the worker's resources to face them. The problem is that our body
has limited resources, causing the worker a state of both physical and mental
exhaustion. This poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of the
worker, affecting their family and emotional relationships.

Among the many causes that produce stress at work, we are going to make a
list of the most common and that have to do more directly with this problem.

Causes of job stress

Some causes of work stress could be mentioned:

 Economic expectations, insufficient salary

 Pressure from the employer, mobbing or workplace harassment
 Activities of great responsibility
 Contradictory functions of the worker
 Poor motivations
 The absence of incentives
 Conflicts between employees or employers
 Excessive workloads
 Exposure to constant physical risks
 Excessive working hours
 Accelerated work rate
 Concern about dismissal
 The lack of possibilities to reconcile work and personal life
 The time factor: It is also often the case that tasks need to be executed in
record time. Sometimes because we do not organize ourselves well and time is
thrown at us and other times because they are urgent and immediate tasks that
we must have for our bosses as soon as possible. What you have to do is take
into account whether the required task will be able to be executed in the time
requested. If not, asking for help is something that is not only not bad but also
lightens our mental load.
 Self-demand: Trying to have everything is something that sometimes
more than our managers or bosses demand it ourselves. We do not realize that
our level of self-demand, if it is high, can imply a greater burden than those
already required by day-to-day tasks.
 Labor relations with the work team: When tensions or frictions occur and
we work together with people who we consider are not being ethical in their way
of acting, there is a feeling of helplessness, overwhelm and discouragement. It
also happens when we perceive certain workplace harassment. Work stress, in
this case, is presented as an added factor.

Effects of work stress on work

 Low level of productivity

 Absenteeism (not excused or due to illness)
 Almost zero labor relations
 Difficulty concentrating and memorizing
 Work disorganization

Another of thestress symptomslabor in the worker is the so-called Burnout. The

syndrome is detected in 7.5% of people before 5 years of professional or work
practice, and in 25% before 10 years of performance, becoming a public health

The phases of work stress

The phases of work stress serve to identify the different stages that follow one
another up to the negative episodes that stress has in the worker. It is important
to detect them because this way you can work with them in a different way to try
that the evolution does not have a negative impact on the worker.
It must be taken into account that each phase does not have a specific duration
since it depends on the resistance to stress that the person has. The phases of
work stress are three:

1. The first phase is the alarm phase. It is the body's natural reaction to a
stressful cause. The individual prepares to face something that he
considers hostile and that is external. The release of cortisol or
adrenaline is what causes you to have a higher heart rate, faster
breathing, and some anxiety. This phase usually lasts a short time.
2. The second phase is the so-called resistance. When the threatening
situation is prolonged in time, our body generates a certain active
resistance to stress so as not to fall into symptoms of exhaustion. It is the
feeling of normalizing the situation or of controlling it but the worker
consumes more resources than at the beginning. Resistance to stress is
what determines the duration of this stage. If the factors that cause
stress to the worker continue to last over time, we move on to the next
3. The third and final phase is exhaustion. This is where the so-called
Burnout makes an appearance. There is a physiological exhaustion of
the worker. It affects both the mind and the physical, since the body
cannot continue to respond to this external threat and the aggressions of
its environment. If it lasts much longer, it can have health consequences.
This is where the performance declines begin due to that emotional and
physical weakness.

Most frequent clinical manifestations

Among the most frequent clinical manifestations of a psychosomatic type are:

chronic fatigue, headache, sleep disturbance, weight loss, gastritis and muscle
pain. Among the behavioral manifestations, the following are noted:
absenteeism from work, substance abuse (coffee, alcohol, tobacco,
psychotropic drugs), increased violent behaviors, superficial human
relationships and high-risk behavior Among the emotional alterations: boredom
and cynical attitude, emotional distancing, impatience and irritability, feeling of
omnipotence, difficulty concentrating, depression and / or anxiety and conflicts
with the family group

Tips to reduce work stress

There are several habits associated with work stress: headaches, negativity,
fears, anxiety, depression, etc ... Here are some tips and healthy habits to
reduce this type of stress:

1. Take back control:You have the solution at your fingertips, you just
need to get to it. With our treatment, you can regain control of stress and
anxiety. The negative consequences are many, so we propose an
exclusive methodology for you.
2. Be positive in your day to day work:Remember to always smile.
People's smile makes us feel happy and transmits positivity in our daily
routine. Spread that positivity to other people with dynamic and positive
reflections in your day to day work.
3. Get rid of stress with physical activity:Regulate your mental activity
through physical activity outside of work hours such as: soccer,
basketball, tennis, etc ... The sport that you like the most and suits you.
Physically active people are less at risk for depression, stress, or anxiety.
4. Act with a personalized method, it will improve your quality in work
life:From Nascia, we have a comprehensive approach, we propose you
with a specific method to improve your quality of life. Our Nascia method
is based on Biofeedback techniques and the latest advances in
psychophysiology. Personalization is the key to success. Therefore,
acting and regaining control is your best asset.
5. Try not to worry and learn to enjoy yourself at work:Worry just
enough and enjoy each day to the fullest, offering a smile upon arrival.
There will always be problems, what you have to do is manage them and
relativize the difficulties that appear in the daily routine.

 In our days, stress in the work environment represents a threat to the

health of workers, this has resulted in the imbalance of the organization
of companies.
 Stress is a growing problem, disabling and with a personal cost,
very important economic and social. There are numerous absenteeism
rates, low productivity in the company, worker accidents and poor
performance at work, which is reflected in the company in the form of
losses and expenses.
 The work environment in which the staff carries out their activities is
favoring the appearance of stress conditioned by the presence of
inappropriate factors: infrastructure, physical space, hygiene, safety and
environmental conditions.
 Each person is affected by stress differently, each of them has a different
psychological pattern that makes them react differently from the others.
Iniesta, A. and et al. (2016). Guide on stress management from
Occupational Medicine. Barcelona: Sans Growing Brands.

Herald. (October 27, 2017). Laughter therapy to combat stress

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