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FINALS COVERAGE taxes and expenses for the relocation Survey. (must be qualified)
DBP should reimburse the spouses for the purchase price but not for
taxes and expenses for recolaction.
February 3, 2016
Transcribed by: Ray Mark C. Gingco
Considering that neither party questioned the legality and
All right lets make the most of our time and proceed to our next topic. correctness of the judgment of the court a quo, as affirmed by
respondent court, ordering the annulment of the deed of absolute
So a Real Estate Mortgage we all know that it is a real security it is a sale, such decreed nullification of the document has already
real contract whereby the debtor secures to the creditor the fulfillment achieved finality.
of the principal obligation specially subjecting to such security
immovable property or real rights over an immovable property which Turning now to the issue of whether or not private respondents
obligation shall be satisfied with the proceeds of the sale of the said should be made to pay petitioner their loan obligation amounting to
property or rights in case the said obligation is not complied with at P118,540.00, we answer in the affirmative.
the time stipulated.
In its legal context, the contract of loan executed between the parties
Obviously one of the characteristics of a real estate mortgage is that is entirely different and discrete from the deed of sale they entered
it is an accessory contract its existence depends upon the existence into. The annulment of the sale will not have an effect on the
of a principal obligation. If it does not have a different cause or existence and demandability of the loan. One who has received
consideration then its consideration will be the same as that of the money as a loan is bound to pay to the creditor an equal amount of
principal contract from which it receives life, without which it cannot the same kind and quality.
exist as an independent contract. It will be valid if the principal
obligation is valid and it cannot be avoided on the ground of lack of The fact that the annulment of the sale will also result in the invalidity
consideration. of the mortgage does not have an effect on the validity and efficacy
of the principal obligation, for even an obligation that is unsupported
Now we have here the case of DBP vs CA… by any security of the debtor may also be enforced by means of an
ordinary action. Where a mortgage is not valid, as where it is
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES VS. COURT OF executed by one who is not the owner of the property, or the
APPEALS, CELEBRADA MANGUBAT AND ABNER MANGUBAT consideration of the contract is simulated or false, the principal
obligation which it guarantees is not thereby rendered null and void.
(G.R. No. 110053, October 16, 1995) That obligation matures and becomes demandable in accordance
with the stipulations pertaining to it.
FACTS: On April 27, 1965, PacificoChica mortgaged the land to DBP
to secure a loan of P6,000.00. However, he defaulted in the payment Under the foregoing circumstances, what is lost is only the right to
of the loan, hence DBP caused the extrajudicial foreclosure of the foreclose the mortgage as a special remedy for satisfying or settling
mortgage. the indebtedness which is the principal obligation. In case of nullity,
the mortgage deed remains as evidence or proof of a personal
The parties further agreed that payment was to be made within six obligation of the debtor, and the amount due to the creditor may be
months thereafter for it to be considered as cash payment. On July enforced in an ordinary personal action.
20, 1981, the deed of absolute sale, which is now being assailed
herein, was executed by DBP in favor of respondent spouses. Said HELD 2:
document contained a waiver of the seller's warranty against eviction.
A contract which the law denounces as void is necessarily no
Thereafter, respondent spouses applied for an industrial tree planting contract whatever, and the acts of the parties in an effort to create
loan with DBP. The latter required the former to submit a certification one can in no wise bring about a change of their legal status. The
from the Bureau of Forest Development that the land is alienable and parties and the subject matter of the contract remain in all particulars
disposable. However, on October 29, 1981, said office issued a just as they did before any act was performed in relation thereto.
certificate attesting to the fact that the said property was classified as
timberland, hence not subject to disposition. The loan application of An action for money had and received lies to recover back money
respondent spouses was nevertheless eventually approved by DBP paid on a contract, the consideration of which has failed. As a
in the sum of P140,000.00, despite the aforesaid certification of the general rule, if one buys the land of another, to which the latter is
bureau, on the understanding of the parties that DBP would work for supposed to have a good title, and, in consequence of facts unknown
the release of the land by the former Ministry of Natural Resources. alike to both parties, he has no title at all, equity will cancel the
transaction and cause the purchase money to be restored to the
To secure payment of the loan, respondent spouses executed a real buyer, putting both parties in status quo.
estate mortgage over the land on March 17, 1982, which document
was registered in the Registry of Deeds pursuant to Act No. 3344. Q1: So what if it’s a timberland? What is the effect of that sale of
However, DBP did not release the entire amount of the loan timberland?
ostensibly because the release of the land from the then Ministry of
Natural Resources had not been obtained. On July 7, 1983, A1: It is invalid.
respondent spouses, as plaintiffs, filed a complaint against DBP in
the trial court seeking the annulment of the subject deed of absolute
sale on the ground that it belongs to the lands of the public domain.
Q2: Why would it be invalid?
ISSUE: [Main issues in this case]
A2: It is inalienable therefore it is not valid subject matter of sale.
(1) WON private respondent spouses Celebrada and
AbnerMangubat should be ordered to pay petitioner DBP their loan
obligation due under the mortgage contract executed between them
and DBP. YES. Q3: Whether or not the annulment of the sale would affect the
(2) WON petitioner should reimburse respondent spouses the
purchase price of the property and the amount of P11,980.00 for
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A3: No. (But actually Yes… please see case digest ruling part… What are the valid objects in a real estate mortgage?
bolded texts)
Article 2124. Only the following property may be the object of a
contract of mortgage:

Q4: What’s the basis? Why can you say that the mortgage can be (1) Immovables;
held as valid but the principal obligation of loan is still valid and
subsisting? (2) Alienable real rights in accordance with the laws, imposed upon

Nevertheless, movables may be the object of a chattel mortgage.

So here, there was no valid sale of the land because it was
timberland not a valid subject matter in a contract of sale so if there In the case of Soriano vsGalit what were the objects of the Real
was no valid contract of sale in favor of the private respondents then Estate Mortgage (REM)?Alright, what happened here…
the private respondents could not be considered as the owner
thereof and not being the owner thereof there could be no valid
mortgage. Because one of the requirements under 2085 is that the
mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property mortgaged. MARCELO R. SORIANO vs. SPOUSES RICARDO and ROSALINA
Article 2085. The following requisites are essential to the contracts of
pledge and mortgage: (G.R. No. 156295, September 23, 2003)

(1) That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal FACTS: Respondent Ricardo Galit contracted a loan from petitioner
obligation; Marcelo Soriano amounting to P480,000.00. This loan was secured
by a REM over a parcel of land covered by OCT. No. 569. When
(2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing respondent defaulted in his obligation, Soriano filed a complaint for
pledged or mortgaged; sum of money against him with the RTC of Balanga City.

(3) That the persons constituting the pledge or mortgage have the Upon failure of the respondent spouses Galit to file their answer, the
free disposal of their property, and in the absence trial court declared the spouses in default and it thereafter rendered
judgment in favor of petitioner Soriano ordering the respondents to
thereof, that they be legally authorized for the purpose. pay. The judgment became final and executory. Accordingly, the trial
court issued a writ of execution in due course, by virtue of which,
Third persons who are not parties to the principal obligation may Deputy Sheriff Renato E. Robles levied on the following real
secure the latter by pledging or mortgaging their own property. properties of the Galit spouses: (1) A parcel of land covered by OCT
No. T-569 (Homestead Patent No. 14692) situated in the Bo.
While it is true that the annulment of the sale also results to the ofTapulac, Orani, Bataan; (2)STORE/HOUSE – CONSTRUCTED on
invalidity of the mortgage it will not have an effect on the validity and Lot No. 1103 made of strong materials G.I. roofing situated at Centro
efficacy of the principal obligation for even an obligation that is I, Orani, Bataan; and (3)BODEGA – constructed on Lot 1103, made
unsupported of any security may also be enforced by means of of strong materials, G.I. roofing, situated in Centro I, Orani, Bataan.
ordinary action. The invalidity of the accessory contract of mortgage On December 23, 1998, petitioner emerged as the highest and only
will not necessarily affect the principal obligation. When a mortgage bidder with a bid price of P483,000.00.
is not valid as where it is executed by one who is not the owner of the
property or the consideration is simulated or false Ten months from the time the Certificate of Sale on Execution was
registered with the Registry of Deeds, petitioner moved for the
The principal obligation, which it guarantees, is not rendered null and issuance of a writ of possession which was granted by the RTC. This
void under the foregoing circumstances. What is lost is only the right was, however, subsequently nullified by the Court of Appeals
to foreclose the mortgage as a special remedy for satisfying or because it included a parcel of land (OCT No. T-40785) which was
settling the indebtedness which is the principal obligation however not among those explicitly enumerated in the Certificate of Sale
the mortgage can still be considered as an evidence of indebtedness issued by the Deputy Sheriff, but on which stand the immovables (the
or proof of the personal obligation of the debtor as well as the BODEGA and STORE/HOUSE) covered by the said Certificate.
amount due to the creditor may be enforced in an ordinary personal Petitioner contends that the sale of these immovables necessarily
action. encompasses the land on which they stand.
Now also take note of that a real estate mortgage is subsidiary in ISSUES:
nature and also unilateral because the obligation is only on the part
of the creditor who must free the property from the encumbrance (1) WON the land on which the buildings levied upon in
once the obligation is fulfilled What are the different kinds of
mortgages we have: execution is necessarily included. NO.

1. Voluntary mortgage – agreed between the parties or HELD:

constituted by the will of the owner of the property on which
it is created; (1) Art. 415 of the Civil Code enumerates land and buildings
2. Legal mortage – As required by law to be executed in favor separately. This can only mean that a building is, by itself,
of certain persons; and considered immovable. Thus, it has been held that while it is true that
3. We also have equitable mortgage…As we have discussed a mortgage of land necessarily includes,in the absence of stipulation
for most of you under the Law on Sales under Article 1602 of the improvements thereon,buildings, still a building by itself may
which although it lacks the formality or proper formalities or be mortgaged apart from the land on which it has been built. Such
requisites of a mortgage as required by law it nevertheless mortgage would be still a real estate mortgage for the building would
reveals the intention of the parties burdened a real property still be considered immovable property even if dealt with separately
as a security for a debt and it contains nothing impossible and apart from the land.
or contrary to law.
In this case, considering that what was sold by virtue of the writ of
execution issued by the trial court was merely the storehouse and
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bodega constructed on the parcel of land covered by Transfer If you look at Article 415 enumeration of what are considered
Certificate of Title No. T-40785, which by themselves are real immovable a building is enumerated separate and distinct from the
properties of respondents spouses, the same should be regarded as land so a building in itself is considered an immovable. While it is true
separate and distinct from the conveyance of the lot on which they that the mortgage of land necessarily includes in the absence of
stand. stipulation to the improvements thereon still a building, a building by
itself may be mortgaged apart from land on which it has been built
ART. 415. The following are immovable property: such mortgage is still a valid REM for the building will still be
considered an immovable property even if dealt with separately and
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds adhered to apart from the land.
the soil.
What was sold by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the trial
xxxxxx court was merely the storehouse and bodega constructed on a parcel
of land covered by TCT 340785 and the same should be regarded as
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, in such a separate and distinct from the conveyance of the land on which it
way that it cannot be separated therefrom without breaking them stands. So here immovables are valid objects of REM as enumerated
material or deterioration of the object; in 2124.
(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or Also notice in Art. 2124 you have the word there only…so what does
ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands by the owner of the that mean so the list under 2124 is exclusive object of pledge and
immovable in such a manner that it reveals the intention to attach chattel mortgage are movable or personal property.
them permanently to the tenements;
Now if you recall 2085 a future property cannot be the object of REM
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by as a general rule but a stipulation subjecting to mortgage lien
the owner of the tenement for an industry or works which may be properties or improvements which the mortgagor may subsequently
carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and which tend directly acquire or use in connection with real property already in mortgage
to meet the needs of the said industry or works; belonging to the mortgagor is valid.
(6) Animal houses, pigeon houses, beehives, fish ponds or breeding Mendoza vs CA…
places of similar nature, in case their owner has placed them or
preserves them with the intention to have them permanently attached DANILO D. MENDOZA, also doing business under the name and
to the land, and forming a permanent part of it; the animals in these style of ATLANTIC EXCHANGE PHILIPPINES, vs. COURT OF
(G.R. No. 116710, June 25, 2001).
(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are intended by their
nature and object to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake or for FACTS: Petitioner Danilo D. Mendoza was granted by respondent
documentation purposes is being contested. Philippine National Bank (PNB) a 500,000.00 credit line and a
1,000,000.00 Letter of Credit/Trust Receipt (LC/TR) line.
We have abuilding subject of a REM without including the land on
which it stands. As security for the credit accommodations and for those which may
thereinafter be granted, petitioner mortgaged to respondent PNB the
Q1: So that is what happened in here noh, the store house and the following: 1) three (3) parcels of land with improvements 2) his house
bodega were subjected to REM but it did not include the land So and lot and 3) several pieces of machinery and equipment in his
what was the ruling here of the court? Pasig cocochemical plant.
So here there is an issue, there was no, there is a valid REM over a PNB Mandaluyong replied on behalf of the respondent bank and
parcel of land that was sold covered by OCT No. 569 plus the required petitioner to submit documents its:
storehouse and the bodega which stood on a different parcel of land
however when the certificate of sale was issued It also included TCT 1) Audited Financial Statements for 1979 and 1980;
No. 340785 where the storehouse and the bodega stood so that is
issue whether there was a valid sale of that parcel of land Now 2) Projected cash flow (cash in - cash out) for five (5) years detailed
please remember that when it comes to Extra-judicial foreclosure you yearly; and
have to comply with the requirements an explicit enumeration and
correct description of what properties are to be sold must be stated 3) List of additional machinery and equipment and proof of ownership
correctly in the notice. thereof.

An incorrect title number together with the correct technical Fernando Maramag, PNB Executive Vice-President, disapproved the
description of the property to be sold and vice versa is deemed a proposed release of the mortgaged properties and reduced the
substantial and fatal error, which results in the invalidation of the proposed new LC/TR line to One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00).
sale. Now here subsequently including properties in this case TCT Petitioner claimed he was forced to agree to these changes and that
No. 340785 which has not been explicitly mentioned therein for he was required to submit a new formal proposal and to sign two (2)
registration purposes under suspicious circumstances (?) or fraud… blank promissory notes.
According to petitioner, respondent PNB approved his proposal. He
further claimed that he and his wife were asked to sign two (2) blank
promissory note forms. According to petitioner, they were made to
Q2: Now what if there was a building on that parcel of land and the believe that the blank promissory notes were to be filled out by
land was subject to mortgage is it necessary to put the improvement respondent PNB to conform with the 5-year restructuring plan
the building? allegedly agreed upon.

A2: Yes. Petitioner testified that respondent PNB allegedly contravened their
verbal agreement by 1) affixing dates on the two (2) subject
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promissory notes to make them mature in two (2) years instead of Q3: When do you consider a movable an immovable by destination?
five (5) years as supposedly agreed upon.
A3: Article 415. The following are immovable property:
Upon their failure to make good of the said loans Respondent PNB
extra-judicially foreclosed the real and chattel mortgages, and the xxx
mortgaged properties were sold at public auction to respondent PNB,
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by
as highest bidder, for a total of Three Million Seven Hundred Ninety
the owner of the tenement for an industry or works
Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Pesos and Fifty Centavos
(P3,798,719.50). which may be carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said
ISSUE: WON the foreclosure sale was proper.
industry or works;
HELD: (The court found out that PNB did not categoricallyagree to
petitioner’s proposal to extend the credit line to five years.)To the xxx
substantive issue of mortgate. Petitioner prays for the release of
some of his movables being withheld by respondent PNB, alleging
that they were not included among the chattels he mortgaged to
respondent bank. However, petitioner did not present any proof as to Q4: So as long as it is essential in the industry it is already an
when he acquired the subject movables and hence it is not to be immovable by destination?
believe that the same were "after acquired" chattels not covered by
the chattel and real estate mortgages. So what do you have here there are several REM and Chattel
Mortgages executed to secure the loan obligation in favor of the
In asserting its rights over the subject movables, respondent PNB bank. Now the mortgage here contained the stipulation extending its
relies on a common provision in the two (2) subject Promissory Notes scope and effect to what we call after (?) we discuss these parts as
Nos. 127/82 and 128/82 which states: we move along and such stipulation is valid and binding where the
after acquired property is (?) in renewal of or in substitution for goods
In the event that this note is not paid at maturity or when the same on hand with the mortgage is executed or is purchased with the
becomes due under any of the provisions hereof, we hereby proceeds of the sale of such goods. Now here it was contended that
authorized the BANK at its option and without notice, to apply to the the machineries were not a valid object of the REM.
payment of this note, any and all moneys, securities and things of
value which may be in its hands on deposit or otherwise belonging to The bank however made a valid argument for the retention of the
me/us and for this purpose. We hereby, jointly and severally, subject movables machineries and equipment. PNB asserted that
irrevocably constitute and appoint the BANK to be our true Attorney- these movables were in fact movables by destination as defined
in-Fact with full power and authority for us in our name and behalf under Article 415 (5) of the Civil Code. So what does that mean
and without prior notice to negotiate, sell and transfer any moneys immovable by destination. Kung baga it is treated as immovable but
securities and things of value which it may hold, by public or private when you vaulted it in a specific place without any intention of
sale and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of this note. transferring its location then that is what you call an immovable by
It is clear, however, from the above-quoted provision of the said
promissory notes that respondent bank is authorized, in case of Example: Aquarium…vaulted movable man yang aquarium but it is
default, to sell "things of value" belonging to the mortgagor "which considered as an immovable by destination I think the case is one of
may be on its hands for deposit or otherwise belonging to me/us and your case I think in Property noh…
for this purpose." Besides, the petitioner executed not only a chattel
mortgage but also a real estate mortgage to secure his loan That is what happened here with regard to the machineries and
obligations to respondent bank. equipment. They were treated as immovable by destination therefore
a valid object in a REM. Further a mortgage constituted on an
A stipulation in the mortgage, extending its scope and effect to after- immovable in this case the land includes not only the land but also
acquired property is valid and binding where the after-acquired the buildings, machineries and accessories installed at the time the
property is in renewal of, or in substitution for, goods on hand when mortgage was constituted as well as the buildings, machineries and
the mortgage was executed, or is purchased with the proceeds of the accessories belonging to the mortgagor installed after the
sale of such goods. More importantly, respondent bank makes a constitution thereof.
valid argument for the retention of the subject movables. Respondent
PNB asserts that those movables were in fact "immovables by A REM is very different from a contract of pledge while you have
destination" under Art. 415 (5) of the Civil Code. It is an established provision that they are applicable both to this contracts they also
rule that a mortgage constituted on an immovable includes not only differ:
the land but also the buildings, machinery and accessories installed
at the time the mortgage was constituted as well as the buildings, Pledge REM
machinery and accessories belonging to the mortgagor, installed Personal, movables Subject Matter Real Property,
after the constitution thereof. Immovables or Real
The Pledgee Possession There is no
requirement that the
Q1: What are covered in those REMs? mortgagee be in
possession of the
A1: Machineries. property
The Pledgee has Fruits The mortgagee has
the right to receive no right to receive
the fruits the fruits
Q2: So are the machineries deemed as valid objects in REM?
Extra-judicially Foreclosure Judicial or Extra-
A2: Yes. judicial
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So the first distinction, the most obvious distinction is with regard to purpose of securing the payment thereof, including the interest and
its subject matter. Second, actual delivery takes place in pledge bank charges accruing thereon, xxx
unless constructive delivery is required under the circumstances but
in REM there is no delivery to the mortgagee for its validity. If a The immediately-quoted provision of the mortgage contract does not
parcel of land is mortgaged to secure a debt there is no requirement specifically mention that, aside from the principal loan obligation, it
that the land be placed in the mortgagee’s possession. Once status also secures the payment of "a penalty fee of three percent (3%) per
as a mortgagee is not effected or it cannot be based on possession. month of the outstanding amount to be computed from the day
As a general rule the mortgagor retains possession of the property deficiency is incurred up to the date of full payment thereon," which
mortgaged as security for the sum borrowed from the creditor despite penalty as the above-quoted portion of the Credit Line Agreement
the mortgage the debtor merely subjects the property to a lien but of expressly stipulates.
course ownership is not parted with. It is not an essential requisite of
a REM that the property remains in the possession of the mortgagor Since an action to foreclose "must be limited to the amount
by agreement the mortgagor can deliver to the mortgagee but such mentioned in the mortgage" and the penalty fee of 3% per month of
delivery of possession is not part of the validity of a mortgage. the outstanding obligation is not mentioned in the mortgage, it must
be excluded from the computation of the amount secured by the
Now we have here the case of Spouses Viola… mortgage.

SPOUSES VIOLA vs EQUITABLE (2008) Regarding CA decision that the phrase "including the interest and
bank charges" in the mortgage contract "refers to the penalty
FACTS: March 31, 1997 Spouses Leopoldo and Mercedita Viola of charges stipulated in the Credit Line Agreement" is unavailing.
Leo-Mers Commercial, Inc. obtained a loan through a credit line
facility in the maximum amount of P 4,700,000.00 from Equitable PCI "Penalty fee" is entirely different from "bank charges." The phrase
Bank, Inc. "bank charges" is normally understood to refer to compensation for
services. A "penalty fee" is likened to a compensation for damages in
The Credit Line Agreement stipulated that the loan would bear case of breach of the obligation. Being penal in nature, such fee must
interest at the "prevailing PCI Bank lending rate" per annum on the be specific and fixed by the contracting parties, unlike in the present
principal obligation and a "penalty fee of three percent (3%) per case which slaps a 3% penalty fee per month of the outstanding
month on the outstanding amount." amount of the obligation.

To secure the payment of the loan, a ―Real Estate Mortgage over Moreover, the "penalty fee" does not belong to the species of
their 2 parcels of land in favor of PCI Bank was executed. Spouses obligation enumerated in the mortgage contract, namely: "loans,
Viola made partial payments which totaled P 3,669,210.67; PCI Bank credit and other banking facilities obtained x xx from the Mortgagee, .
contends however, that Spouses Viola made no further payments . . including the interest and bank charges, . . . the costs of collecting
since Nov. 24, 2000 despite demand they failed to pay their the same and of taking possession of and keeping the mortgaged
outstanding obligation which as of September 30, 2002. properties, and all other expenses to which the Mortgagee may be
put in connection with or as an incident to this mortgage . . ."
Thus, PCI Bank extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgage before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) and that the mortgaged properties were In Philippine Bank of Communications v. Court of Appeals which
sold at a public auction. raised a similar issue, this Court held:
Respondent denied petitioners’ assertions, contending, inter alia, that The sole issue in this case is whether, in the foreclosure of a real
the absence of stipulation in the mortgage contract securing the estate mortgage, the penalties stipulated in two promissory notes
payment of 15% interest per annum on the principal loan, as well as secured by the mortgage may be charged against the mortgagors as
the 3% penalty fee per month on the outstanding amount, is part of the sums secured, although the mortgage contract does not
immaterial since the mortgage contract is "a mere accessory contract mention the said penalties.
which must take its bearings from the principal Credit Line
Agreement." The court held, Indeed, a mortgage must sufficiently describe the
the petition for lack of merit. debt sought to be secured, which description must not be such as to
mislead or deceive, and an obligation is not secured by a mortgage
ISSUE: WON the mortgage contract also secured the penalty fee per unless it comes fairly within the terms of the mortgage. Under the
month on the outstanding amount as stipulated in the Credit Line rule of ejusdem generis, where a description of things of a particular
Agreement? NO class or kind is "accompanied by words of a generic character, the
generic words will usually be limited to things of a kindred nature with
HELD: A mortgage must "sufficiently describe the debt sought to be those particularly enumerated . . . " A penalty charge does not belong
secured, which description must not be such as to mislead or to the species of obligations enumerated in the mortgage, hence, the
deceive, and an obligation is not secured by a mortgage unless it said contract cannot be understood to secure the penalty.
comes fairly within the terms of the mortgage.
Regarding Respondent’s contention that absence of stipulation for
In the case at bar, the parties executed two separate documents on the penalty fee in the mortgage contract is of no consequence as the
March 31, 1997 – the Credit Line Agreement granting the Client a deed of mortgage is merely an “accessory contract” that "must take
loan through a credit facility in the maximum amount of its bearings from the principal Credit Line Agreement,".
P4,700,000.00, and the Real Estate Mortgage contract securing the
payment thereof. Undisputedly, both contracts were prepared by Such absence is significant as it creates an ambiguity between the
respondent and written in fine print, single space. two contracts, which ambiguity must be resolved in favor of
petitioners and against respondent who drafted the contracts. Again,
The Real Estate Mortgage contract states its coverage, thus: as stressed by the Court in Philippine Bank of Communications:

That for and in consideration of certain loans, credit and other A mortgage and a note secured by it are deemed parts of one
banking facilities obtained x xx from the Mortgagee, the principal transaction and are construed together, thus, an ambiguity is created
amount of which is PESOS FOUR MILLION SEVEN HUNDERED when the notes provide for the payment of a penalty but the
THOUSAND ONLY (P4,700,000.00) Philippine Currency, and for the mortgage contract does not. Construing the ambiguity against the
petitioner, it follows that no penalty was intended to be covered by
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |6

the mortgage. Plainly, the petitioner can be as specific as it wants to Article 2124. Only the following property may be the object of a
be, yet it simply did not specify nor even allude to, that the penalty in contract of mortgage:
the promissory notes would be secured by the mortgage. This can
then only be interpreted to mean that the petitioner had no design of (1) Immovables;
including the penalty in the amount secured.
(2) Alienable real rights in accordance with the laws, imposed upon
RTC decisionAFFIRMEDwithMODIFICATION in that the "penalty fee" immovables.
per month of the outstanding obligation is excluded in the
Nevertheless, movables may be the object of a chattel mortgage.
computation of the amount secured by the Real Estate Mortgage
executed by petitioners in respondent’s favor.
Article 2124 is clear. By the word “only”, it means that the list in the
POLICY:A mortgage must sufficiently describe the debt sought to be
said article is exclusive.
secured, which description must not be such as to mislead or
deceive. An obligation is not secured by a mortgage unless it comes Likewise, we have emphasized last time the importance determining
fairly within the terms of the mortgage. whether your property is an immovable or not. The building in itself is
an immovable and in fact can be subject of a real estate mortgage
separate from the land on which it stands.
Q1: What was the basis in questioning the validity of the foreclosure? PLEDGE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
Involves personal property Involves real property
A1: The penalty agreement.
Real Contract- there is a transfer It is not necessary that a
or cession mortgagee must be in
possession of the property
Qs 2 and 3: Whether the mortgage should include the penalty? mortgaged for the validity of the
said accessory contract
Why was there a need to distinguish penalty fee from bank charges? The pledgee has the right to No such right exists unless
receive the fruits otherwise stipulated
A3: Please see digest. Extrajudicial in nature Judicial or Extrajudicial
Must be in a public instrument Must be registered in the
indicating the date of the Registry of Property in order to
mortgage and a description of the bind third persons
Q4: Does the bank charge include the penalty fee?
thing pledged in order to bind
A4: No. third persons (registration not

Take note of the credit line agreement provision, which includes the It is not required that the mortgagee be in possession of the
three percent per month penalty the REM is for the purpose of mortgaged property. Ones status as a mortgagee cannot be the
securing the payment of the loan including the interest and bank basis of possession. As a basic rule, the mortgagor retains
charges. This provision of the mortgage does not specifically mention possession of the property mortgaged as a security for the payment
that the apart from the principal loan it also secure the payment of of the sum borrowed from the mortgagee-creditor because by the
the three percent per month penalty fee to be computed from the day mortgage, the debtor merely subjects the property to a lien but
deficiency is incurred up to the date of full payment thereon. While it ownership is not parted with.
is true that petitioners here are liable for the 3% per month penalty
fee that shall not be included in the computation for the REM. Since It is not an essential requisite that the mortgaged property remains in
an action to foreclose must be limited to the amount mentioned in the the possession of the mortgagor. Therefore, it is possible by
REM and the penalty fee of 3% per month is not mentioned in the agreement between the parties that the possession of the property
mortgage therefore what is the effect it must be excluded be transferred to the mortgagee without altering the nature of the
nakalagaydiyan it must be excluded in the computation from the contract. But again, such transfer of possession is not necessary for
amount secured by the REM. the perfection of the mortgage.

Therefore hindikasamaang penalty…ang penalty fee should be Article 2125. In addition to the requisites stated in article 2085, it is
excluded in the computation for the foreclosure of the REM… indispensable, in order that a mortgage may be validly constituted,
that the document in which it appears be recorded in the Registry of
Property. If the instrument is not recorded, the mortgage is
nevertheless binding between the parties.

February 4, 2016 (1st Hour) The persons in whose favor the law establishes a mortgage have no
other right than to demand the execution and the recording of the
Transcribed by: Robelen Callanta document in which the mortgage is formalized. (1875a)

Take note of the different kinds of Mortgages:

1. Voluntary or Conventional Mortgage

2. Legal Mortgage Article 2085. The following requisites are essential to the contracts of
3. Equitable Mortgage (Article 1602) pledge and mortgage:

Objects of Real Estate Mortgage: (1) That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal
1. Immovables
2. Alienable Real Rights
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |7

(2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be the absolute owner of the thing Civil Code. Regardless of its registration, again, we have an
pledged or mortgaged; equitable mortgage here. We have a valid mortgage even if it is not
registered, there being no third parties involved.
(3) That the persons constituting the pledge or mortgage have the
In the Old Civil Code, registration is necessary for the validity of the
free disposal of their property, and in the absence thereof, that they
mortgage. However, it is already clear under Article 2125 that even if
be legally authorized for the purpose.
the instrument is not recorded, the mortgage is nonetheless binding
between the parties. The fact that the mortgage is annotated or is
Third persons who are not parties to the principal obligation may registered is only to affect third persons. In the absence of such
secure the latter by pledging or mortgaging their own property. annotation or registration, third persons dealing with the property are
(1857) not bound by the mortgage because under the Torrens System, third
parties are only charged with the knowledge of those encumbrances
Notice here that Article 2125 requires that the Deed of Real Estate placed on the title as well as their actual knowledge.
Mortgage or document be registered in the Registry of Property.
Again, mortgage here can be binding between the parties but in the
What is the effect is the Real Estate Mortgage is not registered? absence of registration, it is not binding against third persons. Notice
What happened in Tan vs Valdehueza? that it is one of the differences or distinctions between a real estate
mortgage and a pledge. The requirement in pledge in order to bind
LUCIA TAN vs ARADOR VALDEHUEZA and REDICULO third persons is that it must be in a public instrument indicating the
VALDEHUEZA date of the pledge and the description of the thing pledged. On the
other hand, in a real estate mortgage, the requirement is that it must
Facts: The parcel of land described in the first cause of action was be duly registered with the Registry of Deeds to bind third persons.
the subject matter of the public auction sale held on May 6, 1955
wherein Tan was the highest bidder and as such a Certificate of Sale With regard to the last paragraph of Article 2125, this applies to legal
was executed in favor of LUCIA TAN. Due to the failure of defendant or equitable mortgages.
AradorValdehueza to redeem the said land within the period of one
year as being provided by law, the Sheriff executed an ABSOLUTE Article 2125. x xx
DEED OF SALE in favor of the plaintiff LUCIA TAN.
The persons in whose favor the law establishes a mortgage have no
other right than to demand the execution and the recording of the
executed two documents of DEED OF PACTO DE RETRO SALE in
document in which the mortgage is formalized. (1875a)
favor of LUCIA TAN of two portions of a parcel of land.

From the execution of the Deed of Sale with right to repurchase, Here, for example, in a pacto de retro sale which is actually an
AradorValdehueza and RediculoValdehueza remained in the equitable mortgage, the mortgagor can seek the execution and the
possession of the land and land taxes to the said land were paid by recording of the instrument to formalize the mortgage. Considering
them. that the intention of the parties is to have the property mortgaged, the
mortgagee cannot appropriate the thing subject of the mortgage.
The Deed of Pacto de Retro (dated August 5, 1955) was not What he has is the right to have the execution and recording thereof.
registered in the Registry of Deeds, while the Deed of Pacto de Retro He can also file an action to have the mortgage registered.
referred to as "Annex E" (dated March 15, 1955) was registered
With regard to the perfection of a real estate mortgage, you may
ISSUE: Was there a valid mortgage? (YES) notice that in the first part of the discussion of De Leon, the
characteristics that was mentioned of a mortgage is that it is real,
HELD: The trial court treated the registered deed of pacto de retro as accessory and subsidiary. When you real it means that the contract
an equitable mortgage but considered the unregistered deed of is perfected by delivery. But in a contract of mortgage under Article
pacto de retro "as a mere case of simple loan, secured by the 2125, delivery is not necessary for its perfection. So dalawanalang,
property thus sold under pacto de retro," on the ground that no suit either consensual or formal/solemn contract. If you remember the
lies to foreclose an unregistered mortgage. It would appear that the case of Hechanova vs Adil, it was stated therein that no valid
trial judge had not updated himself on law and jurisprudence; he mortgage is constituted where the deed of mortgage is a mere
cited, in support of his ruling, article 1875 of the old Civil Code and private document and therefore, not registered. However, if you also
decisions of this Court circa 1910 and 1912. look at the same case as well as the provision under Article 2125,
even if that case held that the mortgage is void, there is a discussion
Under article 1875 of the Civil Code of 1889, registration was a that the mortgagee may demand the reduction of the mortgage in a
necessary requisite for the validity of a mortgage even as between public instrument. So, if you say it is really void, diba if a contract is
the parties, but under article 2125 of the new Civil Code (in effect void, no rights can arise. Take a look again at Article 2125.
since August 30,1950), this is no longer so. 4 If the instrument is not
recorded, the mortgage is nonetheless binding between the parties.
(Article 2125, 2nd sentence).  Article 2125. In addition to the requisites stated in article 2085, it is
indispensable, in order that a mortgage may be validly constituted,
The Valdehuezas having remained in possession of the land and the that the document in which it appears be recorded in the Registry of
realty taxes having been paid by them, the contracts which purported Property. If the instrument is not recorded, the mortgage is
to be pacto de retro transactions are presumed to be equitable nevertheless binding between the parties.
mortgages, 5 whether registered or not, there being no third parties
involved. x xx

Here, the parties executed two documents of pacto de retro sale. So as long as there is an instrument, then you have a perfected
However, it appears that the defendants remained in possession of contract of mortgage.
the land and the taxes were paid by them. The intention of these
documents was to secure the obligation of Valdehuezas, having
remained in possession of the land and the realty taxes having been At the most, what we could say is that it is a FORMAL CONTRACT;
paid by them. These transactions purported to be pacto de retro sale that it must be, at the very least, in writing in order to bind the parties.
are presumed to be equitable mortgages, applying Article 1602 of the However, again, if you try to take a look at the cases or at the
discussion or the provisions under the Civil Code, there is no express
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |8

provision or ruling that would really indicate that for a valid mortgage, security for any loan application especially where, as in this case, the
it must be in writing or it must be perfected by consent or there must subject property is a subdivision lot located at Quezon City, M.M. It is
be delivery. a settled rule that a purchaser or mortgagee cannot close its eyes to
facts which should put a reasonable man upon his guard, and then
Trying to summarize everything that we have discussed, we could claim that he acted in good faith under the belief that there was no
say that at the very least, it must be in an instrument, in writing to defect in the title of the vendor or mortgagor. Petitioner's constructive
bind the mortgagor and the mortgagee. knowledge of the defect in the title of the subject property, or lack of
such knowledge due to its negligence, takes the place of registration
Why is it that there was not much emphasis on this one? First, we of the rights of respondents-spouses.
have the right between the parties to demand execution and Q1: Is the mortgage in favor of State Investment registered?
recording of the document. This is relevant because in the absence
of the proper document or recording it or duly executing it before the A1: Yes. However the Supreme Court held here that the registration
notary public and recording it with the Registry of Deeds, hindimorin of the mortgage is of no moment since it is understood to be without
ma-foreclose. If it is made orally or verbally, you cannot foreclose it. prejudice to the better right of third parties.
You must have some document that would establish your right to
demand execution and the proper recording of the document to Q2: What do you mean by that?
formalize the mortgage.
A2: (?)
Mortgage, again, is necessary in the sense that it is a security to the
principal obligation. You need this mortgage so that in case there is Q3: Was there a valid mortgage between Solid and State
default on the part of the debtor, you can foreclose it. Yun Investment?
namanyung enddito, di ba? Foreclosing. You can foreclose it after
the proper registration of the document.
A3: No.
Just take note of that as we go further with our discussions.
Q4: Are all the requisites present for a valid real estate mortgage?
If the mortgage is not registered but it is in a public instrument, it is
A4: No. There was no absolute ownership and free disposal of the
binding between the parties because again, registration only
thing mortgaged.
operates as a notice of the mortgage to others but it does not add
any validity nor does it convert an invalid mortgage into a valid
mortgage between the parties. Q5: So what is the effect of the registration?

A5: The registration did not bind third persons.


FACTS: A contract to sell was executed by Spouses Oreta, and the Q6: Can State Investment be considered as a mortgagee in good
Solid Homes, Inc. (SOLID), involving a parcel of land. faith considering that the sale in favor of SpsOreta was not
SOLID executed several real estate mortgage contracts in favor of
State Investment over its subdivided parcels of land, one of which is A6: No. Since they are involved in the business of investment, they
the subject lot. For failure of SOLID to comply with its mortgage must take necessary precautions to ascertain if there was any flaw in
obligations contract, STATE extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgaged the title of the mortgage.
properties including the subject lot.
Notice here that State’s mortgage was registered. Nevertheless, the
SOLID thru a MOA negotiated for the deferment of consolidation of Supreme Court held that its registered mortgage is inferior to that of
ownership over the foreclosed properties by committing to redeem respondent spouses’ unregistered right. It was submitted here that if
the properties from STATE. Thereafter, the spouses filed a complaint the original owner SOLID has parted with the ownership of the thing
before the HLURB, against SOLID and STATE for failure on the part sold, then he no longer has ownership.
of SOLID to execute the necessary absolute deed of sale as well as
to deliver the title to said property despite full payment of purchase Take note, the contract executed between Spouses Orbeta and
price. SOLID was a contract to sell. In a contract to sell, ownership is not
yet transferred – it is subject to a condition which is the full payment
STATE averred that unless SOLID pays the redemption price of P of the purchase price. In fact, in this case, Solid was demanded by
125,195.00, it has a “right to hold on and not release the foreclosed the spouses to execute the necessary absolute deed of sale. Looking
properties.” at the facts, ownership was not yet transferred. Nevertheless, it is still
not a valid mortgage because there is a failure to comply with the
ISSUE: Who between the Spouses Oreta and STATE have better third requisite: FREE DISPOSAL.
right over the subject lot? (SPOUSES ORETA)

HELD:STATE's registered mortgage right over the property is inferior Here, even if we assume that Solid remains the owner of the subject
to that of respondents-spouses' unregistered right. The unrecorded property, it had no free disposal of the thing so as to be able to
sale between respondents-spouses and SOLID is preferred for the mortgage it again. Registration of the mortgage is of no moment (no
reason that if the original owner (SOLID) had parted with his effect; it will not cure the invalidity of the mortgage) since it is
ownership of the thing sold then he no longer had ownership and free understood to be without prejudice to the better right of third parties.  
disposal of that thing so as to be able to mortgage it
again. Registration of the mortgage is of no moment since it is General Rule: When there is nothing in the Certificate of Title to
understood to be without prejudice to the better right of third parties.   indicate any vice or cloud in the ownership of the property or any
encumbrance thereon, the purchaser is not required to explore
In this case, petitioner was well aware that it was dealing with SOLID, further than what the Torrens Title upon its face indicates in quest for
a business entity engaged in the business of selling subdivision lots. any legal defect or inchoate right that may subsequently defeat his
We take judicial notice of the uniform practice of financing institutions right thereto.
to investigate, examine and assess the real property offered as
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |9

Here, when State entered into a mortgage with Solid, nothing was Before granting the loan, the PNB had the title verified and the
indicated in the title. property inspected.

Exception: When the purchaser or mortgagee has knowledge of the ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner PNB is a mortgagee in good faith,
defect or lack of title in the vendor or he was aware of sufficient facts entitling it to its lien on the title to the property in dispute. No.
that would induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire into the status
of the property in litigation. RULING: As a rule, the Court would not expect a mortgagee to
conduct an exhaustive investigation of the history of the mortgagor’s
State investment was well aware that it was dealing with SOLID, a title before he extends a loan. But petitioner PNB is not an ordinary
business entity engaged in the business of selling subdivision lots. In mortgagee; it is a bank.Banks are expected to be more cautious than
fact, at the time the lot was mortgaged, respondent State Investment ordinary individuals in dealing with lands, even registered ones, since
House Inc., had been aware of the lot's location and that the said lot the business of banks is imbued with public interest. It is of judicial
formed part of Capital Park/Homes Subdivision. notice that the standard practice for banks before approving a loan is
to send a staff to the property offered as collateral and verify the
genuineness of the title to determine the real owner or owners.
State investment, being a financing institution, it cannot simply rely
on an examination of a Torrens certificate to determine what the
subject property looks like as its condition is not apparent in the
document. The land might be in a depressed area. There might be
squatters on it. It might be easily inundated. It might be an interior lot, Q1: Is PNB a mortgagee in good faith or not?
without convenient access. These and other similar factors determine
the value of the property and so should be of practical concern to the A1: No.
Q2: What is the effect if it is not a mortgagee in good faith?
State Investment therefore cannot be considered a mortgagee in
good faith. A2: The mortgage will be void.

It is a settled rule that a purchaser or mortgagee cannot close its So notice here that we have a mortgagee which is a bank. Banks are
eyes to facts which should put a reasonable man upon his guard, expected to be more cautious than ordinary individuals in dealing
and then claim that he acted in good faith under the belief that there with lands, even registered ones, since the business of banks is
was no defect in the title of the vendor or mortgagor. Petitioner's imbued with public interest. It is of judicial notice that the standard
constructive knowledge of the defect in the title of the subject practice for banks before approving a loan is to send a staff to the
property, or lack of such knowledge due to its negligence, takes the property offered as collateral and verify the genuineness of the title to
place of registration of the rights of respondents-spouses. determine the real owner or owners.
Respondent Court thus correctly ruled that petitioner was not a
purchaser or mortgagee in good faith.
Here, PNB was informed of the previous TCTs covering the subject
property. It is evident from the faces of those titles that the ownership
What do you mean by “mortgagee in good faith?” What happened in of the land changed from Corpuz to Bondoc, from Bondoc to the
the case of PNB vs Corpuz? Palaganases, and from the Palaganases to the Songcuans in less
than three months and mortgaged to PNB within four months of the
vs.MERCEDES CORPUZ, REPRESENTED BY HER ATTORNEY- Here, it appears that they were able to issue three different titles in a
IN-FACT VALENTINA CORPUZ matter of three months. That should have led PNB to be suspicious
of this transaction. In fact, it was even aware that the previous sales
FACTS: Corpuz delivered her owner’s duplicate copy of Transfer were only for Php 15,000 or Php50,000, but PNB appraised the value
Certificate of Title toDagupan City Rural Bank as security against of the property at around 700,000. The discrepancy in the value
any liability she might incur as its cashier. She later left her job and should have alerted PNB. Anyone who deliberately ignores this
went to the United States. significant fact that would create suspicion in an otherwise
reasonable person cannot be considered a mortgagee for value.
On October 24, 1994 the rural bank where she worked cancelled its
lien on Corpuz’s title. Without Corpuz’s knowledge and consent,
however, Natividad Alano, the rural bank’s manager, turned over OSMUNDO S. CANLAS and ANGELINA CANLAS vs. COURT OF
Corpuz’s title to Julita Camacho and Amparo Callejo. APPEALS, ASIAN SAVINGS BANK, MAXIMO C. CONTRARES and
Alano, Camacho, and Callejo prepared a falsified deed of sale,
making it appear that on February 23, 1995 Corpuz sold her land to Facts: Osmundo Canlas executed a Special Power of Attorney
one "Mary Bondoc" for P50,000.00. They caused the registration of authorizing the MAÑOSCA to mortgage two parcels of land
the deed of sale, resulting in the the issuance of TCT in Bondoc’s registered in the name of his wife Angelina Canlas.
name. About a month later or on March 27, 1995 the trio executed
another fictitious deed of sale with "Mary Bondoc" selling the property Subsequently, Osmundo Canlas agreed to sell the said parcels of
to the spouses Rufo and Teresa Palaganas for only P15,000.00. This land to Vicente Mañosca, for and in consideration of P850,000.00,
sale resulted in the issuance of TCT 63466 in favor of the
Palaganases. Subsequently, Vicente Mañosca was granted a loan by the
respondent Asian Savings Bank (ASB . When the loan it extended
Nine days later or on April 5, 1995 the Palaganases executed a deed was not paid, respondent bank extrajudicially foreclosed the
of sale in favor of spouses Virgilio and Elena Songcuan mortgage.
for P50,000.00, resulting in the issuance of TCT 63528. Finally, four
months later or on August 10, 1995 the Songcuans took out a loan
Issue: Whether or not ASB is considered a mortgagee in good faith.
of P1.1 million from petitioner Philippine National Bank (PNB) and, to
secure payment, they executed a real estate mortgage on their title.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |10

The degree of diligence required of banks is more than that of a good the incident, the one who had the last clear opportunity to avoid the
father of a family; in keeping with their responsibility to exercise the impending harm but failed to do so, is chargeable with the
necessary care and prudence in dealing even on a registered or titled consequences arising therefrom. Stated differently, the rule is that
property. the antecedent negligence of a person does not preclude recovery of
damages caused by the supervening negligence of the latter, who
had the last fair chance to prevent the impending harm by the
In the case under consideration, the respondent bank did not
exercise of due diligence. It Cnnot be denied that the bank had the
observe the requisite diligence in ascertaining or verifying the real
last clear chance to prevent the fraud, by the simple expedient of
identity of the couple who introduced themselves as the spouses
faithfully complying with the requirements for banks to ascertain the
Osmundo Canlas and Angelina Canlas. It is worthy to note that not
identity of the persons transacting with them.
even a single identification card was exhibited by the said impostors
to show their true identity; and yet, the bank acted on their
representations simply on the basis of the residence certificates Under the facts of this case, although Osmundo Canlas was
bearing signatures which tended to match the signatures affixed on a negligent, it is the bank who should bear the loss.
previous deed of mortgage.
In this case, Osmundo Canlas was undoubtedly negligent, which
negligence made them undeserving of an award of attorney's fees.
Q1: Was the Bank a mortgagee in good faith?

Settled is the rule that a contract of mortgage must be constituted

A1: No. The SC ruled that the bank was not a mortgagee in good
only by the absolute owner on the property mortgaged; a mortgage,
faith because according to the records presented in the case, the
constituted by an impostor is void.
degree of investigation done by the bank was not enough. It failed to
ask the impostors sufficient information which will verify their identity.
They merely inquired into their identity by obtaining residence and Take note of this doctrine of a mortgagee in good faith wherein a
community tax certificates which only contained their name and mortgagee has the right to rely in good faith on the certificate of title
signature which was similar to the actual signature of the Spouses of the mortgagor of the property even as security. In the absence of
Canlas. any finding that may arise a suspicion, he has no obligation to make
further investigation.
Q2: What is the Doctrine of Last Clear Chance?
All persons dealing with property covered with a Torrens Certificate
of Title, as buyers or mortgagees, are not required to go beyond what
A2: it means that where both parties are negligent but the negligent
is on the face of the title. However, this does not apply when the title
act of one is appreciably later in point of time than that of the other,
is still in the name of the rightfull owner and the mortgaor is another
or where it is impossible to determine whose fault or negligence
person pretending to be the owner.
brought about the occurrence of the incident, the one who had the
last clear opportunity to avoid the impending harm but failed to do so,
is chargeable with the consequences arising therefrom. Stated Exceptions to the Doctrine of Motgagee in Good Faith:
differently, the rule is that the antecedent negligence of a person
does not preclude recovery of damages caused by the supervening 1. When the purchaser or mortgagee has knowledge of a
negligence of the latter, who had the last fair chance to prevent the defect of lack in the title of the vendor; or
impending harm by the exercise of due diligence.
2. When the mortgagee does not directly deal with the
Q3: Who were the 2 parties referred here as being negligent? registered owner of real property;

A3: Spouses Canlas and Asian Savings Bank. 3. When the purchaser or mortgagee was aware of sufficient
facts that must induce a reasonable prudent man to inquire
Q4: Why were the Spouses Canlas deemed negligent? into the status of the property in litigation.

A4: They were negligent in giving Vicente Mañosca the opportunity to 4. When the purchaser or mortgagee is a bank or a financing
perpetrate the fraud, by entrusting to latter the owner's copy of the institution, it is required to look further from what appears
transfer certificates of title of subject parcels of land despite the fact on the Certificate of Title as it is required to observe greater
that they were not yet paid. degree of diligence and prudence. If it fails to exercise this
degree of diligence, it cannot acquire the status of a bona
fide mortgagee in good faith.
Nevertheless, it was the bank that had the last opportunity or the last
clear chance for this not to happen and therefore, the mortgage was
not considered as valid.

The degree of diligence required for banks is more than that of a

good father of a family. Respondent bank did not observe the February 4, 2016 (2nd Hour)
requisite diligence in ascertaining or verifying the real identity of the
couple who introduced themselves as the spouses Canlas. Not even Transcribed by: Kelvin Du
a single identification card was exhibited by the said impostors to
show their true identity; and yet, the bank acted on their Recap:
representations simply on the basis of the residence certificates The doctrine of mortgagee in good faith states that the mortgagee
bearing signatures. The bank did not require them to submit has the right to rely in good faith on the certificate of title of the
additional proof of their true identity. mortgagor of the property given as security and in the absence of
any sign that might arouse suspicion. Such mortgagee has no
In this case, the Doctrine of last clear chance was applied where the obligation to undertake further investigation. All persons dealing with
bank must suffer the resulting loss. Under this doctrine, that where property covered by a Torrens certificate of title as buyers or
both parties are negligent but the negligent act of one is appreciably mortgagees are not required to go beyond what appears on the face
later in point of time than that of the other, or where it is impossible to of the title.
determine whose fault or negligence brought about the occurrence of
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |11

However, take note of the exceptions: The mere fact that a lease or mortgage was registered does not stop
1. Where the purchaser or mortgagee has knowledge of the any party to it from setting up that it now has no force or effect.
defect or lack of title in the vendors (even if the title is clean
but there is actual knowledge, you do not have a The court here did not pass on its invalidity or effect when it ordered
mortgagee in good faith) the registration and annotation of the mortgage. As the mortgage is
2. Where the mortgagee does not directly deal with the admittedly an act of the registered owner, all that the judge below did
registered owner of the real property and could do, as a registration court, is to order its registration and
3. When the mortgagee was aware of sufficient facts to annotation on the certificate of title covering the land mortgaged. By
induce a reasonably prudent man to inquire into the status said order the court did not pass upon the effect or validity of the
of aproperty in litigation mortgage.

Where the purchaser or mortgagee is a bank or financing institution, Recall the case of State Investment, we said that the mortgage is
it is required to look further than what appears on the face of the ripe or the mortgage therein was registered but nevertheless, such
title.It is expected to exercise greater care and prudence, not just registered mortgage was considered inferior to the buyer’s
ordinary diligence. If it fails to observe due diligence, it cannot be unregistered right for the reason that there was no compliance with
accorded the status of a confident mortgagee. Article 2085; there was no free disposal. Registration is of no
moment since it is understood to be without prejudice to the right of
Once a mortgage has been signed in due form, then the mortgagee third parties.
is entitled to its registration as a matter of right.
Q: What does “registration as a matter of right” mean? Q: With regard to conjugal properties or properties subject to the
A: It means that registration does not pass upon the validity or absolute community of spouses, what is the requirement for the valid
invalidity of a mortgage but its purpose is to affect third persons. mortgage of these properties?
A: It will depend if the marriage was celebrated before or after the
institution of the Family Code. If it is before, and there was no
Agricultural vs. Yusay consent obtained and there was mortgage, it will be considered
merely voidable. But after the FC, it is considered void.
Facts:Yulo executed in favor of Agricultural a mortgage.
Agricultural demanded that the ODCT be surrendered and that
the mortgage be annotated on the back of the certificate. Yusay, Ros vs. PNB
being a part owner of the property, opposed the petition for such
annotation of the mortgage since such registration will affect his Facts: The husband obtained a loan from PNB and mortgaged
rights. their land as security. The spouses sought the annulment of the
mortgage claiming that the signature of the wife was forged and
Issue: WON the registration will pass upon the validity of the said that she has no knowledge of the mortgage of the said property.
Issue: WON the mortgage is still considered valid
Ruling: The registration of the mortgage is not a declaration that
such instrument is a valid or subsisting interest in land.It is merely Ruling: Yes. What is applicable here is the provisions of the Civil
a declaration that the record of the title appears to be burdened Code. Under it, a mortgage or encumbrance of the property
with the lease or mortgage of the land described. In this case, as without the consent of the wife is merely voidable and not void.
the mortgage is admittedly an act of the registered owner, all that
the judge of the lower court can do is to order its registration and Q: Was there really forgery?
annotation. A: No it was not proven that there was forgery. What is executed
hereisa notarized document and so it enjoys the presumption of
Q: In this case, it was emphasized that registration is deemed to be a regularity. It needs clear and convincing evidence in order to
mere ministerial act. What do you mean by that? overcome it; here no evidence was provided at all.
A: When we say ministerial, the person accepting the order of
registration does not have the discretion to identify if such application Q: Assuming there was no consent on the part of the wife, what is
is valid or not. All he can do is register the mortgage without question the effect as to the mortgage?
if it is valid or not. A: The marriage was celebrated before the FC so the court applied
Article 173 of the Old Civil Code which holds that the mortgage is
Registration is a mere ministerial act by which a deed, contract or merely voidable. Hence, it is upheld still as valid unless annulled.
instrument is sought to be inscribed in the records of the office of the
ROD and annotated at the back of the certificate of title covering the Article 166. Unless the wife has been declared a non compos
land subject of the deed, contract or instrument. In other words, the mentis or a spendthrift, or is under civil interdiction or is confined
ROD does not exercise discretion when a document, such as a in a leprosarium, the husband cannot alienate or encumber any
mortgage, is submitted to her office for registration. All she has to do real property of the conjugal partnership without the wife’s
is check whether the requirements have been complied with: if the consent. If she refuses unreasonably to give her consent, the
document has been duly notarized, and the properties were paid. court may compel her to grant the same.
Butshe could not refuse to have the property registered just because
another party is questioning the said mortgage. The proper action is Article 173. The wife may, during the marriage, and within ten
to file in court a case for the nullity of the mortgage document and the years from the transaction questioned, ask the courts for the
cancellation ofthe annotation in the title with the ROD. annulment of any contract of the husband entered into without her
consent, when such consent is required, or any act or contract of
The registration of a lease or mortgage, or the entry of a memorial of the husband which tends to defraud her or impair her interest in
a lease or mortgage on the register, is not a declaration by the state the conjugal partnership property. Should the wife fail to exercise
that such an instrument is a valid and subsisting interest in land; it is this right, she or her heirs after the dissolution of the marriage
merely a declaration that the record of the title appears to be may demand the value of the property fraudulently alienated by
burdened with the lease or mortgage described, according to the the husband.
priority set forth in the certificate.
Take note of the provisions of the FC and the CC. What is covered
therein is the need of consent of the other spouse for the “disposition
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |12

or encumbrance”. This refers not only to sale but also to mortgage as If the mortgage is found to be void under theFC because the wife did
it is covered within the term encumbrance. not give her consent, what is considered void is merely the mortgage
and not the principal obligation. Where a mortgage is not valid, the
If it is covered by the Family Code, what is provided is: principal obligation which it guarantees is not necessarily rendered
null and void as what is lost is only the right to foreclose the
Article 96. The administration and enjoyment of the community mortgage and the mortgage still remains as an evidence of a
property shall belong to both spouses jointly. In case of personal obligation.
disagreement, the husband's decision shall prevail, subject to
recourse to the court by the wife for proper remedy, which must Article 2126. The mortgage directly and immediately subjects the
be availed of within five years from the date of the contract property upon which it is imposed, whoever the possessor may
implementing such decision. be, to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was
In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable constituted.
to participate in the administration of the common properties, the
other spouse may assume sole powers of administration. These Remember, a registered mortgage creates a real right as
powers do not include disposition or encumbrance without distinguished from a personal right.
authority of the court or the written consent of the other spouse. In
the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or Real right – a right in rem inseparable to the party and enforceable
encumbrance shall be void. However, the transaction shall be against the whole world
construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting
spouse and the third person, and may be perfected as a binding The mortgage is attached to the property itself and the mortgage
contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or follows the property wherever it goes. It subsists notwithstanding the
authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn by either changes of ownership, wherein the personality of the owner is merely
or both offerors. disregarded.

Article 124. The administration and enjoyment of the conjugal Whoever subsequently acquires the property carries with him the
partnership shall belong to both spouses jointly. In case of obligation to observe the mortgage if the mortgage is registered.
disagreement, the husband's decision shall prevail, subject to Since the mortgage is merely a lien or encumbrance of the property,
recourse to the court by the wife for proper remedy, which must the owner still has the right to alienate and sell the subject property.
be availed of within five years from the date of the contract But for the mortgagee to have a better right than the subsequent
implementing such decision. purchaser, he must have registered his mortgage.
In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable
to participate in the administration of the conjugal properties, the Even if it will be sold to another person, if the debtor fails to pay his
other spouse may assume sole powers of administration. These obligation, the property canstill be foreclosed, as all subsequent
powers do not include disposition or encumbrance without purchasers of the property must respect the mortgage as long as the
authority of the court or the written consent of the other spouse . In mortgage is registered or if not, the subsequent buyer must know of
the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or its existence.
encumbrance shall be void. However, the transaction shall be
construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting What is the effect if the debtor fails to pay and the mortgagor sold the
spouse and the third person, and may be perfected as a binding property to a third person?
contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or If you have registered the mortgage, you can still foreclose it. The
authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn by either subsequent buyer, now the present owner, cannot say that you
or both offerors. cannot foreclose it anymore since he is now the owner, because your
right as a mortgagee is a real right; it attaches to the property, not to
Under the facts of this case, it was the Civil Code which was the debtor or mortgagor.
applicable at the time of the mortgage wherein the husband cannot
alienate or encumber any conjugal real property without the consent, The fact that the ownership has been transferred will not preclude the
express or implied, of the wife. Should the husband do so, then the foreclosure of the mortgage.
contract is voidable, meaning valid until annulled. Annulment will be
declared only upon a finding that the wife did not give her consent. However, take note that the subsequent purchaser will not be liable
for any deficiency. For him, mortgagee will have a better right as to
The documents were acknowledged before a notary public. Being his ownership. But he is not a party to the principal obligation or to
public documents, they have the prima facie presumption of a valid the mortgage.In case thereis a deficiency, the subsequent purchaser
execution thereof. It cannot be disproved by the mere denial of the cannot be held liable.
alleged signer.
It is the principal debtor who must be held liable, unless the
The husband cannot bring an action against PNB, for no one can subsequent buyer gave his consent and there is a novation, wherein
come before the court with unclean hands, being a party to the said he assumed the obligation of the principal debtor, or entered into a
contract. In their memorandum, the petitioners themselves admitted contract of guaranty or suretyship, wherein he himself guaranteed
that it was the husband who forged the signature. the personal obligation of the debtor.

In relation to whether it redounded to the benefit of the family, the SC Otherwise, the rightthat is available to the mortgagee is to foreclose
held that the husband was engaged in the business of buy and sell of the mortgage and as sold in a public auction, to satisfy the
garlic and tobacco; that was the purpose of the loan, for additional indebtedness.
working capital of the business.
Article 2127. The mortgage extends to the natural accessions, to
The wife claimed that she was unaware whether it prospered but was the improvements, growing fruits, and the rents or income not yet
aware of the loans contracted but did not know where he used or received when the obligation becomes due, and to the amount of
wasted the money. the indemnity granted or owing to the proprietor from the insurers
Debts contracted by the husband for and in the exercise of the of the property mortgaged, or in virtue of expropriation for public
industry or profession by which he contributes to the support of the use, with the declarations, amplifications and limitations
family cannot be deemed to be his exclusive and private debts. established by law, whether the estate remains in the possession
of the mortgagor, or it passes into the hands of a third person.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |13

This is another provision in the Civil Code which shows that the
mortgage is inseparable from the property. Article 2127 explains to Issue: WON the real estate mortgage also served as security for
what is the extent of the mortgage. Remember that upon the time the the drafts from Kwang Ju Bank, or future debts
obligation becomes due and after demand is made and the debtor
still fails to pay, the property may now be foreclosed. Ruling: Yes, there was a dragnet clause.

The mortgage extends to all the accessions, improvements, growing Q: What part is considered as the dragnet clause?
fruits and rents or income, as wellas to the proceeds of insurance, A: “For and in consideration of those certain loans, overdraft and/or
should the property be destroyed, or should the property be other credit accommodations on this date obtained from the
expropriated, to the extent of the value or the just compensation. MORTGAGEE, and to secure the payment of the same, the principal
of all of which is hereby fixed at FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND
If the fruits were already harvested before, these will not be part of PESOS ONLY (P500,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currency, as well as
the mortgage. those that the MORTGAGEE may hereafter extend to the
If they are still attached to the property when the obligation becomes MORTGAGOR, including interest and expenses or any other
due, they form part of the mortgage. obligation owing to the MORTGAGEE...”
These refer to the provisions under Property law.
Q: What is the effect of that clause to the obligation of the debtor
If it is expropriated, the mortgage continues upon the just here?
compensation. A: The REM would also secure the future debts which Excelsa would
incur, which in this case was the drafts they obtained, which
If you want to exclude these accessions, improvements or growing Producers have already paid to Kwang Ju.
fruits, then you agree, the mortgagor and mortgagee must expressly
stipulate. GR: An action to foreclose a mortgage must be limited to the amount
Otherwise, the following will bedeemed included: mentioned in the mortgage
a. New plantings Exception: Dragnet clause
b. Fruits, except those collected before the obligation falls
due, and those removed and stored when it falls due Amounts deemed as consideration in a contract of mortgage do not
c. Accrued and unpaid rents, as well as those which should limit the amount for which the mortgage may stand as security as
have to be paid while the credit remains wholly unsatisfied long as that is the intention, to secure future loans or advancements
d. Buildings, machinery and accessories belonging to the and other indebtedness.
mortgage debtor installed on a mortgaged sugar central
e. All objects permanently attached to a mortgaged land or Here, mortgages given to secure future advancements are valid and
building although they may have been placed there after legal contracts and the amounts named as consideration in said
the execution of the mortgage contracts do not limit the amount for which the mortgage may stand
f. A more costly building erected in place of the building as security if from the four corners of the instrument the intent to
which was torn down by the debtor secure future and other indebtedness can be gathered.

Also take note of these after-acquired properties. If there is a In this case, the amount is Php500,000 but the mortgage is not
stipulation that the mortgage should cover after-acquired properties, limited to that because of the phrase: “as well as those that the
the stipulationis valid and common, including those that are mortgagee may hereafter extend to the mortgagor, including interest
perishable or subject to wear-and-tear, and they will be subsequently and expenses or any other obligation owing to the mortgagee.”
replaced with another.Such stipulation is not unlawful or immoral.
Remember that a dragnet clause is one which is specifically phrased
Example: Mortgage a grocery store including the inventory therein; to subsume all debts of past and future origins.
but remember that you should replenish it. Even if at the time the
obligation fell due, the stocks are already different, it would still be A dragnet clauseor blanket mortgage clause operates as a
covered, if what was agreed upon by the parties is to include these convenience and accommodation to the borrowers as it makes
after-acquired properties. available additional funds without their having to execute additional
security documents, thereby saving time, travel, loan closing costs,
Q: What is the dragnet or blanket mortgage clause? costs of extra legal services, recording fees, etc.
A: It is one which would subsume all debts of past and future origin.
According to the SC, this clause is carefully scrutinized and strictly This is similar to a continuing guaranty or a continuing suretyship but
construed. in a REM it is specific as to the properties.

In this case, petitioner was not precluded from seeking the

Producers Bank vs. Excelsa foreclosure of the REM based on the unpaid drafts drawn by
Facts: Excelsaapplied for a credit advance with Producers which
was supported by a letter of credit issued by Kwang Ju Bank. The notice of sheriff’s sale here was sent by registered mail and this
Producers later approved the credit line. Prior to this, Excelsahad was provided as a requirement in the REM. But the requirement here
already obtained a loan with Produces secured by a real estate was for the petitioner merely to furnish respondent with the notice
mortgage over the properties of Excelsa. and does not oblige petitioner to ensure that respondent actually
Thereafter, Excelsa presented to Producers drafts drawn under receives the notice. On this score, petitioner has performed its
the letter or credit from Kwang Ju. Producer purchased the drafts obligation under paragraph 12 of the real estate mortgage.
and export documents.
Producers demanded for the payment for the equivalent of the Q: In the case of PCSO, is there a dragnet clause?
export documents they have already purchased. Excelsa was not A: None.
able to pay so Producers extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgaged
real properties.
Excelsa argues that the REM over their properties was merely to PCSO vs. New Dagupan
secure the existing debts and not their future debts they have
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Facts:Purita Peralta is a registered owner of a parcel of land. To notwithstanding the execution of any conveyance, mortgage, lease,
secure payment for lottery tickets, she mortgaged the land. There lien, order or judgment unless the corresponding deed is registered.
was a stipulation that it cannot be sold during the lifetime of the
mortgage. It is undisputed that it was only on May 20, 1992 that PCSO
However, Peralta sold her property to New Dagupan. When registered its mortgage lien. By that time, New Dagupan had already
PCSO found out about this, it caused the annotation of the purchased the subject property, albeit under a conditional sale.
mortgaged lien on the TCT of the property. It also applied for
extrajudicial foreclosure over the land and obtained a certification New Dagupan was considered as a purchaser in good faith and for
that the land belonged to it. value and not bound by PCSO’s mortgage lien, even assuming that
New Dagupan filed for the annulment of TCT in the name of the mortgage is considered as containing dragnet clause because it
PCSO and contended that it was a buyer in good faith. was not registered.
PCSO argues that it had the authority to foreclose the property in
lieu of the unpaid tickets obtained by Galang. That is one thing you should also consider. Some mortgagees are
lenient to register their mortgage to the title because sometimes they
Issue: WON there was a dragnet clause in the REM already feel secure that the title is in their possession. But there are
also times when the mortgagor-owner connives and surreptitiously
Ruling: No. It is clear in the mortgage executed that it only files a petition for lost title and then sells it to another person. If you
covered the Php450,000 amount of the tickets obtained by look at the title, it only says that it is issued in lieu of a lost title. But
Galang. It was found in the records that this was already paid by also, that already serves as an additional warning on the part of the
Galang, as supported also by testimonies of the PCSO officers. purchaser. Under Land Titles, the land jurisdiction of the court usually
This means that the mortgaged property no longer covers as with titles is not actually lost.
security for future debts that may incurred by Galang.
What you should also consider is whether or not there is a purchaser
Q: Is there a guaranty or a mortgage? in good faith. In this case, it was clear the New Dagupan was a
A: A mortgage. purchaser in good faith.PCSO did not present any evidence that New
Dagupan had knowledge of the mortgage in its favor, even if it was
Q: But is it a mortgage with a dragnet clause? not registered.
A: No, the SC held that the mortgage constituted only pertained to
secure the payment of the tickets which is Php450,000 and not to Q: What is this reliance on the security test?
future tickets to be obtained by Galang. A: It is a test wherein an inquiry is made whether the second loan
was made in reliance on the original security containing a dragnet
Q: Who is the debtor here? clause.
A: Galang.
Q: What does that mean? If you have a first mortgage with a dragnet
Q: And the mortgagor? clause and another mortgage covering this obligation, which among
A: Peralta. these will be preferred? The second mortgage or the mortgage with
So this is an instance where we have a third person mortgagor. the dragnet clause? With regard to that specific obligation.

Q: Can New Dagupan be considered as a purchaser in good faith?

A: Yes. Prudential Bank vs. Alviar

Q: But wasn’t the mortgage in favor of PCSO already registered? Facts: Spouses Alviar are the registered owners of a piece of land
A: Yes, howeverthe registration of the mortgage lien occurred after and they executed a REM in favor of Prudential to secure the
New Dagupan purchased the property. There was also no showing payment of a loan worth Php250,000. For this, they executed a
that Peralta told New Dagupan that it mortgaged the property to promissory note secured by a REM containing a dragnet clause.
PCSO. Alviar executed another promissory note signifying that it was
secured by a hold-out agreement. Another one was executed by
You have here a REM but take note that in this case there is no the spouses with a clean face-out deed of assignment.
dragnet clause because what is covered by the mortgage is only the The spouses paid the first loan for Php250,000 covering the first
principal amount of Php450,000 representing the balance of the security which was secured by the REM. The bank then moved for
ticket accountabilities for all draws of the principal debtor Galang. the extrajudicial foreclosure of the property since according to
Here, there was really no dragnet clause to cover subsequent them, the spouses had a total obligation of Php1M for their
purchases of Galang from PCSO. obligations covered under the 3 promissory notes executed by the
Therefore, since the subject mortgage is not in the nature of a Spouses Alviar filed for a writ of preliminary injunction claiming
continuing guaranty, or as we have discussed, does not include a that they have already paid the principal loan of Php250,000 and
dragnet or blanket mortgage clause, and given the automatic thus the foreclosure was invalid.
termination thereof, PCSO cannot claim that Galang’s ticket The bank maintains that because of the dragnet clause in the
purchases in 1992 are also secured. From the time the amount of REM, it expressly covers not only the Php250,000 but also the 2
P450,000.00 was fully settled, the subject mortgage had already other promissory notes.
been cancelled such that Galang’s subsequent ticket purchases are
unsecured. Therefore, simply put, PCSO had nothing to register, Issue: WON the dragnet clause applies even in the subsequent
much less, foreclose. advancement for which other securities were intended

Consequently, PCSO’s registration of its non-existent mortgage lien Ruling:The dragnet clause will not be applied using the reliance
and subsequent foreclosure of a mortgage that was no longer extant on security test.The parties having conformed to the blanket
cannot defeat New Dagupan’s title over the subject property. mortgage clause or dragnet clause, it is reasonable to conclude
that they also agreed to an implied understanding that subsequent
As to third persons, a property registered under the Torrens system loans need not be secured by other securities, as the subsequent
is, for all legal purposes, unencumbered or remains to be the loans will be secured by the first mortgage. In other words, the
property of the person in whose name it is registered, sufficiency of the first security is a corollary component of the
dragnet clause. But of course, there is no prohibition, as in the
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |15

mortgage contract in issue, against contractually requiring other loan was made in reliance solely on the original security with the
securities for the subsequent loans. Thus, when the mortgagor dragnet clause, but rather, on the new security given.
takes another loan for which another security was given it could
not be inferred that such loan was made in reliance solely on the In case there is default on the subsequent loan, which one will you
original security with the dragnet clause, but rather, on the new go after first? The specific security with regard to that. If there is a
security given. chattel mortgage, foreclose it first. If there is a hold-out agreement,
meaning the mortgagor is involved, go after it first.
Q: Do you have a REM here?
A: Yes. If that is still not sufficient, that is the time that you can now go after
or apply and foreclose the properties that were covered by thefirst
Q: Do you have a valid blanket mortgage clause? REM with a dragnet clause.
A: Yes. There is a valid blanker mortgage clause but the SC held that
in the absence of clear, supportive evidence of a contrary intention, a Two schools of thought were discussed but the SC emphasized and
mortgage containing a dragnet clause will not be extended to cover preferred the second school of thought applying the reliance on
future advances unless the document evidencing the subsequent security test.
advance refers to the mortgage as providing security therefor.
The bank improperly foreclosed the mortgaged property just because
of the nonpayment of the 3 promissory notes. While there was the
existence of the dragnet clause, it cannot be denied that there was February 17, 2016
already payment of the Php250,000.
Transcribed by: Kamille Buhay
Q: How about the subsequent loans that are covered by the REM
with the dragnet clause, wouldn’t they also be covered? Let’s continue with Real Estate Mortgage…
A: The other promissory notes had their own security which were
So, we’re already done with Article 2127 and in relation
executed by the spouses.
thereto we have emphasized the nature of a DRAGNET CLAUSE,
also known as a MORTGAGE CLAUSE. It’s a clause that appears in
Q: What shall the mortgagee do if the subsequent obligations were
a mortgage which provides continuous dealings between the
secured by separate mortgages and at the same time there was a
mortgagor-debtor and creditor and avoids the additional expense and
REM with a dragnet clause?
inconvenience in executing a new security on each new transaction
A: The mortgagee should foreclose the security on the different
specifically phrased to subsume all debts of past and future origins.
mortgages executed. While there is a valid dragnet clause, it does
not mean that it will affect all the subsequent transactions made by As we have also discussed last time, such dragnet clause
the mortgagor. is strictly construed and carefully scrutinized especially if it is a
contract of adhesion prepared by one party which is usually the
With regard to the Php250,000 loan, there was a blanket mortgage mortgagee. Also last time we have emphasized in the case of
clause. Take a look at the provisions: Prudential the RELIANCE ON SECURITY TEST, which is also
“…and to secure the payment of the same and those that may discussed in the case of Asia Trust Development Bank.
hereafter be obtained, the principal or all of which is hereby fixed at
Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (P250,000.00) Pesos, Philippine
Currency, as well as those that the Mortgagee may extend to the ASIA TRUST V. CARMELO TUBLE
Mortgagor and/or DEBTOR, including interest and expenses or any
other obligation owing to the Mortgagee…” FACTS:Carmelo Tube, who served as the vice-
president of Asiatrust Development Bank,
Notice the last phrase in the paragraph: availedhimself of the car incentive plan and loan
“…together with all the buildings and improvements now existing or privileges offered by the bank. The arrangement was
which may hereafter be erected or constructed thereon…” made to appear as a lease agreement requiringonly the
It also covered after-acquired properties. payment of monthly rentals. Accordingly, the
lease would be terminated in case of employee’s
In this case, there was a valid REM containing a blanker mortgage or resignation or retirement prior to full payment of the
dragnet clause. However it must be emphasized that with regard to price. 
the subsequent loans, they were secured by different contracts or Meanwhile, as for theloans, he obtained 3 separate
agreements. The REM not only secured the Php250,000 but also the loans.The first loan involved a real estate mortgage loan
future credit facilities, as in this case the subsequent loans that were evidenced by a promissory note 0142. The second loan
obtained by the respondents. was a consumption loan (P/N 0143) and the third loan a
salary loan. When he resigned, he was given the option
However these subsequent loans were secured by other securities; to either return the vehicle without any furtherobligation
there was a hold-out on one of the promissory notes and another one or retain the unit and pay its remaining book value. His
was secured by a clean face-out deed of assignment as well; there obligations, aside from thepurchase or return of the
was also a chattel mortgage. vehicle, are the Php100,000.00 as consumption loan,
Php421,800.00 asreal estate loan and Php16,250 as
The SC here discussed two schools of thought with regard to this salary loan. On the other hand, the petitioner owed
kind of arrangement.You have a REM with a dragnet clause so it Tuble hispro-rata share in the DIP, which was to be
covers future obligations and you have these subsequent obligations issued after the bank had given theresigned
which are covered by specific securities, whether mortgage or other employee’sclearance,and Php25,797.35 representing
forms of collaterals as what happened in this case. his final salary and corresponding 13thmonth pay.
Tuble claimed that since he and the bank were debtors
Here, the SC applied the reliance on security test. There is an and creditors of each other, theoffsetting of loans could
implied understanding that subsequent loans need not be secured by legally take place. However, the bank sent him a
other securities, especially if what you have is a REM with a dragnet demand letter obliginghim to pay his debts and to
clause, as the subsequent loans will be secured by the first return the vehicle. As for the real estate loan, a petition
mortgage. However, when the mortgagor takes another loan for for extra- judicial foreclosure was filed but was
which another security was given it could not be inferred that such redeemed by Tuble for Php1,318,401.91. 
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |16

After payment of such amount, Tuble questioned how proceedings for the satisfaction of the principal obligation in relation
the foreclosure basis of Php421,800.00 ballooned to to that REM and as a result, payment is effected by abnormal means
Php1,318,401.91 in a matter of 1 year.  whereby the debtor is forced by a judicial proceeding to comply with
the presentation or to pay indemnity.
1. W/N Asiatrust should recover the other obligations of Now, once the proceeds from the sale of the property are
Tuble to the real estate mortgage. applied to the payment of the obligation, the obligation is actually
2. W/N Asiatrust is justified in reposing the 18% annual already extinguished. The mortgage indebtedness was extinguished
interest of the redemption price by way of the dragnet with the foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged property, and what
clause. remains is the right to redeem or right of redemption.

HELD:In Spouses Romero v. Court of Appeals, SC held Since the REM is already extinguished, the bank in this
that the mortgage indebtedness was extinguished with case can no longer rely on or invoke its provisions, including the
the foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged property, and dragnet clause. While it is true that the REM contained a valid
that what remained was the right of redemption granted dragnet clause, it cannot be used anymore to answer the other
by law. obligations of Tuble in this case. Why? Because it was already
foreclosed for that Php421, 800.00 obligation. It also follows that the
Consequently, since the Real Estate Mortgage Contract bank cannot also refer to 18% annual interest charge in a separate
is already extinguished, petitioner can no longer rely on P/N; in a separate principal obligation. Neither can the bank use the
it or invoke its provisions, including the dragnet clause consummated contract to collect on the rest of the obligations, which
stipulated therein. It follows that the bank cannot refer to were not included when it earlier instituted the foreclosure
the 18% annual interest charged in Promissory Note No. proceedings. Sana sinama na nila doon sa foreclosure proceedings
0143, an obligation allegedly covered by the terms of considering that there was a dragnet clause. However, they did not
the Contract.  do so and it cannot be allowed to use the same security to collect on
the other loans. To do so would be akin to foreclosure an already
Neither can the bank use the consummated contract to foreclosed property. Rather than relying on an expired contract, the
collect on the rest of the obligations, which were not bank should have collected (since na-foreclose na yung mortgage)
included when it earlier instituted the foreclosure on the other loans by filing the proper actions in court for recovery of
proceedings. It cannot be allowed to use the same sums of money. The bank should have run after Tuble separately,
security to collect on the other loans. To do so would be instead of hostaging (sinama sa redemption price) yung property to
akin to foreclosing an already foreclosed property. cover all of his liabilities.

Now remember here that Tuble had the right to redeem the
security by paying the redemption price. Such right to redeem is
granted by law since it is a statutory privilege he enjoyed.
Redemption is by force of law, and the purchaser (the bank) is bound
Q: Is there a dragnet clause? to accept it.
A: Yes. The bank cannot alter that right by imposing additional
charges and including other loans.
Okay. There was a dragnet clause but it should not include the other
liabilities after the mortgage has already been foreclosed. Remember here that the SC made mention of Sec. 47 of
the General Banking Law in relation to redemption. The freedom to
Q: Now, why is it that the “Reliance on Security Test” was mentioned
stipulate the terms and conditions of an agreement is limited by law
in this case?
and in this case, the General Banking Law.
A: It was mentioned in order to prove or show that indeed the 18%
The power to decidewhether or not to foreclose is the
annual interest in the consumption loan covered by P/N 0143 was
prerogative of the mortgagee. So in this case, Asiatrust exercised its
covered by the dragnet clause. In answering such the SC held that
right to foreclose the property. But once it has made a decision by
the 18% annual interest rate was not covered because first: the
filing a petition for foreclosure with the sheriff, the acts of the sheriff
consumption loan made no reference to the earlier loan with the
shall be governed by the provisions of the mortgage laws, and not by
REM and second: the facts did not allege that it relied on the security
the instructions of the mortgagee; whereby the bank included
on the REM in issuing the consumption loan.
numerous charges and loans wherein the redemption price now
So in this case, actually, we can already have an overview ballooned to approx. 1.3 Million including the 18% annual interest.
of what is the effect or what takes place when the property subject of
The dragnet clause while valid in the REM contract, does
a REM is foreclosed. The general law to be applied is Act 3135, and
not justify the imposition of an 18% annual interest on the redemption
we have special laws that will be applied depending on the
price. A REM contract may exceptionally secure future loans or
circumstances of the case.
advancements in a dragnet clause but an obligation is not secured by
Now in this case the SC held that it is the General Banking a mortgage unless that mortgage comes well within the terms by the
Act which is applicable, amending Section 6 of Act No. 3135in so far mortgage contract.
as the redemption price is concerned. The amount to be paid in
Now in this case, there was no mention of any specific
redeeming the property is therefore determined by this General
interest to be added in case of default of redemption. The said
Banking Act,since the mortgagee is a bank, and not by the Rules of
contract does not state that the interest to be charged in case of
Court in Relation to Act 3135.
redemption should be as what is specified in the P/N.
Now take note that the property here subject of the
Now with regard to the Reliance on Security Test, when is
mortgage was foreclosed and the mortgage was a security in relation
it put into consideration? If you have a dragnet clause and there are
to that P/N No. 0142 to which there was a remaining obligation of
subsequent obligations. The question is, “Will a subsequent
obligation also be secured by the dragnet clause in a previously
Now, what is the effect if a property is foreclosed; property executed in a REM contract?” So we apply this Reliance on Security
subject of a mortgage? The mortgaged property is subjected to the Test. When these subsequent obligations were granted or entered
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into where the creditor-mortgagee relied on the security that was homes. But the Sps Vega (Vegas) could make a private
covered in a REM contract in a dragnet clause. The SC in this case arrangement with Reyes provided that they pay the
reiterated what was mentioned in the case of Prudential as well as I monthly amortizations on time. Vegas agreed for Reyes
think the Philippine Bank of Communications. In which the Court to execute in their favor a deed of assignment of real
adopted the Reliance on Security Test in the following instances: property with assumption of mortgage and paid Reyes
P20,000 after she undertook to update the
A mortgage with a "dragnet clause" is again, an "offer" by the amortizations before leaving the country.
mortgagor to the bank to provide the security of the mortgage for The Vegas took possession of the house in January
advances of and when they were made. Thus, it was concluded that 1981.
the "offer" was not accepted by the bank when a subsequent Reyes did not execute the deed of assignment. She left
advance was made because (1) the second note was secured by a the country and left her sister (Julieta Ofilada) a special
chattel mortgage on certain vehicles, and the clause stated that the power of attorney to convey ownership of property.
note was secured by such chattel mortgage. Sometime between 1983 and 1984, Ofilada executed
the deed of assignment in favor of the Vegas, kept the
In other words, the principal obligation in that scenario did original and gave the Vegas two copies, one to be given
not rely on the security in the previously executed REM contract with to the Home Development Mortgage Fund and kept the
a dragnet clause. Another scenario: (2) no reference in the second other. A storm in 1984 resulted in flood and destroyed
note or chattel mortgage indicating a connection between the real their personal copy.
estate mortgage and the advance. Another instance: (3) the
mortgagor signed the real estate mortgage by her name alone,
ISSUE/S:Whether Reyes validly sold her SSS-
whereas the second note (the second obligation) and chattel
mortgaged property to the Vegas given a provision in
mortgage were signed by the mortgagor doing business under an
the mortgage agreement that she could not do so
assumed name; and when (4) there was no allegation by the bank –
without the written consent of SSS.
or the creditor, and apparently no proof, that the creditor-mortgagee
relied on the security of the real estate mortgage in making the
HELD: Yes. The Vegas were able to present adequate
proof of Reye’s sale of the property to them. The Vegas
In this instance there was, as to the subsequent advances proved the loss of the deed of assignment in their favor
or P/N’s executed, there was nothing shown that it relied on the and what it contained, they offered strong corroboration
security covered by the dragnet clause in the first P/N. of the fact of Reyes’ sale of the property to them. They
took possession of the house and lot after they bought
So here with the dragnet clause, it did not extend to the it. They also paid for the amortizations to the SSS. And
consumption loan. No liability for the 18% interest and therefore the when SSS wanted to foreclose the property, the Vegas
redemption price should not be 1.3 M but just that amount of sent a manager’s check for the balance of the loan.
Php421,800.00 plus the applicable fees to the court. ‘Yun lang yun. Article 1237 of the Civil Code cannot apply in this case
since the debtor (Reyes) consented to the transfer of
And then let’s have Article 2128. ownership of the mortgaged property to the Vegas.
Although Paragraph 4 of the mortgage agreement which
Article 2128. The mortgage credit may be alienated or states that Reyes must secure the consent of SSS
assigned to a third person, in whole or in part, with the before selling the property, is valid and binding in the
formalities required by law. sense that SSS cannot be compelled to recognize the
sale before the loan is completely paid, it does not
absolutely forbid her, as owner, from selling the property
Again take note, mortgage credit is a real right. The right while the loan remained unpaid. Such stipulation is
here of the mortgagee is attached to the property itself. And the right against public policy, being an undue impediment or
of the mortgagee itself maybe alienated or assigned by the interference on the transmission of property.
mortgagee to a third person in whole or in part. So what happens Article 2129 of the Civil Code gives SSS the option of
when a mortgagee assigns his right as a mortgagee to a third collecting from the third person in possession of the
person? It is valid even if it is not registered. And what is the effect if mortgaged property.
it is assigned (the mortgagee’s right in a REM)? The assignee will
now have the right to foreclose the mortgaged property if the debtor
fails to pay his obligation. And in fact, previously, there was a notice of that claim of
Vega. They want to pay the obligation in favor of SSS.
This alienation or assignment of the rights of a mortgagee
is valid even if it is not registered. Now the mortgaged property, can it This usually happens with PAG-IBIG and SSS, wherein a
be alienated by the mortgagor himself? Also, yes. We’ll see this in person who borrow money from these institutions and then subject
the succeeding articles; that in a mortgage there is no transfer of the property to a mortgage. And what would happen is that they
ownership. In fact, any stipulation which prohibits the mortgagor or could not afford anymore to pay the amortizations so they will sell the
owner from selling the property is considered as void as it is contrary property. It’s a deed of sale with assumption of mortgage or a deed
to what is provided under the law. of assignment or a deed of assignment of rights as the owner of that
property as well as a mortgagor with assumption of mortgage.
Now, we also have this case of Vega v. SSS
Now, usually, these institutions or financial institutions
would not recognize these agreement of assignment or sale with
VEGA v SSS assumption of mortgage. In their record or files, kung sino ‘yung
nagpirma sa REM, ‘yun yung nire-recogtnize nila. So what would
FACTS:Magdalena Reyes owned a piece of titled land. happen here is that for example, in this case, the mortgage executed
On August 17, 1979, she got a housing loan from SSS in favor of SSS is duly annotated therein. In the records of SSS, the
for which she mortgaged her land. Late 1979, Reyes owner thereof remains the same mortgagor. But what would happen
asked the Sps. Vega to assume the loan and buy her is that the assignee of the mortgage will be the one who will pay the
house and lot since she was to emigrate. obligation. Now in practice, what would usually be done is that in the
An employee at SSS said, however, that SSS did not execution of that deed of assignment with assumption of mortgage,
approve of members transferring their mortgaged the mortgagor will also execute a Special Power of Attorney in favor
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |18

of the assignee so that any transactions or dealings with the But what about if the property is in possession of a 3 rd
mortgagee, pwede siya ang magfollow-up, magtransact, and upon person? Not the mortgagor, not the mortgagee? And the obligation
full payment, pwede siya ang maghingi sa title. So ‘yun ‘yung pwede has already become due and demandable but the principal debtor
mong iclaim as a mortgagee. fails to pay his obligation? Article 2129 states that a creditor may
claim from a 3rd person in possession of the mortgaged property.
Now, if there’s a failure to pay, of course the mortgagee However, take note of the requirement here that the mortgage must
can foreclose the property notwithstanding that there has been a sale be registered because that registration is going to bind 3 rd persons.
and assumption of mortgage. Kasi hindi nabayaran ‘yung obligation.
But the mortgagee has the obligation or can be compelled to accept Now, even if it is already in the possession of a 3 rd person,
payment from the assignee. Why? Because again there has already again, it may still be proceeded against by the creditor as payment of
been an assumption of mortgage. Second, there was an interest in the obligation. But do take note that to apply Article 2129, before you
the obligation. Diba, one of the parties who can compel the creditor can proceed against the 3rd person in relation to the possession of
to accept payment the property, a prior demand must be made against the principal
debtor. Before you proceed against the 3 rd person and get from him
Now, it just so happened that in this case is that the the possession of the property to be foreclosed, you must first
assignment was not annotated. Notice that it was not registered in demand from the debtor. So after demand, and debtor still fails to
the title. Nevertheless, take note that with regards to SSS, it’s act of pay, you can now foreclose the property even if it is still in the
foreclosing the property was not valid because there was a valid possession of a 3rd person.
payment already for and on behalf of the mortgagor so with that, the
SSS now is compelled to release the property in favor of the Sps Now, what happens if in the foreclosure sale, the proceeds
Vega. are not sufficient to pay the whole obligation? The person in
possession of the property cannot be held liable for the deficiency. Of
Now, also take note here that with regard to the highest course, the remedy here of the creditor is to go after the principal
bidder PDC, it cannot be considered as a buyer in good faith since it debtor with regard to the deficiency, unless of course there is a
had notice of the Vegas claim on the property prior to such sale. notation wherein the 3rd person in possession of the property will
assume the obligation of the principal debtor.
Now, even with this case, do take note that it is still ___
that with any subsequent deed of sale or assignment or assumption Also take note of the restriction that we havein the
of mortgage, you make sure that you annotate it doon sa title. discussion of De Leon under 2129. The scenario there:
Otherwise, if it will be subsequently sold (even if you have, let us say
fully paid the obligation sa SSS and the SSS will cancel the A mortgaged his land worth 500K in favor of B to secure the debt of
mortgage, pero example may ibang utang pa pala yung registered A of 600K. A then sold the land to C. C is in possession. Upon due
owner and nakita doon “Uy, nacancel naman itong mortgage: yung date, B demands payment from A. A fails to pay. B may now
assumption of mortgage in your favor and deed of sale and foreclose the mortgage and he has the right to claim from C the
assignment wala doon, and then nadefault na yung utang na payment of 500K. Why does he have the right to pay? Para pwede
collection for sum of money na case), what would be the effect? niya nang hindi i-foreclose. Remember, even C himself can
Kapag makita ‘yan nila sa Register Of Deeds, pwede yan voluntarily pay A. “Ako nalang magbayad pero portion land sa
maforeclose ng sheriff. And then that 3 rd person-creditor, separate property.” Why can he do that? Because he has an interest in the
creditor na, can be considered as an innocent purchaser for value. obligation. B has a right to claim but only to the extent of the
Why? Because your deed of sale or deed of assignment with obligation and not the value of the property.
assumption of mortgage is not annotated in the title. You cannot say
to that person, “Ako man ang nagbayad ng utang sa SSS. Ako man The one in possession of the property is not liable for any
ang nagfollow-up doon sa SSS.” Malay ba nung other creditor. deficiency in the absence of a contrary stipulation. However, this
Why? Because it’s not annotated. Pag tingin nila doon, uy, SSS lang person C can proceed against A because in the end, it is still A who
man ang merong utang. And then pagcheck nila sa SSS, bayad na. is the principal debtor; the party who is ultimately liable as to the
Sabihin man yan ng SSS na merong full payment. Eh, malay nila obligation.
kung sino ang nagabayad..
Now, the one we mentioned earlier, the stipulation
So take note, the effect if there is no registration. Although prohibiting the owner from alienating the immovable mortgaged
the registration and annotation is not required for validity, again take property shall be void. That is under Article 2130.
note of the effect if what you really have is an innocent purchaser for
value. Article 2130. A stipulation forbidding the owner from
alienating the immovable mortgaged shall be void. 
Now, Article 2129

Article 2129. The creditor may claim from a third person In fact, if it is stated, “There must be consent of the
in possession of the mortgaged property, the payment mortgagee, otherwise, there could be no valid sale,” that will be
of the part of the credit secured by the property which considered as a contravention of Article 2130.
said third person possesses, in the terms and with the
formalities which the law establishes.  So if you noticed the discussion in SSS, although sabi it is
valid and binding, only in the sense that SSS cannot be compelled
while the loan was still unpaid. But it does not mean that the sale or
Okay, so again, what is the scenario here? A mortgaged that the deed of assignment of Sps Vega and Reyes is not valid
property is in possession of a 3rd person (not the mortgagor or not the because it did not get the consent of SSS.
mortgagee). Again, we already know that delivery of possession to
the mortgagee is not necessary for the validity of the mortgage Again, in Mortgage, what is involved is merely a debt or an
contract. However, the parties themselves can agree that pending encumbrance. There is no transfer of ownership, as the owner has
the full payment of the obligation, a possession may be transferred to the rights, one of which is to dispose and sell the property.
the mortgagee. There’s nothing that prohibits the parties from turning
over the possession of the property to the creditor-mortgagee, Now, aside from that; aside from selling the property, and
although it is not required for the validity of the said mortgage. assigning the property without the consent of the creditor-mortgagee,
pwede ‘yon. Pwede mo rin siya i-subsequently mortgage. What do
you mean by that? You enter into a second mortgage. Is that
possible? Yes. More often, what will happen is only a portion of the
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |19

property can answer for a debt kasi let us say yung principal immediately registered the Deed of Sale. As a
obligation hindi ganoon ka laki. So, you can enter into a second consequence of which, TCT 8361 wascancelled and
mortgage as to the remaining portion. TCT 13138 was issued in the name of Mojica.
On December 12, Mojica mortgaged the same
Now, what is the effect of that second mortgage? What are property to Teresita Gonzales who
the rights of the second mortgagee? Of course, his rights will be immediately registered with the Register of Deeds the
subordinate to the rights of the first mortgagee in which if the debtor deed of mortgage.
fails to pay his obligation in the first mortgage, then the first On May 8, 1985, herein petitioners filed a complaint
mortgagee is preferred. He (1 st mortgagee) can foreclose the praying for the cancellation of the second
property kahit merong 2nd mortgage. However, the 2nd mortgagee is owner’s duplicate of TCT 8361 against the Spouses
given the right, having an interest in the obligation, to pay the Benitez and Mojica.
obligation of the principal debtor. I-compel niya ang 1 st mortgagee to During the pendency of the case, Pineda caused the
accept his payment because he has an interest in the obligation and annotation on 18 August 1986 of a
to which the first mortgage will now be discharged and released. And notice of lis pendens on the original of TCT 8361 with
what is the effect? Si 2nd mortgagee will now be the 1st mortgagee the Register of Deeds.
entitled and preferred to the rights over the property. No. 4654 since the second paragraph of Section 108 of
Presidential Decree No. 1529 16 ("PD 1529")
Now what if foreclosure takes place upon the 1 st requires the filing of such separate petition.
mortgagee? First, the proceeds will be paid to the first obligation, and
any excess will now go to the 2nd mortgagee. So again take note, ISSUE/S:
pwede yun siya. However, do take note that if you enter into a 2 nd 1. Did the notice of lis pendens bind the subsequent
mortgage, make sure that you properly represent to the mortgagee purchaser of the property to theoutcome of the pending
that there is already a 1st mortgage entered into. Otherwise, if you case?
represented that it is free from liens or encumbrance and you enter 2. Were TCT 13138 and TCT 16084, being derived from
into a 2nd mortgage, you can be held liable for estafa. the void second owner's duplicateof TCT 8361, also
Also possible in mortgage is the Right of First Refusal
3. Was the title to the property also void since the
(ROFR). For those who had Sales, you already know what happens
Certificate was void?
in a ROFR: If the owner decides to sell his property, he must first
4. Was Gonzales an innocent purchaser for value?
offer it to the mortgagee who is given that right of first refusal. Such
ROFR is perfectly valid and is not contrary to 2130 because it’s not a
prohibition of selling the property. So pwede. If you want to sell it,
1. NO. The notice of lis pendens could not defeat
offer it first to the mortgagee. If he does not want to purchase it, then
Gonzales' rights over the Property for two
sell it to other persons. But make sure, for it to be considered not in
violation of the ROFR, it must be under the same terms and
2. YES. Mojica filed a petition for reconstitution of the
condition. Otherwise, any sale made in violation of the mortgagee’s
owner's duplicate of TCT 8361 claimingthat this owner's
contractual ROFR can be rescinded.
duplicate was lost. However, contrary to Mojica's claims,
Also take note in relation to the latter illustration and as we the owner's duplicate ofTCT 8361 was not lost but in
have mentioned before, a mortgage to be valid as against 3 rd persons Pineda's possession. Since the owner's duplicate of
must be registered. Such registration serves as a constructive notice TCT 8361 was infact not lost or destroyed, there was
to the whole world that the property is encumbered. Any person obviously nothing to reconstitute or replace. Therefore,
dealing with the property has the obligation to look at the title, and the trialcourt correctly ruled that the reconstitution
see for himself w/n the property is encumbered. As a general rule, he proceedings and the second owner's duplicate of TCT
is not obliged to look beyond the title. If there are other liens or 8361 are void.
encumbrances not appearing on the title, the person dealing with 3. NO. Mojica was not a purchaser in good faith.
such property is not bound by such liens and Mojica alleged that the Spouses Benitezgave her the
encumbrances.However, it is possible that a 3rd person may be owner's duplicate of TCT 8361 on 9 November 1983,
bound by that mortgage even if it is not registered when such person the day the Spouses Benitez soldto her the house.
has actual knowledge of the said lien or encumbrance. It is either However, in her petition for reconstitution, which she
actual knowledge or registration. So let us take a look at what also filed on the same day, 9November 1983, Mojica
happened in Pineda v CA. claimed that the owner's duplicate of TCT 8361 was
lost. In effect, Mojica
claimed that she received the owner's duplicate of TCT
PINEDA V. CA 8361 from the Spouses Benitez, lost thesame, and filed
the petition for reconstitution, all on the same day, 9
FACTS: On January 4, 1982, the Souses Benitez November 1983.
mortgaged a house and lot covered by TCT 8361in In her petition for reconstitution, Mojica also claimed
favor of herein petitioners Pineda and Sayoc to secure that she "purchased a parcel of land"
the loan obtained by the former from thepetitioners. when in fact she only purchased on 9 November 1983
Pineda and Sayoc did not register the real estate the house, and not the lot covered by TCT
mortgage. The owners duplicate ofTCT 8361 was 8361.
however delivered by the Spouses Benitez to Pineda. 4. YES. The prior mortgage of the Property by the
On November 9, 1983, the Spouses Benitez, after Spouses Benitez to Pineda and Sayoc didnot prevent
obtaining the consent of petitioners, soldthe house to the Spouses Benitez, as owners of the Property, from
Olivia Mojica who there and then filed a petition for the selling the Property to Mojica. Amortgage is merely an
issuance of a second owner’sduplicate of TCT 8361 encumbrance on the property and does not extinguish
alleging that the owner’s duplicate of the same was lost. the title of the debtorwho does not lose his principal
The court grantedMojica’s petition and ordered the attribute as owner to dispose of the property.
Register of Deeds to issue the second owner’s duplicate
copy ofTCT 8361 in the name of the Spouses Benitez.
On December 7 of the same year, the Spouses Benitez Q: Was there a transfer of ownership in favor of Mojica?
sold the lot covered by TCT 8361 toMojica who
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A: Yes. selling the property to other persons. It’s just that once he sells it, he
should first offer the sale to the mortgagee.
Gonzales had no knowledge that the property was Also, we have discussed last night the effect of absence of
previously mortgaged in favor of Pineda and Sayoc. Because it was registration or actual knowledge of the mortgage. Now, what if we
not registered and there was no evidence that he was informed of have what happened first was a contract of sale. The sale was
such mortgage. So you have here Gonzales as a mortgagee in good already notarized but it was not registered. So, the seller remains as
faith, and therefore when the property was foreclosed, he has a right the registered owner of the property. Now let’s say the seller, since
over the said property. he is still the registered owner of the property, misrepresented
himself as still the owner thereof and entered in a REM and wherein
So in this case of Pineda v CA, again, in relation to your the mortgage is registered and it was annotated in the title. Now, if
Land Titles, take note if the title itself is not lost and a petition is filed the registered owner fails to pay his obligation. Who will have a
to which a new title was issued, when it was not actually lost, the better right? Can we say that the mortgagee has a better right over
court had actually no jurisdiction over the case; over the issuance of the property having registered the same or will the subsequent
the new title and that new title is void. purchaser of the property have a better title considering that there
was already a contract of sale entered into in his favour? There was
Now, however, take note that what is void is only the TCT; already a transfer of ownership prior to the mortgage. So, the sale is
the title. But not the sale, not the transfer of ownership over the registered but the mortgage is not. The buyer of the property can
property. Title refers to the ownership of the property covered by the oppose the foreclosure proceedings. Why? Because, he can allege
TCT while the TCT merely evidences that ownership. So the that the mortgagor was not the owner at the time of the mortgage. In
certificate of title is not equivalent to title. So for those who had other words, there is no valid mortgage to speak of. The mortgage by
Sales, we had to make a distinction as to the title itself. the registered owner who is not the real owner already can be
considered as null and void because at the time he executed the
So what happened here? Mortgage is valid in favor of
REM, he was not the in fact the actual owner already of the property.
Pineda and Sayoc. Title was in possession of Pineda and Sayoc but
Do remember that registration is not among the mode of acquiring
they did not register their mortgage. Now, Benitez, being still the
ownership. It is delivery whether actual or constructive.
owner of the property, can validly sell it to other persons. And in this
Also take note in our previous discussion we have
case, he sold it in favor of Mojica. Although it is true that Mojica had
mentioned that after-acquired properties as a general rule cannot be
knowledge of the previous mortgage, the sale in favor of Mojica is
a valid subject of a REM. Why? Because at the time REM was
still considered as valid. There was a valid transfer of ownership
executed, these after-acquired properties were not yet in existence
because they executed a deed of sale (constructive delivery). Now,
and therefore the mortgagor cannot claim that he is already the
ito namang si Moijica, in bad faith, filed a petition for a lost title and to
absolute owner thereof. However as an exception, you have these
which a new title was issued in his name, to which he mortgaged the
after-acquired properties in certain inventories that are replenished in
same property when he borrowed money from Gonzales. Now,
the ordinary course of business. So you have appliances or grocery
Gonzales here had no knowledge of the mortgage in favor of Pineda
items (incomprehensible). Now at the time of the mortgage iba yung
and Sayoc. Again, while it is true that a mortgage is attached to the
part ng inventory at the time of foreclosure iba na kasi napalitan na
property itself, it will only bind 3 rd persons if the same is registered.
yung previous properties or inventory. In that instance, you have
Pero dito, hindi registered. Wala ring actual knowledge si Gonzales
after-acquired properties which could be valid subject of a mortgage
of the said mortgage.
and foreclose, notwithstanding that at the time of the execution of the
Now, while it is true that there was a notice of lis pendens REM; they were not yet in existence. Again, that is an exception.
filed by Pineda, in relation to his subsequent titles, kelan yun Rule on After-Acquired properties as subject of REM:
nangyari? After the sale in favor of Gonzales. So still, Gonzales is General Rule: not allowed
considered as a mortgagee in good faith. So what does that mean? Exception: inventories replenished in the ordinary course of business
The title was validly transferred from Mojica and subsequently to Now we had a case before, mga installed properties
Gonzales. subsequent to the execution of the REM can be considered as well
as after-acquired property. But take note that it must be clear in the
What is the remedy here of Pineda and Sayoc? Obviously, REM that it covers these kinds of after-acquired properties.
they cannot foreclose the property anymore because of their
negligence for having failed to register the property. But they can still Lecture
file a collection for sum of money as against Benitez with regard to Article 2131. The form, extent and consequences of a mortgage,
his or their remaining obligations. both as to its constitution, modification and extinguishment, and as to
other matters not included in this Chapter, shall be governed by the
So again, take note na perfectly valid ang sale even if the provisions of the Mortgage Law and of the Land Registration Law.
property is mortgaged and take note when a mortgagee or (1880a)
subsequent purchaser can be considered in good faith. Consider if it OK, so if you take a look at the provision here sa REM,
is registered, or if there is actual knowledge of the sale. konti lang yung articles but if you take a look at our outline, marami
tayong cases. Why? Because we have here Act No. 3135: The
Rules on Extrajudicial Foreclosure. I think it’s in the annex of De
Leon (book) and we also have the General Banking Law of 2000 as
we have discussed in some of the cases already. We also apply
February 18, 2016 Land Registration Law (PD 1529).
Now, in all of these laws, what is clear is that including the
Transcribed by: Jodivie Malnegro Civil Code is that: if the debtor fails to pay his obligation, the creditor
has 2 rights: (1) file an action for collection for sum of money; or (2)
Review foreclose the property subject of the mortgage. So, if he decides to encumbrance of the property but there is no transfer of file a collection case, he abandons the mortgage. Or, he can
ownership to the mortgagee. As such the right of the owner still foreclose the mortgage itself. However, he cannot exercise both
exists or the right of the mortgagor over the property still exists to remedies as these remedies are alternative in nature. If he files two
which he can decide whether to sell the property to other persons. In actions what is the effect under your CivPro, you can file a motion to
fact, we also discussed that the right of first refusal is a valid dismiss because of splitting the cause of action (to avoid multiplicity
provision in a Real Estate Mortgage and it’s not in contravention of of suits).
Art. 2130. A right of first refusal does not prohibit the mortgagor from Now, if you decide to file an action for collection, you
abandon the property that’s subject of mortgage. However, in a
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |21

collection for sum of money, you can have the property mortgaged several manifestations with the trial court. Thus, they only have
attached pending the case or after due trial there is already an order themselves to blame for the consequent loss of their property.
making the debtor liable. The property subject of the mortgage can Do take note here that SC found that while there was a
be sold in the form of execution sale, not foreclosure of the deed of sale executed in this case, what we have here is really an
mortgage. Wherein the property may be sold and the proceeds will equitable mortgage which we have already discussed for those who
be applied to the obligations of the principal debtor. Of course aside had Sales. And in this case it was emphasized that an equitable
from that property mortgage, if the principal action filed is a collection mortgage is one which lacks the formalities or requisites demanded
for sum of money, you can also go after the other properties of the by the statute for a valid mortgage but nevertheless it is the intention
debtor. of the parties to charge the real property as a security for the debt.
We take into consideration this procedure known as An equitable mortgage is not different from REM. So, in this case
foreclosure. As we have noticed, foreclosure is a remedy available to what happened was that, it was the court that ordered the foreclosure
the mortgagee wherein he subjects the mortgaged property to the of the property for failure to pay the obligation. The foreclosure which
satisfaction of the obligation to secure which the mortgage was took place here was in the form of a judicial foreclosure governed by
given. The mortgage can be foreclosed only when the principal Rule 68 of Rules of Court.
obligation or the debt remains unpaid at the time it is already due.
Foreclosure proceedings have in their favour the presumption of JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE
regularity and the burden of evidence to rebut the same is on the
party who seeks to challenge the proceedings. Take note:
We have 2 kinds of foreclosures: General Rule: EQUITY of Redemption. Right of redemption is not
1. Judicial – file an action before the court & apply Rule 68 of recognized in a judicial foreclosure
the Rules of Court; equity of redemption Exception: Mortgagee is the PNB, a bank or a banking institution
2. Extrajudicial – covered by Act No. 3135; foreclosure is What happens in this equity of redemption? The right of the
done w/ out the aid of court, although technically w/ the aid defendant mortgagor to extinguish the mortgage and retain
of court pero you only file an application for foreclosure ownership of the property by paying the secured debt
before the sheriff and it will be the executive judge who will 1. within the 90-day period after the judgment becomes final or
issue order (incomprehensible) thereto; right of redemption 2. Even after the foreclosure sale but prior to its confirmation
What is important here in judicial foreclosure is equity of redemption When we talk about equity of redemption: within not less
w/c was discussed in the case of Sps Rosales. than 90 days but not more than 120 days from the entry of judgment,
wherein the mortgagor is ordered to pay. However, even if Rule 68
provides not more than 120 days, you can still exercise this equity of
Sps Rosales v Sps Suba redemption as long as the sale has not yet been confirmed. What do
GR No. 137792 (August 12, 2003) you mean by that? The certification of sale issued by the court is
Facts: RTC rendered a decision annotated in the title. So no confirmation of sale, you can still
1. Declaring the Deed of Sale as an equitable mortgage exercise this equity of redemption. How is it different from right of
2. Declaring Sps Rosales w/in 90 days from the finality of decision to redemption? Right of redemption is 1-year from the date of the
deposit in the Clerk of Court the sum of P65k to Sps Jiao confirmation of the sale.
3. Directing Macaspac and Jiao to execute a deed of reconveyance With regard to judicial foreclosure, again, what we have is
4. For non-compliance by Sibug and Rosales of the directive in an equity of redemption, no right of redemption. After the
paragraph (2) of this dispositive portion, let the property be sold in confirmation of sale, the mortgagor cannot anymore redeem the
public auction property. However, there is a right of redemption and it is provided in
RTC decision became final & executory; and Sps Rosales the General Banking Law wherein if the mortgagee is a banking
as judgment debtors failed to comply with No. 2 of the decision. This institution, it has a right of redemption.
prompted Macaspac and Jiao to file a motion for execution &
subsequently there was a public auction of the property wherein Sps Section 47 of General Banking Law. Right of redemption is within 1
Rosales participated and Sps Suba were the highest bidders. year from the sale of real estate whether or not it is a judicial
Thereafter, respondents filed a motion for a writ of possession foreclosure, as long as the mortgagee is a banking institution.
contending that the confirmation of the foreclosure sale effectively cut
off petitioners’ equity of redemption. RTC rendered a decision in When we say from the date of sale of the real estate, it
favour of Sps Suba and the CA affirmed such decision. means from the time it was confirmed. Confirmation of the sale,
Issue: WON Sps Rosales can still redeem the property. NO. meaning annotated or registered in the Registry of Deeds. Just a
Ruling: In a judicial foreclosure of mortgage, there is no right of quick overview of judicial foreclosure as we will discuss this when we
redemption as compared to extrajudicial. However, there is an go to special civil actions. What happens?
exception, ONLY exception is that where the mortgagee is PNB or a Judicial Foreclosure Sale.You file an action before the court which
banking institution. Since the mortgagee in this case is not the has jurisdiction over the subject matter-the location of the subject
exception mentioned, there is no right of redemption that exists in matter. Then the court shall order payment of the obligation between
favour of petitioner. 90-120 days from the entry of judgment and within this period, the
mortgagor can exercise this equity of redemption until there is a
confirmation of the sale. If not payment, the court orders the sale of
Q1: So what do we have here, a judicial or extrajudicial foreclosure? the subject matter and it will be sold to the highest bidder in the
A1: We have a judicial foreclosure Maam. public auction. Thereafter, the court will now confirm the sale. After it
Q2: It was based on the decision of the court who decided for the has been confirmed, you cannot anymore exercise the equity of
foreclosure of the property based on the finding that what we have redemption. The judgment will be executed. The proceeds will be
here is an equitable mortgage. So there’s no right of redemption, only applied and then the registration of the copy of the final order of the
equity of redemption. So, what do we mean by equity of redemption? court confirming the sale. You have here the Hearing where the
A2: According to Rule 68 of the Rules of Court, it simply means the parties will appear and the mortgagor will try to do his best to assail
right of the defendant mortgagor to extinguish the mortgage and the validity of the auction. So again, yung equity of redemption even
retain ownership of the property by paying the secured debt within after the sale, you can still exercise this equity of redemption as long
the 90-day period after the judgment becomes final, or even after the as there is no confirmation of the sale yet. In the exercise of equity of
foreclosure sale but prior to its confirmation. However in this case, redemption before the confirmation of the sale, you must pay the
Sps Rosales failed to exercise this equity of redemption since there amount of the obligation, not the purchase price . So, that is why
was already a confirmation of the foreclosure sale. And instead of Equity of redemption – anytime before the sale is confirmed upon the
exercising this right, they chose to delay the proceedings by filing discretion of the court.
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Right of redemption – 1 year from the registration of the order contract provides that the mortgagor must be notified of the
confirming the sale of the property. foreclosure proceeding, but under Act No. 3135, the rule is that
And right of redemption for those instances where you publication of notice in a newspaper is more than sufficient
have a bank/ banking institution as your mortgagee. compliance. How about redemption? When it comes to extrajudicial
Under the rules of Court, who can redeem? Who can foreclosure as the General Rule: right of redemption (equity of
exercise this equity of redemption? redemption does not exist). Within the redemption period, you can
1. The mortgagor or one who’s in privity of title with the mortgagor exercise the right
2. his successors-in-interest, to buy back the property wherein he pays the amount of the
3. to whom he has transferred the right (over the subject matter), purchase price plus expenses and interest incurred. What’s the
4. to whom he has conveyed his interest of the subject matter, redemption period year? 1-year from the date of sale. Yan ang
5. the one who has succeeded his interest , nakalagay sa Act 3135. One (1) year from the date of sale, but it
6. to one or more joint-debtors who are considered joint-owners of should be construed as from the date of the confirmation of the sale.
the subject matter, The 1-year period will begin to run from the date of the confirmation
7. the wife with regards to a husband’s homestead, of the sale. If after the foreclosure sale, if wala pa sya naconfirm,
8. compulsory heirs hindi pa magtakbo yung 1-year redemption period. If the sale is not
confirmed by the sheriff, the title does not pass to the buyer.
What if there’s a deficiency in a judicial foreclosure? The When is there a confirmation of the sale? From the
property was sold but still there was a deficiency? registration of the sale. (1) year from the registration of the
In case of deficiency, the mortgagee can still recover within confirmation of the sale.
10 years from the time the right of action accrues. He may recover
even during the period of redemption, wherein the deficiency Sps Landrito v CA
judgment may be incorporated in the judicial foreclosure. G.R. No. 133079. August 9, 2005

How about EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE? Facts: In 1990, Sps Landrito obtained a loan of P350,000 from
Carmencita San Diego. To secure such loan, they executed a REM
That’s under Act 3135. The first thing that you should take in favour of San Diego. Sometime thereafter, substantial payment
note of when will there be an extrajudicial foreclosure? Or, when is was made. A subsequent loan was made by Sps Landrito this time
there an extrajudicial foreclosure? When you take a look at the REM amounting to P1,000,000. To secure the payment of the loan, they
and it provides an authority given by the mortgagor to the mortgagee executed an Amended REM stipulates that that the loan shall be paid
to have the property foreclosed. There must be an authorization within six (6) months from 16 September 1991, and if not paid within
given to the mortgagee to extrajudicially foreclose the property in the said period, the mortgagee shall have the right to declare the
deed of REM for it to be considered to be under the extrajudicial mortgage due and may immediately foreclose the same judicially or
foreclosure proceedings. In the absence of that authorization, judicial extrajudicially, in accordance with law.
foreclosure takes place. On the part of the mortgagee, extrajudicial It appears that Sps Landrito defaulted in the payment of the
foreclosure is preferred. Why? Mas mabilis kasi hindi na sya case loan and despite notice sent by San Diego, they still failed to pay
talaga sa court, hindi na yung may trial o may hearing. Mag-apply ka, which prompted San Diego to send a final notice of demand. This
the sheriff will sell the property in a public auction after the time, the obligation already amounted to P1.9M. Still the Sps paid to
requirement of notice has been complied with. pay the obligation. Thus Carmencita filed for an extrajudicial
If there’s no clause, no provision of authorization in the foreclosure of the property. Subsequently, the sheriff sent several
deed of REM, you cannot extrajudicially foreclose the property. The notices to the parties announcing the Sheriff’s sale to be conducted
remedy available is judicial foreclosure or you file an action for on August 11, 1993. Notices were also posted on conspicuous
collection for sum of money. Again, filing an action for judicial places within the jurisdiction of the sheriff.
foreclosure of the property, of course, will be more expensive. It will On August 11, 1993, Sps Landrito did not attend the
take longer than extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding. Do take note foreclosure sale and a certificate of sale was given to San Diego
however that if there is an authorization in the deed of REM for being the highest bidder for P2M. On October 29, 1993, San Diego
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings, even if the mortgagor dies, the registered the certificate of sale. 1 year after that or within the 1 year
authorization remains valid. Why we have to emphasize that? redemption period, Sps Landrito failed to redeem the property.
Because in the rules of agency, if the principal dies, automatic wala Instead, on Nov. 9, 1994, or 1 yr after the redemption period, the sps
ng power yung agency or yung authorization. But it’s different here sought for the annulment of the foreclosure sale alleging (1) that it is
because although it is a contract of agency, (even w/) the death of null & void for failure to comply w/ the requirement of Act 3135 of
the mortgagor, the agency is not extinguished because what we have publication and notice, (2) it was illegal because the foreclosure
here is for purposes of extrajudicial foreclosure. No such should have been limited to the amount in the REM w/c in this case
extinguishment because the power given to the mortgagee is for his is only P1M but during the foreclosure sale it already amounted to
(mortgagee) benefit or interest. It is not for the interest of the P1.95M, (3) the husband of San Diego gave them an extension
mortgagor but of the mortgagee. So, notwithstanding the death of the which allowed them to pay the obligation until Nov. 11, 1994.
mortgagor, the mortgagee can still extrajudicially foreclose the Sps San Diego sought for the dismissal of the case, w/c
property as long as you have that authorization in the REM. If you was granted by the RTC and upheld by CA.
had agency, you will know that this can be an agency coupled with Issue: May the Sps Landrito redeem the property? No.
an interest, so therefore not extinguished by the death of the Ruling: As found by the CA, even if the amount of the foreclosure
mortgagor as the principal. You will also notice in the cases that we sale should be limited to the amount in the REM w/c is P1M, because
will discuss, and the succeeding discussion, (in) a sale publication is despite several notices sent to them and publication; they failed to
mandatory. Publication requirements for purposes of extrajudicial raise a question or attend the foreclosure sale. So, they were guilty of
foreclosure must be strictly complied with. The description of the laches or they slept on their right to question the validity of the sale.
property must be very specific. I think we already have 1 case before Also, SC said that RA 3135 as amended by RA 4118, it is
that even if you have the same description of the property but the title clear in Section 6 thereof that the debtor has 1 year to redeem the
number, yung nagkabaliktad yung numbers pagtype sa publication, property beginning from the date of registration of sheriff’s certificate
the sale can be considered as invalid or void. Because again, the of the sale.
publication required here is mandatory and must be strictly complied Q1: In this case when was that?
with. Although for purposes of extrajudicial foreclosure Section 3 Act A1: In this case, it is undisputed that such registration happened on
No, 3135 of the Law does not require that the mortgagor must Oct. 29, 1993. Therefore applying the 1yr period of the civil code, it is
personally be notified. For as long as nacomply yung publication, computed until Oct 29, 1994. And since it falls on a Saturday, the
hindi kailangan na personally i-notify ang mortgagor. Unless the REM next working day w/c is Oct 31, 1994,
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However, Sps Landrito never exercised their right of apply. This as an exception to the right of redemption for purposes of
redemption. Even assuming that Mr San Diego extended their extrajudicial foreclosure.
redemption period, there was no evidence of such extension. Also,
the legal redemption of Sps Landrito may be converted to a Section 47, General Banking Law. Juridical persons whose
conventional redemption wherein the parties may voluntarily agree properties are being sold can redeem until the registration of the
for themselves the extension of the redemption period. However for a certificate of foreclosure or 90 days or 3-months after the foreclosure,
conventional period to be valid there should be an offer by the debtor whichever is earlier.
to pay the redemption price w/c the Sps failed to do so. There was
not even an attempt from their side to offer the payment of the In other words, it will not apply here:
redemption price & even assuming that P1.95M was not the proper If the mortgagor is a juridical person, wherein the period of
amount, they did not even offer to pay the P1M w/c they claim should redemption is not 1-yr but they can redeem w/ in 3-months after the
have been the redemption price. Therefore, there is no more remedy foreclosure sale (90d ays) or until the registration of foreclosure but
for the sps to redeem their property w/in the 1 year redemption here take note, whichever is earlier. Take note of the exceptions for
period. right of redemption and the exception for equity of redemption under
Q2: Can we consider that this 1-year redemption period as a a judicial foreclosure.
prescriptive period? Test-taking Tip (as taught by Maam Sagmit to Maam Jazzie): As a
A2: SC held that the 1-yr period is not a prescriptive period; rather it General Rule do not combine E w/ the other E. So, pag E sya right
is a condition precedent wherein within that 1-year period to exercise talaga sya, di mo masabing equity of redemption.
their right to offer to redeem the property. In this case, Sps Landrito Of course, however, take note of the exception that
did not even bother to offer to pay w/in that period. Therefore they whenever we have a juridical person as a mortgagor, whichever is
are barred from redeeming their property. earlier. Registration of the sale or 3 months after foreclosure. So,
until the registration of the certificate of foreclosure or 3 months after
When the principal obligation is already due & the foreclosure, the sale will be registered but the right of redemption
demandable, however it was not paid; the mortgagee already has the of the juridical person will be up to the time when foreclosure sale is
right to foreclose the mortgage and have the mortgaged property registered or even less than 3 months kasi nga whichever is earlier.
seized and sold in view of applying the proceeds to the payment of So if the foreclosure sale is registered after 1 month, what is the
the obligation. Do take note that what we have here is an effect? You cannot redeem anymore for the mortgagor who is a
extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding. So, we apply the right of juridical person. But, if the foreclosure sale was registered 4months
redemption which is 1-year counted from the time of registration of from the date of sale, the right of redemption is only w/ in 3 months
the certificate of the sale. In this case, the sale was registered on Oct from the time of sale. So, whichever is earlier. As an overview of the
29, 1993 & therefore the period they may redeem was up to Oct 29, extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding, you do not file a case.
1994. Remember the 1-yr redemption period is not counted from the Extrajudicial Foreclosure Sale You apply w/ the Executive Judge
date of the foreclosure sale but from the time the certificate of sale is who has jurisdiction over the property through the Clerk of Court.
registered. Here, the action for annulment of the extrajudicial Posting of Notice of Sale, or publication of notice of sale once a week
foreclosure and auction was filed 11 days after the redemption period for at least 3 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
has already expired. They merely harped on the alleged increase of circulation. Thereafter the clerk of court will issue a receipt or
the redemption price but they chose not despite notice in appearing certificate of payment. Application is raffled among the sheriffs,
in the foreclosure proceedings. At no time did the petitioners made a wherein it will now be auctioned. The sale must have at least 2
valid offer to redeem coupled w/ a tender of redemption price. Take bidders; if not the sale will be postponed. If still no other bidders then
note that there was no extension here. There was no extension here kung sino yung highest bidder which is normally the mortgagee, then
granted because it is only where there is voluntary agreement of the you take the next step wherein a certificate of sale will now be
parties consisting of extensions of the period followed by the approved by the executive judge or the vice-executive judge in the
commitment of the debtor to pay the redemption price at a fixed rate former’s absence. And the certificate of sale will be issued to the
will the concept of legal redemption (right of redemption) be winning bidder. Wherein the registration thereof will have the effect of
converted to conventional redemption. Or a redemption voluntarily the beginning of the running of the 1 yr redemption period, or the
agreed by the parties. Do take note here that the period of three months after sale or until the registration as an exception to
redemption is not a prescriptive period but a condition precedent juridical persons as mortgagor. If the redemption period expires, the
provided by law to restrict the right of the person exercising clerk can now archive the records.
redemption. If the redemption period is allowed to lapse before the So redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure,
right of redemption is exercised, then the action to enforce 1. If the mortgagor is not a juridical entity (natural persons) > right of
redemption will not prosper, even if the action is brought within the redemption w/in 1 yr from the date of registration of the sale.
ordinary prescriptive period. The period within which to redeem the 2. If the mortgagor is a juridical entity > you also call this equity of
property sold at a sheriff’s sale is not suspended by the institution of redemption, until but not after the registration of certificate of
an action to annul the foreclosure sale. So even if the petitioners foreclosure sale which shall not be more than 3 months after
here filed the action for annulment before Oct 29, 1994; the 1 yr foreclosure, whichever is earlier
period will still continue to run. Petitioners have lost any right or
interest over the subject property primarily because of their failure to Goldenway v Equitable PCI Bank
redeem the same in the manner and within the period prescribed by G.R. No. 195540 March 13, 2013
law. Facts: Golden Merchandising executed a REM in favour of Equitable
This is very relevant because in a right of redemption, you PCI Bank for P2M over its properties in Valenzuela, Bulacan. When
can compel the mortgagee or the highest bidder for you to redeem Goldenway failed to pay its obligations, Equitable extrajudicially
the property. Once naglampas na yung redemption period, you foreclosed the mortgage on Dec. 13, 2000. During the public auction,
cannot compel the highest bidder to sell it back to you. That’s why if Equitable was the highest bidder and thus obtained ownership over
meron mang agreement for repurchase or redemption, you can treat the said properties. However in a letter dated March 8, 2001, counsel
that as a conventional redemption as agreed by the parties. But of Goldenway offered to redeem the foreclosed properties. However
under the facts of this case, there was even no conventional Goldenway was told that it was no longer possible for them to
agreement entered into by the parties. redeem the properties because the certificate of sale has already
We have mentioned under the General Banking Law that been registered and therefore the redemption period has already
when the mortgagee is bank or a banking institution, redemption is 1- ended. Goldenway here contends that the 1 yr redemption period
yr from the date of the registration of the sale. In the same General under RA 3135 should apply and not the shorter period under the
Banking Law however, if we have a juridical person such as a General Banking Law w/c took effect in 2000.
partnership or a corporation; the 1-yr (redemption) period does not
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Issue: WON Goldenway has a right to redeem the property. NO.

Ruling: Goldenway has no more right to redeem the said property as
the period for redemption has already ended. February 24, 2015
Q1: So what is the period here? Do we apply the right of redemption
or equity of redemption? Do we apply the 1yr period? Transcribed by: Jing Lomondot
A1: No Maam.
SC ruled that under the General Banking Law, juridical So let’s continue with extrajudicial foreclosure.
persons w/c in this case is a corporation; only have a specific or a
shorter period of time in order to redeem foreclosed properties w/c is  What happens in an extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding?
3 months after the foreclosure sale (actual sale) or the date of Rather than filing a case in court, what is filed is an application for
registration, whichever is earlier. extrajudicial foreclosure and you file this with the Executive Judge
Q2: How about the issue here that that provision under the General who has jurisdiction over the propertywith the Clerk of Court. So iba
Banking Law is unconstitutional? talaga ‘yong process niya as compared to judicial foreclosure. In
A2: It was not unconstitutional. Goldenway said here that it was judicial foreclosure, case siya and it will be raffled off to the proper
unconstitutional because it only targeted juridical persons and in courts. But this one,
effect has a retroactive effect because even if the contract was 1. You file it with the executive judge, the
entered into before the effectivity of the General Banking Law. SC application.
said that it was in the very nature of the juridical person and the 2. And there’s a requirement for the posting of
properties that they have and their dealings with banks... It is in the notice of sale or publication of the notice of sale
nature of the properties that the bank has and forecloses that allows once a week for at least three consecutive weeks
them to have a shorter period as the bank should be more liquid than in a newspaper of general circulation.
other persons or juridical persons because if banks have more 3. The clerk of court thereafter issues a receipt and
properties then they will have a hard time to roll out their properties in certificate of payment.
order to supply other persons. 4. The application is raffled among the sheriff.
And on the issue that there was a retroactive effect, SC 5. It is the sheriff who will conduct the public auction.
held that there was no retroactive effect because the foreclosure sale 6. In the public auction sale, the sale must have at
actually happened after the General Banking Act is already in effect. least two bidders. Normally kasama na rin diyan
In doesn’t matter whether the contract was executed before the ang creditor.
effectivity of the General Banking Law as long as the foreclosure sale 7. If ‘yong creditor lang magbid sa property in the
after it was in effect. first auction sale, then the sale will be scheduled
to another date.
General Rule: Act 3135 should govern extrajudicial foreclosure of 8. If in the second sale there are no other bidders,
mortgages and to w/c the 1 yr redemption period is counted from the other than the creditor, then it will proceed
date of registration of the certificate of sale wherein the creditor-mortgagee will be considered
Exception: However when the General Banking Law was enacted in as the highest bidder.
2000, RA 8971, it provided for foreclosure of properties of juridical 9. And thereafter the certificate of sale will be
persons as mortgagors, the redemption is now until but not after the approved by the Executive Judge or Vice-
registration of the certificate of foreclosure sale in no case more than Executive Judge in the former’s absence. And
3 months after the foreclosure sale, whichever comes first. the certificate is issued to the winning bidder.
10. This certificate of sale will be registered in the
Goldenway questions that this provision under the General Registry of Deeds and that is the time wherein the
Banking Law is unconstitutional. The SC held that NO. (1) There was one year right of redemption period will begin to
no violation of the non-impairment clause of the constitution. The run, from the date of the registration of sale.
non-impairment clause is only to protect or not prejudice the parties
who entered into a contract from or prior to the enactment of the law. However take note under Section 47 of the General Banking Law, if
Contracts cannot be tampered w. subsequent laws that can change the mortgagor is a juridical entity what you have is not a right of
or modify the rights and obligations of the parties in the contract. redemption but a period wherein until but not after the registration of
There is impairment if the subsequent law changes the terms of the certificate of foreclosure sale which shall not be more than three
contract between the parties. But Section 47 of the General Banking months after the foreclosure. So the mortgagor can redeem until but
Law did not divest juridical persons of their right to redeem their not after the registraton of sale but not more than three months after
foreclosed properties but only modified the exercise of such right by foreclosure, whichever is earlier. Now this three-month period is also
reducing the redemption period w/c commences from the date of considered as an equity of redemption. If the redemption period
foreclosure sale and expires after the registration of the sale or expires then the term will now _ the record.
3months after the foreclosure sale, whichever is earlier. And also  How to validly redeem?
take note that the foreclosure proceeding here took place when the You must pay within the redemption period as provided under the
General Banking Law already took effect. So, applicable talaga sya. law. You pay the purchase price plus one percent (1%) interest per
Also, (2) no violation sa equal protection clause. Again the scenario month and taxes from date of registration of sale until date of
here is different w/ regard to bank as mortgagee and mortgagors are redemption. One percent because this was the previous _ legal
juridical persons. Also, (3) no retroactive application of the new interest rate. But with the new interest, six percent (6%), legal
redemption period because Section 47 exempts those properties w/c interest rate effective July 1, 2013, then you apply the appropriate
were already foreclosed prior to the effectivity (of the law). The right interest rate effective from that date.
of redemption being statutory must be exercised in the manner
prescribed by the statute and within the prescribed time limit to make Payment is made to the redemptioner sale officer. The written
it effective. Take note that as an exception to this extrajudicial official redemption must be served on the officer who made the sale
foreclosure for mortgagors are juridical persons, the law that is and a duplicate with the Register of Deeds.
applied is the General Banking Law in w/c the mortgagee in this case
is a banking institution. Mortgagee is a banking institution, mortgagor  What’s the rule here with regard to deficiency and excess
is a juridical person: 3 months from foreclosure sale or registration of of the proceeds?
the sale whichever is earlier. Take note of the general rule and the
exceptions. o If there is a deficiency, the property was sold for less than
the obligation, what happens to the deficiency? Can the
mortgagee still recover from the mortgagor?
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reformation of the said contract. Why? There was an agreement but

If what you had is a judicial foreclosure proceeding, the mortgagee not deed of sale, only a mortgage.
can recover the deficiency that is part of the order given by the judge.
In other words, there is a deficiency judgment. In case there is a  But what if the mortgagee, based on that pacto de retro
deficiency, the mortgagee may still proceed against the mortgagor for sale or deed of absolute sale, will file an action for recovery
the deficiency as such is provided in the judgment. of possession against the owner of the property?

How about in an extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding? Did you take That would be the time that the owner of the property can raise the
at look at the law itself, Act No. 3135, and the Civil Code provisions? defense that what they had was not a deed of sale or a deed of
There is no express provision which states that the mortgagee can absolute sale or a pacto de retro sale but rather an equitable
recover the deficiency from the mortgagor. However, it is implied mortgage by showing that there was a principal obligation and any of
that the mortgagee can recover the deficiency and in fact several the circumstances in Article 1602 are present. But with that defense
cases decided by the Supreme Court, the fact that the law does not and if it is duly proven, the owner of the property would still continue
expressly state the mortgagee is entitled to the deficiency, it does not in possession of that property and the mortgagee would not be
prevent. The absence thereof under the law does not prevent the entitled thereto but he will be entitled to foreclose the property if there
mortgagee from recovering the deficiency. Because also the law is failure to pay the obligation.
does not state na hindi siya pwede makarecover , silent lang siya. But
here as already been held by the Supreme Court in several cases na  What happens after the foreclosure proceeding? The
pwede makademand ng deficiency. selling price or the bid price was already paid by the
highest bidder. What would now take effect thereafter
o What about if the proceeds are more than the obligation during the redemption or after the redemption period?
plus expenses and interest? What happens to the excess?
If the property was not redeemed during the period provided under
The excess will be returned to the mortgagor whether what you had the law, the right of the mortgagee or the right of the highest bidder
is a judicial foreclosure or extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding. So will become absolute. To which he would be entitled to consolidate
regardless, excess should be returned to the mortgagor. Notice this the title in his name.
is different from what we have learned sa contract of pledge.
So we have here the case of Union Bank.
 How about the price? The price during the sale is grossly
inadequate. Do we say the sale would be nullified or
annulled based on the gross inadequacy of the price? UNION BANK vs. CA

Recall your Law on Sales. What’s the rule there? Gross inadequacy Facts: Leopoldo Dario obtained a property owned by his
of the price will not invalidate the sale which is the same principle parents and had the title reconsituted under his name without
that was also mentioned when we discussed contracts. Mere their consent. He mortgaged the same to Unionbank to secure
inadequacy of the price will not invalidate the sale. However, do take a 3M loan which he thereafter failed to pay. Unionbank
note that under contracts, there are instances wherein inadequacy extrajudicially foreclosed the property and became the highest
may be a ground for the rescission of the sale such as when there is bidder at the public auction. One week before the one-year
lesion. redemption period expired, Leopoldo’s parents, Fermina and
Reynaldo Dario, sought the annulment of said sale and
 How about here sa foreclosure proceedings? What is the mortgage with reconveyance. A notice of lis pendens was
effect if what we have is a grossly inadequate price? annotated on the title. On October 10, 1994, RTC issued a
TRO which enjoined the consolidation under Unionbank’s
If there is a right of redemption or equity of redemption, the gross name. However, Unionbank consolidated its title over the
inadequacy of price will not justify its rescission. What is the effect foreclosed property on October 24, 1994 without notice to
here? If the price was inadequate or even grossly inadequate, it plaintiffs and a new TCT was subsequently issued in its stead.
would be easier for the mortgagor to redeem the property. So with Issue: Whether or not the consolidation of title in Unionbank’s
regard to foreclosure proceedings, mere inadequacy would not justify name was proper?
its rescission or nullity of the foreclosure proceedings as it would be Ruling: YES. The TRO halted the redemption period but it
in favor of the mortgagor, it would be easier for him to redeem the expired on October 17, 1994, the date when plaintiffs
property. complaint was dismissed for failure to append a certification of
non-forum shopping. A TRO cannot stand independent of the
However, if you can show proof that the proceeding itself was main proceeding. Hence the redemption period recommenced
irregular and biased talaga ‘yong sheriff like for example, malayo and eventually expired 7 days thereafter or on October 24,
talaga ‘yong disparity sa value ng price sa obligation and sa 1994, the date of the disputed consolidation.
foreclosure price, you can use it but that is really an exception. Consolidation took place as a matter of right since there was
Again, the rule is in favor of the mortgagor ‘yong inadequacy of the no redemption of the foreclosed property and the TRO expired
price. upon the dismissal of the complaint. Notice to the mortgagors
and more reason to the plaintiffs, who are not even parties to
With regard to inadequacy, you could also relate what we had the mortgage contract nor to the extrajudicial sale, is not
discussed for those who had Sales under the equitable mortgage in necessary.
Article 1602, wherein a deed of sale or a deed of sale with right to However, the consolidation of the property in favor of
repurchase or an absolute sale could be deemed as an equitable Unionbank will not cause irreparable injury to plaintiffs and will
mortgage. One of the instances provided in Article 1602 is when the not render the pending main action for reconvenyance
price of the sale with the right to repurchase is unusually inadequate. ineffectual since Unionbank is only substituted to and acquires
So no sale but what we have is an equitable mortgage. So again the right, title, interest and claim of the judgment debtors or
that would be in favor of the owner of the property because it would mortgagors to the property at the time of levy. Also, the notice
only be subject to a lien and thereafter we could seek for the of lis pendens which remained annotated on Unionbank’s title
reformation. Reformation is the remedy here if what was executed subject to the outcome of the litigation, sufficiently protected
was a deed of sale but the intention was to have that property secure plaintiffs’ interest over the property.
the principal obligation. So the owner of the property can seek for
Q1: Who was the mortgagor here?
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A1: Spouses Leopoldo and Jessica Dario mortgage in the subsequent foreclosure sale, that can proceed. But
again what would happen is that in the meantime that wala pang
Q2:How are they related to the private respondents? Isn’t it that the decision regarding that complaint or no action yet with regard to that
private respondents are also Spouses Dario? complaint for the annulment of the mortgage and extrajudicial
A2: The private respondents are Fermina and Reynaldo Dario. foreclosure sale, ‘yong consolidation becomes as a matter of right on
the part of the highest purchaser. It’s just that eventually the
Q3: How are they related? Why was it Spouses Dario were able to foreclosure would be deemed not valid, then you can ask the court
mortgage the property in favor of Union Bank? for the cancellation of the title in favor of the mortgagee.
A3:Leopoldo is Fermina’s son.
It’s just between families, the son took advantage of his position in Also a protection is the notice of lis pendens that would be annotated
obtaining the property and had the title reconstituted under his name in the title and this will be sufficient protection on the part of the
parties who will question the validity of the mortgage. Once a notice
Q4: What happened to the complaint of the private respondents in of lis pendens has been duly registered, any cancellation or issuance
this case? of the title of the land involved as well as any subsequent transaction
A4:At first it was dismissed. Then the private respondents filed a affecting the sale would have be subjected to the outcome of the
motion for reconsideration and while the MR was heard before the litigation.
RTC, the Union Bank consolidated the title of the subject properties
in their names. How about in the case of Cu lai Chu? What happened in that case?

Q5: Was that proper? The act of Union Bank consolidating the title of
the property valid? CU LAI CHU vs. LAQUI
A5:The SC said it was valid because after the expiration of the
redemption period, the person who was the highest bidder already Facts: Petitioners obtained a loan from PBCOM and
has the right to consolidate the title of the property in their names. mortgaged its land to the latter as security of the loan.
The SC said that it is not even necessary for them to notify the The former failed to pay the full amount of the loan.
mortgagors, all the more is it not necessary for them to notify the PBCOM applied for extrajudicial foreclosure of the real
private respondents who were not even a party to the mortgage estate mortgage and upon receipt of notice thereof,
contract. petitioners filed a petition for its annulment in the RTC.
PBCOM emerged as the highest bidder at the
Q6: How about the allegation of the private respondents Dario, the foreclosure sale and a certificate of sale was executed in
date? There would have been no valid mortgage in favor of Union its favor.
Bank because in the first place Leopoldo Dario was not the After the lapse of the one-year redemption period,
mortgagor. In other words, he was not the absolute owner of the PBCOM sought to consolidate the property and
property? How would that affect the consolidation of the title in favor subsequently ROD issued a new TCT in its name.
of Union Bank? PBCOM applied for the issuance of a writ of possession
A6:The SC said that matter could be adjudicated in the action for of the property which was opposed by petitioners. RTC
reconveyance and that they are still protected because in the granted PBCOM’s motion to declare petitioners in
certificate of title, there was a notice of lis pendens that was default and allowed it to present evidence ex parte.
annotated and this annotation was carried over to the consolidated Issue: Whether or not the writ of possession was
title. properly issued despite the pendency of the case
questioning the validity of the extrajudicial foreclosure
Discussion: Once you are the highest bidder, the buyer in sale?
foreclosure sale, you’ll become the absolute owner thereof if the Ruling: YES. Petitioners cannot oppose or appeal the
property is not redeemed during the period provided under the law. court’s order granting the writ of possession in an ex
In this case, one year after the registration of the sale. parte proceeding. The remedy of petitioner is to have
When we say consolidation, transfer of title under the name of the the sale set aside and the writ of possession cancelled
highest purchaser. This consolidation takes place as a matter of in accordance with Section 8 of Act No. 3135, as
right. Why? Because there was no redemption during the period as amended, to wit:
required under the law and there was no TRO executed or remained “The debtor may, in the proceedings in which
valid up to that time. In this case, the TRO expired upon the possession was requested, but not later than thirty days
dismissal of the complaint. after the purchaser was given possession, petition that
With regard to notice, the mortgagee need not have informed private the sale be set aside and the writ of possession
respondent, petitioner’s parents Dario, that it was consolidating its cancelled, specifying the damages suffered by him,
title over the property. In fact in an extrajudicial foreclosure because the mortgage was violated or the sale was not
proceeding, notice to the mortgagors of the extrajudicial foreclosure made in accordance with the provisions hereoff xxx”
proceeding together with the prayer for the consolidation of the title(is Further, the right of possesion of a purchase at an
not needed), with more reason to the private respondents in this case extrajudicial foreclosure is not affected by a pending
who are not parties to the mortgage contract nor to the extrajudicial case questioning the validity of the foreclosure
sale is not necessary. proceeding. The latter is not a bar to the former. Even
The mortgagee has the right to foreclose the mortgage and to have pending such latter proceeding, the purchaser at a
the property seized and sold with a view of applying the proceeds to foreclosure sale is entitled to the possession of the
the payment of the principal obligation. foreclosed property.
In an extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding, one year within which you Q1: What is the basis for the issuance of the writ of possession? Is it
redeem the property from and after registration of the sale. Upon required that before the highest purchaser be entitled to the
failure to redeem the foreclosed property during the said period, possession of the property, he must file a bond to the court?
consolidation of title becomes a matter of right on the part of the A1:Not necessarily, it is required only if he wants to possess the
auction buyer and the issuance of title in favor of the purchaser property during the redemption period.
becomes ministerial upon the Register of Deeds.

The consolidation here was valid notwithstanding any complaint Q2: What happens after the redemption period? Is he absolutely
questioning the validity of sale. Pwede ‘yon siya validity of the entitled to the possession of the property, is it a matter of right?
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |27

A2: If the period of redemption had already expired, the highest elements in forum shopping. So even if there is a separate action
bidder already has an absolute right for the consolidation of title over questioning the validity of the mortgage and sale, you can still
the foreclosed property. proceed with the motion for the issuance of the writ of possession
because it is not a judgment on the merits which would give rise to
Q3: What about if there’s a pending action questioning the mortgage res judicata.
and subsequently questioning the validity of the foreclosure
proceeding, would that be a ground to deny any prayer for the How about in the case of Mallari?
issuance of writ of possession?
Facts: Mallari obtained two loans from GSIS. He
Discussion: So same thing with the consolidation. Purchaser at an mortgaged his two parcels of land to secure the 34M
extrajudicial foreclosure sale has a right to the possession of the loan. He paid GSIS about ten years after contracting the
property. Generally, what would happen is that the title would be obligations. GSIS commenced extrajudicial foreclosure
consolidated in his name and thereafter he can now (apply for the) proceedings and this caused Mallari to sue GSIS and the
issuance of the writ of possession so he would possess the subject Sheriff in the RTC seeking to nullify the extrajudicial
property. foreclosure and auction sale. RTC decided in favor of
However, consolidation of the title in the name of the Mallari but CA reversed the same and rendered
purchaser would only take place after the redemption period has unassailable both the extrajudicial foreclosure and
already expired. However, Section 7 of Act 3135 clearly provides auction sale and also the issuance of a new TCT in the
that even if within the redemption period the highest bidder could still name of GSIS.
be entitled to the possession of the property provided there was a GSIS filed an ex parte motion for execution. RTC granted
bond. the motion and issued a writ of execution cum writ of
possesson in favor of GSIS. Mallari filed a motion for
Section 7. In any sale made under the provisions of this reconsideration and/or to quash the writ of execution
Act, the purchase may petition the Court of First Instance claiming he was not notified of the such motion filed by
[or in this case the Regional Trial Court ] of the province or GSIS. RTC directed the Clerk of Court to cause the re-
place where the property or any part thereof is situated, to emplementation of the writ of execution cum writ of
give him possession thereof during the redemption period, possession. CA sustained such order.
furnishing bond in an amount equivalent to the use of the Issue: Whether or not the issuance of the writ of
property for a period of twelve months, [that’s the execution cum writ of possession in favor of GSIS by the
redemption period] to indemnify the debtor in case it be RTC was proper?
shown that the sale was made without violating the Ruling: YES. As defaulting mortgagor, Mallari is not
mortgage or without complying with the requirements of entitled under Act 3135, as amended, to any prior notice
this Act. Such petition shall be made under oath and filed of the application for the issuance of the writ of
in form of an ex parte motion xxx and the court shall, upon possession. The proceeding upon an application for a
approval of the bond, [again the bond is only required if writ of possession is ex parte and summary in nature,
possession is being asked during the redemption period ] brought for the benefit of one party only and without
order that a writ of possession issue, addressed to the notice to any person adverse in interest.
sheriff of the province in which the property is situated, who GSIS became the absolute owner of the property when
shall execute the said order immediately. Mallari failed to redeem the same. GSIS is no longer
required to file a bond required under Section 7 of Act
Since in this case, the foreclosed property was not redeemed within 3135, as amended, considering that the possession of
one year from registration of the sale, private respondent therefore the land becomes his absolute right as the land’s
had acquired an absolute right as purchaser to the writ of confirmed owner. Issuance of the writ of possession to
possession. It had become the ministerial duty of the court to issue GSIS became a matter of right upon the consolidation of
the writ of possession as provided under Section 7 of Act 3135. title in its name.
Moreover, once ownership has been consolidated, the issuance of As a non-redeeming mortgagor, Mallari had no more right
the writ of possession becomes a ministerial duty of the court. to challenge the issuance of the writ of execution cum
writ of possession. He could not also impugn the
In this case, when private respondent applied for a writ of extrajudicial foreclosure and consolidation in GSIS since
possession, ano ‘yong basis ng kanyang right dito? Presented a new it was already irreversible. His moves against such writ
transfer certificate of title in his name. And also with that, no need to were tainted by bad faith.
file a bond because the redemption period has already expired.
The application for the issuance of a writ of possession is in the form Q1: When was the application for extrajudicial foreclosure filed by
of an ex parte motion. It issues as a matter of course once the GSIS?
requirements are fulfilled and no discretion is left to the courts. This A1:1984.
motion is filed still with the court to which you filed the application for
the extrajudicial foreclosure. Q2: How about the action filed by Mallari for the issuance of the
Petitioners cannot oppose or appeal the court’s order granting the injunction, when was it filed?
writ of possession in an ex parte proceeding. Remedy here is to A2: 1986.
have the sale set aside and then subsequently it is found to be not
valid, the writ of possession can be cancelled. Q3: What happened in this action? Was it granted by the court?
The right to possession of a purchaser at an extrajudicial foreclosure A3:The RTC decided in Mallari’s favor and nullified the extrajudicial
sale is not affected by a pending case questioning the validity of the foreclosure sale. CA reversed the decision of the RTC.
foreclosure proceeding. It is a matter of right. The latter is not a bar
to the former even pending such latter proceeding, the purchaser at a Q4: Was there a petition that was filed before the SC regarding the
foreclosure sale is entitled to the possession of the foreclosed decision of the CA?
property. A4:Yes. The SC denied the petition.

Under Act 3135, a writ of possession is issued ex parte as a matter Q5: So in other words, was the extrajudicial foreclosure proper? Was
of course upon compliance with the requirements, is not a judgment it upheld by the SC?
on the merits that then amount to res judicata, one of the essential
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |28

A5:Yes. Then Mallari asked for an extension of time to vacate the prescribed manner, in gives him the right, how and
property to which GSIS acceded. However, Mallari did not voluntarily obedience to the mandate when the duty shall be
vacate the property but instead filed again for a motion for of a legal authority without performed then such duty is
reconsideration and/or to quash the writ of execution and to hold regard to or the exercise of discretionary,not ministerial.
GSIS in contempt for painting the fence of the properties during the any judgment or discretion
pendency of his motion. whether it is proper or
Q6: Is GSIS entitled to the issuance of a writ of possession over the The duty is ministerial only
property? when its discharge requires
A6:Yes. the exercise of official
discretion nor the exercise
Q7: What is the nature of the issuance of the writ of possession? of judgment.
A7:It is a ministerial duty.
In this case, the proceeding upon an application for a writ of
Q8: How is it different from a discretionary act on the part of the possession is again ex parte and summary in nature. It renders the
court, tribunal or officer? application for the issuance of a writ of possession as a non-litigous
A8:In a ministerial act, the public officer has no choice but to perform proceeding.
the act. Whereas in a discretionary act, the public officer has a
discretion whether or not to perform such act. A non-redeeming mortgagor had no more right to challenge the
issuance of a writ of execution from writ of possession upon the ex
Q9: Can a non-redeeming mortgagor still question the issuance of a parte applicartion of GSIS. Petitioner Mallari cannot impugn
writ of possession? anymore the extrajudicial foreclosure and could not undo the
A9:No. consolidation in GSIS of the ownership of the properties.

Discussion: Take note of the instances wherein a writ of possession Take note here, Mallari was a lawyer and he was also, aside from the
is issued: fact that his petition was denied, he was guilty of misconduct as a
1. In land registration proceedings; lawyer. So this is one of the instances, actually the scenario that is
2. Under judicial foreclosure proceedings, so that’s contemplated by financing institutions why they hesitate to grant
covered under special civil actions; loans or why they require stricter measures in granting loans in favor
3. Extrajudicial foreclosure as provided under Act 3135; of lawyers. Imagine, the loan was perfected 1968, unpaid 1979,
4. Execution sales as covered in Rule 39 of the Rules of that’s more than ten years. Demand was made, no choice,
Court. eventually it filed an extrajudicial foreclosure in 1984. In 1986 nag-
petition for injunction even if the validity of the mortgage was already
It is emphasized here, with regard to extrajudicial upheld by the court and it already became final and executory. A
foreclosure that it is the debtor, his successor-in-interest or any motion for execution was issued and subsequently the application for
judicial creditor or judgment creditor of said debtor, or any person the writ of possession was filed, it was still questioned by Mallari. So
having a lien on the properties subsequent to the mortgage of deed the case continued until this judgment in 2010.
of trust under which the property is sold, has the right to redeem the
property at any time within term of one year from the registration of If you’d like to consider it, 1984 gi-file ang extrajudicial foreclosure,
the sale. GSIS only had probably possession thereof through this period.
Mallari continued in possession of the property pending this petition
Take a look at Act No. 3135, ang nakalagay diyan ‘after the before the court. He had the liberty to do so. Why? Mas dali lang
date of sale’, it should be construed as from the date of registration of man sa iyaha kay wala man siyay attorney’s fee na bayaran . So he
sale and not from and after the date of sale. Construction was due to could really question it because wala siyay concern as the case
the fact that sheriff’s sale of registered and unregistered lands did not would go along. But again, this is the reason you cannot blame
take effect as a conveyance or did not bind the land until the sale financial institutions being strict in granting loans to lawyers.
was registered in the Registry of Deeds.
The court also took into consideration that Mallari, being his own
As in the previous cases, the mortgagor or his successor-in-interest lawyer, already knows, or it should have known that all these
must redeem the foreclosed property within one year from the proceedings was not necessary anymore. There are consequences
registration of the sale with Registry of Deeds in order to avoid the of his non-redemption within the period provided by law. So petition
title from consolidating in the purchaser. When failing to redeem, the denied and he was guilty of misconduct as a lawyer.
mortgagor will now lose all interest over the foreclosed property and
the purchaser has a right of possession that extends beyond the While the rule is, Judicial Foreclosure,
expiration of the redemption period as he now becomes the absolute General rule: Equity of redemption
owner of the property when no redemption is made. That it is no Exception: Right of redemption available when the bank is a
longer necessary for the purchaser to file the bond as required under mortgagee.
Act No. 3135.
In an Extrajudicial Foreclosure,
The consolidation of ownership in the purchaser’s name and the General rule: One year redemption period
issuance to him of a new title entitles him to demand possession of Exception: Under the General Banking Act where the mortgagor is a
the property at any time. And therefore, the issuance of a writ of juridical personality. So once the _ of sale has been registered or
possession becomes a matter of right upon consolidation of title in three months from the foreclosure sale whichever is earlier,
his name. The court can neither halt nor hesitate to issue the writ of redemption is not available anymore.
possession, it cannot exercise any discretion to determine whether or
not to issue the writ. For the issuance of such writ becomes a However, there are instances wherein the law provides for a different
ministerial action. redemption period like for example, homestead laws. If the property
Take note of the distinction of a ministerial and discretionary act. subject in a homestead patent is sold it can still be redeemed but
MINISTERIAL ACT DISCRETIONARY ACT instead of the one year period, five years from the registration of the
certificate of sale.
That an officer performs in a If the law imposes the duty How about with regard to lands subject to tenancy laws? What
given state of facts in a upon a public officer, it happened in the case of PhilBancor.
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March 2, 2016

PHILBANCOR vs. CA Transcribed by: Cid Pabalan

Facts:Private respondents are tenants of petitioner LAW ON EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURES

Vicent Hizon, Jr. over his landholdings which the latter
mortgaged to petitioner corporation. The properties ACT NO. 3135 – AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF
were later foreclosed by the corporation and a PROPERTY UNDER SPECIAL POWERS INSERTED IN OR
certificate of sale was issued and registered. Private ANNEXED TO REAL-ESTATE MORTGAGES
respondents sought to redeem the properties through
the filing of a complaint with the PARAB which SECTION 1. When a sale is made under a special power inserted in
rendered a decision favorable to private respondents. or attached to any real-estate mortgage hereafter made as security
DARAB affirmed said decision. for the payment of money or the fulfillment of any other obligation,
Issue: Whether or not private respondents could still the provisions of the following election shall govern as to the manner
exercise their right of redemption? in which the sale and redemption shall be effected, whether or not
Ruling: NO. The redemption period has already provision for the same is made in the power.
elapsed. Under Section 12 of RA 3844, which
provides: Discussion:
“In case the landholding is sold to a third person
without the knowlede of the agricultural lessee, the In order to proceed in an extrajudicial foreclosure of a mortgage, the
latter shall have the right to redeem the same at a real estate mortgage must provide the authority given by the
reasonable price and consideration. Provided, that the mortgagor in favor of the mortgagee. There must be that special
entire landholding sold must be redeemed. Provided power inserted authorizing the mortgagee to foreclose and sell the
further, that where there are two or more agricultural property in case the mortgagor fails to pay his obligation.
lessees, each shall be entitled to said right of
redemption only to the extent of the area actually In the absence of that special power or authority, extrajudicial
cultivated by him. The right of redemption under this foreclosure proceeding is not available.
section may be exercised within two years from the
registration of the sale and shall have priority over any Remedy:
other right of legal redemption.”
1. File an action for judicial foreclosure or
The certificate of sale in favor of Philbancor was
2. File an action for collection of sum of money
registerd on July 31, 1985 with the ROD. The two-
year redemption period thus expired on July 31, 1987. SECTION 2. Said sale cannot be made legally outside of the
The complaint for redemption was filed by private province in which the property sold is situated; and in case the place
respondents only on July 14, 1992, five years after the within said province in which the sale is to be made is subject to
expiration of the redemtion period prescribed by law. stipulation, such sale shall be made in said place or in the municipal
Hence, the private respondents can no longer redeem building of the municipality in which the property or part thereof is
the said property. However, they may continue to situated.
possess the land since the leasehold relation was not
extinguished by the sale of the landholding with
regard to tenancy laws.
SECTION 3. Notice shall be given by posting notices of the sale for
Q1: Who is entitled to the possession of the property? not less than twenty days in at least three public places of the
A1:The tenants based on RA 3844, the Agricultural Land Reform Act. municipality or city where the property is situated, and if such
property is worth more than four hundred pesos, such notice shall
Discussion: RA 3844 provides that the redemption period may be also be published once a week for at least three consecutive weeks
exercised within two years from the registration of the sale and shall in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality or city.
have priority over any other right of legal redemption.
Even if the land was subject to tenancy law, Hizon was the owner
and he had here several tenants, he could still mortgage the Section 3 emphasizes the requirement of the posting and publication
property. One thing that I also want you to take note, there’s not of the sale.
really much discussion with regard to tenancy laws in law school.
What we are going to just take note of is the redemption period as In light of that we have the case of Ouano vs. CA.
provided under RA 3848.
The tenants can redeem the property but only within the two-year
redemption period. The sale was registered July 31, 1985, so the FIRST DIVISION [G.R. No. 129279. March 4, 2003]
two-year redemption was unitl July 31, 1987. While the tenants
could have redeemed the property within that period, they did not do ALFREDO M. OUANO, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, and
so but instead it filed a complaint only on July 14, 1992, five years HEIRS OF JULIETA M. OUANO
after the expiration of the redemption period. In other words, they
cannot redeem the property anymore. So the ownership was validly
transferred in favor of PhilBancor, but PhilBancor is not _ by the
On June 8, 1977, respondent Julieta M. Ouano (Julieta), now
tenacy laws.
deceased, obtained a loan from the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
Private respondents may continue in possession and enjoyment of
in the amount of P104,280.00. As security for said loan, she
the land in question as legitimate tenants because the tenancy
executed a real estate mortgage over two parcels of land located at
relationship is not attached to the owner but rather to the property.
Opao, Mandaue City. She defaulted on her obligation. On September
Leasehold relation is not extinguished by the alienation or transfer of
29, 1980, PNB filed a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure with the
the legal possession of the landholding with regard to tenancy laws.
City Sheriff of Mandaue City.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |30

On November 4, 1980, the sheriff prepared a notice of sale setting mandated, not for the mortgagors benefit, but for the public or third
the date of public auction of the two parcels of land on December 5, persons. In fact, personal notice to the mortgagor in extrajudicial
1980 at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. He caused the notice to be published foreclosure proceedings is not even necessary, unless stipulated. As
in the Cebu Daily Times, a newspaper of general circulation in such, it is imbued with public policy considerations and any waiver
Mandaue City, in its issues of November 13, 20 and 27, 1980. He thereon would be inconsistent with the intent and letter of Act No.
likewise posted copies thereof in public places in Mandaue City and 3135.
in the place where the properties are located.
3. Whether the Rules of Court applies to an extrajudicial
However, the sale as scheduled and published did not take place as foreclosure sale, specifically, Rule 39, Section 24
the parties, on four separate dates, executed Agreements to Adjournment of Sale: By written consent of debtor and
Postpone Sale (Agreements). These Agreements were addressed to creditor, the officer may adjourn any sale upon execution
the sheriff, requesting the latter to defer the auction sale to another to any date agreed upon in writing by the parties. Without
date at the same time and place, without any further republication of such agreement, he may adjourn the sale from day to day,
the Notice.Petitioner, however, insists that there was substantial if it becomes necessary to do so for lack of time to
compliance with the publication requirement, considering that prior complete the sale on the day fixed in the notice.
publication and posting of the notice of the first date were made
No. At the outset, distinction should be made of the three different
ISSUES: kinds of sales under the law, namely: an ordinary execution sale, a
judicial foreclosure sale, and an extrajudicial foreclosure sale.
1. Whether the rescheduled extrajudicial foreclosure sale was
valid despite absence of republication of the Notice, An ordinary execution sale is governed by the pertinent provisions of
despite agreement between parties to do away with the Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
republication. Rule 68 of the Rules of Court applies in cases of judicial foreclosure
NO. The governing law for extrajudicial foreclosures is Act No. 3135
On the other hand, Act No. 3135, as amended by Act No. 4118
as amended by Act No. 4118.
otherwise known as An Act to Regulate the Sale of Property under
Special Powers Inserted in or Annexed to Real Estate Mortgages
The provision relevant to this case is Section 3, which provides:
applies in cases of extrajudicial foreclosure sale.
SEC. 3. Notice shall be given by posting notices of the sale for not
A different set of law applies to each class of sale mentioned.
less than twenty (20) days in at least three public places of the
municipality or city where the property is situated, and if such
The cited provision in the Rules of Court hence does not apply to an
property is worth more than four hundred pesos, such notice shall
extrajudicial foreclosure sale.
also be published once a week for at least three consecutive weeks
in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality of city.
4. Whether or not Julieta’s act of requesting the
postponement and repeatedly signing the Agreements
It is a well-settled rule that statutory provisions governing publication
(WAIVER) had placed her under estoppel, barring her from
of notice of mortgage foreclosure sales must be strictly complied
challenging the lack of publication of the auction sale.
with, and that even slight deviations therefrom will invalidate the
notice and render the sale at least voidable.Where required by the
NO. The waiver being void for being contrary to the express mandate
statute or by the terms of the foreclosure decree, public notice of the
of Act No. 3135, such cannot be ratified by estoppel. Estoppel cannot
place and time of the mortgage foreclosure sale must be given, a
give validity to an act that is prohibited by law or one that is against
statute requiring it being held applicable to subsequent sales as well
public policy. Neither can the defense of illegality be waived.
as to the first advertised sale of the property.
5. Whether or not there is laches when Julieta filed her
The principal object of a notice of sale in a foreclosure of mortgage is
complaint with the trial court after almost two years from
not so much to notify the mortgagor as to inform the public generally
the May 29, 1981 auction sale
of the nature and condition of the property to be sold, and of the time,
place, and terms of the sale. Notices are given to secure bidders and
NO. An action or defense for the declaration of the inexistence of a
prevent a sacrifice of the property. Clearly, the statutory requirements
contract does not prescribe under Article 1410 of the Civil Code.
of posting and publication are mandated, not for the mortgagors
benefit, but for the public or third persons. In fact, personal notice to
the mortgagor in extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings is not even The case of Ouano was cited in the case of:
necessary, unless stipulated. As such, it is imbued with public policy
considerations and any waiver thereon would be inconsistent with the [G.R. No. 125838. June 10, 2003]
intent and letter of Act No. 3135.
Publication, therefore, is required to give the foreclosure sale a APPEALS and EMERALD RESORT HOTEL CORPORATION
reasonably wide publicity such that those interested might attend the
public sale. To allow the parties to waive this jurisdictional ERHC failed to pay its loan, DBP filed with the Office of the Sheriff,
requirement would result in converting into a private sale what ought Regional Trial Court of Iriga City, an Application for Extra-judicial
to be a public auction. Foreclosure of Real Estate and Chattel Mortgages.

2. Whether publication may be waived as agreed by the Deputy Provincial Sheriffs Abel Ramos and RupertoGaleon issued
parties the required notices of public auction sale of the personal and real
properties. However, Sheriffs Ramos and Galeonfailed to execute
It cannot be waived. The principal object of a notice of sale in a the corresponding certificates of posting of the notices. On 10 July
foreclosure of mortgage is not so much to notify the mortgagor as to 1986, the auction sale of the personal properties proceeded.
inform the public generally of the nature and condition of the property
to be sold, and of the time, place, and terms of the sale. Notices are The Office of the Sheriff scheduled on 12 August 1986 the public
given to secure bidders and prevent a sacrifice of the property. auction sale of the real properties. The Bicol Tribune published on 18
Clearly, the statutory requirements of posting and publication are July 1986, 25 July 1986 and 1 August 1986 the notice of auction sale
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |31

of the real properties. However, the Office of the Sheriff postponed 3. Is it possible to only have ONE PUBLISHED NOTICE OF
the auction sale on 12 August 1986 to 11 September 1986 at the SALE, but the subsequent RESCHEDULED sale will be
request of ERHC. DBP did not republish the notice of the valid without need of another publication?
rescheduled auction sale because DBP and ERHC signed an
agreement to postpone the 12 August 1986 auction sale. ERHC, YES. If the first notice of sale EXPRESSLY STATES AND ALLOWS
however, disputes the authority of Jaime Nuevas who signed the the holding of a rescheduled auction sale without reposting or
agreement for ERHC. republication of the notice. However, the rescheduled auction sale
will only be valid if the rescheduled date of auction is clearly specified
In a letter dated 24 November 1986, ERHC informed DBP of its in the prior notice of sale. The rescheduled dates must be
intention to lease the foreclosed properties. SPECIFIED. The absence of this information in the prior notice of
sale will render the rescheduled auction sale void for lack of
On 22 December 1986, ERHC filed with the Regional Trial Court of reposting or republication. If the notice of auction sale contains this
Iriga City a complaint for annulment of the foreclosure sale of the particular information, whether or not the parties agreed to such
personal and real properties. Subsequently, ERHC filed a rescheduled date, there is no more need for the reposting or
Supplemental Complaint. ERHC alleged that the foreclosure was republication of the notice of the rescheduled auction sale.
void mainly because (1) DBP failed to comply with the procedural
requirements prescribed by law; and (2) the foreclosure was The Office of the Court Administrator issued Circular No. 7-2002
premature. pursuant to the 14 December 1999 Resolution of this Court in A.M.
No. 99-10-05-0, as amended by the Resolutions of 30 January 2001
ISSUES: and 7 August 2001. The Court issued these Resolutions for two
1. Whether DBP complied with the posting and publication
requirements under applicable laws for a valid foreclosure. First, the Court seeks to minimize the expenses which the mortgagee
incurs in publishing the notice of extrajudicial sale. With the added
ON THE POSTING OF AUCTION SALE NOTICES: information in the notice of sale, the mortgagee need not cause the
reposting and republication of the notice of the rescheduled auction
DBP insists that the non-execution of the certificate of posting of the sale. There is no violation of the notice requirements under Acts Nos.
auction sale notices did not invalidate the foreclosure. CORRECT. 3135 and 1508 precisely because the interested parties as well as
the public are informed of the schedule of the next auction sale, if the
A certificate of posting is not required, much less considered first auction sale does not proceed. Therefore, the purpose of a
indispensable for the validity of an extrajudicial foreclosure sale of notice of sale, which is to notify the mortgagor and the public of the
real property under Act No. 3135. In the present case, the foreclosing foreclosure sale, is satisfied.
sheriffs failed to execute the certificate of posting of the auction sale
notices. However, this fact alone does not prove that the sheriffs Second, the Court hopes to deter the practice of some mortgagors in
failed to post the required notices. As held in Bohanan, the fact alone requesting postponement of the auction sale of real properties, then
that there is no certificate of posting attached to the sheriff's records later attacking the validity of the foreclosure for lack of republication.
is not sufficient to prove the lack of posting. This practice will only force mortgagees to deny outright requests for
postponement by mortgagors since it will only mean added
Based on the records, DBP presented sufficient evidence to prove publication expense on the part of mortgagees. Such development
that the sheriffs posted the notices of the extrajudicial sale. will eventually work against mortgagors because mortgagees will
hesitate to grant postponements to mortgagors.
In the absence of contrary evidence, as in this case, the presumption
prevails that the sheriffs performed their official duty of posting the In the instant case, there is no information in the notice of auction
notices of sale. Consequently, we hold that the non-execution of the sale of any date of a rescheduled auction sale. Even if such
certificate of posting cannot nullify the foreclosure of the chattel and information were stated in the notice of sale, the reposting and
real estate mortgages in the instant case. republication of the notice of sale would still be necessary because
Circular No. 7-2002 took effect only on 22 April 2002. There were no
On whether there was publication of the notice of sale of the real such guidelines in effect during the questioned foreclosure.
properties in compliance with Act No. 3135:

There is no question that DBP published the notice of auction sale CASE:
scheduled on 12 August 1986. However, no auction sale took place
on 12 August 1986 because DBP, at the instance of ERHC, agreed G.R. No. 198800, December 11, 2013
to postpone the same to 11 September 1986. DBP contends that the
agreement to postpone dispensed with the need to publish again the JOSE T. RAMIREZ, Petitioner, v. THE MANILA BANKING
notice of auction sale. Thus, DBP did not anymore publish the notice CORPORATION, Respondent.
of the 11 September 1986 auction sale. DBP insists that the law does
not require republication of the notice of a rescheduled auction sale. Ramirez obtained a loan from Manila Banking and mortgaged his
Consequently, DBP argues vigorously that the extrajudicial property. In their contract of mortgage, it was expressly stipulated
foreclosure of the real estate mortgage is valid. INCORRECT. that:

In Ouano v. Court of Appeals, it was held that republication in the “All correspondence relative to this MORTGAGE, including demand
manner prescribed by Act No. 3135 is necessary for the validity of a letters, summons, subpoenas or notifications of any judicial or
postponed extrajudicial foreclosure sale. Another publication is extrajudicial actions shall be sent to the MORTGAGOR”
required in case the auction sale is rescheduled, and the absence of
such republication invalidates the foreclosure sale. Ramirez defaulted in his obligation thus Manila Banking proceeded
with the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgaged property without
2. If publication requirement may be waived by parties, SAME giving notice to Ramirez, contrary to what they have stipulated as
RULING IN OUANO. mentioned above.

|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |32

1. What is the legal effect of violating an express stipulation of To discuss the distinction, we have case of:
the deed of mortgage which requires personal notice to the
petitioner–mortgagor by the respondent–mortgagee bank? G.R. No. 171033 August 3, 2010
The extrajudicial foreclosure sale is NULL AND VOID. CITY MAYOR, CITY TREASURER, CITY ASSESSOR, ALL OF
Personal notice to the mortgagor in extrajudicial foreclosure COMMERCIAL BANKING CORPORATION
proceedings is not necessary because Section 3 of Act No. 3135
only requires the posting of the notice of sale in three public places The spouses Roberto and Monette Naval obtained a loan from
and the publication of that notice in a newspaper of general respondent Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, secured by a
circulation HOWEVER, if there is an additional requirement as to the real estate mortgage of properties covered by Transfer Certificate of
manner of giving notice as agreed by the parties, IT MUST BE Title (TCT) Nos. N-167986, N-167987, and N-167988. In 1998, the
COMPLIED WITH, otherwise the extrajudicial foreclosure sale will be real estate mortgage was later foreclosed and the properties were
void. sold at public auction with respondent as the highest bidder. The
corresponding Certificates of Sale were issued in favor of respondent
The Act only requires (1) the posting of notices of sale in three public on August 4, 1998. However, the certificates of sale were allegedly
places, and (2) the publication of the same in a newspaper of general registered only on February 10, 2004.
circulation. Personal notice to the mortgagor is not necessary.
Nevertheless, the parties to the mortgage contract are not precluded Meanwhile, on May 30, 2003, an auction sale of tax
from exacting additional requirements. delinquentpropertieswas conducted by the City Treasurer of Quezon
City. Included in the properties that were auctioned were two (2)
townhouse units covered by TCT Nos. N-167986 and N-167987 and
the parcel of land covered by TCT No. N-167988. For these
SECTION 4. The sale shall be made at public auction, between the delinquent properties, Alvin Emerson S. Yu was adjudged as the
hours or nine in the morning and four in the afternoon; and shall be highest bidder. Upon payment of the tax delinquencies, he was
under the direction of the sheriff of the province, the justice or issued the corresponding Certificate of Sale of Delinquent Property.
auxiliary justice of the peace of the municipality in which such sale
has to be made, or a notary public of said municipality, who shall be On February 10, 2004, the Certificate of Sale of Delinquent Property
entitled to collect a fee of five pesos each day of actual work was registered with the Office of the Register of Deeds of Quezon
performed, in addition to his expenses. City.

On June 10, 2004, respondent tendered payment for all of the

assessed tax delinquencies, interest, and other costs of the subject
SECTION 5. At any sale, the creditor, trustee, or other persons properties with the Office of the City Treasurer, Quezon City.
authorized to act for the creditor, may participate in the bidding and However, the Office of the City Treasurer refused to accept said
purchase under the same conditions as any other bidder, unless the tender of payment.
contrary has been expressly provided in the mortgage or trust deed
under which the sale is made. Undeterred, on June 15, 2004, respondent filed before the Office of
the City Treasurer a Petition for the acceptance of its tender of
payment and for the subsequent issuance of the certificate of
redemption in its favor. Nevertheless, respondent’s subsequent
SECTION 6. In all cases in which an extrajudicial sale is made under tender of payment was also denied.
the special power hereinbefore referred to, the debtor, his
successors in interest or any judicial creditor or judgment creditor of Consequently, respondent filed a Petition for Mandamus with Prayer
said debtor, or any person having a lien on the property subsequent for Issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and a Writ of
to the mortgage or deed of trust under which the property is sold, Preliminary Injunction3 before the RTC. Petitioners contended,
may redeem the same at any time within the term of one year from among other things, that it had until February 10, 2005, or one (1)
and after the date of the sale; and such redemption shall be year from the date of registration of the certificate of sale on February
governed by the provisions of sections four hundred and sixty-four to 10, 2004, within which to redeem the subject properties, pursuant to
four hundred and sixty-six, inclusive, of the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 78 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 464 or the Real
in so far as these are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. Property Tax Code.

After the parties filed their respective pleadings, the RTC initially
denied the petition in the Order4 dated December 6, 2004. In
Discussion: denying the petition, the RTC opined that respondent’s reliance on
Section 78 of P.D. No. 464 as basis of the reckoning period in
The part which states that “within the term of one year from and after counting the one (1) year period within which to redeem the subject
the date of the sale” refers to ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE properties was misplaced, since P.D. No. 464 has been expressly
REGISTRATION OF THE SALE as a general rule. As an exception, repealed by Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160, or the Local Government
there is the EQUITY OF REDEMPTION in case there is a mortgagor Code.
as a juridical person.
It has to be noted that in this case Quezon City has an ordinance
For judicial foreclosure, Rule 68 is applied, for equity of redemption which provides that he one-year redemption period should be
except when the mortgagee is a banking institution wherein you counted from the date of the annotation of the sale of the property at
apply the right of redemption, one year from the date of the the proper registry.
registration of the sale.
There are instances wherein the issue involved is not necessarily a
mortgage but it needs to be considered so as not to confuse it with What law applies for the determination of the correct redemption
the redemption period regarding foreclosure proceedings. period?

There are foreclosure proceedings for failure to pay taxes to the BIR, What was involved here was foreclosure due to non-payment of
or failure to pay real property taxes to the LGU. property taxes.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |33

Thus, the owner or any person holding a lien or claim over a tax Consequently, the counting of the one (1) year redemption period of
delinquent property sold at public auction has one (1) year from the property sold at public auction for its tax delinquency should be
date of registration of sale to redeem the property. However, since counted from the date of annotation of the certificate of sale in the
the passing of R.A. No. 7160, such is no longer controlling. The issue proper Register of Deeds. Applying the foregoing to the case at bar,
of whether or not R.A No. 7160 or the Local Government Code, from the date of registration of the Certificate of Sale of Delinquent
repealed P.D. No. 464 or the Real Property Tax Code has long been Property on February 10, 2004, respondent had until February 10,
laid to rest by this Court. 2005 to redeem the subject properties. Hence, its tender of payment
of the subject properties tax delinquencies and other fees on June
Jurisdiction thrives to the effect that R.A. No. 7160 repealed P.D. No. 10, 2004, was well within the redemption period, and it was manifest
464. From January 1, 1992 onwards, the proper basis for the error on the part of petitioners to have refused such tender of
computation of the real property tax payable, including penalties or payment.
interests, if applicable, must be R. A. No. 7160.
Absent an ordinance in any other case involving real property tax
Inasmuch as the crafter of the Local Government Code clearly delinquency, RA 7160 applies.
worded the above-cited Section to repeal P.D. No. 464, it is a clear
showing of their legislative intent that R.A. No. 7160 was to Section 7. In any sale made under the provisions of this Act, the
supersede P.D. No. 464. As such, it is apparent that in case of sale purchaser may petition the Court of First Instance of the province or
of tax delinquent properties, R.A. No. 7160 is the general law place where the property or any part thereof is situated, to give him
applicable. Consequently, as regards redemption of tax delinquent possession thereof during the redemption period, furnishing bond in
properties sold at public auction, the pertinent provision is Section an amount equivalent to the use of the property for a period of twelve
261 of R.A. No. 7160, which provides: months, to indemnify the debtor in case it be shown that the sale was
made without violating the mortgage or without complying with the
“Section 261. Redemption of Property Sold. Within one (1) year from requirements of this Act. Such petition shall be made under oath and
the date of sale, the owner of the delinquent real property or person filed in form of an ex parte motion in the registration or cadastral
having legal interest therein, or his representative, shall have the proceedings if the property is registered*, or in special proceedings in
right to redeem the property upon payment to the local treasurer of the case of property registered under the Mortgage Law or under
the amount of delinquent tax, including the interest due thereon, and section one hundred and ninety-four of the Administrative Code, or of
the expenses of sale from the date of delinquency to the date of sale, any other real property encumbered with a mortgage duly registered
plus interest of not more than two percent (2%) per month on the in the office of any register of deeds in accordance with any existing
purchase price from the date of sale to the date of redemption. Such law, and in each case the clerk of the court shall, upon the filing of
payment shall invalidate the certificate of sale issued to the such petition, collect the fees specified in paragraph eleven of
purchaser and the owner of the delinquent real property or person section one hundred and fourteen of Act Numbered Four hundred
having legal interest therein shall be entitled to a certificate of and ninety-six, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty-eight hundred
redemption which shall be issued by the local treasurer or his deputy. and sixty-six, and the court shall, upon approval of the bond, order
that a writ of possession issue, addressed to the sheriff of the
From the date of sale until the expiration of the period of redemption,
province in which the property is situated, who shall execute said
the delinquent real property shall remain in the possession of the
order immediately.
owner or person having legal interest therein who shall remain in the
possession of the owner or person having legal interest therein who
shall be entitled to the income and other fruits thereof.
The highest bidder in an extrajudicial foreclosure sale can file a
The local treasurer or his deputy, upon receipt from the purchaser of
petition for the issuance of a writ of possession even within the
the certificate of sale, shall forthwith return to the latter the entire
redemption period but there must be a bond. If after the redemption
amount paid by him plus interest of not more than two percent (2%)
period the property is not redeemed, a writ of possession is
per month. Thereafter, the property shall be free from all lien of such
ministerial and no bond is required.
delinquent tax, interest due thereon and expenses of sale.”
An affidavit of consolidation can be submitted and filed by the
From the foregoing, the owner of the delinquent real property or
mortgagee where in the title could already be consolidated in his
person having legal interest therein, or his representative, has the
name and thereafter, that may be the basis for the issuance of a writ
right to redeem the property within one (1) year from the date of sale
of possession.
upon payment of the delinquent tax and other fees.

Verily, the period of redemption of tax delinquent properties should CASE:

be counted not from the date of registration of the certificate of sale,
as previously provided by Section 78 of P.D. No. 464, but rather on [G.R. No. 199747, April 03, 2013]
the date of sale of the tax delinquent property, as explicitly provided
by Section 261 of R.A. No. 7160.
However since in the case at bar, there is an ordinance involved. At VERGEL, v. V. R. GONZALES CREDIT ENTERPRISES, INC.,
first glance, this provision runs counter to that of Section 261 of R.A. REPRESENTED BY ITS PRESIDENT, VERONICA L. GONZALES
No. 7160 which provides that the one year redemption period shall
be counted from the date of sale of the tax delinquent property. The Darcens including the spouse are heirs to parcels of land which
There is, therefore, a need to reconcile these seemingly conflicting they inherited from their patriarch. The wife, obtained a loan from
provisions of a general law and a special law. Gonzales Credit and mortgaged the inherited properties. Since she
was not able to pay her obligation, Gonzales Credit initiated an
To harmonize the provisions of the two laws and to maintain the extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding on the mortgaged property.
policy of the law to aid rather than to defeat the owners right to There was a consolidation of ownership of the said properties under
redeem his property, Section 14 (a), Paragraph 7 of City Ordinance Gonzales Credit. The heirs were not able to redeem the said
No. SP-91, S-93 should be construed as to define the phrase one (1) properties within the redemption period. Thereafter, a writ of
year from the date of sale as appearing in Section 261 of R.A. No. possession was issued in favor of Gonzales.
7160, to mean one (1) year from the date of the annotation of the
sale of the property at the proper registry. CLAIM OF DARCENS:
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |34

The issuance of the writ of possession is improper as they are in or deed of trust under which the property is sold, may redeem the
adverse possession of the property. The issuance of the writ same at any time within the term of one year from and after the date
shouldn’t have been ministerial. Thus the Darcens filed an action for of sale; and such redemption shall be governed by the provisions of
the annulment of the writ. section four hundred and sixty-four to four hundred and sixty-six,
inclusive, of the Code of Civil Procedure, in so far as these are not
ISSUES: inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.

1. Whether or not it is ministerial for the court to issue a writ of In this case, the DARCENS, were not able to prove that they are
possession after consolidation of the ownership of the adverse party claimants thus the issuance of the writ may be done
property in the name of the buyer. ministerially.
YES. The long-settled rule in extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate
mortgage is that after consolidation of ownership of the foreclosed Section 8. The debtor may, in the proceedings in which possession
property, it is the ministerial duty of the court to issue, as a matter of was requested, but not later than thirty days after the purchaser was
right, an ex parte writ of possession to the buyer. given possession, petition that the sale be set aside and the writ of
possession cancelled, specifying the damages suffered by him,
The established rule is that the purchaser in an extrajudicial because the mortgage was not violated or the sale was not made in
foreclosure sale becomes the absolute owner of the property if no accordance with the provisions hereof, and the court shall take
redemption is made within one (1) year from the registration of the cognizance of this petition in accordance with the summary
certificate of sale by those who are entitled to redeem. Possession procedure provided for in section one hundred and twelve of Act
being a recognized essential attribute of ownership, after Numbered Four hundred and ninety-six; and if it finds the complaint
consolidation of title the purchaser may demand possession as a of the debtor justified, it shall dispose in his favor of all or part of the
matter of right.29 Under Section 7 of Act No. 3135, as amended by bond furnished by the person who obtained possession. Either of the
Act No. 4118, the issuance of the writ is merely a ministerial function parties may appeal from the order of the judge in accordance with
of the RTC, which the new owner may obtain through an ex parte section fourteen of Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety-six; but
motion. the order of possession shall continue in effect during the pendency
of the appeal.
The possession may be granted to the buyer either (a) within the
one-year redemption period, upon the filing by the purchaser of a
bond, or (b) after the lapse of the redemption period, without need of
a bond. Section 9. When the property is redeemed after the purchaser has
been given possession, the redeemer shall be entitled to deduct from
2. Whether or not a pending action for the annulment of the the price of redemption any rentals that said purchaser may have
writ stays the issuance of the writ of possession. collected in case the property or any part thereof was rented; if the
purchaser occupied the property as his own dwelling, it being town
NO. property, or used it gainfully, it being rural property, the redeemer
may deduct from the price the interest of one per centum per month
As a GENERAL RULE: provided for in section four hundred and sixty-five of the Code of Civil
It is settled that a pending action for annulment of mortgage or
foreclosure sale does not stay the issuance of the writ of possession.
Aside from the laws in relation to extrajudicial foreclosure of
The trial court, where the application for a writ of possession is filed,
mortgage, the Supreme Court issued A.M. No. 99-10-05-0,
does not need to look into the validity of the mortgage or the manner
December 14, 1999. (Amended by A.M. 99-10-05-0, August 7, 2001)
of its foreclosure. The purchaser is entitled to a writ of possession
to provide for the PROCEDURE of an extrajudicial foreclosure of
without prejudice to the outcome of the pending annulment case.

The ministerial duty of the court to issue an ex parte writ of

A.M. No. 99-10-05-0, December 14, 1999
possession ceases once it appears that there is a third party in
(Amended by A.M. 99-10-05-0, August 7, 2001)
possession of the property, who is a stranger to the mortgage and
who claims a right adverse to that of the debtor/ mortgagor. PROCEDURE IN EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF

In line with the responsibility of an Executive Judge under

Administrative Order No. 6, dated June 30, 1975, for the
The property need not only be possessed by a third party, but also management of courts within his administrative area, included in
held by the third party adversely to the debtor/mortgagor. which is the task of supervising directly the work of the Clerk of
Court, who is also the Ex Officio Sheriff, and his staff, and the
Basis: issuance of commissions to notaries public and enforcement of their
duties under the law, the following procedures are hereby prescribed
Section 33, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court provides that in an in extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgages:
execution sale, the possession of the property shall be given to the
purchaser or last redemptioner, unless a third party is actually 1. All applications for extra-judicial foreclosure of mortgage whether
holding the property adversely to the judgment obligor. under the direction of the sheriff or a notary public, pursuant to Act
3135, as amended by Act 4118, and Act 1508, as amended, shall be
The application of the above Section has been extended to filed with the Executive Judge, through the Clerk of Court who is also
extrajudicial foreclosure sales pursuant to Section 6 of Act No. 3135, the Ex-Officio Sheriff.
to wit:
2. Upon receipt of an application for extra-judicial foreclosure of
Sec. 6. In all cases in which an extrajudicial sale is made under the mortgage, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Court to:
special power hereinbefore referred to, the debtor, his successors in
interest or any judicial creditor or judgment creditor of said debtor, or a) receive and docket said application and to stamp thereon the
any person having a lien on the property subsequent to the mortgage corresponding file number, date and time of filing;
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |35

b) collect the filing fees therefor and issue the corresponding official EN BANC
c) examine, in case of real estate mortgage foreclosure, whether the
applicant has complied with all the requirements before the public Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution of this Court
auction is conducted under the direction of the sheriff or a notary dated  FEB 26 2002.
public, pursuant to Sec. 4 of Act 3135, as amended;
A.M. No. 99-10-05-0(Re:Procedure in the Extra-Judicial Foreclosure
d) sign and issue the certificate of sale, subject to the approval of the of Mortgages.)
Executive Judge, or in his absence, the Vice-Executive Judge; and
For consideration is the Memorandum, dated February 8, 2002, of
e) after the certificate of sale has been issued to the highest bidder, Clerk of Court Luzviminda D. Puno transmitting the request of the
keep the complete records, while awaiting any redemption within a Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) for the correction of Circular
period of one (1) year from date of registration of the certificate of No. 7-2002 which the OCA had earlier submitted to provide
sale with the Register of Deeds concerned, after which the records guidelines for the enforcement of A.M. No. 99-10-05-0 and which
shall be archived. was subsequently approved by this Court in its resolution of January
22, 2002.The corrections submitted for the Court's approval are as
Where the application concerns the extrajudicial foreclosure of follows:
mortgages of real estates and/or chattels in different locations
covering one indebtedness, only one filing fee corresponding to such (1)       [The] [l]etterhead should be that of the Office of the Court
indebtedness shall be collected. The collecting Clerk of Court shall, Administrator;
apart from the official receipt of the fees, issue a certificate of
payment indicating the amount of indebtedness, the filing fees (2)       [The] [t]itle of the circular should be deleted as the same is
collected, the mortgages sought to be foreclosed, the real estates already stated in the subject matter;
and/or chattels mortgaged and their respective locations, which
certificate shall serve the purpose of having the application docketed (3)       In relation to Sec. 4(b)(1), provision should be made as to
with the Clerks of Court of the places where other properties are personal notice to debtor-mortgagor, and instead of Circular No. 5-
located and of allowing the extrajudicial foreclosures to proceed 98, 12 January 1998, reference should be made to the new circular
thereat. on publication, i.e., Guidelines in the Accreditation of Newspapers
and Periodicals and Distribution of Legal Notices and Advertisements
3. The notices of auction sale in extrajudicial foreclosure for for Publication, Resolution promulgated on 16 October 2001 in A.M.
publication by the sheriff or by a notary public shall be published in a No. 01-1-07-SC; and
newspaper of general circulation pursuant to Section 1, Presidential
Decree No. 1709, dated January 26, 1977, and non-compliance (4)       The word "Sheriff" in Sec. 6 should be changed to "Clerk of
therewith shall constitute a violation of Section 6 thereof. Court", thus:

4. The Executive Judge shall, with the assistance of the Clerk of "Sec. 6.After the sale, the Clerk of Court shall collect x xx."
Court, raffle application for extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage
After due consideration of the request of the Office of the Court
under the direction of the sheriff among all sheriffs, including those
Administrator and finding the same to be well taken, the Court
assigned to the Office of the Clerk of Court and Sheriffs IV assigned
in the branches.
(1) to GRANT the aforesaid request for the correction of Circular No.
5. No auction sale shall be held unless there are at least two (2)
7-2002, except No. 3 regarding the addition of a provision for
participating bidders, otherwise the sale shall be postponed to
personal notice of extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate mortgages
another date. If on the new date set for the sale there shall not be at
to the debtor-mortgagor, which is hereby denied.Personal notice to
least two bidders, the sale shall then proceed. The names of the
the debtor-mortgagor in case of the extrajudicial foreclosure of real
bidders shall be reported by the sheriff or the notary public who
estate mortgage is not required by Act No. 3135 (Bonnevie v. Court
conducted the sale to the Clerk of Court before the issuance of the
of Appeals, 125 SCRA 122 (1983)), being merely the enforcement of
certificate of sale.
the agreement of the parties to a contract (Community Savings and
This Resolution amends or modifies accordingly Administrative Order Loan Association, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 153 SCRA 564
No. 3 issued by then Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando on 19 (1987)).The addition of such requirement can only make the
October 1984 and Administrative Circular No. 3-98 issued by the procedure for extrajudicial foreclosure cumbersome; and
Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa on 5 February 1998.
(2) to AMEND Sec. 4(b)(1) of its Circular No. 7-2002 so as to make it
The Court Administrator may issue the necessary guidelines for the read as follows:
effective enforcement of this Resolution.
Sec. 4.The Sheriff to whom the application for extra-judicial
The Clerk of Court shall cause the publication of this Resolution in a foreclosure of mortgage was raffled shall do the following:
newspaper of general circulation not later than 27 December 1999
and furnish copies thereof to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
b.(1) In case of foreclosure of real estate mortgage, cause the
This Resolution shall take effect on the fifteenth day of January year
publication of the notice of sale by posting it for not less than twenty
(20) days in at least three (3) public places in the municipality or city
Enacted this 14th day of December 1999 in the City of Manila. where the property is situated and if such property is worth more than
four hundred (P400.00) pesos, by having such notice published once
a week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in the municipality or city (Sec. 3, Act No. 3135, as
A.M. No. 99-10-05-0.February 26, 2002] amended).The executive Judge shall designate a regular working
day and definite time each week during which said notice shall be
RE:PROCEDURE IN THE EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF distributed personally by him for publication to qualified newspapers
MORTGAGES or periodicals as defined in Sec. 1 of P.D. No. 1079, which
distribution shall be effected by raffle (A.M. No. 01-1-07-SC, Oct. 16,
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |36

2001).UNLESS OTHERWISE STIPULATED BY THE PARTIES TO was adjudicated to Lim Kang Sang and Lim Eng Teeng, his
THE MORTGAGE CONTRACT, THE DEBTOR-MORTGAGOR only heirs. They sold this land to Lim Ponso & Co., with the
NEED NOT BE PERSONALLY SERVED A COPY OF THE NOTICE right to repurchase for the period of one year, which period
OF THE EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE. expired without this right having been exercised. Lim
Ponso & Co. transferred this land unconditionally to Lim
The Clerk of Court is directed to furnish the OCA a magnetic Siongco and Lim Kingko. A proceeding for the settlement
(diskette) copy of Circular No. 7-2002 so that the pertinent changes of the intestate estate was also instituted in which
can be made pursuant to this resolution.The OCA is directed to Ambrosio T. Alojado was appointed administrator. The
submit to the Court Circular No. 7-2002, as thus corrected, for final latter, in said capacity, now brings this action against Lim
approval and for determination of the date of its effectivity. Sionco, Lim Kingko and Lim Ponso & Co. and prays that he
be declared the absolute owner of this land. The plaintiff
Very truly yours, contends that the contract executed by Juana Mabaquiao
with Nicolas Alegata was not a contract of sale with the
right to repurchase, but a contract or antichresis.
Clerk of Court
ISSUE: WON the contract entered into by the parties is a
contract of antichresis. NO

HELD: From the terms of the contract it is clearly a sale

March 3, 2016 (1st Hour) with the right to repurchase. The contract is very defective
in its wording, especially so where it refers to the period
Transcribed by: Luna Acosta within which to exercise the right to repurchase. But
examining it as a whole, it clearly appears that it was the
Antichresis parties' intention that the vendor could repurchase the land
without delay when he had the means to pay the purchase
Article 2132. By the contract of antichresis the creditor acquires the price. What characterizes a contract or antichresis is that
right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his debtor, with the the creditor acquires the right to receive the fruits of the
obligation to apply them to the payment of the interest, if owing, and property of his debtor with the obligation to apply them to
thereafter to the principal of his credit. the payment of interests, if any is due, and then to the
principal of his credit. Nowhere in the contract in question
Antichresis is an accessory contract entered into to secure the does this character of a contract of antichresis appear. The
performance of a principal obligation. Delivery is required not for the only substantial thing agreed upon between the parties was
validity of the contract, but in order for the creditor to receive the to repurchase the land when there is already means.
fruits. So, the contract of antichresis requires delivery by the debtor
to the creditor of the immovable property not for the purpose of The decision of this court in the case of De la Vega vs.
transferring ownership, but in order for the creditor to obtain the Ballilos which the appellant invokes in support of his
fruits. Antichresis covers all the fruits of an encumbered property contention, is in no way applicable. The case dealt with a
unless otherwise stipulated by the parties. It is also susceptible of contract called mortgage by the parties and the court held
covering all kinds of obligations whether pure or conditional. that in reality it was contract of antichresis. But in the
contract in that case it was agreed that the debtor assigned
Antichresis vs pledge and transfer the ownership and possession of the land to
Antichresis Pledge the creditor for his management and enjoyment as a profit
Contract of security; accessory contract from the amount for which it had been mortgaged. This
Debtor loses control over the subject matter of the contract but agreement, which characterizes the contract of antichresis,
retains ownership does not exist in the instant case.
Immovable/real property Movable/personal property
Use and enjoyment of fruits Generally: possession only
Q1: Is there a contract of Anticresis?
Antichresis vs mortgage A1: No, maam, there was a contract of sale with right to repurchase.
Antichresis Mortgage Q2: Can’t we say that there is an equitable mortgage here?
Contract of security; accessory contract A2: No maam. The parties here clearly agreed to sell the property,
Both immovable property not to mortgage it.
Subject matter is delivered to the Generally: debtor retains Q3: Can the land still be redeemed? Did they stipulate in the contract
creditor possession, unless otherwise of sale that the property cannot be redeemed anymore after a
stipulated by the parties particular period?
No real right involved: creditor A real right is involved over the A3: The property cannot be redeemed anymore maam even if there
only has a right to obtain the property but the creditor has no was no specified period. The contract stated that they will redeem the
fruits of the property right to receive the fruits property once they are able to, however Article 1606 of the Civil
Creditor is obliged to pay the No obligation to pay Code provides that when there is no redemption period, it shall be for
taxes and charges four years. If there is a period, it shall not be more than 10 years.
made upon the estate Since the right of redemption has already exceeded 10 years, then
Creditor shall apply the fruits to No similar obligation as there is the heirs cannot redeem the property anymore.
the interest owing then to the no right to
balance of the principal appropriate the fruits Article 1606. The right referred to in article 1601, in the absence of
an express agreement, shall last four years from the date of the
Should there be an agreement, the period cannot exceed ten years.
Alojado vs Siongco
In this case there was no contract of antichresis. Remember, a
FACTS: Juana Mabaquiao sold the land to Nicolas Alegata contract of antichresis is an accessory contract. You must show proof
for the sum of P7,744. After the death of Alegata, the land that there was an intention of the parties that the creditor will receive
the fruits of the property and apply these fruits to the interest owing
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |37

and then to the principal. In this case, it was clear that there was no to him all its products.
such intent between the parties. In fact there was no evidence shown
that there was a principal obligation or a contract of loan to support ISSUES: 1. WON there was a contract of antichresis. YES
the alleged antichresis. Under this fact you can also say that there
was no equitable mortgage because there was no intention that the HELD: Vicente as creditor — not being able to collect his
contract of sale with right to repurchase was to secure a principal credit nor obtain the adjudication in his favor of half of
obligation. It is clear that the intention was to sell the property and hacienda which was mortgaged for the security of the debt,
give a right to repurchase when he had the means to pay the and there having been no bidders on the three occasions in
repurchase price. which it was offered for public auction — took possession
of the hacienda and from that time on received through his
Recall your law on sales regarding right of redemption. In this case administrators the products of the same for the purpose of
the period is said to be fixed because it states “when he has the collecting his credit interests. Vicente and his heir Alberto
means”, this is not considered as a condition but a period. Therefore therefore held it in usufruct with the knowledge and
since it is a period, then the redemption should not exceed ten years. express consent of its owners, the heirs of Juan and
Considering that the case was brought only after 15 years and there Antonio. This was all accomplished by virtue of a verbal
was no move to redeem the property, there can be no redemption contract, and not by written one, entered into between the
anymore and the title has been consolidated in the name of Alegata owners of the hacienda and the creditor Vicente Barretto.
or his heirs. From the documentary and oral evidence on record, the
debtors delivered not only one half pertaining to Juan, but
Going back to antichresis, this contract must be clearly intended and the whole hacienda including the share of the heirs of
expressly agreed between the parties. There is an agreement that Antonio with a view that the creditor might collect by
the creditor shall have possession of the property given as security usufruct his credit with the accrued interests.
and apply the fruits thereof to the interest owing and thereafter the
principal obligation. The assignment of the hacienda to Vicente was not made
in payment of his credit, the debtors have limited
Article 2133. The actual market value of the fruits at the time of the themselves to give to the creditor the right to collect his
application thereof to the interest and principal shall be the measure credit from the fruits of the hacienda, conferring upon him
of such application. the possession of the property, but not transferring to him
the dominion of the same. The agreement or verbal
At the time you apply the fruits to the interest and principal obligation, stipulation is defined by the (old) Civil Code in its article
you take into consideration the market value of the fruits, not the 1881, which says: “By the antichresis a creditor acquires a
market value at the time the property was delivered or the loan was right to receive the fruits of real property of his debtor, with
perfected. the obligation to apply them to the payment of the interest,
if due, and afterwards to the principal of his credit.” The
Article 2134. The amount of the principal and of the interest shall be possession of the hacienda enjoyed by the creditor Vicente
specified in writing; otherwise, the contract of antichresis shall be Barretto while living and later on by his successors up to
void. (n) Alberto was conferred to them by virtue of the stated
contract or agreement in antichresis.
It is clear under this provision that the antichresis should be in writing
not only for the enforcement of the obligation as against third persons 2. WON the heirs of Juan and Antonio may regain
but for its validity. possession of the property? No

HELD: Although article 1884 of the same Code states that

the creditor does not acquire through possession the
Baretto vs Baretto
ownership of the real property delivered by virtue of an
antichresis, for failure to pay the debt within the stipulated
FACTS: Alberto Barretto alleges that he is the owner of the
time — any agreement to the contrary being void —
whole hacienda called Balintagac as the heir of Antonio
nevertheless, the debtor according to the preceding article
Vicente Barretto (Vicente for brevity). One Leonardo F.
1883 cannot recover the use of the real property given in
Barretto entered into the property and has been receiving
antichresis to the creditor, without previously fully paying
two-thirds of the fruits which the usurped portion annually
the creditor, who in case of insolvency may ask for the sale
produced despite demands from Alberto to vacate the
of the real property which he possesses by virtue of the
property and return the fruits or pay its value.
covenant in antichresis, unless the pending debt be paid. It
does appear in any way that the debt, for the payment of
Leonardo alleges that he is the true owner of the hacienda
which the whole hacienda was delivered in antichresis, has
along with his co-heirs who succeeded over the ownership
been paid, it is doubtless that the defendant Leonardo,
of Juan Antonio Barretto Sr., (Antonio for brevity) and
when he effected the usurpation, acted without just reason
denies the ownership of Alberto. Leonardo alleged that by
and in contravention of the provisions of the said article
a notarial document, Juan Antonio Barretto Jr., (Juan for
1883 of the Civil Code. It is known that the action to
brevity) the executor of the estate of Antonio declared
recover a thing, where a legitimate possessor has been
himself as the sole and absolute owner of the hacienda
deprived of his possession, takes place in accordance with
and borrowed money from Vicente with the hacienda as
the law, even against the owner himself, who wrested the
security. For the failure of Juan to pay the debt, Vicente
possession, since the despoiler can never be protected by
foreclosed the mortgage in order to recover the money
the law even on his right of ownership, without first
loaned. Half of the mortgaged hacienda was levied upon
restoring what he acquired through his authority by an
and a judgment to sell the property was rendered, but the
illegal act of dispossession.
other half of the attached hacienda could not be sold in
spite of the fact that it was placed at auction three times.

Due to the non-payment of the loan, the heirs of Juan Q1: Is there a contract of antichresis here?
administered, to the exclusion of the true heirs of Antonio, A1: Yes maam.
the entire hacienda for the exclusive account of Vicente, Q2: Why is it in this case it was valid even if there was no stipulation
acknowledging him as the owner of all of it and delivering in writing?
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |38

deed of sale and declaration of the purported contract of

Maam answers: The last letter in Article 2134 is (n). This means that sale as antichresis, accounting and redemption of property
this is a new provision inserted into the New Civil Code. So dati, hindi and damages against Bangis. The RTC rendered a
pa kailangan na naka sulat. decision in favor of the heirs of Adolfo declaring that the
contract as an antichresis, ordering the defendant to deliver
Q3: When can the heirs of Juan Antonio here regain ownership of the the possession of the property in question to the plaintiffs
property subject to antichresis? and the TCT under Bangis as null and void. Thus, the
A3: Only when the debt has been paid maam. Until the obligation is heirs of Bangis appealed before the CA. CA affirmed the
paid by applying the fruits to the interest then to the principal maam, RTC finding that the contract between the parties was a
Alberto can continue in his possession of the land under a contract of mortgage, not a sale. It noted that while Bangis was given
antichresis. possession of the subject property, the certificate of title
remained in the custody of Adolfo and was never
Here it was shown that the creditor took possession of the hacienda cancelled.
by virtue of a voluntary assignment with the express consent of the
heirs. It was also shown that the debtors committed themselves to ISSUE: WON the transaction between the parties was one
give to the creditor the right to collect his credit from the fruits of the of antichresis
hacienda. In other words, possession was transferred for this
purpose, but certainly not to transfer ownership. The verbal HELD: There was neither an antichresis nor sale. For the
stipulation between the parties in this case gave rise to a perfected contract of antichresis to be valid, Article 2134 of the Civil
contract of antichresis because there was still no prohibition under Code requires that “the amount of the principal and of the
2134 that it must be in writing to be valid. Before, under the old Civil interest shall be specified in writing; otherwise the contract
Code, a verbal or oral agreement for antichresis was valid. of antichresis shall be void.” In this case, the Heirs of
Adolfo were indisputably unable to produce any document
In antichresis there is no transfer of ownership. However, this does in support of their claim that the contract between Adolfo
not mean that the debtor or his heirs can regain possession of the and Bangis was an antichresis, hence, the CA properly
property at any time. In order for any property under antichresis to be held that no such relationship existed between the parties.
released from such contract, the debtors must pay the principal
obligation either by applying the fruits to the interest and obligation or The bare testimony of one of the Heirs of Bangis, Rodolfo
to fully pay the agreed price and releasing the property from the Bangis, that the subject photocopy was only handed to him
antichresis. In case of insolvency, they can ask for the sale of the by his father, Aniceto, with the information that the original
property and apply the proceeds to the obligation due to the creditor. thereof “could not be found” was insufficient to justify its
In no case shall the property subject of the antichresis be released admissibility. The identification made by Notary Public
until payment of the obligation. As a contract of security, the Atty. Valentin Murillo that he notarized such document
antichresis is only extinguished when the principal obligation has cannot be given credence as his conclusion was not
been extinguished. verified against his own notarial records. The Heirs of
Bangis failed to establish the existence and due execution
On the part of the creditor, just because he has actual possession of of the subject deed on which their claim of ownership was
the property and the use and enjoyment of the fruits, does not mean founded.
that he can obtain ownership over the property. Acquisitive
prescription does not apply in this case, no matter how long the
period of possession is because what the creditor has is merely the Q1: Why was there no contract of antichresis here?
right to possess the property and apply the fruits to the obligation and A1: No, it did not comply with Article 2134 that a contract of
not the right to own the same. In antichresis the creditor is given antichresis must be in writing.
possession over the property only as a form of security for the debt
or obligation and once the principal obligation is extinguished, so Q2: Why, when was this contract entered into?
must the antichresis. The property has to be released and A2: Sometime in 1975 maam.
possession given back to the debtor who retains ownership over it.
Q3: So the New Civil Code was already in effect here. Why was
In the book of De Leon, as well as in other sources, they still discuss there no sale?
how a contract of antichresis is a consensual contract. Of course now A3: There was no clear proof that there was a contract of sale maam,
we know under 2134 that it is no longer the case. It has already what they presented was only a photo copy of the alleged deed of
become a formal or solemn contract, perfected by the compliance to sale.
2134. Non-compliance will render the contract void.
Q4: But we already know from our Sales that a contract of sale is
perfected by mere consent, in what other way can you prove a
Bangis vs Heirs of Serafin contract of sale? Was there anything presented to show the intention
of the parties to enter into a contract of sale?
FACTS: Spouses Serafin, Sr. and Saludada Adolfo were Maam answers: No, other than the photocopy there was no other
the original registered owners of a lot which was proof shown. In fact the title remained with Adolfo the debtor. They
mortgaged to the DBP. Upon default in the payment of the could have shown that there was a clear intention of the parties to
loan obligation, it was foreclosed and ownership was have a sale here through proving subsequent acts of ownership for
consolidated in DBP’s name under a TCT. Serafin Adolfo, example.
Sr. repurchased the same and was issued a TCT a year
after his wife died. He allegedly mortgaged the subject Q5: So there is no contract of antichresis kasi walang compliance
property to Ancieto Bangis who took possession of the land with 2134, hindi rin sale kasi there was no proof that the parties
but their transaction was not reduced into writing. When intended to transfer ownership. What does that tell us, if there is an
Adolfo died, his heirs executed a deed of extrajudicial alleged sale but the title remains in the possession of the debtor?
partition covering the subject property and TCT issued to Was there a valid contract at all?
them. The said property was subdivided and separate A5: That there could be a loan or mortgage maam.
titles were issued in names of the heirs of Adolfo.
There is a mortgage here, as we have already discussed, even if
The heirs of Adolfo filed a complaint for annulment of the there was no written agreement, there can be a valid mortgage. It
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |39

was clear here that the party was delivered to the creditor to secure necessary to make it appear that the contract of sale with
the principal contract. Although as a general rule, delivery of the pacto de retro noted in the original Torrens certificate was
property is not required in a mortgage, the parties can agree that the really and truly what it appeared to be, that is, a contract of
property can be delivered to the mortgagee to secure the obligation. sale, not a mere mortgage, and that the ownership had
In the dispositive portion of the case the SC held that there is a consolidated in the purchaser by reason of the failure of the
liability to pay the obligation together with the payment of the interest, seller to repurchase the property before the expiration of
therefore it is not antichresis, nor is it a sale, but a mortgage. the time allowed for redemption. Repide was in actual
possession of the property in question, and that he had in
For a contract of antichresis to be valid, Article 2134 provides that the effect been enjoying possession since August 24, 1917.
amount of the principal as well as the interest should be written. The
heirs of Adolfo were unable to produce any document to show that ISSUES: 1. WON the contract executed between
the contract was an antichresis. There could have been no contract Macapinlac and Bachrach Motor, the sale with pacto de
of sale as well as there must be proof that the parties really intended retro was a deed of sale or an equitable mortgage.
to transfer ownership of the property, here the certificate of title Equitable Mortgage (EM)
remained with Adolfo. Since there was no sale or antichresis, at the
very least what we have here is a contract of mortgage. The HELD: 1.In taking up these problems we begin with the
mortgage continued to exist despite the lapse of a considerable situation created by the execution of the contract of sale
number of years from the time it was constituted because the with pacto de retro between the plaintiff, Jose C.
obligation was not satisfied. The non-compliance with 2134 will Macapinlac, and E. M. Bachrach Company. In this
invalidate the contract of antichresis but it will not affect the validity of connection the first and most obvious proposition to be laid
the principal obligation. down is that since said conveyance is alleged to have been
executed as security for a debt owing by the plaintiff to the
Article 2135. The creditor, unless there is a stipulation to the Bachrach Company, it follows that in equity said
contrary, is obliged to pay the taxes and charges upon the estate. conveyance must be treated as a mere security or
He is also bound to bear the expenses necessary for its preservation substantially as a mortgage, that is, as creating a mere
and repair. equitable charge in favor of the creditor or person named
The sums spent for the purposes stated in this article shall be as the purchaser therein.
deducted from the fruits. In this connection the cardinal rule is that a party who
acquires any interest in property with notice of an existing
Obligations of the Antichretic creditor: equity takes subject to that equity. In other words, having
1. Pay taxes due to the property unless there is a stipulation to the acquired the interest of Bachrach in the Hacienda Dolores,
contrary. If the creditor does not pay the taxes, he cannot sue the with knowledge that the contract of August 22, 1916, has
debtor for indemnity for damages due to his own failure. been executed as security for a debt, Francisco Gutierrez
2. Bear the expenses for preservation and repair Repide — or his estate must be understood to stand
towards the present plaintiff in exactly the same position
These two sums are deducted from the fruits due to the creditor. occupied by Bachrach, if the transfer to Repide had never
been effected.
Article 2136. The debtor cannot reacquire the enjoyment of the
immovable without first having totally paid what he owes the 2. What contract governs between Macapinlac and Repide
creditor. But the latter, in order to exempt himself from the (as successor in interest of Bachrach) if the original
obligations imposed upon him by the preceding article, may contract executed by plaintiff with Bachrach was an EM?
always compel the debtor to enter again upon the enjoyment of Antichresis
the property, except when there is a stipulation to the contrary.
HELD: 2. The estate of Francisco Gutierrez Repide
It is clear here that the debtor cannot compel the return of the occupies the position of a mortgagee in possession. The
property until the obligation is totally paid. SC has has upheld the case of Barretto vs Barreto wherein
the heirs of a mortgagee of an estate were found in
possession of mortgaged property more than thirty years
after the mortgage had been executed; and it was shown
Macapinlac vs Repide
that the mortgage had never been foreclosed. Upon this
state of facts it was in effect held that the rights of the
FACTS: Jose Macapinlac was indebted to the Bachrach
parties, heirs respectively of the mortgagor and mortgagee,
Motor Company, for the price of an automobile and its
were essentially the same as under the contract of
accessories, purchased upon credit; and as evidence of
this indebtedness the he executed fourteen (14)
promissory notes. With the delivery of the PNs, Macapinlac
Under the Civil Code (arts. 1881-1884), it was held that
executed what on its face purports to be a deed of sale,
while non-payment of the debt does not vest the ownership
with privilege of repurchase, to be exercised on or before
of the property in the creditor, nevertheless the debtor
October 2, 1917 (due date of the debt), covering his
cannot recover the enjoyment of the property without first
property, the Hacienda Dolores.
paying in full what he owes to his creditor. At the same
time, however, the creditor is under obligation to apply the
On November 8, 1917, Francisco Gutierrez Repide
fruits derived from the estate in satisfaction, first, of the
acquired all the rights of E. M. Bachrach in the property
interest on the debt, if any, and, secondly, to the payment
which had been conveyed to the latter. Repide was well
of the principal. From this is necessarily deduced the
aware that the transfer of the property to Bachrach had
obligation of the creditor to account to the debtor for said
been made by the Macapinlac for the purpose of securing
fruits and the corresponding right of the debtor to have the
a debt owing to the Bachrach Company, and he was
same applied in satisfaction of the mortgage debt.
furthermore aware that part of the debt has been paid and
there was only balance of less than one-half of the sum.
The respective rights and obligations of the parties to a
contract of antichresis, under the Civil Code, may be taken
After Repide had acquired the interest in the hacienda in
to be established, namely, that if the mortgagee acquires
question, he processed the certificate of title to be
possession in any lawful manner, he is entitled to retain
transferred to his own name. To accomplish this, it was
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |40

such possession until the indebtedness is satisfied and the towards the discharge of the mortgage debt. If the creditor remains in
property redeemed; that the non-payment of the debt within possession after the anticretic debt has been satisfied, he becomes a
the term agreed does not vest the ownership of the trustee for the mortgagor as to the excess of the rents and profits
property in the creditor; that the general duty of the over such debt. If the creditor refuses to account for the fruits to be
mortgagee in possession towards the premises is that of applied, the debtor can file an action to compel the accounting
the ordinary prudent owner' that the mortgagee must thereof. With that the debtor will know how much he will really pay. In
account for the rents and profits of the land, or its value for this case the amount actually due cannot be known yet until an
purposes of use and occupation, any amount thus realized accounting has been made. The mortgagor can only enforce his
going towards the discharge of the mortgage debt; that if rights to the land by an equitable action for an account and to
the mortgagee remains in possession after the mortgage redeem.
debt has been satisfied, he becomes a trustee for the
mortgagor as to the excess of the rents and profits over Under 2136, take note of the second paragraph. If the creditor does
such debt; and, lastly, that the mortgagor can only enforce not want to pay the taxes and other expenses, he can compel the
his rights to the land by an equitable action for an account debtor to enter into enjoyment of the property again, unless there is a
and to redeem. stipulation to the contrary.

Article 2137. The creditor does not acquire the ownership of the
Q1: Who is the creditor here? Who is Repide, why is he in real estate for non-payment of the debt within the period agreed
possession of the subject property? upon.
A1: Bachrach is the original creditor here and Repide obtained the
rights of Bachrach in this case as he is the transferee of the property. Every stipulation to the contrary shall be void. But the creditor may
petition the court for the payment of the debt or the sale of the real
Q2: Does this mean that Bachrach sold the property itself to Repide? property. In this case, the Rules of Court on the foreclosure of
A2: No, maam. The possession of Repide is that of an antichretic mortgages shall apply.
creditor, but the SC also applied here the rules on mortgage with
regards to antichresis maam. If the obligation is not paid, it says here that the creditor does not
acquire ownership of the property. Ownership is not transferred upon
Q3: This is another old case wherein the SC held that there is a delivery of the possession but merely the right to receive the fruits.
contract of antichresis.
Is the mortgagor here entitled to the return of the subject property?
A3: Article 2136 of the Civil Code provides maam that the debtor Spouses Ramirez and Bonifacio vs CA, Martin and Guinto
cannot reacquire the enjoyment of the immovable without first having
totally paid what he owes the creditor. The creditor must apply the FACTS: Spouses Ramirez filed an application for
fruits first to the interest due to the creditor then to the principal registration of a parcel of Riceland in Rizal which was
obligation until the obligation is fully paid. However in this case, the granted. Later, private respondents Martin and Guinto filed
actual amount to be paid was not yet known so there is still a need to a petition to review the decree of registration on the ground
account for the actual amount that Macapinlac has to pay to Repide of fraud. They alleged that in 1938, they loaned P400 from
as an antichretic creditor. Spouses Ramirez and secured such loan with a mortgage
on the subject land by way of antichresis.
Q4: In the absence of the accounting of the actual amount that must As a result of the antichresis, the Tax Declaration No. was
be paid, what is the effect with regard to possession? substituted and petitioners started paying taxes on the
A4: Since there is a contract of antichresis maam, Repide can land. However, Spouses Ramirez refused to return the land
possess the property not as an owner but as anticretic creditor to respondents after several attempts to redeem it. They
because it is only in his possession for him to obtain the fruits. filed the present petition after learning of the issuance of
the certificate of title in the names of the Ramirez’.
In an antichresis the debtor cannot regain possession of the property
until he has paid the full obligation due to the creditor. The creditor on The trial court found the deeds of sale spurious and ruled
the other hand has the obligation to apply the fruits of the property to in favor of respondents. It found that respondents took
the satisfaction of the interest first then to the principal. There is the possession of the land as owners after the death of Agapita
obligation of the creditor to account to the debtor for the said fruits Bonifacio and in 1938, mortgaged it to Ramirez to secure
which will be applied to the satisfaction of the debt. While it is true the loan valued at P400. It was agreed that the
that Bachrach is the original creditor in this case, where the respondents could not redeem the property within a period
possession of the property was transferred to Repide, there was no of 5 years and that the petitioners would take possession of
transfer of ownership. It was not a contract of sale to transfer the the land, enjoy its fruits, and pay the land taxes thereon.
ownership of the property because in the first place, Bachrach was The written agreement was kept by the Ramirez as
only an anticretic creditor. The contract entered into between creditors.
Bachrach and Repide was only an assignment of rights over the
subject property, the right to collect the fruits due. ISSUE: WON Ramirez’ are merely antichetic creditors?
In this instance, although the SC here used the term mortgagee, he
was really an anticretic creditor. If the antichretic creditor acquires HELD: Ramirez willfully and fraudulently suppressed the
possession in any lawful manner, he is entitled to retain such facts that petitioners are the legal and rightful owners of the
possession until the indebtedness is satisfied and the property ricefield and that they possess such ricefield merely as
redeemed. The failure of the debtor to fulfill the anticretic debt in the antichretic creditors as security for the loan of P400.
period provided does not transfer ownership to the creditor. The Ramirez spouses are guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation
creditor remains only in possession of the land and collects the fruits and concealment when they declared in their application
and rents therein to apply it to the debt. that no other person had any claim or interest in the said
The general duty of the mortgagee in possession towards the
premises is that of the ordinary prudent owner' that the mortgagee While there was an admission that the petitioners have
must account for the rents and profits of the land, or its value for been in actual possession of the disputed land since
purposes of use and occupation, any amount thus realized going 1938, it was made to show and prove the fact that the
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |41

petitioners are only antichretic creditors. Ramirez never Article 2139. The last paragraph of article 2085, and articles 2089 to
admitted that they have not possessed the land at all. On 2091 are applicable to this contract.
the contrary, they alleged that they and their predecessors-
in-interest namely Gregoria Pascual and Agapita Bonifacio Article 2085, last paragraph: Third persons who are not parties to the
have been in possession of the land since time immemorial principal obligation may secure the latter by pledging or mortgaging
and that the petitioners were placed in possession of the their own property.
land pursuant to a contract of antichresis. The SC has on
several occasions held that the antichretic creditor cannot Third parties can also use their properties to secure a contract of
ordinarily acquire by prescription the land surrendered to antichresis even if they are not the debtor.
him by the debtor. Ramirez spouses are not possessors in
the concept of owner but mere holders placed in
Article 2089. A pledge or mortgage is indivisible, even though the
possession of the land by its owners. Thus, their
debt may be divided among the successors in interest of the debtor
possession cannot serve as a title for acquiring dominion.
or of the creditor. Therefore, the debtor's heir who has paid a part of
However, under Article 2136 of the Civil Code, the debtor
the debt cannot ask for the proportionate extinguishment of the
cannot reacquire the enjoyment of the immovable without
pledge or mortgage as long as the debt is not completely satisfied.
first having totally paid what he owes the creditor. Thus,
Neither can the creditor's heir who received his share of the debt
respondents may reacquire the land after paying the still
return the pledge or cancel the mortgage, to the prejudice of the
existing debt.
other heirs who have not been paid. From these provisions is
excepted the case in which, there being several things given in
mortgage or pledge, each one of them guarantees only a
Q1: Was there an antichresis here? What is the effect of the determinate portion of the credit.
acknowledgement by the possessors of the property that there was The debtor, in this case, shall have a right to the extinguishment of
an antichresis? the pledge or mortgage as the portion of the debt for which each
A1: Yes maam. This means that they acknowledge that they remain thing is specially answerable is satisfied.
in possession of the property only until the debt has been paid.

Q2: Can the antichretic creditor acquire ownership over the property Article 2090. The indivisibility of a pledge or mortgage is not affected
by virtue of acquisitive prescription? by the fact that the debtors are not solidarily liable.
A2: No maam. In this case it was held that the petitioners being
merely antichretic creditors, their possession is not which is Articles 2089 and 2090 emphasize that an antichresis is also
contemplated in law for prescription. They must be in possession of indivisible by nature.
the property in the concept of an owner. Because they acknowledged
that there is in fact an antichresis, they cannot later on say that they Article 2091. The contract of pledge or mortgage may secure all
have acquired the property through prescription. kinds of obligations, be they pure or subject to a suspensive or
resolutory condition.
There was no dispute as to the existence of the contract of
antichresis. It was admitted that the petitioners have been in actual 2091 refers to the fact that an antichresis may secure all kinds of
possession of the land since 1938, but it was proven that they were obligations.
only antichretic creditors. In other words they agreed that petitioners
will take possession of the land and then apply the fruits to the In real life, especially now, hindi na ganun ka common ang purely
principal obligation. Considering that the petitioners are only antichresis contracts between creditors and debtors. Its either a
antichretic creditors, they cannot acquire the property by prescription mortgage or sale with repurchase para mas madali. The property is
even if the land was delivered to them. In order for acquisitive delivered as a security but no right is given to apply the fruits to the
prescription to run, the possession must be in the concept of an debt. There are also some instances wherein there is a mix between
owner. Here they are mere holders, the land placed in their antichresis and another contract, for example, the mortgagee will
possession by agreement with the actual owners. Their possession allow the mortgagor to work on the land or plant crops, the property
therefore cannot be constituted as a title for dominion, unless they is in the possession of the mortgagee but the mortgagor will have the
repudiate their status as an antichretic creditor. fruits in order to pay the creditor. That is still a valid contract even if it
is mixed. We have learned that if there is no specific name or law to
In a contract of antichresis, the parties cannot enter into a stipulation a contract, it can be an inominate contract wherein the agreement of
wherein in case of default, the antichretic creditor will be the owner of the parties or the applicable provisions of law will apply and not
the subject property because that will constitute pactum strictly one law or the other.
commissorium which is void under our laws for being against public
policy. A stipulation authorizing the antichretic creditor to appropriate
the land upon default is void.
March 3, 2016 (2nd hour)
Remedies available to the creditor upon default
1. file for specific performance to compel the debtor to pay Transcribed by: Jennifer Lim
2. file a petition for the sale of the property under judicial or
extrajudicial foreclosure as allowed in contracts of mortgage and CHATTEL MORTGAGE
Article 2140. By a chattel mortgage, personal property is
Article 2138. The contracting parties may stipulate that the interest recorded in the Chattel Mortgage Register as a security for
upon the debt be compensated with the fruits of the property which is the performance of an obligation. If the movable, instead of
the object of the antichresis, provided that if the value of the fruits being recorded, is delivered to the creditor or a third
should exceed the amount of interest allowed by the laws against person, the contract is a pledge and not a chattel
usury, the excess shall be applied to the principal. mortgage. (n)

Here it emphasizes the obligation of the antichretic creditor to apply

the fruits of the property to the satisfaction of the interest first then A chattel mortgage is still an accessory contract. A contract by virtue
the principal. of which it is recorded in a chattel mortgage registered as a security
for the performance of an obligation. Registration therefore is
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |42

required because it is provided by 2140. Likewise, aside from being pledging of a thing already mortgaged or any part thereof without the
an accessory contract, a chattel mortgage is also unilateral because written consent of the mortgage at the back of the mortgage and
it produces only obligations on the part of the creditor to free the registered in the Chattel Mortgage register,
thing from encumbrance to fulfill the obligation.
Do take note; Article 100 of the RPC, every person criminally liable is
However, take note of the distinctions of a chattel mortgage and a also civilly liable. But these are two kinds of liability. It could also
pledge. mean an occasion wherein you are not relieved of you criminal
liability, so mortgagor is not really relieved from criminal liability even
if the indebtedness has already been paid. Mortgagor seller must
Chattel Mortgage Pledge inform the mortgagee that the thing can be sold and with his (the
Registration is required Not required mortgagee’s) consent. In such instance, the sale is valid, however, in
the absence of consent of the mortgagee, the mortgagor can be held
Delivery is not essential criminally liable.
Real contract wherein
delivery is essential for its Subject matter of a chattel mortgage is a personal or movable
Act No. 1508 governs the validity property. But deviations are already allowed by jurisprudence.
property mortgaged 1. Shares of stock – incorporeal rights wherein the rights as a
Sale of thing pledged – share holder may be the subject of a mortgage.
Creditor can sue for the Article 2130 Registration in both the domicile of the corporation or of the
balance except if the sale is person is required.
on installments of a 2. Interest in a business
personal property –covered Creditor cannot sue for the 3. Machineries treated by the parties as personal property
by the Recto Law balance 4. Vessels- applying the Ship Mortgage Decree, it is essential
that it be recorded in the Philippine Coast Guard
Debtor can receive the 5. Motor Vehicles – LTO or LTFRB for vehicles used for
excess public service

Debtor is not entitled to the
excess unless there is a FACTS: United Car Exchange sold to Fortune Enterprise a
stipulation to the contrary car. The same car was sold by Fortune Enterprises to
Salvador Aguinaldo. The latter not able to pay it in full, he
Recall in Recto Law, there are three remedies available to a vendor executed a promissory note.
who sold the personal property in installment: cancellation of sale,
specific performance, and foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. If the To secure the pay payment of this note, Aguinaldo
remedy availed of by the seller is the foreclosure, you can not executed a deed of chattel mortgage over said car. The
anymore sue for the deficiency. Such is only under the Recto Law, deed was duly registered in the office of the Register of
otherwise, the creditor can sue for the balance. Deeds of Manila. As the buyer-mortgagor defaulted in the
payment of the installments due, counsel for Fortune
Do take note of the similarities of a contract of pledge Enterprises Inc. addressed a letter on May 16, 1952,
Chattel Mortgage & Pledge requesting him to make the necessary payment and to
An accessory contract to secure the performance of an keep his account up to date, to that no court action would
obligation be resorted to.

Constituted on personal property It further appears that the car found its way again into the
United Car Exchange which sold the same in cash for
Indivisible in nature & a lien on a property P4,000 to one O. N. Borlough on April 6, 1952.
Accordingly, he registered it on the following day with the
Creditor cannot appropriate the property for himself in Motor Vehicles Office.
payment of the debt. When debtor defaults, the property
is sold to pay the creditor Issue: As between a prior mortgage executed over a motor
vehicle, registered under the Chattel Mortgage Law only,
Extinguished by the fulfillment of the principal obligation without annotation thereof in the Motor Vehicles Office, and
or by the destruction of the property a subsequent registration of the vehicle in the Motor
Vehicles Office accompanied by actual possession of the
Article 2141. The provisions of this Code on pledge, insofar motor vehicle, which should prevail? O.N. Borlough’s rights
as they are not in conflict with the Chattel Mortgage Law should be upheld.
shall be applicable to chattel mortgages. (n)
Held: Two recording laws are here being invoked, one by
each contending party — the Chattel Mortgage Law (Act
Notice, there are only two provisions in the Civil Code that are
No. 1508), by the mortgagor and the Revised Motor
applicable to Chattel Mortgage. Because the main law is the Chattel
Vehicles Law (Act No. 3992), by a purchaser in
Mortgage Law, Act No. 1508, then the provisions of the Civil Code
suppletorily in so far as they not inconsistent. Also take note of the
Special Laws applicable depending on the property involved (Motor
The Revised Motor Vehicles Law is a special legislation
Vehicles Law, Ship Mortgage Decree, Revised Administrative Code,
enacted to "amend and compile the laws relative to motor
and Revised Penal Code applicable for Chattel Mortgages).
vehicles," whereas the Chattel Mortgage Law is a general
law covering mortgages of all kinds of personal property.
In the RPC, you have article 319 knowingly removing any personal
The former is the latest attempt to assemble and compile
property in the Chattel mortgage law to any province or city other
the motor vehicle laws of the Philippines, all the earlier
than the one which the thing is located at the time of the execution
laws on the subject having been found to be very deficient
without the written consent of the mortgagee. Another is selling or
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |43

in form as well as in substance (Villar and De Vega, Failure of the respondent mortgagee to report the mortgage executed
Revised Motor Vehicles Law, p. 1); it had been designed in its favor had the effect of making said mortgage ineffective against
primarily to control the registration and operation of motor Borlough, who had his purchase registered in the said Motor
vehicles (section 2, Act No. 3992). Vehicles Office.

In the first place, the provisions of the Revised Motor On failure to comply with the statute, the transferee's title is rendered
Vehicles Law on registration are not inconsistent with does invalid as against a subsequent purchaser from the transferor, who is
of the Chattel Mortgage Law. In the second place, implied enabled by such failure of compliance to retain the indicia of
repeals are not favored; implied repeals are permitted only ownership, such as a subsequent purchaser in good faith, or a
in cases of clear and positive inconsistency. We have, purchaser from a conditional buyer in possession; and the lien of a
therefore, an additional requirements in the Revised Motor chattel mortgage given by the buyer to secure a purchase money
Vehicles Law, aside from the registration of a chattel loan never becomes effective in such case as against an innocent
mortgage, which is to report a mortgage to the Motor purchaser.
Vehicles Office, if the subject of the mortgage is a motor
vehicle; the report merely supplements or complements the On holding a lien on a property in so far as he can be reasonably do
registration. so, must protect others in good faith by complying with the provision
of the laws concerning certificate of titles on motor vehicles. In this
The recording provisions of the Revised Motor Vehicles case, Fortune is not entitled to the lien against Borlough considering
Law, therefore, are merely complementary to those of the he is an innocent purchaser for value.
Chattel Mortgage Law. A mortgage in order to affect third
persons should not only be registered in the Chattel Again as we discussed, registration affects third persons.
Mortgage Registry, but the same should also be recorded Registration with the LTO to bind third persons. In the absence
in the motor Vehicles Office as required by section 5 (e) of thereof, you cannot have a better right. Registration is only an
the Revised Motor Vehicles Law. And the failure of the additional requirement.
respondent mortgage to report themortgage executed in its
favor had the effect of making said mortgage ineffective Another deviation is a house which is an immovable property but if it
against Borlough, who had his purchase registered in the of mixed materials, it can be a valid subject of a chattel mortgage.
said Motor Vehicles Office. Also, a house that is demolished as well as a house built on rented
On failure to comply with the statute, the transferee's title is
rendered invalid as against a subsequent purchaser from Q: What is the effect of a chattel mortgage executed on a building?
the transferor, who is enabled by such failure of A: It is valid if the parties intended it to be a personal property
compliance to retain the indicia of ownership, such as a
subsequent purchaser in good faith, or a purchaser from a
conditional buyer in possession; and the lien of a chattel THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK vs.
mortgage given by the buyer to secure a purchase money JOAQUIN JARAMILLO - MORILLA
loan never becomes effective in such case as against an
innocent purchaser. FACTS:

Q: What is the effect of failure to register the vehicle in the Motor De la Rosa was the lessee of a parcel of land situated in
Vehicle Register? the Manila and owner of the house built thereon. She
A: Because of this he cannot exercise his rights over an innocent executed a document in the form of a chattel mortgage,
purchaser for value. purporting to convey to Standard Oil Company of New York
by way of mortgage both the leasehold interest in said lot
Q: What there still a valid mortgage even if it was not registered? and the building.
A: There was still a valid mortgage; however, it does not bind third
persons who acquired the property in good faith. After said document had been duly acknowledged and
delivered, Standard Oil presented it to Joaquin Jaramillo,
Q: Does this mean that the Revised Motor Vehicle Law has repealed as register of deeds of the City of Manila, for the purpose of
the requirements under the Chattel Mortgage Law? having the same recorded in the book of record Of Chattel
A: No. It is not contradictory, but in fact, suppletory to the law. It only Mortgages.
provides an extra layer of protection to the mortgage mortgagor but
also as to third persons who may have an interest over the property. Issue: Won There Is Absolute Criterion For Determining
Personal Property For Chattel Mortgage Law; None
There are two laws cited in this case, the Chattel Mortgage Law and
the Revised Motor Vehicles Law. This Revised Motor Vehicles law is Articles 334 and 335 of the Civil Code supply no absolute
a special law made to amend and compile the motor vehicle laws of criterion for discriminating between real property and
the Philippines, all the earlier laws on the subject having been found personal property for purpose of the application of the
to be very deficient in form as well as in substance; it had been Chattel Mortgage Law.
designed primarily to control the registration and operation of motor
vehicles. On the other hand, the Chattel Mortgage Law is a general It is undeniable that the parties to a contract may by
law covering mortgages of all kinds of personal property. agreement treat as personal property that which by nature
would be real property; and it is a familiar phenomenon to
With the enactment of the RMV Law, the CM Law was not repealed. see things classed as real property for purposes of taxation
In fact, it is complimentary, The recording provisions of the Revised which on general principle might be considered personal
Motor Vehicles Law, therefore, are merely complementary to those of property. Other situations are constantly arising, and from
the Chattel Mortgage Law. A mortgage in order to affect third time to time are presented to this court, in which the proper
persons should not only be registered in the Chattel Mortgage classification of one thing or another as real or personal
Registry, but the same should also be recorded in the motor Vehicles property may be said to be doubtful.
Here, it was a chattel mortgage but it did not refer to a personal
property but rather to an immovable property which was a building.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |44

Take note that the issue here was the refusal of the register of deeds against any person except the mortgagor, his executors or
to register the said mortgage on the ground that the properties administrators, unless the possession of the property is
mentioned were not personal properties. SC ruled that the duty to delivered to and retained by the mortgagee or unless the
register is purely ministerial only. No discretion. Parties may stipulate mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds
whether an immovable is real or personal. The register of deeds has of the province in which the mortgagor resides at the time
no authority to pass upon the capacity of the parties to a chattel of making the same, or, if he resides without the Philippine
mortgage which is presented to him for record as long as it fulfills the Islands, in the province in which the property is situated:
requirements for registration are present, the register of deeds Provided, however, That if the property is situated in a
cannot refuse. Just present a duly notarized instrument. different province from that in which the mortgagor resides,
the mortgage shall be recorded in the office of the register
As long as it is agreed upon by the parties, mortgage of a real of deeds of both the province in which the mortgagor
property considered to be a personal property is binding as long as resides and that in which the property is situated, and for
no third persons are prejudiced. Essentially, we apply here the the purposes of this Act the city of Manila shall be deemed
doctrine of estoppel. You enter the contract as mortgagor-mortgagee. to be a province.
The parties themselves deemed it as personal property, although it is
a real property. Therefore, they cannot interpose the validity of the Section 4 wala na rin yan siya. Because under the Article 2140 Civil
contract as void for having failed to comply with the requirements of Code is already in effect, if there is delivery of the subject property,
the law to constitute a chattel mortgage if they have already agreed that will be considered as pledge. Naiwan na lang jan is the
that the building or any movable property will be made subject matter mortgage must of course be recorded in the registry of deeds to bind
of the mortgage. The parties cannot claim that the contract is void against 3rd person..
because it does not comply with the requirements of a chattel
mortgage, but instead complies with the requirements of a real estate Sec. 5. Form. — A chattel mortgage shall be deemed to be
mortgage. Again, apply the principle of estoppel. However the validity sufficient when made substantially in accordance with the
of such contract would depend in so far as there are no third parties following form, and shall be signed by the person or
prejudiced. The two parties in a chattel mortgage cannot defeat the persons executing the same, in the presence of two
rights over a third party. But of course, do not use the principle of witnesses, who shall sign the mortgage as witnesses to the
estoppel in documents which are not executed correctly. As law execution thereof, and each mortgagor and mortgagee, or,
students and future lawyers, you know very well what are real and in the absence of the mortgagee, his agent or
personal properties. Balik-balik na gidiscuss. attorney, shall make and subscribe an affidavit in
substance as hereinafter set forth, which affidavit, signed
Now let’s discuss by the parties to the mortgage as above stated, and the
certificate of the oath signed by the authority administering
ACT NO. 1508 the same, shall be appended to such mortgage and
recorded therewith.
Section 1. The short title of this Act shall be "The Chattel FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE AND AFFIDAVIT.
Mortgage Law." "This mortgage made this ____ day of ______19____ by
_______________, a resident of the municipality of
Sec. 2. All personal property shall be subject to mortgage, ______________, Province of ____________, Philippine
agreeably to the provisions of this Act, and a mortgage Islands mortgagor, to ____________, a resident of the
executed in pursuance thereof shall be termed chattel municipality of ___________, Province of
mortgage. ______________, Philippine Islands, mortgagee,
witnesseth: "That the said mortgagor hereby conveys and
So this would also include incorporeal rights such as that of a mortgages to the said mortgagee all of the following-
stockholder. Registration is required in the place of the principal described personal property situated in the municipality of
business of the corporation and the shareholder. ______________, Province of ____________ and now in
the possession of said mortgagor, to wit: (Here insert
So mortgage of improvements of a land—can it also be valid subject specific description of the property mortgaged.) "This
matter of mortgage? Yes. Considered as immovable property. mortgage is given as security for the payment to the said
______, mortgagee, of promissory notes for the sum of
Also, take note that growing crops and large cattle are personal ____________ pesos, with (or without, as the case may
properties. They are capable of being mortgaged, although they can be) interest thereon at the rate of ___________ per centum
be subjected as immovable under Article 415. The real estate per annum, according to the terms of __________, certain
mortgage, in so far as the public is concerned, such improvements promissory notes, dated _________, and in the words and
are immovable property. figures following (here insert copy of the note or notes
secured). "(If the mortgage is given for the performance of
Sec. 3. Chattel mortgage defined. — A chattel mortgage is some other obligation aside from the payment of
a conditional sale of personal property as security for the promissory notes, describe correctly but concisely the
payment of a debt, or the performance of some other obligation to be performed.)
obligation specified therein, the condition being that the "The conditions of this obligation are such that if the
sale shall be void upon the seller paying to the purchaser a mortgagor, his heirs, executors, or administrators shall well
sum of money or doing some other act named. If the and truly perform the full obligation (or obligations) above
condition is performed according to its terms the mortgage stated according to the terms thereof, then this obligation
and sale immediately become void, and the mortgagee is shall be null and void. "Executed at the municipality of
thereby divested of his title. _________, in the Province of ________, this _____ day of
19_____ ____________________ (Signature of
Now, Sec. 3. A chattel mortgage is a conditional sale of personal mortgagor.) "In the presence of "_________________
property.. Wala na yan ha. Because of Article 2140. The CM Law is "_________________ (Two witnesses sign here.)
also similar sa extra-judicial foreclosure, it is also an old law. It took FORM OF OATH. "We severally swear that the foregoing
effect on July 2,1906. The definition of the Chattel Mortgage is a mortgage is made for the purpose of securing the
contract of security as defined under Article 2140. obligation specified in the conditions thereof, and for no
other purpose, and that the same is a just and valid
Sec. 4. Validity. — A chattel mortgage shall not be valid obligation, and one not entered into for the purpose of
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |45

fraud." FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF OATH. "At so that the court might satisfy itself as to its nature and
___________, in the Province of _________, personally unquestionably fix the date of its execution.
appeared ____________, the parties who signed the
foregoing affidavit and made oath to the truth thereof There is nothing either in the judgment relied upon or in the
before me. "_____________________________" evidence to show the date of said mortgage. The burden
(Notary public, justice of the peace, 1 or other officer, as was upon the claimant to prove that it actually had a public
the case may be.) Code. It is essential that the nature and the date of the
document be established by competent evidence before
the court can allow a preference as against the other
Section 5 of the law provides for the form of a chattel mortgage, form parties to this proceeding. Inasmuch as the claimant failed
of oath and certificate of oath. Take note that we have mentioned last to establish its preference, based on a public document,
time the affidavit of good faith. An affidavit of oath is executed by the the lower court properly held that its claim against the said
parties to attest that the mortgage was made in good faith for the Aleko E. Lilius was based on the final judgment in civil case
purpose of securing the obligation thereof and that the sale is a just No. 41159 of the Court of First Instance of Manila of May 3,
and valid obligation, not one done for the purpose of fraud. 1932.

Q: What is the effect if there is no affidavit of good faith? Nevertheless, it was a valid mortgage as between the parties in the
A: The mortgage is valid and not effective as to third persons absence of good faith. The mortgage is still valid between the
mortgagor-mortgagee, but as to third persons, it cannot be binding.
In fact, the absence of that affidavit of good faith, that mortgage
ALEKO E. LILIUS vs. MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY would not be considered as a preferred credit.

Facts: In this case Laura Lindley Shuman, the Manila Wine Q: Was there an affidavit of good faith in the case of Cebu Intl?
Merchants, Ltd., the Bank of the Philippine Islands and the
Manila Motor Co., Inc., have appealed from an order of the
Court of First Instance of Manila fixing the degree of Cebu Int’l Finance vs. CA
preference of the claimants and distributing the proceeds of
the judgment of this court in the case of Lilius vs. Manila Facts: Jacinto Dy executed a Special Power of Attorney in
Railroad Co. (59 Phil., 758), the amount of which judgment favor of private respondent Ang Tay, authorizing the latter
in the sum of P33,525.03, including interest and costs, was to sell the cargo vessel owned by Dy and christened LCT
deposited by the railroad company with the clerk of the "Asiatic."
lower court in that case.
Contrary to their agreements and without the knowledge of
Issue: WON the claim of the Manila Motor Co., Inc., was Ang Tay, Ong had his copies of the deed of sale (on which
inferior in preference to those of the appellees in this case the aforementioned prohibition does not appear). Ong
presented the notarized deed to the Philippine Coast
Ruling: Guard which subsequently issued him a Certificate of
The court committed no error in holding that the claim of Ownership and a Certificate of Philippine Register over the
the Manila Motor Co., Inc., was inferior in preference to subject vessel on 27 May 1987. Ong also succeeded in
those of the appellees in this case. having the name of the vessel changed to LCT "Orient
But even if the court is authorized to accept the statement
in that judgment as a basis for its finding of fact in relation Subsequently, Ong acquired a loan and as a security, he
to this claim, still it would not establish the claim of executed a chattel mortgage over the subject vessel,[8]
preference of the Manila Motor Co., Inc. Granting that a which mortgage was registered with the Philippine Coast
mortgage existed between the Manila Motor Co., Inc., and Guard and annotated on the Certificate of Ownership.
Aleko E. Lilius, this does not warrant the conclusion that Subsequently, the petitioner demanded payment upon
the instrument evidencing that mortgage is a public Ong’s default.
document entitled to preference under article 1924 of the
Civil Code. Issue: Whether the Chattel mortgage between petitioner
and Ong is valid
Under section 5 of Act No. 1507 as amended by Act No.
2496, a chattel does not have to be acknowledged before a Held: yes, the mortgage was valid. The key lies in the
notary public. As against creditors and subsequent certificate of ownership issued in Ong's name (which, along
encumbrances, the law does require an affidavit of good with the deed of sale, he submitted to petitioner as proof
faith appended to the mortgage and recorded with it. that he is the owner of the ship he gave as security for his
A chattel mortgage may, however, be valid as between the
parties without such an affidavit of good faith. In 11 Corpus It is paragraph 2 of the mortgage contract which accurately
Juris, 482, the rule is expressly stated that as between the expresses the true nature of the transaction between
parties and as to third persons who have no rights against petitioner and Ong -- that it is a simple loan with chattel
the mortgagor, no affidavit of good faith is necessary. It will mortgage. The amount petitioner loaned to Ong does not
thus be seen that under the law, a valid mortgage may represent the balance of any purchase price since, as we
exist between the parties without its being evidenced by a have previously discussed, the aforementioned documents
public document. state that Ong is already the absolute owner of the subject
This court would not be justified, merely from the reference
by the lower court in that case to a mortgage, in assuming The prevailing jurisprudence is that a mortgagee has a
that its date appears in a public document. if the Manila right to rely in good faith on the certificate of title of the
motor Co., Inc., desired to rely upon a public document in mortgagor to the property given as security and in the
the form of a mortgagor as establishing its preference in absence of any sign that might arouse suspicion, has no
this case, it should have offered that document in evidence, obligation to undertake further investigation.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |46

would be liable for perjury and civil liable. Because with that affidavit,
Hence, even if the mortgagor is not the rightful owner of or they attest that there was a “valid and just” obligation. It adds more
does not have a valid title to the mortgaged property, the value.
mortgagee or transferee in good faith is nonetheless
entitled to protection. Although this rule generally pertains Sec. 6. Corporations. — When a corporation is a party to
to real property, particularly registered land, it may also be such mortgage the affidavit required may be made and
applied by analogy to personal property, in this case subscribed by a director, trustee, cashier, treasurer, or
specifically, since shipowners are, likewise, required by law manager thereof, or by a person authorized on the part of
to register their vessels with the Philippine Coast Guard. such corporation to make or to receive such mortgage.
When a partnership is a party to the mortgage the affidavit
The special affidavit of good faith, on the other hand, is may be made and subscribed by one member thereof.
required only for the purpose of transforming an already
valid mortgage into a "preferred mortgage." Thus, the Sec. 7. Descriptions of property. — The description of the
abovementioned affidavit is not necessary for the validity of mortgaged property shall be such as to enable the parties
the chattel mortgage itself but only to give it a preferred to the mortgage, or any other person, after reasonable
status. inquiry and investigation, to identify the same. If the
property mortgaged be large cattle," as defined by section
Q: Was there a valid sale from Dy to Ong? one of Act Numbered Eleven and forty-seven, 2 and the
A: Yes, however, there was no transfer of ownership as stated that amendments thereof, the description of said property in the
ownership would be transferred upon payment of full purchase price. mortgage shall contain the brands, class, sex, age, knots of
radiated hair commonly known as remolinos, or cowlicks,
Q: Since there was no transfer of ownership, there was no transfer of and other marks of ownership as described and set forth in
ownership? the certificate of ownership of said animal or animals,
A: Although there was no transfer of ownership, SC ruled that together with the number and place of issue of such
because of the machinations of Ong, he was able to obtain a certificates of ownership.
certificate of ownership and had it changed to his name. Thus, Cebu If growing crops be mortgaged the mortgage may contain
here relied on that certificate and granted the loan. an agreement stipulating that the mortgagor binds himself
properly to tend, care for and protect the crop while
Q: What is the effect of the absence of the affidavit of good faith? growing, and faithfully and without delay to harvest the
A: The effect of affidavit of good faith is only to convert the status of same, and that in default of the performance of such duties
the mortgage to that of a preferred mortgage and does not affect the the mortgage may enter upon the premises, take all the
validity of the mortgage. necessary measures for the protection of said crop, and
retain possession thereof and sell the same, and from the
The SC ruled that the contract between Cebu International and Ong proceeds of such sale pay all expenses incurred in caring
was a Chattel Mortgage and the Cebu International was the for, harvesting, and selling the crop and the amount of the
mortgagee in good faith. The mortgagee has the right to rely in the indebtedness or obligation secured by the mortgage, and
good faith in the certificate of title of the mortgagor to the property the surplus thereof, if any shall be paid to the mortgagor or
given as a security and in the absence of any sign that may arouse those entitled to the same.
suspicion and has no obligation to undertake further investigation. A chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover only the
Purchaser in good faith, mortgagee in good faith it can be applied in property described therein and not like or substituted
chattel mortgage. property thereafter acquired by the mortgagor and placed
in the same depository as the property originally
There was a chattel mortgage, there was no dispute of the sale in mortgaged, anything in the mortgage to the contrary
favor of Ong. However, the SC ruled that a mortgagee, such as in notwithstanding.
this case Cebu Intl, has relied upon in good faith of the certificate of
title the mortgagor to the property given as a security, even in the
absence of sign to arouse any suspicion, there is no obligation to Saldana vs Phil Guaranty
conduct further investigation.
FACTS: On May 8, 1953, in order to secure an
Since what was involved here was a vessel, it is also necessary to indebtedness of P15,000.00, Josefina Vda. de Aleazar
register it with the Philippine Coast Guard. executed in favor of the plaintiff-appellant Buenaventura
Saldana a chattel mortgage on.personal properties.
As to the absence of the special affidavit of good faith, this was not
necessary for the validity of the mortgage but only to deal with a Subsequent to the execution of said mortgage and while
preferred status. Preferred status means that in case the debtors fail the same was still in force, the defendant Hospital de San
to fulfill the obligation, he is now preferred. In relation to the topic Juan de Dios, Inc. obtained, in Civil Case No. 1930 of the
Preference of Credit which is the second to the last topic. Municipal Court of Pasay City, a judgment was duly
Josewfina Vda. de Eleazar.
What does it mean when the property is mortgaged without the
affidavit of good faith? To proceed with the execution sale of the rest of the
In case the owner of the ship fails to fulfill his obligation, the ship will properties still under levy, the defendants-appellees
be sold and the proceeds thereof will be paid to the preferred Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Inc. and the Philippine
creditors. The mortgagor would still be considered as a creditor Guaranty Co., Inc., executed an indemnity bond to answer
wherein he would share pro-rata with the ordinary creditors. for any damages that plaintiff might suffer.

What is the relevance of the affidavit of good faith? It is really for the Appellants claims that the phrase in the chattel mortgage
purpose of securing the obligation that it must be secure a just and contract — "and all other furnitures, fixtures and equipment
valid obligation and not executed in fraud of third persons. Para hindi found in the said premises", validly and sufficiently covered
makuha ng creditor, hindi ma sheriff, or hindi ma subject of within its terms the personal properties disposed of in the
foreclosure proceedings. In the absence of that affidavit, di siya auction sale, as to warrant an action for damages by the
binding to third persons, pero kung meron but it turns out that it was plaintiff mortgagee.
made for the purpose of fraud, the parties who signed that affidavit
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |47

ISSUE: w/n saldana has a sufficient cause of action We mentioned the distinctions of a chattel mortgage and a pledge, as
well as their similarities. And then, we also mentioned the laws
RULING: There is merit in appellant's contention. Section 7 applicable with regard to chattel mortgage and also the subject
of Act No. 1508, commonly and better known as the matter thereof.
Chattel Mortgage Law, does not demand a minute and
specific description of every chattel mortgaged in the deal We also emphasized Section 7 of the Chattel Mortgage Law, as
of mortgage but only requires that the description of the stated in the case of Saldana, wherein the law does not demand a
properties be such "as to enable the parties in the specific description of every chattel mortgage in the deal, but only
mortgage, or any other person, after reasonable inquiry requires that the description of the mortgage properties be such as to
and investigation to identify the same enable the parties in the mortgage, or any other person, after
reasonable inquiry and investigation to identify the same. So, in the
We may notice in the agreement, moreover, that the case of Saldana, we have the substantial compliance with the
phrase in question is found after an enumeration of other reasonable description rule.
specific articles. It can thus be reasonably inferred there
How about after incurred obligations? There are two aspects here,
from that the "furnitures, fixture and equipment" referred to
after incurred obligations, and after acquired properties.
are properties of like nature, similarly situated or similarly
used in the restaurant of the mortgagor located in front of After incurred obligations, or after acquired obligations. Let's try to
the San Juan de Dos Hospital at Dewey Boulevard, Pasay recall what we have discussed so far: Pledge, Real Estate
City, which articles can be definitely pointed out or Mortgage(REM) and Antichresis, in those types of contracts, they
ascertain by simple inquiry at or about the premises. Note can secure after incurred obligations so long as these future debts
that the limitation found in the last paragraph of section 7 of are accurately described, that's why we have the blanket mortgage or
the Chattel Mortgage Law1 on "like or subsituated dragnet clause in a REM which would cover future debts. That's a
properties" make reference to those "thereafter acquired by valid stipulation in such contract
the mortgagor and placed in the same depository as the
property originally mortgaged", not to those already existing But how about in a Chattel Mortgage? Do remember that it can only
and originally included at the date of the constitution of the cover obligations existing at the time mortgage is constituted.
chattel mortgage. Although a promise expressed in a chattel mortgage which includes
debts that are yet to be contracted can be a binding agreement, the
security itself does not come in existence until after a chattel
Q: What rule was applied? mortgage agreement covering the newly contracted debt is executed
A: The court here used the "reasonable description rule" - either you execute a fresh new chattel mortgage or amend the old
So in this case, it was emphasized that there was a mortgage.
Section 7 of Act No. 1508, commonly and better known as the The deed of chattel mortgage will be considered void if it provides
Chattel Mortgage Law, does not demand a minute and specific that a security stated therein is for the payment of any and all
description of every chattel mortgaged in the deal of mortgage but obligations contracted.
only requires that the description of the properties be such "as to
enable the parties in the mortgage, or any other person, after Now, again do remember in a contract of chattel mortgage you do
reasonable inquiry and investigation to identify the same". In real not deliver the personal property to the mortgagee, you keep it in
estate mortgage, there must be a specific description so as to isolate your possession. Also take note of the requirement, affidavit of good
it from the rest. As long as in can be identified, this case substantial faith. What is the purpose of that? Even if you have it in your
compliance may be reasonable description rule. possession, it will still be subject to security, so if you try to sell it to
another person, you could be held liable. Another instance is, if in the
The "furnitures, fixture and equipment" referred to are properties of affidavit of good faith, ano ang nakalagay dun? That there's a just
like nature, similarly situated or similarly used in the restaurant of the and valid obligation. So meaning, an obligation that already exists.
mortgagor located in front of the San Juan de Dos Hospital at Dewey So if you will cover future debts say in the concept of a dragnet
Boulevard, Pasay City, which articles can be definitely pointed out or clause, hindi na mag apply yung affidavit of good faith because it
ascertain by simple inquiry at or about the premises. could not apply to just and valid obligations which are yet to exist. So
that's the reason why chattel mortgage cannot cover after incurred
Like or substituted properties may be given preference to those obligations unless they execute a new chattel mortgage or amend
which are apart by the mortgagor in case in the same depository or the old one that was executed.
property mortgaged. That is in relation to the last paragraph of Sec.
7. "A chattel mortgage shall be deemed to cover only the property How about after acquired properties? As a general rule, after
described therein and not like of substituted property thereafter acquired properties are not allowed as subject in a chattel mortgage
acquired by the mortgagor and place in the same depositary as the contract, because it must be the very same property foreclosed.
property originally mortgaged, anything in the mortgage to the
In a chattel mortgage where it involves personal properties, what is
contrary notwithstanding."
the effect? Can it cover after acquired properties? For example, I will
lend money from you, I have a grocery business, I will mortgage to
So you have to distinguish properties that are acquired by the
you those personal properties na inventory ko sa aking tindahan.
mortgagor. In accordance with the last paragraph, you determine
What happens if at the obligation is already due or demandable, you
which of the properties were subsequently acquired which is not
still have your store and inventory but it is not the same specific
covered by the mortgage. Section 7 does not demand a minute and
things or inventory at the time you executed the chattel mortgage.
specific description of every chattel mortgaged in the deal of
Why? nabaligya na man nimo. Meron pang naiwan diyan. That is the
mortgage but only requires that the description of the properties be
instance where you can have a valid chattel mortgage covering after
such "as to enable the parties in the mortgage, or any other person,
acquired proprerites, in other words, pwede ma foreclose and then
after reasonable inquiry and investigation to identify the same”
sold and the proceeds apply to the obligations. So again ha, this is
an instance wherein goods can be replenished in the ordinary course
of business, so the law allows such to be covered by the chattel
mortgage but of course you have to include it the registry that that is
March 9, 2016 the nature of the properties that are covered by the chattel mortgage.
Transcribed by: Diane Ngeo
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |48

So after acquired properties may be used to fulfill the obligation even What if there are third persons in possession of the property? You
if the same properties were not present at the time of the execution also include them in the proceeding. Implead the other persons who
of the mortgage as long as there is replenishment of the personal are claiming ownership of that same property.
properties. So again, after incurred obligations and after acquired
properties. How is a chattel mortgage foreclosed? Almost the same manner
prescribed in Act 3135, the mortgagee must discharge the mortgage
How about the assignment of the mortgagee in relation to a chattel in the manner provided by law, otherwise he may be held liable for
mortgage? Is it allowed? YES. The creditor can assign the mortgage damages. Still in the concept of a public auction or public sale and
credit to a third person to which the latter can hold the mortgages again, no right to appropriate the personal property to himself.
against the debtor. So if there's failure to pay, that third person, who
is not the mortgagee, can foreclose the property mortgaged. What Case of Pameca vs DBP
are the requirements if the chattel mortgage is assigned to a third
person? Registration is required but not for its validity or it would not
affect the debtor in the sense that it would not be considered as PAMECA WOOD TREATMENT PLANT, INC., HERMINIO
constructive notice to him. In ObliCon, if there is subrogation, what is G.TEVES, VICTORIA V. TEVES and HIRAM DIDAY
the effect if the debtor pays the original creditor instead of the R.PULIDO vs. CA and DBP
assignee. Will the obligation is extinguished? Not necessarily. Why?
Because we have to determine whether the debtor has personal FACTS: Petitioner PAMECA obtained 2Mworthloan from
knowledge of such assignment. If he had no knowledge of such respondent Bank. By virtue of this loan, petitioner
assignment or subrogation, and he pays to the original creditor, his PAMECA, through its President, petitioner Teves, executed
obligation is extinguished. But if he has personal knowledge of the a promissory note for the said amount, promising to pay
assignment, and he pays to the original creditor, his obligation is not the loan by installment. As security for the said loan, a
extinguished and the assignee can go after him. chattel mortgage was also executed over PAMECA's
properties in Dumaguete City, consisting of inventories,
So relate that here in chattel mortgage, mere registration is not furniture and equipment, to cover the whole value of the
sufficient. Even if the assignment is registered, if the debtor has no loan.
actual knowledge of the assignment, it will not bind him. So if he pays
to the creditor, it will extinguish his obligation. The debtor cannot be On January 18, 1984, and upon petitioner PAMECA's
prejudiced by the assignment that was merely registered without him failure to pay, respondent bank extrajudicially foreclosed
having actual knowledge thereof. Thus, there must be the chattel mortgage, and, as sole bidder in the public
REGISTRATION and ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE on the part of the auction, purchased the foreclosed properties.
On June 29, 1984, respondent bank filed a complaint for
Who may redeem? The mortgagor, a person holding a subsequent the collection of the balance against petitioner PAMECA
mortgage, and a subsequent attaching creditor. So this is in relation and private petitioners herein, as solidary debtors with
to Section 13 of the Chattel Mortgage Law. You could have here an PAMECA under the promissory note.
attaching creditor who redeems to which he will be subrogated to the
rights of the mortgagee and entitled to foreclose the mortgage in the Petitioners now claim that respondent appellate court
same manner that the mortgagee could foreclose. Like in the concept gravely erred in not holding that the public auction sale of
of a second mortgagee sa REM. Ganun din sa chattel mortagage, petitioner PAMECA's chattels were tainted with fraud, as
you could subject the same property to a second mortgage pero the chattels of the said petitioner were bought by private
preferred yung first mortgagee. Now as a subsequent mortgagee, respondent as sole bidder in only 1/6 of the market value of
what can you do? You cannot foreclose yet kasi priority yung first the property, hence unconscionable and inequitable
mortgage but you have the option to pay off the obligation to the first (P322,350.00 from 2M), and therefore null and void.
creditor-mortgagee. So redeem the property from the first mortgage
in effect what happens if you redeem or pays to the first mortgagee, ISSUE: WON the auction sale is null and void on grounds
that mortgage will now be discharged, so ikaw na ngayon ang first of fraud and inadequacy of price. – NO
mortgagee, and if there is default you can now foreclose the
property. HELD: There is no merit in petitioners' submission that the
public auction sale is void on grounds of fraud and
How is redemption it made? Paying or delivering to the mortgagee inadequacy of price.
the amount due on such mortgage as well as the costs and expenses
incurred by such breach of condition before the sale. Right to posses Having nonetheless examined the inventory and chattel
the property, you already know that in a chattel mortgage delivery is mortgage document as part of the records, We are not
not required. In fact, if you deliver it will not be a chattel mortgage convinced that they effectively prove that the mortgaged
anymore but a pledge. properties had a market value of at least P2,000,000.00
onJanuary 18, 1984, the date of the foreclosure sale.
Now, after default, can the creditor get the property from the debtor-
mortgagor? The creditor decides to foreclose the right of the creditor At best, the chattel mortgage contract only indicates the
to take the mortgage property in the possession thereof is implied obligation of the mortgagor to maintain the inventory at a
from the provision which gives him the right to sell. However, before value of at least P2,000,000.00, but does not evidence
the default the mortgagee is not entitled to the possession of the compliance therewith.
property, otherwise, the contract becomes a pledge.
Furthermore, the mere fact that respondent bank was the
What if you're entitled to the possession but the mortgagor refuses to
sole bidder for the mortgaged properties in the public sale
surrender? The mortgagee can still proceed to the sale, the creditor
does not warrant the conclusion that the transaction was
however cannot lawfully take the property against the will of the
attended with fraud. Fraud is a serious allegation that
debtor, so idaan sa proper procedure. Can there be an automatic
requires full and convincing evidence, and may not be
appropriation or property mortgaged? No, also prohibited. That would
inferred from the lone circumstance that it was only
constitute pactum commisorium. If the debtor refuses to turn over the
respondent bank that bid in the sale of the foreclosed
possession, the creditor can file a proper proceeding to acquire
possession of the property.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |49

NOTE: The mere fact that the mortgagee was the sole Also mentioned in this case is the Recto Law, applicable only to sale
bidder for the mortgaged property in the public sale does of personal property on installments. In this case, the sale was not a
not warrant the conclusion that the transaction was personal property on installments, so it is not applicable.
attended with fraud.
The mere fact that respondent bank was the sole bidder for the
mortgaged properties in the public sale does not warrant the
Q: What is 2115? conclusion that the transaction was attended with fraud. Fraud is a
serious allegation that requires full and convincing evidence, and
A: 2115 applies to contract of pledge. 2115 states that when there is may not be inferred from the lone circumstance that it was only
a deficiency of the price, he is not required to pay the deficiency. respondent bank that bid in the sale of the foreclosed properties.

Also in Section 14 of the Chattel Mortgage Law, we have this

provision - The mortgagee, may, after 30 days from the time of
Q: Is it applicable to a chattel mortgage? condition broken, cause the mortgage property to be sold at a public
auction by a public officer.
A: No, the court mention Section 14 of the Chattel Mortgage Law,
and the last part of said law states that the proceeds of the This provision is discussed in the case of Cabral vs Evangelista.
foreclosure of the chattel mortgage shall be applied first to the cost
and expenses of keeping and sale, and then to the payment of
demand or obligation secured by mortgage and the residue shall be Cabral vs Evangelista
paid to persons holding subsequent mortgages in their order, and the
balance, after paying the mortgages, shall be paid to the mortgagor FACTS: George had executed in favor of Cabral Spouses
or person holding under him on demand. So, from this part of the a chattel mortgage covering a Morrison English piano and
provision it can be said that it is contrary to what is provided for in Art a Frigidaire GM Electric Stove as security for payment to
2 of 2115 or the... the latter of a promissory note in the sum of P1k executed
on the same date in the Chattel Mortgage Register of Rizal
on 14 Dec 1959. Meanwhile, the Evangelista spouses
obtained a final money judgment against Tanuya in a Civil
Q: But first we apply the Chattel Mortgage Law, how about 1484? Case. They caused the levy in execution on Tanuya’s
What is 1484? personal properties, including the piano and the stove
mortgaged to Cabral spouses.
A: Recto Law.
The said mortgage chattels, together with other personal
properties of the judgment debtor, were sold at public
Q: Is it applicable here? auction to Evangelista spouses as the highest bidders. The
judgment credit of Evangelista spouses, as creditors in the
A: No, the court that its not applicable because... said Civil Case, was considered paid up and the Sheriff
issued the corresponding certificate of sale in their favor.

Subsequently, 8 months after the maturity of Tanuya’s

Q: Where do we apply Recto Law? promissory note and his having defaulted in the payment
thereof, Cabral spouses filed their complaint against
A: Sale of personal property on installments. Under Recto Law, there Tanuya and the Evangelista spouses, alleging that the
is a stipulation that the remedies of the vendor is only alternative not Evangelista spouses had refused their demands to pay the
accumulative. Once he chooses to foreclose the mortgage, he can amount due to Tanuya’s promissory note or to exercises
no longer recover the deficiency, but the court ruled here that the their right of redemption and praying for judgment, ordering
Recto Law is also not applicable because it only applies to sale Tanuya and Evangelista spouses, jointly and solidarily, to
payable in installments and so it does not apply to chattel mortgage. pay them the amounts stipulated on the note, and in case
of the failure to make such payment, to order them to
deliver to the Sheriff the mortgaged chattels for sale at
public auction to satisfy their mortgage credit.
Q: How about the issue with regard to the mortgagee being the sole
bidder? Evangelista spouses now claim that their right over the
mortgaged chattels as purchasers at the public sale in
A: The court ruled that allegations of fraud are serious and therefore
execution of their judgment against their debtor, defendant
it must be proven by full and convincing evidence. The court said that
Tunaya, should not be held subordinate to the mortgage
PAMECA here was not able to prove the existence of fraud.
lien of plaintiffs-appellees as mortgagees, by virtue of
Therefore, they should uphold the validity of the auction sale.
prescription and laches on the part of said mortgagees as
well as of their having purchased the chattels at a public
sheriffs sale.
Take note, Section 14 of the Chattel Mortgage Law is clear with
regard to the residue or the balance. So it is different from a pledge ISSUES:
under Article 3150 because the pledgor may no longer recover the (1) Has the right of the Cabral spouses to recover the
proceeds of the sale in excess of the amount and further he could not properties prescribed? NO.
be held liable for the deficiency. But here, under Section 14 of the
Chattel Mortgage Law, it is very clear as to how it is to be applied. Do This thirty-day period is the minimum period after violation
recall sa REM, there's no specific provision allowing it but it is already of the mortgage condition for the mortgage creditor to
implied and jurisprudences already upheld the ruling that the debtor cause the sale at public auction of the mortgaged chattels,
mortgagor is entitled to the excess, and the mortgagee is also with at least ten days notice to the mortgagor and posting
entitled to recover any deficiency. of public notice of the time, place and purpose of such sale,
and is a period of grace for the mortgagor, who has no right
of redemption after the sale is held, to discharge the
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |50

mortgage obligation. 5  give additional time for the debtor to pay who has no right of
The prescription period for recovery of movables for redemption after the sale is held.
foreclosure purposes such as in the present case is eight
years as provided in Article 1140 of the Civil Code,  6 and So distinction between REM and chattel mortgage? In REM, notice to
here plaintiffs had timely filed their action within 8 months the mortgagor is not required under the law. It will only be required if
from the mortgage debtor's default. it is stipulated by the parties. But in chattel mortgage, there must be
notice to the mortgagor, 10 days before the sale. This notice is
By the same token, neither could laches properly be relevant because once the property has already been sold, there's no
imputed against plaintiffs, who filed their action promptly period to redeem. In other words, you cannot compel the mortgagee
after they had been advised by their debtor, defendant or the highest bidder in the public auction sale to give back to him the
Tunaya, of the public auction sale on June 24, 1960 of the property in exchange for the purchase price plus expenses.
chattels at the instance of defendants-appellants as his
judgment creditors. So, in this case, the prescription period to be applied is that provided
in Art 1140 - 8 years from the time the cause of action accrues. Now
(2) Did the certificate of sale give the Evangelista also take note, that the defendant-appellants purchased at a public
spouses superior right against the Cabral spouses? sheriff's sale kasi execution sale yun, and the delivery to them with a
NO. certificate of sale did not give them a superior right with the chattels
against the mortgagee. The sale convenes to the purchaser all the
Rule 39, section 22 of the old Rules of Court (now Rule 39, right to which the debtor had in such property on the day the
section 25 of the Revised Rules), cited by appellants execution or attachment was levied. However, remember here the
precisely provides that "the sale conveys to the purchaser chattel mortgage was duly registered, so the right of those who so
all the right which the debtor had in such property on the acquire said properties should not and cannot be superior to that of
day the execution or attachment was levied." the creditor who has in his favor an instrument of mortgage executed
with the formalities of the law, in good faith, and without the least
It has long been settled by this Court that "The right of indication of fraud.
those who so acquire said properties should not and
cannot be superior to that of the creditor who has in his Now, civil action to recover credit. The creditor-mortgagee is not
favor an instrument of mortgage executed with the limited to foreclosing the chattel mortgage, he can file an ordinary
formalities of the law, in good faith, and without the least action for collection of the obligation. In that case, if that is his
indication of fraud. remedy, he has deemed to abandon the mortgage. He cannot file
collection plus foreclosure. These remedies are alternative and not
cumulative in nature. If he files an action for collection, he can file for
In another case between two mortgagees, we held that "As issuance of a writ of attachment of the property to be attached in
between the first and second mortgagees, therefore, the relation to the complaint. Upon final judgment in the property
second mortgagee has at most only he right to redeem, execution sale, if hindi mag bayad ng other form of property si
and even when the second mortgagee goes through the debtor, that personal property will be foreclosed not through a chattel
formality of an extrajudicial foreclosure, the purchaser mortgage property foreclosure sale but through an execution sale.
acquires no more than the right of redemption from the first
mortgagee."  However, properties of the debtor which are exempt from execution
may not be sold at a public auction but if its not exempted, it will be
sold and the proceeds will apply in the payment of the obligation.

Q: When do you begin to count the 30 day period? Let's take a look at the case of Northern Motors

A: After the violation of the mortgage condition, in this case, the non-
payment of the loan. NORTHERN MOTORS vs COQUIA

FACTS: Manila Yellow Taxicab, executed a chattel

mortgage over several taxicabs in favor of Northern
Q: Okay, so that's 30 days from the time there was a failure to pay. It Motors. TROPICAL is a judgment creditor of Yellow
is not a prescriptive period. So what is it? If it's not a prescriptive Taxicab which assigned the credit to ONG.
MYT failed to pay its loan so the Sheriff then levied upon
A: A period which the mortgagee can institute an action for the sale 20 taxicabs in favor of Tropical, 8 of which are security for
of the mortgaged property at a public auction. the chattel mortgage. Northern Motors filed an intervention
on December 18, 1974; however, the levied taxicabs were
sold the same day at 2pm although agreement shows that
Q: What is the prescriptive period that should be applied? it should have happened at 4pm. Indemnity bond was
posted by TROPICAL, but the bond was cancelled after the
A: The 8 year prescriptive period in the Civil Code. sale without notice to Northern Motors.

A second levy was made upon 35 taxicabs, 7 of which are

mortgaged to Northern Motors. The taxies were levied and
So take note of the interpretation of this 30 days as provided in sold at an auction sale. The auction sale proceeded and
Section 14. It is not considered as a prescriptive period na dapat the purchasers were of unknown addresses, hence the 8
iforeclose na yung property within 30 days from the time of default. taxicabs cannot be recovered. The proceeds of the auction
The 30 day period is rather the minimum period, so after 30 days, were contested by Northern Motors. Moreover the sheriff
that's when you can sell the property. Minimum period after violation deducted the expenses of the execution sale from the
of the mortgaged condition for the creditor to cause the sale at public proceeds.***
auction of the mortgaged chattels. And take note here with at least
10 days notice to the mortgagor and posting of public notice of the
time, place, and purpose of such . and is a period of grace - you still ISSUES:
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |51

1. WON the expenses for the execution sale should be mortgage which is to give him preference over the mortgaged
deducted from the proceeds thereof. NO chattels for the satisfaction of his credit.
2. WON the purchaser has a better right than the
creditor/mortgagee. NO Registration is an effective and binding notice to its existence and
since it is a mortgage, it creates a real right - right attahced to the
HELD: property itself and follows the chattel wherever it goes, even if there
would be subsequent sale, as long as it has already been registered.
Ong had no right to levy upon the mortgaged taxicabs and
that he could have levied only upon the mortgagor's equity The mortgagee has a better right over the thing mortgaged than the
of redemption. The essence of the chattel mortgage is that judgment creditors of the mortgagor. The third party claim filed by
the mortgaged chattels should answer for the mortgage Northern Motors, Inc. should have alerted the purchasers to the risk
credit and not for the judgment credit of the mortgagor's which they were taking when they took part in the auction sale. At
unsecured creditor. The mortgagee is not obligated to file the execution sale, take note, the buyers acquire only the right of the
an "independent action" for the enforcement of his credit. judgment debtor, which in this case was a mere right or equity of
To require him to do so would be a nullification of his lien redemption. Equity of redemption does refer to the equity of
and would defeat the purpose of the chattel mortgage redemption in REM. They treat it as an equitable redemption
which is to give him preference over the mortgaged because it is giving a chance for the debtor to pay but before the
chattels for the satisfaction of his credit. (See art. 2087, sale.
Civil Code).
The cabs should not have been levied and sold. However, since the
cabs could no longer be recovered, the proceeds of the execution
We already held that the execution was not justified and sale may be regarded as a partial substitute for the unrecoverable
that Northern Motors, Inc., as mortgagee, was entitled to cabs without deduction for the expenses of the execution sale.
the possession of the eight taxicabs. Those cabs should
not have been levied upon and sold at public auction to Now, application of proceeds of the sale.
satisfy the judgment credit which was inferior to the chattel
mortgage. Since the cabs could no longer be recovered The proceeds of the sale are to be applied to the payment of the
because they had been transferred to persons whose following:
addresses are unknown, the proceeds of the execution (1) Costs and expenses of keeping and sale;
sale may be regarded as a partial substitute for the (2) Payment of the obligation secured by the mortgage;
unrecoverable cabs . Northern Motors, Inc. is entitled to the (3) Claims of persons holding subsequent mortgages in their order;
entire proceeds without deduction of the expenses of and
execution. (4) The balance, if any, shall be paid to the mortgagor, or person
holding under him.
POLICY:The mortgagee has a better right over the thing
mortgaged than the judgment creditors of the mortgagor. It
is improper to deduct the expenses of an illegal auction
from the proceeds of thereof. Proceeds of the must be
delivered to the mortgagee in full.
March 10, 2016 (1st hour)

Transcribed by: Earvin Alparaque

Q: Did he not allege that he is an innocent purchaser for value? Our second to the last topic is concurrence and preference
of credits. So what do we mean here by concurrence? Sabay diba?
A: He is not an innocent purchaser for value because during the time
Concur. Implies the possession of two or more creditors of equal
of the action, the third party claim was already filed by Northern
rights or privileges over the same property or all of the properties of
Motors therefore it should not be (inaudible) of this by participating in
the debtor. Preference on the other hand is a right held by the
said auction sale.
creditor to be preferred. So, priority in the payment of his claim over
others out of the debtor's assets. The debtor's assets however, to
apply this rule of concurrence and preference of credits, must be
Q: What happens now to the claim of Northern Motors? Isn't it that insufficient to pay all of his obligations.
the taxi cabs were already sold?
Now what is the nature and effect of this preference?
A: Yes, with regards to the MFR filed by Northern Motors it was held Preference is an exception to the general rule. So it is strictly
here that the decision of the court allowing the sheriff to deduct the construed and if you alleged that you are a preferred creditor, you
expenses from the proceeds of the execution sale was not proper have the burden of proof that the law with regard to preference of
because those taxis should not have been levied upon and sold at credits is applicable to you. Also take note a preference does not
public auction to satisfy the judgment credit which was inferior to the create a lien or encumbrance on the property. It does not create any
chattel mortgage. Since the cabs could no longer be recovered interest. It is simply a right of the creditor to be paid first. To be
because they had been transferred to persons, the proceeds of the preferred. To be prioritize in the payment. It creates no lien on the
execution sale may be regarded as a partial substitute for the property but merely a preference in application. Also the law does not
unrecoverable cabs. Therefore, Northern Motors, Inc. is entitled to give the creditor as preference a right to take the property or sell it as
the entire proceeds without deduction of the expenses of execution. against another creditor. Here, preference is applied in the
application of the proceeds of the sale of the properties of the debtor.
Alright. Emphasized here, the essence of the chattel mortgage is that The right of preference must be asserted and maintained otherwise it
the mortgaged chattels should answer for the mortgage credit and is lost and the preference of the party's right of credit shall attain
not for the judgment credit of the mortgagor's unsecured creditor. significance only after the properties of the debtor have been
inventoried and liquidated and the claims held by the party's creditors
The mortgagee is not obligated to file an "independent action" for the have already been established.
enforcement of his credit. To require him to do so would be a
nullification of his lien and would defeat the purpose of the chattel So that is the nature of preference. Preference is different
from lien. Preference only applies to claims which do not attach to a
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |52

specific property while a lien is charged to a particular property. (1) Non-payment of taxes
When we talk about credits here, of course these credits are already
due and demandable. Now Article 2236- (2) For debts incurred prior to the constitution of the family home;

(3) For debts secured by mortgages on the premises before or after

Article 2236. The debtor is liable with all his property, present and such constitution; and
future, for the fulfillment of his obligations, subject to the exemptions
(4) For debts due to laborers, mechanics, architects, builders,
provided by law. (1911a)
material men and others who have rendered service or furnished
material for the construction of the building.
So, pwede habulin ng creditor ang properties ni debtor in
Same in the family code, Art. 205-
payment of the obligations. We already know that under Art. 1177-
Art. 205. The right to receive support under this Title as
Article 1177. The creditors, after having pursued the property in
well as any money or property obtained as such support
possession of the debtor to satisfy their claims, may exercise all the
shall not be levied upon on attachment or execution. (302a)
rights and bring all the actions of the latter for the same purpose,
save those which are inherent in his person; they may also impugn
the acts which the debtor may have done to defraud them. (1111) Under Rule 39, there is section 13 which enumerates the
properties which is exempted from execution-
What are the principles here that should be noted? Assets Section 13. Property exempt from execution. — Except as
of the debtor can used to satisfy his obligations. However, there are otherwise expressly provided by law, the following
certain properties of the debtor which cannot be sold because it is property, and no other, shall be exempt from execution:
exempted by law. So some of those were already mentioned in your
Family Code. The family home under Art. 152 to Art. 155-
(a) The judgment obligor's family home as
Art. 152. The family home, constituted jointly by the husband and the provided by law, or the homestead in which he
wife or by an unmarried head of a family, is the dwelling house where resides, and land necessarily used in connection
they and their family reside, and the land on which it is situated. therewith;
(b) Ordinary tools and implements personally
Art. 153. The family home is deemed constituted on a house and lot used by him in his trade, employment, or
from the time it is occupied as a family residence. From the time of its livelihood;
constitution and so long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides
therein, the family home continues to be such and is exempt from (c) Three horses, or three cows, or three
execution, forced sale or attachment except as hereinafter provided carabaos, or other beasts of burden, such as the
and to the extent of the value allowed by law. (223a) judgment obligor may select necessarily used by
him in his ordinary occupation;
Art. 154. The beneficiaries of a family home are:
(d) His necessary clothing and articles for
(1) The husband and wife, or an unmarried person who is ordinary personal use, excluding jewelry;
the head of a family; and
(e) Household furniture and utensils necessary
(2) Their parents, ascendants, descendants, brothers and for housekeeping, and used for that purpose by
sisters, whether the relationship be legitimate or the judgment obligor and his family, such as the
illegitimate, who are living in the family home and who judgment obligor may select, of a value not
depend upon the head of the family for legal support. exceeding one hundred thousand pesos;
(f) Provisions for individual or family use sufficient
Art. 155. The family home shall be exempt from execution, forced for four months;
sale or attachment except:
(g) The professional libraries and equipment of
(1) For nonpayment of taxes; judges, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists,
dentists, engineers, surveyors, clergymen,
teachers, and other professionals, not exceeding
(2) For debts incurred prior to the constitution of the family
three hundred thousand pesos in value;
(h) One fishing boat and accessories not
(3) For debts secured by mortgages on the premises
exceeding the total value of one hundred
before or after such constitution; and
thousand pesos owned by a fisherman and by
the lawful use of which he earns his livelihood;
(4) For debts due to laborers, mechanics, architects,
builders, material men and others who have rendered
(i) So much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of
service or furnished material for the construction of the
the judgment obligor for his personal services
building. (243a)
within the four months preceding the levy as are
necessary for the support of his family;
Family home is generally exempted. When you say
exempted, generally it cannot be sold for the payment of the (j) Lettered gravestones;
obligation of the principal debtor. However, such family home can be
sold for- (k) Monies, benefits, privileges, or annuities
accruing or in any manner growing out of any life
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |53

in the preceding article, owned by two or more persons,

insurance; one of whom is the insolvent debtor, his undivided share or
interest therein shall be among the assets to be taken
possession of by the assignee for the payment of the
(l) The right to receive legal support, or money or
insolvent debtor's obligations. (n)
property obtained as such support, or any
pension or gratuity from the Government;
So co-ownership, so you have to (nurse?) one who will
(m) Properties specially exempted by law. become insolvent his only undivided share or interest which should
be possessed by the assignee.

And then Art. 2240(refer above), property held by the

insolvent debtor as trustee of an express or implied trust shall be
Properties belonging to the absolute community or conjugal excluded from the insolvency proceedings. The trustee merely holds
partnership except insofar the debt has redounded to the benefit of a property in behalf of a beneficiary. So the trustee is not strictly
the family. Now, that is under Art. 2238 of the Civil Code- speaking the owner of the trust although he is considered as having
legal title. Now considering he holds it in trust of another person, then
Article 2238. So long as the conjugal partnership or it should be excluded from the insolvency proceedings in relation to
absolute community subsists, its property shall not be that trustee who has already become insolvent, kasi hindi niya yun
among the assets to be taken possession of by the property.
assignee for the payment of the insolvent debtor's
obligations, except insofar as the latter have redounded to Now let's have classification of credits. So general
the benefit of the family. If it is the husband who is classification of credits, you have-
insolvent, the administration of the conjugal partnership or
absolute community may, by order of the court, be
transferred to the wife or to a third person other than the
assignee. (1) Special preferred credits under Art. 2241 and 2242

(2) Ordinary preferred credits under Art. 2244

And we also have Art. 2240 of the Civil Code-
(3) Common credits under Art. 2245
Article 2240. Property held by the insolvent debtor as a
trustee of an express or implied trust, shall be excluded
from the insolvency proceedings. (n) Specially preferred credits envision a situation where a
particular property, either movable or immovable, is subject to certain
obligations. These special preferred credits or obligations have to be
However, no article or specie of property mentioned in satisfied using the proceeds from the sale of said property. Art. 2241
section 13 of Rule 39 shall be exempt from execution issued upon a covers a movable property. So let us say you have a car, now there
judgment recovered for its price or for a judgment foreclosure of the are credits attached specifically to that movable property which is
mortgage thereon. considered preferred under the law. So what are these preferred
credits? What do we mean here with the preferred credits? If that car
Also property in custodia legis and of public dominion is
or the movable property will be sold, proceeds would be first applied
exempted from attachment or execution.
to these preferred creditors. So who are these? We have Art. 2241-
Article 2237-
Article 2241. With reference to specific movable property of
Article 2237. Insolvency shall be governed by special laws the debtor, the following claims or liens shall be preferred:
insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Code. (n)
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the
State or any subdivision thereof;
Before, meron yung Insolvency Act, ngayon inisa nalang
ung "FRIA"- Republic Act 10142 (Financial Rehabilitation and (2) Claims arising from misappropriation, breach
Insolvency Act of 2010). of trust, or malfeasance by public officials
committed in the performance of their duties, on
So what we're talking about here, we are not talking about the movables, money or securities obtained by
the procedure but we are talking about, under concurrence and them;
preference of credits, sino ang unang bayaran. Kung ibenta ito na
properties, sino ang una bayaran?
(3) Claims for the unpaid price of movables sold,
So Article 2238(refer above), you have there the conjugal on said movables, so long as they are in the
properties. So assets, Conjugal partnership or Absolute community possession of the debtor, up to the value of the
do not pass to the assignee or to the one who is tasked to manage same; and if the movable has been resold by the
and administer the properties of the insolvent debtor elected by the debtor and the price is still unpaid, the lien may
creditors or appointed by the courts. Such property does not belong be enforced on the price; this right is not lost by
to the individual spouses. Exemption here applies, so he cannot the immobilization of the thing by destination,
execute his properties as long as the conjugal partnership or provided it has not lost its form, substance and
absolute community subsists and the obligation did not redound to identity; neither is the right lost by the sale of the
the benefit of the family. The fact that the husband becomes thing together with other property for a lump sum,
insolvent does not have the effect of dissolving the conjugal when the price thereof can be determined
partnership or the absolute community. proportionally;

Now, Art. 2239- (4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so long as

the things pledged are in the hands of the
Article 2239. If there is property, other than that mentioned creditor, or those guaranteed by a chattel
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |54

*So if it is sold for P2 million, how would the proceeds be

mortgage, upon the things pledged or applied? So first, you apply it to the taxes and duties. So that would
mortgaged, up to the value thereof; mean from P2 million minus P500,000, P1.5 million nalang. share
sila diyan(the remaining liabilities). So pro-rata sila. So
(P500,000/P2,000,000) times P1.5 million so that is P375,000. So
(5) Credits for the making, repair, safekeeping or
out of the liability for example covered by the chattel mortgage,
preservation of personal property, on the
P375,000 would come from the proceeds of sale of the movable
movable thus made, repaired, kept or possessed;
property. What happens to the balance of P125,000? It is not
extinguished but doon na siya mahulog sa other credits. Hindi na
(6) Claims for laborers' wages, on the goods siya special preferred. It would now share together with the common
manufactured or the work done; credits.

(7) For expenses of salvage, upon the goods Art. 2241 and 2242 do not give preference, order or priority
salvaged; of payment, hindi yan siya 1,2,3,4 and 5. Una lang yung duties and
taxes due to the government in relation to that movable property. All
(8) Credits between the landlord and the tenant, the rest will concur to the remaining proceeds of the sale of the
arising from the contract of tenancy on shares, subject property.
on the share of each in the fruits or harvest;
So we have the case of Cordova-
(9) Credits for transportation, upon the goods CORDOVA vs REYES
carried, for the price of the contract and
incidental expenses, until their delivery and for FACTS: petitioner Jose Cordova bought from Philfinance
thirty days thereafter; certificates of stock of Celebrity Sports Plaza Inc (CSPI)
and shares of stock of other corporations. CSPI shares
(10) Credits for lodging and supplies usually were delivered to former Filmanbank and Philtrust Banks
furnished to travellers by hotel keepers, on the (as custodian banks to hold the shares in behalf of
movables belonging to the guest as long as such Cordova).
movables are in the hotel, but not for money
loaned to the guests; In 1981, Philfinance was placed under receivership by
SEC. Thereafter, private respondents Reyes and Atty
(11) Credits for seeds and expenses for Wendell Coronel were appointed as liquidators. In 1991,
cultivation and harvest advanced to the debtor, without the knowledge and consent of Cordova and without
upon the fruits harvested; authority from SEC, private respondents withdrew the CSPI
shares from the custodian banks. They subsequently sold
(12) Credits for rent for one year, upon the the shares to Northeast Corporation and included the
personal property of the lessee existing on the proceeds thereof in the funds of Philfinance. Cordova filed
immovable leased and on the fruits of the same, a complaint against private respondents in the receivership
but not on money or instruments of credit; proceedings with the SEC for the return of the shares.

In 1998, SEC dismissed the petition, but granted it upon

(13) Claims in favor of the depositor if the
reconsideration. It held that Cordova was the owner of the
depositary has wrongfully sold the thing
CSPI shares by virtue of a confirmation sale (which was
deposited, upon the price of the sale.
considered as a deed of assignment) issued to him by
Philfinance. But since the shares had already been sold
In the foregoing cases, if the movables to which the lien or and proceeds commingled with other assets of Philfinance,
preference attaches have been wrongfully taken, the Cordova’s status was converted into that of an ordinary
creditor may demand them from any possessor, within creditor for the value of such shares.
thirty days from the unlawful seizure. (1922a)

1. WON petitioner should be considered as preferred

(and secured) creditor of Philfinance NO
First, Duties, taxes and fees due on the movable. Yan ang
priority, now all the rest in Art. 2241 would share pro-rata. So hindi na HELD:To resolve the issues, we have to determine if
yan siya in order. petitioner was indeed a creditor of Philfinance. – SC held
that petitioner had become an ORDINARY creditor of
These preference of credits however will not be applied if Philfinance. Certainly, petitioner had the right to demand
the debtor has already parted with the ownership of the said the return of the shares. He filed a complaint in the
property. Why? because he does not own it anymore and that is why liquidation proceedings. He sought instead to recover their
he has no right over the said property and therefore it cannot be monetary value.
executed as payment of his obligations. So, what happens here? If
you have a car the value of which is P2 million and you have the The CSPI shares were specific or determinate movable
following liabilities- taxes and duties, sabihin natin luxury car so let us properties. But after they were sold, the money raised from
say it has an unpaid balance of duties of P500,000 and then let us the sale became generic and were commingled with other
say it is subject to a chattel mortgage, P500,000. Let us say there assets of Philfinance. Unlike shares of stock, money is
was also an unpaid price amounting to P500,000. What are the other generic. This means that once a certain amount is added to
credits here, for example expenses for repairs, P500,000. and then the cash balance, one can no longer pinpoint the specific
another expenses, let us say safekeeping of the vehicle, also amount included which then becomes part of a whole mass
P500,000. So what do we have here? The liabilities exceed the value of money.
of the movable property.
It thus became impossible to identify the exact proceeds of
the sale of the CSPI shares. Petitioner’s only remedy was
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |55

to file a claim on the whole mass of these assets, to which

unfortunately all other creditors of Philfinance also had a executions, upon the property affected, and only
claim. as to later credits;

Petitioner’s right of action against Philfinance was a “claim” (8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in the partition
properly to be litigated in the liquidation proceedings. He of an immovable among them, upon the real
had a right to the payment of the value of his shares. His property thus divided;
demand was of a pecuniary nature since he was claiming
the monetary value of his shares. It was in this sense that
(9) Claims of donors or real property for
he was a creditor of Philfinance.
pecuniary charges or other conditions imposed
upon the donee, upon the immovable donated;
Like all the other ordinary creditors or claimants against
Philfinance, he was entitled to a rate of recovery of only
15% of his money claim. (10) Credits of insurers, upon the property
insured, for the insurance premium for two years.

Q1: Was he really subsequently paid of the value or any portion


A1: Before it was proceeded to the Supreme Court mam, the First, taxes due upon the building. Again that is the priority.
Securities and Exchange Commission already ruled in his favor but All the rest will concur.(same concept under Art. 2241) *repeats the
only given him the 15% value of the total amount of shares(P5 illustration under Art. 2241 but changed subject property from a car
million). to a house and lot.
So Art. 2241 talks about specific movable property. Since Now we have the case of Barretto vs Villanueva-
the share of stocks here is a movable property noh although
incorporeal in nature. It was a specific movable property but Cordova
here was not considered as a preferred creditor anymore because BARRETO vs VILLANUEVA
the stocks were already sold. His claim now is monetary in nature.
So hindi na siya covered sa Art. 2241. But it does not mean na hindi FACTS: Rosario Cruzado sold all her right, title, and
na siya makahabol, pwede parin pero as one of the common interest and that of her children in the house and lot herein
creditors sharing pro-rata with the rest sa remaining na properties or involved to Villanueva for P19K. The purchaser paid
assets ng debtors. P1,500 in advance, and executed a promissory note for the
balance. However, the buyer could only pay P5,500 On
In this case, he was entitled to only 15% of the money account of the note, for which reason the vendor obtained
claim. Pro-rata yan na effect. Now how about in immovable judgment for the unpaid balance. In the meantime, the
properties? We have Art. 2242- buyer Villanueva was able to secure a clean certificate of
title and mortgaged the property to appellant Barretto to
Article 2242. With reference to specific immovable property secure a loan of P30K, said mortgage having been duly
and real rights of the debtor, the following claims, recorded.
mortgages and liens shall be preferred, and shall constitute
an encumbrance on the immovable or real right: Villanueva defaulted on the mortgage loan in favor of
Barretto. The latter foreclosed the mortgage in her favor,
(1) Taxes due upon the land or building; obtained judgment, and upon its becoming final asked for
execution. Cruzado filed a motion for recognition for her
(2) For the unpaid price of real property sold, "vendor's lien" invoking Articles 2242, 2243, and 2249 of
upon the immovable sold; the new Civil Code. After hearing, the court below ordered
the "lien" annotated on the back of the title, with the proviso
(3) Claims of laborers, masons, mechanics and that in case of sale under the foreclosure decree the
other workmen, as well as of architects, vendor's lien and the mortgage credit of appellant Barretto
engineers and contractors, engaged in the should be paid pro rata from the proceeds.
construction, reconstruction or repair of buildings,
canals or other works, upon said buildings, ISSUE:
canals or other works; 1)Won a proceeding, like an insolvency proceeding, is
required before claims of preferred creditors could be
(4) Claims of furnishers of materials used in the
construction, reconstruction, or repair of
buildings, canals or other works, upon said
Under the system of the Civil Code of the Philippines, only
buildings, canals or other works;
taxes enjoy a similar absolute preference. All the remaining
thirteen classes of preferred creditors under Article 2242
(5) Mortgage credits recorded in the Registry of enjoy no priority among themselves, but must be paid  pro-
Property, upon the real estate mortgaged; rata i.e., in proportion to the amount of the respective
(6) Expenses for the preservation or
improvement of real property when the law The full application of Articles 2249 and 2242 demands that
authorizes reimbursement, upon the immovable there must be first some proceedings where the claims of
preserved or improved; all the preferred creditors may be bindingly adjudicated,
such as:
(7) Credits annotated in the Registry of Property, 1. insolvency,
in virtue of a judicial order, by attachments or 2.  the settlement of decedents estate under
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |56

Rule 87 of the Rules of Court, or A5: Cruzado's claim against Villanueva will no longer be covered
3. other liquidation proceedings of similar under Art. 2242. Cruzado can still go after Villanueva after the
import. payment of preferred creditors .

This explains the rule of Article 2243 of the new Civil Code
that —
The claims or credits enumerated in the two preceding She could file an action for collection of sum of money
articles" shall be considered as mortgages or pledges of because there was no specific ruling here or finding that Villanueva
real or personal property, or liens within the purview of was insolvent. So that is one thing you should also take note. Just
legal provisions governing insolvency. because you could not apply Art. 2242 or the rules of concurrence
and preference of credits does not mean you have no other remedy
And the rule is further clarified in the Report of the Code under the law. You have collection of sum of money or you can
Commission, as follows: assert your claim in the insolvency proceeding. But what is clear is
The question as to whether the Civil Code and the that the obligation is not extinguished just because Art. 2241 or 2242
insolvency Law can be harmonized is settled by Article is not applicable.
2243. The preferences named in Articles 2261 and 2262
(now 2241 and 2242) are to be enforced in accordance
with the Insolvency Law." Now how about in the case of Philippine Savings vs Lantin-
Thus, it becomes evident that one preferred creditor's third-
party claim to the proceeds of a foreclosure sale (as in the PHILIPPINE SAVINGS vs LANTIN
case now before us) is not the proceeding contemplated by
law for the enforcement of preferences under Article 2242, FACTS:Involved in this case is a duplex-apartment house
unless the claimant were enforcing a credit for taxes that on a lot covered by TCT No. 86195 situated at San Diego
enjoy absolute priority. If none of the claims is for taxes, a Street, Sampaloc, Manila, and owned by the spouses
dispute between two creditors will not enable the Court to Filomeno and Socorro Tabligan.
ascertain the pro-rata  dividend corresponding to each,
because the rights of the other creditors likewise" enjoying The duplex-apartment house was built for the spouses by
preference under Article 2242 cannot be ascertained. private respondent Candido Ramos, a duly licensed
architect and building contractor, at a total cost of
There being no insolvency or liquidation, the claim of the P32,927.00. The spouses paid private respondent the sum
appellee, as unpaid vendor, did not require the character of P7,139.00 only. Hence, the latter used his own money,
and rank of a statutory lien co-equal to the mortgagee's P25,788.50 in all, to finish the construction of the duplex-
recorded encumbrance, and must remain subordinate to apartment.
the latter.
Meanwhile, the spouses Tabligan obtained from petitioner
Philippine Savings Bank three (3) loans in the total amount
Q1: What was the nature of the proceeding in this case if it was not of P35,000.00, the purpose of which was to complete the
an insolvency proceeding? construction of the duplex-apartment.
A1: It was a foreclosure proceeding mam.
On December 19, 1966, the petitioner registered the
December 16, 1966 deed of real estate mortgage with the
Register of Deeds of Manila. At the time of the registration
Ok, foreclosure. So that is not what was contemplated of these mortgages, Transfer Certificate of Title No. 86195
under the law. To apply the rule on preference of credits, there must was free from all liens and encumbrances.
be a proceeding such as an insolvency proceeding.
The spouses failed to pay their monthly amortizations. As a
result thereof, the petitioner bank foreclosed the
mortgages, and at the public auction held on July 23, 1969,
Q2: Who has the better right over the property or over the proceeds was the highest bidder.
Upon the other hand, the private respondent filed an action
A2: It was Magdalena Barretto has the better over the proceeds of against the spouses to collect the unpaid cost of the
the property. Here, she was a mortgagee who was able to record her construction of the duplex-apartment. During its pendency,
lien as to the property as opposed to Cruzado who was not able to the private respondent succeeded in obtaining the
record her lien as to the property. She was only able to record it after issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment, and pursuant
the property was mortgaged to Barretto. And in this case, since there thereto, had the property in question attached.
was no insolvency proceeding then the well-established principle as Consequently, a notice of adverse claim was annotated at
to registered lands would then be applicable in this case. the back of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 86195.

On August 26, 1968, a decision was rendered in Civil Case

No. 69228 in favor of the private respondent and against
Q3: What is that principle with regard to registered lands? the spouses. A writ of execution was accordingly issued
but was returned unsatisfied.
A3: A purchaser in good faith and for value takes registered property
free from liens and encumbrances other than statutory liens recorded
As the spouses did not have any properties to satisfy the
on the lot. So the right here of Barretto as a mortgagee in good faith
judgment in Civil Case No. 69228, the private respondent
will then be preferred as to that of Cruzado being an unpaid vendor.
addressed a letter to the petitioner for the delivery to him
(private respondent) of his pro-rata share in the value of
the duplex-apartment in accordance with Article 2242 of
Q4: What happens now to the obligation of Villanueva to Cruzado? the Civil Code. The petitioner refused to pay the pro-rata
value prompting the private respondent to file the instant
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |57

action. A decision was rendered in favor of the private Now in both these cases of De Barretto and Philippine
Respondent. Savings, it emphasize the indefeasibility of a certificate of Torrens
title. So, it is indefeasible and to rule otherwise in favor of applying
ISSUE: whether or not the private respondent is entitled to these rules on preference of credits would make the title to one's
claim a pro-rata share in the value of the property in property unstable and questionable. Because anytime somebody
question. would alleged that I have this preferred claim under Art. 2242. So
here it is emphasizes the principle that the purchaser in good faith
RULING:NO. The conclusions of the lower court are not and for value takes registered land free from liens and
supported by the law and the facts. encumbrances, other than statutory lien and those recorded on the
certificate of title, in respecting the indefeasibility of such title.
Concurrence of credits occurs when the same specific
property of the debtor or all of his property is subjected to Also take note of this term, refectionary credit. A
the claims of several creditors. The concurrence of credits refectionary credit is an indebtedness incurred for the repair or
raises no questions of consequence were the value of the reconstruction of something previously made such as a repair or
property or the value of all assets of the debtor is sufficient construction made necessary by the deterioration or destruction of
to pay in fall all the creditors. However, it becomes material the property. This credit may be applied to Art. 2241 and 2242, yung
when said assets are insufficient for then some creditors of expenses for improvements and repairs.
necessity will not be paid or some creditors will not obtain
the full satisfaction of their claims. In this situation, the Now Art. 2243-
question of preference will then arise, that is to say who of
Article 2243. The claims or credits enumerated in the two
the creditors will be paid the all of the others.
preceding articles shall be considered as mortgages or
pledges of real or personal property, or liens within the
The proceedings in the court below do not partake of the
purview of legal provisions governing insolvency. Taxes
nature of the insolvency proceedings or settlement of a
mentioned in No. 1, article 2241, and No. 1, article 2242,
decedent’s estate. The action filed by Ramos was only to
shall first be satisfied. (n)
collect the unpaid cost of the construction of the duplex
apartment. It is far from being a general liquidation of the
estate of the Tabligan spouses. So those enumerated under Art. 2241 and 2242 would be
considered as mortgages or pledges in a sense that is really a lien or
Insolvency proceedings and settlement of a decedent’s encumbrance of a specific property. And this Art. 2243 is the basis.
estate are both proceedings in rem which are binding So what we have discussed earlier, the taxes in relation to the
against the whole world. All persons having interest in the property are preferred noh. It shall be satisfied first. All the rest will
subject matter involved, whether they were notified or not, concur.
are equally bound. Consequently, a liquidation of similar
import or "other equivalent general liquidation’ must also We have the case of J.L. Bernardo vs CA-
necessarily be a proceeding in rem so that all interested
persons whether known to the parties or not may be bound
by such proceeding. J.L. BERNARDO VS CA
In the case at bar, although the lower court found that FACTS: Sometime in 1990, the municipal government of
"there were no known creditors other than the plaintiff and San Antonio, Nueva Ecija approved the construction of the
the defendant herein", this cannot be conclusive. It will not San Antonio Public Market.
bar other creditors in the event they show up and present
their claims against the petitioner bank, claiming that they
On April 20, 1990, J.L. Bernardo Construction, thru
also have preferred liens against the property involved.
petitioner Santiago Sugay, submitted its bid together with
Consequently, Transfer Certificate of Title No. 101864
other qualified bidders. After evaluating the bids, the
issued in favor of the bank which is supposed to be
municipal pre-qualification bids and awards committee,
indefeasible would remain constantly unstable and
headed by respondent Jose L. Salonga (then incumbent
questionable. Such could not have been the intention of
municipal mayor of San Antonio) as Chairman, awarded
Article 2243 of the Civil Code although it considers claims
the contract to petitioners. On June 8, 1990, a Construction
and credits under Article 2242 as statutory liens. Neither
Agreement was entered into by the Municipality of San
does the De Barretto case sanction such instability.
Antonio thru respondent Salonga and petitioner J.L.
Bernardo Construction.
So in this case the claim of Ramos was not annotated on
It is claimed by petitioners that under this Construction
the title prior or at the time of mortgage. Philippine Savings here was
Agreement, the Municipality agreed to assume the
deemed a mortgagee in good faith and subsequently a purchaser in
expenses for the demolition, clearing and site filling of the
good faith.
construction site in the amount of P1,150,000 and, in
So take note of this, concurrence and preference of credits addition, to provide cash equity of P767,305.99 to be
is only applicable when the properties of the debtors are not sufficient remitted directly to petitioners.
to pay all of his obligations. As emphasize in the Barretto case and
here in the case of Philippine Savings, there must be some Petitioners allege that, although the whole amount of the
proceeding where the claims of all the preferred creditors may be cash equity became due, the Municipality refused to pay
bindingly adjudicated such as an insolvency proceeding or settlement the same, despite repeated demands and notwithstanding
of estate or other liquidation proceedings. Now here it is merely an that the public market was more than ninety-eight percent
action for collection. Although the lower court found that there were (98%) complete as of July 20, 1991.
no known creditors other than Philippine Savings and Ramos, this
cannot be conclusive. It will not bar other creditors to show up and On July 31, 1991, J.L. Bernardo Construction filed a
present their claims against the bank claiming also they have complaint for breach of contract, specific performance, and
preferred liens. collection of a sum of money, with prayer for preliminary
attachment and enforcement of contractors lien against the
Municipality of San Antonio, Nueva Ecija and Salonga, in
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |58

his personal and official capacity as municipal mayor. creditors will be bindingly adjudicated such as an insolvency
proceeding. In this case the action filed by J.L. Bernardo does not
On September 5, 1991, the Regional Trial Court issued the partake the nature of an insolvency proceeding because it is only an
writ of preliminary attachment prayed for by plaintiffs. It action for specific performance and there is no way in determining
also granted J.L. Bernardo Construction the right to whether or not other preferred creditors exist.
maintain possession of the public market and to operate
the same. So again same discussion. Actually the case of Philippine
Savings Bank was also mentioned here. It has the same ruling with
ISSUE:Whether or not the grant of writ of attachment and regard to concurrence of credits and the question of preference will
the contractor’s lien proper? again only arise if there would be a need to determine which of the
creditors will be paid ahead of the others. Again this statutory lien
should only be enforced in the context of a some kind of proceeding
HELD: There is no contractor’s lien in favor of petitioners. where the claims of all the preferred creditors will be bindingly
adjudicated such as an insolvency proceeding. But again in this
Articles 2241 and 2242 of the Civil Code enumerates case, walang insolvency proceeding. You cannot raise or Art. 2242
certain credits which enjoy preference with respect to cannot be applied with regard to the things involving the properties in
specific personal or real property of the debtor. Specifically, this case of J.L. Bernardo.
the contractor’s lien claimed by petitioners is granted under
the third paragraph of Article 2242 which provides that the
claims of contractors engaged in the construction,
reconstruction or repair of buildings or other works shall be March 10, 2016 (2nd hour)
preferred with respect to the specific building or other
immovable property constructed. Transcribed by: Raphael Rivas

However, Article 2242 only finds application when there is

a concurrence of credits, i.e. when the same specific Atlantic vs. Herbal Cove
property of the debtor is subjected to the claims of several
creditors and the value of such property of the debtor is FACTS:
insufficient to pay in full all the creditors. In such a situation, In 1996, Atlantic Erectors (AE) and Herbal Cove (HCC) entered into
the question of preference will arise, that is, there will be a a contract to construct townhouses. HCC was not able to complete
need to determine which of the creditors will be paid ahead the project in time. AE then filed for damages and won the suit. HCC
of the others. Fundamental tenets of due process will was ordered to pay in damages and fees. The cause of action is a
dictate that this statutory lien should then only be enforced money claim by only one creditor. In 1997, AE caused a notice of
in the context of some kind of a proceeding where the lispendens on several TCTs, which carried over when the lots were
claims of all the preferred creditors may be bindingly further divided into 50 lots. In 1998, HCC filed a motion to cancel the
adjudicated, such as insolvency proceedings. notice of lispendens, as AE’s action is purely a personal action to
collect a sum of money and damages, and does not directly affect
This is made explicit by Article 2243 which states that the title to, use or possession of real property.
claims and liens enumerated in articles 2241 and 2242 In opposition, AE argued that the money claim constitutes a lien
shall be considered as mortgages or pledges of real or that can be enforced to secure payment for the said obligations. It
personal property, or liens within the purview of legal argues that, to preserve the alleged improvement it had made on the
provisions governing insolvency. subject land, such annotation on the property titles of respondent is
necessary. On the other hand, HCC argues that the annotation is
The action filed by petitioners in the trial court does not bereft of any factual or legal basis, because the action does not
partake of the nature of an insolvency proceeding. It is directly affect the title to the property, or the use or the possession
basically for specific performance and damages. Thus, thereof. The annotation is baseless and cannot be made through the
even if it is finally adjudicated that petitioners herein enforcement of a contractor’s lien under Art. 2242 as said provision
actually stand in the position of unpaid contractors and are applies only to cases in which there are several creditors carrying on
entitled to invoke the contractor’s lien granted under Article a legal action against an insolvent debtor.
2242, such lien cannot be enforced in the present action for
there is no way of determining whether or not there exist ISSUE:
other preferred creditors with claims over the San Antonio WON money claims representing cost of materials and labor are
Public Market. The records do not contain any allegation proper liens for annotations of lispendens on the property title.
that petitioners are the only creditors with respect to such
property. The fact that no third party claims have been filed RULING:
in the trial court will not bar other creditors from No.
subsequently bringing actions and claiming that they also As a general rule, the only instances in which a notice of lispendens
have preferred liens against the property involved. may be availed of are as follows: (a) an action to recover possession
of real estate; (b) an action for partition; and (c) any other court
proceedings that directly affect the title to the land or the building
Q1: So is it really a preferred credit under Art. 2242? thereon or the use or the occupation thereof.
A careful examination of petitioner's Complaint, as well as the reliefs
A1: In this case although it is stated under paragraph 3(of Art. 2242), it seeks, reveals that no such lien or interest over the property was
it only applies when there is concurrence of credits and as defined ever alleged. The Complaint merely asked for the payment of
here in this case, there is concurrence of credits if the same specific construction services and materials plus damages, without
property of the debtor is subjected to the claims of several creditors mentioning -- much less asserting -- a lien or an encumbrance over
and the value of such property of the debtor is insufficient to pay in the property. Verily, it was a purely personal action and a simple
full all the creditors in such a situation. The question of preference collection case. It did not contain any material averment of any
will arise if there is a need to determine which among the creditors enforceable right, interest or lien in connection with the subject
should be paid ahead of the others. However in this case, due property.
process dictates that this statutory lien will only be enforced in the Even assuming that petitioner had sufficiently alleged such lien or
context of some proceeding where the claims of all preferred encumbrance in its Complaint, the annotation of the Notice of Lis
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |59

Pendens would still be unjustified, because a complaint for collection Marinduque Mining’s properties. The kind of proceeding
and damages is not the proper mode for the enforcement of a contemplated is where the claims of all the preferred creditors may
contractor's lien. Fundamental tenets of due process will dictate that be bindingly adjudicated, such as insolvency, the settlement of
this statutory lien should then only be enforced in the context of some decedent's estate under Rule 87 of the Rules of Court, or other
kind of a proceeding where the claims of all the preferred creditors liquidation proceedings of similar import. The extrajudicial foreclosure
may be bindingly adjudicated, such as insolvency proceedings. instituted by PNB and DBP is not the liquidation proceeding
Article 2242 finds application when there is a concurrence of credits, contemplated by the Civil Code; thus, Remington cannot claimits pro
i.e., when the same specific property of the debtor is subjected to the rata share from DBP and PNB.
claims of several creditors and the value of such property of the
debtor is insufficient to pay in full all the creditors. In such a situation,
the question of preference will arise, that is, there will be a need to Q: What are the properties here involved in the mortgage?
determine which of the creditors will be paid ahead of the others. In A: All of the properties of Marinduque Industry with all its
this case, there is no concurrence of credit since there is only one improvements which is the same properties mortgaged to DBP and
creditor. PNB.
Q: What is the nature of the proceeding here?
A: Foreclosure sale, the extrajudicial foreclosure sale here is not a
The issue here is with regard to the notice of lispendens. Take liquidation proceeding.
note of the instances when notice of lispendensmay be availed of;
these are, Take note here that a real estate mortgage and a chattel mortgage
a) In an action to recover possession of real estate; are executed in favor of PNB. Recall what we discussed last time
b) An action for partition; that after-acquired assets can be covered by a mortgage. Mortgage
c) Any other court proceedings that directly affect the title also covers all of Marinduque Mining’s chattels as well as assets of
to the land or the building thereon or the use of the whatever kind, nature, and description which Marinduqe may
occupation thereof. subsequently acquire in substitution, or in addition to the properties
covered by the previous chattel mortgage.
Considering here that this is a personal action, then there is no
lien alleged in the complaint as an issuance for the ad notice of In relation to concurrence and preference of credits, again it is
lispendens. Remember that one of the nature of preference of credit emphasized that in the absence of any liquidation proceeding, the
is that it must be alleged. Ditowala. Isa pa, this is not an insolvency claim of the creditor cannot be enforced against any mortgagee in
proceeding contemplated on the application of preference of credit. good faith. As in the extrajudicial foreclosure executed by PNB and
Again, the complaint is merely a pure personal action not containing DBP is not the liquidation proceeding contemplated by the Civil
any material averment of any enforceable right. Also there was no Code, then Remington cannot claim is share in the property.
proceeding as required by the court wherein all the preferred creditor
may be violated. Therefore, he cannot avail the notice of lispendens. If it is really proven here that the debtor is insolvent, tehn the
If ganun, anongpwedenyanggawindito? He can attach the property or debtor can voluntarily submit a proceeding for the payment of an
if the ruling is in his favor, then execution of the said property. But he obligation in the court of an insolvency proceeding.
cannot raise Art 2242 so that he will be given preference in relation to
the said property. So, Art 2241, 2242, and 2243 are the provisions in relation to
special preferred credits. We also have ordinary preferred credits
which apply in a situation wherein a particular credit is not secured by
Development Bank vs. CA a movable or immovable property. This credit happen to be one of
those enumerated as ordinary preferred. The credit will enjoy
FACTS: preference over properties which are not encumbered including the
free portion of the debtor’s property. Now, ordinary preferred credits
Marinduque Mining-Industrial Corporation obtained from PNB and are enumerated in Art 2244.
DBP various loan accommodations. To secure the loans,
Marinduque Mining mortgaged to PNB and DBP all its real and Art. 2244. With reference to other property, real and personal, of the
personal properties. Marinduque Mining failed to settle its loan debtor, the following claims or credits shall be preferred in the order
obligations, thus PNB and DBP instituted sometime on July and named:
August 1984 extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings over the (1) Proper funeral expenses for the debtor, or children under his or
mortgaged properties. her parental authority who have no property of their own, when
In the meantime, between July 1982 to October 1983, Marinduque approved by the court;
Mining purchased and caused to be delivered construction materials (2) Credits for services rendered the insolvent by employees,
and other merchandise from Remington Industrial Sales Corporation laborers, or household helpers for one year preceding the
The purchases remained unpaid as of August 1, 1984 when commencement of the proceedings in insolvency;
Remington filed a complaint for a sum of money and damages (3) Expenses during the last illness of the debtor or of his or her
against Marinduque Mining for the value of the unpaid construction spouse and children under his or her parental authority, if they have
materials and other merchandise purchased by Marinduque Mining. no property of their own;
Remington's original complaint was later amended to implead PNB (4) Compensation due the laborers or their dependents under laws
and DBP in view of the foreclosure by the latter of the real and providing for indemnity for damages in cases of labor accident, or
chattel mortgages). illness resulting from the nature of the employment;
(5) Credits and advancements made to the debtor for support of
ISSUE: himself or herself, and family, during the last year preceding the
WON Remington can enforce its claim (for the payment of the insolvency;
construction materials purchasedby Marinduque Mining) against (6) Support during the insolvency proceedings, and for three months
DBP. thereafter;
(7) Fines and civil indemnification arising from a criminal offense;
RULING: (8) Legal expenses, and expenses incurred in the administration of
No. the insolvent’s estate for the common interest of the creditors, when
Remington cannot enforce its lien against DBP because there was properly authorized and approved by the court;
no liquidation proceeding. The liquidation proceeding contemplated (9) Taxes and assessments due the national government, other than
by the CC is not the extrajudicial foreclosure done by DBP over those mentioned in Articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |60

(10) Taxes and assessments due any province, other than those
referred to in Articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1; DBP vs. NLRC
(11) Taxes and assessments due any city or municipality, other than
those indicated in Articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
(12) Damages for death or personal injuries caused by a quasi-delict;
(13) Gifts due to public and private institutions of charity or
beneficence; Leonor Ang is an employee of petitioner Tropical Philippine Woods
(14) Credits which, without special privilege, appear in (a) a public Industries, Inc. (TPWII).
instrument; or (b) in a final judgment, if they have been the subject of
litigation. These credits shall have preference among themselves in DBP, a mortgagee of TPWII foreclosed the latter’s plant,
the order of priority of the dates of the instruments and of the equipments , and facilities. As a result, the operations of stopped and
judgments, respectively. Leonor Ang was verbally terminated.

This time, you have to take note of the order because this is an order On December 14, 1987 aggrieved by the termination of her
of priority. If you take a look at Art 2244, makitaninyoang no.1 diyan employment, private respondent filed with the Labor Arbiter a
is proper funeral expenses and second is credits for services complaint for separation pay, 13th month pay, vacation and sick
rendered. In consonance with the provision of the Labor Code, ang leave pay, salaries and allowances against TPWII, its General
No.1 nangayon is the payment for services rendered by employees Manager, and Tropical.
and laborer, and No.2 naang proper funeral expenses.
Tropical was held subsidiarily liable by LA for the unpaid wages
If makitaniyo din sa 2244, may taxes due to the national applying Art. 110 of the Labor Code. Thus, Tropical now questions
government, followed by those due to any province, and those due to the application of said labor code provision which refers to worker
any city or municipality. Notice here that these taxes are in favor of preference in case of bankruptcy or liquidation of an employer's
the government but they are not the first priority because these taxes business against a mortgage.
are not in relation to a specific property unlike doonsa 2241.
Example, income tax. Diba may obligation kasa BIR to pay income ISSUE:
tax. Kung meron pang matirana property at aabot pa hanggangdiyan,
then babayaranmunasa BIR. WON Article 110 of the Labor Code is applicable in the case.

The property involved in 2244 could be a movable or an RULING:

immovable or cash. With these cash or proceeds of the sale of the
properties, bayaranmunaangibangnaka enumerate sa 2244 in order.
May hierarchy yanhanggangmaabotyungpinakababa.

Art. 110 should not be treated apart from other laws but applied
2244 not only enumerates the preferred credits with respect to
in conjunction with the pertinent provisions of the Civil Code and the
other property(real or personal) of the debotr but also gives order or
Insolvency Law to the extent that piece-meal distribution of the
preference in the order made. Here, taxes and assessments are only
assets of the debtor is avoided
mentioned as # 9, 10, 11 unlike priority No.1 in 2241 and 2242.
Makita ninyoang relevance if specially preferred creditor kasi at the
very least, pagmerng property mabayaran pa. Unlike ordinary A declaration of bankruptcy or a judicial liquidation must be present
preferred creditor, malakiangpossibiltynahindinamabayaran. before the worker's preference may be enforced. Thus, Article 110 of
Remember , we only apply the rules on preference and concurrence the Labor Code and its implementing rule cannot be invoked by the
of credit if the debtor is insolvent so respondents in this case absent a formal declaration of bankruptcy or
kulangtalagaangpambayadsalahat ng utang. a liquidation order.

So step 1 is essentially sa special preferred credit paid from the A preference applies only to claims which do not attach to specific
value of a movable or immovable property where taxes enjoy first properties. A lien creates a charge on a particular property. The right
priority and the rest of the credits are paid pro-rata. Is is possible for of first preference as regards unpaid wages recognized by Article
example here, 3 million ang value ng property at angutang is 2.5 110 does not constitute a lien on the property of the insolvent debtor
million so meron pang 500,000. Saanmapuntaang 500,000? Well, in favor of workers. It is but a preference of credit in their favor, a
doonsa ordinary preferred credit. Ordinary preferred credits will then preference in application. On the other hand, DBP anchors its claim
be paid in the order of priority as they are enumerated. The assets on a mortgage credit. A mortgage directly and immediately subjects
used to pay ordinary preferred credits are those free from the property upon which it is imposed, whoever the possessor may
encumbrances. Lastly, non-preferred credits are paid from whatever be, to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was
free portion remains. Yan ang common credits under 2245. constituted. It creates a real right which is enforceable against the
whole world. It is a lien on an identified immovable property, which a
preference is not. A recorded mortgage credit is a special preferred
Preference for unpaid wages as provided in Art 110 of the
credit under Article 2242 (5) of the Civil Code on classification of
LABOR CODE does not purport to pay in favor of unpaid workers or
credits. The preference given by Article 1l0, when not falling within
laborers either upon all of the properties or any particular property
Article 2241 (6) and Article 2242 (3), of the Civil Code and not
owned by their employer. Claims for unpaid wages do not fall at all in
attached to any specific property, is all ordinary preferred credit
the category of specially preferred credit under 2241 and 2242,
although its impact is to move it from second priority to first priority in
except to the extent for unpaid wages that are already covered by
the order of preference established by Article 2244 of the Civil Code.
2241 which is No.6 for movable, and No. 6 for immovable. Art 110 of
the LABOR CODE did not alter 2241 and 2242. Creditors with liens
over a certain propertry are still given special preferences over the In this case, it was emphasized that there must be a
proceeds of a property. declaration of bankruptcy or a liquidation before the worker’s
preference may be enforced. Art 110 cannot be invoked in this case
in the absence of formal declaration of bankruptcy. The amendment
of Art 110 of the Labor Code expanded the concept of worker’s
preference to cover not only unpaid wages but also other monetary
claims to which even claims of the government must be deemed
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |61

subordinate as provided in 2244, but not in relation to 2241 and

2242. For example, you have laborer who work in your house for its ISSUE 1: WON the above-enumerated claims of USTC and FOITAF
construction, that is already a specially preferred credit, but if you ("Unions") for separation pay of their respective members embodied
employ persons to work in your office, and then na bankrupt, then na in final awards of the National Labor Relations Commission were to
dismiss si employee. In this case, the dismissed employee cannot go be preferred over the claims of the Bureau of Customs and the
after properties that are subject to mortgage because Art 110 does Bureau of Internal Revenue.
not repeal 2241 and 2242. Here, Art 110 of the Labor Code does not
constitute a lien on the property of the insolvent debtor in favor of his
HELD 1: Article 97 (f) of the Labor Code defines "wages" in the
workers either upon all of the properties or upon any particular
following terms:
property owned by the employer. The phrase “first preference” in Art
110 pertains to an ordinary prefered credit under 2244.
Wage' paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or
earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms
of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or
commission basis, or other method of calculating the same, which is
Republic vs. Peralta payable by an employer to an employee under a written or unwritten
contract of employment for work done or to be done, or for services
FACTS: rendered or to be rendered, and includes the fair and reasonable
value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, of board, lodging, or
In the voluntary insolvency proceedings commenced in May 1977 by other facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the
Quality Tobacco Corporation (the "Insolvent"), the following claims of employee. 'Fair and reasonable value' shall not include any profit to
creditors were filed: the employer or to any person affiliated with the employer.

(i) P2,806,729.92, by the USTC Association of Employees and We are unable to subscribe to the view urged by the Solicitor
workers Union-PTGWO USTC as separation pay for their members. General. For the specific purposes of Article 110 and in the context of
This amount plus an additional sum of P280,672.99 as attorney's insolvency termination or separation pay is reasonably regarded as
fees had been awarded by the National Labor Relations Commission forming part of the remuneration or other money benefits accruing to
in NLRC Case No. RB-IV-9775-77. employees or workers by reason of their having previously rendered
services to their employer; as such, they fall within the scope of
"remuneration or earnings — for services rendered or to be rendered
(ii) P53,805.05 by the Federacion de la IndustriaTabaquera y
— ." Liability for separation pay might indeed have the effect of a
OtrosTrabajadores de Filipinas ("FOITAF), as separation pay for their
penalty, so far as the employer is concerned. So far as concerns the
members, an amount similarly awarded by the NLRC in the same
employees, however, separation pay is additional remuneration to
NLRC Case.
which they become entitled because, having previously rendered
services, they are separated from the employer's service. The
(iii) P1,085,188.22 by the Bureau of Internal Revenue for tobacco relationship between separation pay and services rendered is
inspection fees covering the period 1 October 1967 to 28 February underscored by the fact that separation pay is measured by the
1973; amount (i.e., length) of the services rendered. This construction is
sustained both by the specific terms of Article 110 and by the major
(iv) P276,161.00 by the Bureau of Customs for customs duties and purposes and basic policy embodied in the Labor Code. It is also the
taxes payable on various importations by the Insolvent. These construction that is suggested by Article 4 of the Labor Code which
obligations appear to be secured by surety bonds. 2 Some of these directs that doubts — assuming that any substantial rather than
imported items are apparently still in customs custody so far as the merely frivolous doubts remain-in the interpretation of the provisions
record before this Court goes. of the labor Code and its implementing rules and regulations shall be
"resolved in favor of labor."
In its questioned Order of 17 November 1980, the trial court held that
the above-enumerated claims of USTC and FOITAF ("Unions") for Article 110 must be read in relation to the provisions of the Civil Code
separation pay of their respective members embodied in final awards concerning the classification, concurrence and preference of credits,
of the National Labor Relations Commission were to be preferred which provisions find particular application in insolvency proceedings
over the claims of the Bureau of Customs and the Bureau of Internal where the claims of all creditors, preferred or non-preferred, may be
Revenue. The trial court, in so ruling, relied primarily upon Article 110 adjudicated in a binding manner.
of the Labor Code which reads thus:
Those provisions may be seen to classify credits against a particular
Article 110. Worker preference in case of bankruptcy — In the event insolvent into three general categories, namely: (a) special preferred
of bankruptcy or liquidation of an employer's business, his workers credits listed in Articles 2241 and 2242, (b) ordinary preferred credits
shall enjoy first preference as regards wages due them for services listed in Article 2244; and (c) common credits under Article 2245.
rendered during the period prior to the bankruptcy or liquidation, any
provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Union paid wages Turning first to special preferred credits under Articles 2241 and
shall be paid in full before other creditors may establish any claim to 2242, it should be noted at once that these credits constitute liens or
a share in the assets of the employer. encumbrances on the specific movable or immovable property to
which they relate. Article 2243 makes clear that these credits "shall
The Solicitor General, in seeking the reversal of the questioned be considered as mortgages or pledges of real or personal property,
Orders, argues that Article 110 of the Labor Code is not applicable as or liens within the purview of legal provisions governing insolvency."
it speaks of "wages," a term which he asserts does not include the It should be emphasized in this connection that "duties, taxes and
separation pay claimed by the Unions. "Separation pay," the Solicitor fees due [on specific movable property of the insolvent] to the State
General contends, is given to a laborer for a separation from or any subdivision thereof" (Article 2241 [1]) and "taxes due upon the
employment computed on the basis of the number of years the insolvent's land or building (2242 [1])"stand first in preference in
laborer was employed by the employer; it is a form of penalty or respect of the particular movable or immovable property to which the
damage against the employer in favor of the employee for the latter's tax liens have attached. Article 2243 is quite explicit: "[T]axes
dismissal or separation from service. mentioned in number 1, Article 2241 and number 1, Article 2242 shall
first be satisfied." The claims listed in numbers 2 to 13 in Article 2241
and in numbers 2 to 10 in Articles 2242, all come after taxes in order
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |62

of precedence; such claims enjoy their privileged character as liens HELD 2: A. Claim of the Bureau of Customs for Unpaid Customs
and may be paid only to the extent that taxes have been paid from Duties and Taxes- Under Section 1204 of the Tariff and Customs
the proceeds of the specific property involved (or from any other Code.
sources) and only in respect of the remaining balance of such
proceeds. What is more, these other (non-tax) credits, although Clearly, the claim of the Bureau of Customs for unpaid customs
constituting liens attaching to particular property, are not preferred duties and taxes enjoys the status of a specially preferred credit
one over another inter se. Provided tax liens shall have been under Article 2241, No. 1, of the Civil Code. only in respect of the
satisfied, non-tax liens or special preferred credits which subsist in articles importation of which by the Insolvent resulted in the
respect of specific movable or immovable property are to be treated assessment of the unpaid taxes and duties, and which are still in the
on an equal basis and to be satisfied concurrently and custody or subject to the control of the Bureau of Customs. The
proportionately. Put succinctly, Articles 2241 and 2242 jointly with goods imported on one occasion are not subject to a lien for customs
Articles 2246 to2249 establish a two-tier order of preference. The first duties and taxes assessed upon other importations though also
tier includes only taxes, duties and fees due on specific movable or effected by the Insolvent. Customs duties and taxes which remain
immovable property. All other special preferred credits stand on the unsatisfied after levy upon the imported articles on which such duties
same second tier to be satisfied, paripassu and pro rata, out of any and taxes are due, would have to be paid out of the Insolvent's "free
residual value of the specific property to which such other credits property" in accordance with the order of preference embodied in
relate. Article 2244 of the Civil Code. Such unsatisfied customs duties and
taxes would fall within Article 2244, No. 9, of the Civil Code and
Credits which are specially preferred because they constitute liens hence would be ninth in priority.
(tax or non-tax) in turn, take precedence over ordinary preferred
credits so far as concerns the property to which the liens have B. Claims of the Bureau of Internal Revenue for Tabacco Inspection
attached. The specially preferred credits must be discharged first out Fees —Under Section 315 of the National Internal Revenue Code
of the proceeds of the property to which they relate, before ordinary ("old Tax Code")
preferred creditors may lay claim to any part of such proceeds.
It follows that the claim of the Bureau of Internal Revenue for unpaid
If the value of the specific property involved is greater than the sum tobacco inspection fees constitutes a claim for unpaid internal
total of the tax liens and other specially preferred credits, the residual revenue taxes which gives rise to a tax lien upon all the properties
value will form part of the "free property" of the insolvent — i.e., and assets, movable and immovable, of the Insolvent as taxpayer.
property not impressed with liens by operation of Articles 2241 and Clearly, under Articles 2241 No. 1, 2242 No. 1, and 2246-2249 of the
2242. If, on the other hand, the value of the specific movable or Civil Code, this tax claim must be given preference over any other
immovable is less than the aggregate of the tax liens and other claim of any other creditor, in respect of any and all properties of the
specially preferred credits, the unsatisfied balance of the tax liens Insolvent.
and other such credits are to the treated as ordinary credits under
Article 2244 and to be paid in the order of preference there set up. C. Claims of the Unions for Separation Pay of Their Members —
Article 110 of the Labor Code does not purport to create a lien in
In contrast with Articles 2241 and 2242, Article 2244 creates no liens favor of workers or employees for unpaid wages either upon all of the
on determinate property which follow such property. What Article properties or upon any particular property owned by their employer.
2244 creates are simply rights in favor of certain creditors to have the Claims for unpaid wages do not therefore fall at all within the
cash and other assets of the insolvent applied in a certain sequence category of speciallypreferred claims established under Articles 2241
or order of priority. and 2242 of the Civil Code, except to the extent that such claims for
unpaid wages are already covered by Article 2241, number 6. "claims
Only in respect of the insolvent's "free property" is an order of priority for laborers' wages, on the goods manufactured or the work done;" or
established by Article 2244. In this sequence, certain taxes and by Article 2242, number 3: "claims of laborers and other workers
assessments also figure but these do not have the same kind of engaged in the construction, reconstruction or repair of buildings,
overriding preference that Articles 2241 No. 1 and 2242 No. I create canals and other works, upon said buildings, canals or other works."
for taxes which constituted liens on the taxpayer's property. Under To the extent that claims for unpaid wages fall outside the scope of
Article 2244, Article 2241, number 6 and 2242, number 3, they would come within
the ambit of the category of ordinary preferred credits under Article
(a) taxes and assessments due to the national government, 2244.
excluding those which result in tax liens under Articles 2241 No. 1
and 2242 No. 1 but including the balance thereof not satisfied out of Applying Article 2241, number 6 to the instant case, the claims of the
the movable or immovable property to which such liens attached, are Unions for separation pay of their members constitute liens attaching
ninth in priority; (b) taxes and assessments due any province, to the processed leaf tobacco, cigars and cigarettes and other
excluding those impressed as tax liens under Articles 2241 No. 1 and products produced or manufactured by the Insolvent, but not to other
2242 No. 1, but including the balance thereof not satisfied out of the assets owned by the Insolvent. And even in respect of such tobacco
movable or immovable property to which such liens attached, are and tobacco products produced by the Insolvent, the claims of the
tenth in priority; and Unions may be given effect only after the Bureau of Internal
Revenue's claim for unpaid tobacco inspection fees shall have been
(c) taxes and assessments due any city or municipality, excluding satisfied out of the products so manufactured by the Insolvent.
those impressed as tax liens under Articles 2241 No. I and 2242 No.
2 but including the balance thereof not satisfied out of the movable or Article 2242, number 3, also creates a lien or encumbrance upon a
immovable property to which such liens attached, are eleventh in building or other real property of the Insolvent in favor of workmen
priority. who constructed or repaired such building or other real property.
Article 2242, number 3, does not however appear relevant in the
ISSUE 2: instant case, since the members of the Unions to whom separation
pay is due rendered services to the Insolvent not (so far as the
record of this case would show) in the construction or repair of
What is the impact Article 110 of the labor Code has had on those
buildings or other real property, but rather, in the regular course of
provisions of the Civil Code?
the manufacturing operations of the Insolvent. The Unions' claims do
not therefore constitute a lien or encumbrance upon any immovable
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |63

property owned by the Insolvent, but rather, as already indicated, of processed or manufactured product, then the claim of the Unions
upon the Insolvent's existing inventory (if any of processed tobacco for separation pay would have to be satisfied out of the "free
and tobacco products. property" of the Insolvent under Article 2244 of the Civil Code. as
modified by Article 110 of the Labor Code.
Article 110 of the Labor Code did not sweep away the overriding
preference accorded under the scheme of the Civil Code to tax Turning to (b), should the Bureau of Customs no longer have any
claims of the government or any subdivision thereof which constitute importations by the Insolvent still within customs custody or control,
a lien upon properties of the Insolvent. It is frequently said that taxes or should the importations still held by the Bureau of Customs be or
are the very lifeblood of government. The effective collection of taxes have become insufficient in value for the purpose, customs duties
is a task of highest importance for the sovereign. It is critical indeed and taxes remaining unpaid would have only ninth priority by virtue of
for its own survival. It follows that language of a much higher degree Article 2244, number 9. In respect therefore of the Insolvent's "free
of specificity than that exhibited in Article 110 of the Labor Code is property, " the claims of the Unions will enjoy first priority under
necessary to set aside the intent and purpose of the legislator that Article 2244 as modified and will be paid ahead of the claims of the
shines through the precisely crafted provisions of the Civil Code. It Bureau of Customs for any customs duties and taxes still remaining
cannot be assumed simpliciter that the legislative authority, by using unsatisfied.
It is understood that the claims of the Unions referred to above do not
Article 110 the words "first preference" and "any provision of law to include the 10% claim for attorney's fees. Attorney's fees incurred by
the contrary notwithstanding" intended to disrupt the elaborate and the Unions do not stand on the same footing as the Unions' claims
symmetrical structure set up in the Civil Code. Neither can it be for separation pay of their members.
assumed casually that Article 110 intended to subsume the
sovereign itself within the term "other creditors" in stating that "unpaid Q: How would 2241 be applied in relation to its application
wages shall be paid in full before other creditors may establish any in favor of the Bureau of Customs?
claim to a share in the assets of employer." Insistent considerations
of public policy prevent us from giving to "other creditors" a
A: The Tariff and Customs Code provides that custom
linguistically unlimited scope that would embrace the universe of
charges constitute a lien upon the articles imported which may be
creditors save only unpaid employees.
enforced to such articles which are subject to the control of the
government. As long as these articles are under the control of the
We, however, do not believe that Article 110 has had no impact at all government, then it falls under the first catrgory under 2241 where
upon the provisions of the Civil Code. Bearing in mind the overriding before all other creditors will be paid, it should be ensured that
precedence given to taxes, duties and fees by the Civil Code and the custom duties are paid first.
fact that the Labor Code does not impress any lien on the property of
an employer, the use of the phrase "first preference" in Article 110
Q: How about the claim of BIR?
indicates that what Article 110 intended to modify is the order of
preference found in Article 2244, which order relates, as we have
seen, to property of the Insolvent that is not burdened with the liens A: The SC said that BIR’s claim falls under Art 2241 in
or encumbrances created or recognized by Articles 2241 and 2242. relation to the Tax Code or the National Internal Revenue Code
We have noted that Article 2244, number 2, establishes second which provided that it should fall under the specially preferred credit.
priority for claims for wages for services rendered by employees or
laborers of the Insolvent "for one year preceding the commencement This time, theer is already an insolvency proceeding. You
of the proceedings in insolvency." Article 110 of the Labor Code have an obligation for separation pay, a claim in favor of Bureau of
establishes "first preference" for services rendered "during the period Customs, and BIR claims for unpaid revenue taxes.
prior to the bankruptcy or liquidation, " a period not limited to the year
immediately prior to the bankruptcy or liquidation. Thus, very The SC said that the claim in favor of the Bureau of
substantial effect may be given to the provisions of Article 110 Customs is a special preferred credit under 2241 No.1. If a movable
without grievously distorting the framework established in the Civil property is imported, taxes, and revisions, and duties should be paid.
Code by holding, as we so hold, that Article 110 of the Labor Code If they remain unsatisfied after levy, they would have to be paid out of
has modified Article 2244 of the Civil Code in two respects: (a) firstly, the insolvent’s remaining property. With regard to the unpaid tobacco
by removing the one year limitation found in Article 2244, number 2; inspection, it is also a tax enjoying special preference under 2241.
and (b) secondly, by moving up claims for unpaid wages of laborers For the separation pay, again, if we apply Art 110 of the Labor Code,
or workers of the Insolvent from second priority to first priority in the it enjoys first priority under 2244, Art 110 establishes first preference
order of preference established I by Article 2244. for services rendered during the period prior to bankruptcy or
liquidation. However, sa Civil Code meron pang period na 1 year
Accordingly, and by way of recapitulating the application of Civil limitation but walanayan because Art 110 modifies the Civil Code in
Code and Labor Code provisions to the facts herein, the trial court the sense that it removes the one-year limitation found in Art 2244
should inventory the properties of the Insolvent so as to determine No.2 of the Civil Code and moving up the things for unpaid wages of
specifically: (a) whether the assets of the Insolvent before the trial laborers from second to first priority. If the insolvent debtor has still
court includes stocks of processed or manufactured tobacco inventories of processed tobacco products, the inventories must be
products; and (b) whether the Bureau of Customs still has in its subjected first to the claim of the BIR for the unpaid tobacco fees.
custody or control articles imported by the Insolvent and subject to The remaining value of such inventories after satisfaction shall be
the lien of the government for unpaid customs duties and taxes. subject to liens in favor of the labor unions. Kung
merongsobrapwede, but in case the insolvent debtor no longer has
In respect of (a), if the Insolvent has inventories of processed or any inventory, then the claims of the union for separation pay, will be
manufactured tobacco products, such inventories must be subjected satisfied out of the properties of the insolvent.
firstly to the claim of theBureau of Internal Revenue for unpaid
tobacco inspection fees. The remaining value of such inventories As to the obligation in favor of the Bureau of Customs for
after satisfaction of such fees (or should such inspection fees be duties and taxes, only importations by the insolvent still within the
satisfied out of other properties of the Insolvent) will be subject to a control of the Bureau of Customs have become insufficient, customs,
lien in favor of the Unions by virtue of Article 2241, number 6. In duties, and taxes remaining unpaid would have 9 th priority na. And
case, upon the other hand, the Insolvent no longer has any inventory form what I mentioned earlier that income taxes ay
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |64

mahuhulogdoonsa 9th priority under 2244, there are taxes and duties
which could not be paid because doonpalangsa property (2) Common credits referred to in Article 2245 shall be paid pro rata
nayunkulangangpambayad or walanang control and possession ang regardless of dates.
Bureau of Customs. 2244 naang mag apply so No. 9 nasyadoon at
No.1 naang claim nang unpaid laborer. Take note that Art 2244
“must be in order” so you have to familiarize the order enumerated
The last one under 2244 yung credits which appear in a
public instrument or by final judgment, notice that they are placed in Letters of credit are those issued by one merchant to
the same order of preference. Preference among themselves would another for the purpose of attaining a commercial transaction for the
be determined by considering the property of the dates of the purpose of commercial transactions. However, in many
instrument and the final judgements. So among it, may priority din. jurisprudence, it was said that a letter of credit is issued by a bank to
guarantee its client’s ability to pay imported goods in relation to our
discussion sa TRUST RECEIPT; or a firm authorizing an individual or
Art. 2245. Credits of any other kind or class, or by any other right or
a firm to draw drafts of the bank or its correspondence for bank’s
title not comprised in the four preceding articles, shall enjoy no
accounts under certain conditions of credit.
A letter of credit is a written instrument. The writer requests
Kung meron pang natira after nabayaranang 2241, 2242, or authorizes the addressee(usually a foreign bank) to pay money to
at 2244. Example, utangmosakapitbahay not in a public instrument a supplier from another country and assumes responsibility for
na subject to a lien of any property. So pwede pa under 2245 but payment of debt to the addressee.
there is no preference here anymore so all the remaining credits shall
be paid pro-rata regardless of dates.
Opening a letter of credit in favor of a vendor is only a
mode of payment and is not an essential requirement for a contract
Art. 2246. Those credits which enjoy preference with respect to of sale. The transaction for example( Ma’am wrote something on the
specific movables, exclude all others to the extent of the value of the board) is if you have a purchaser from Philippines and supplier from
personal property to which the preference refers. Hongkong, then bank-to-bank transaction yansiya. There is still a
contract between the vendee and vendor but as a mode of paying,
purchaser will a vail a letter of credit to be issued by a Philippine
bank(BDO ang example ni Ma’am). The none opening of a letter of
Art. 2247. If there are two or more credits with respect to the same credit will not prevent the perfection of a contract of sale.
specific movable property, they shall be satisfied pro rata, after the
payment of duties, taxes and fees due the State or any subdivision The execution of a letter of credit or the issuance thereof is
thereof. not a contrct of guaranty or suretyship because it does not entail a
primary liability on the part of the issuer in case of default. Also a
Ito ang basis natinsa 2241 that No.2 downwards shall be letter of credit is not a negotiable instrument because if is issued to a
satisfied pro-rata after payment of taxes, duties, and fees due to the specific person. Thus, it is neither payable to bearer or order.
state or any of its subdivision thereof.
Also take note of Prudential Bank vs Yap(Dec 8, 1992)
Art. 2248. Those credits which enjoy preference in relation to specific which states that a letter of credit is an engagement by a bank with
real property or real rights, exclude all others to the extent of the another person made at the request of a customer that the issuer will
value of the immovable or real right to which the preference refers. honor drafts or other demands for payment upon compliance with the
conditions provided in the letter of credit. In a letter of credit, a bank
merely substitutes its own promise to pay for the promise to pay one
of its customers who in turn promises to pay the supplier and the
client of the bank will be the one to pay the bank the amount of the
Art. 2249. If there are two or more credits with respect to the same funds mentioned in the letter of credit plus credit or commitment fees
specific real property or real rights, they shall be satisfied pro rata, agreed upon.
after the payment of the taxes and assessments upon the immovable
property or real right.
Also, this is defined in bank of America vs Court of
Appeals( Dec 10, 1992) wherein it states that a letter of credit is a
Again, we have mentioned sa 2242, that No. 2 downwards financial device developed by merchants as a convenient and
shall be satisfied pro-rata after payment of the taxes and relatively safe mode of dealing with sales of goods to satisfy the
assessments upon the immovable property. irreconcilable interests of the seller. The buyer will contract a bank
which issue a letter of credit in favor of a seller and by virtue of this
Art. 2250. The excess, if any, after the payment of the credits which letter, the issuing can authorize the seller to draw drafts and engage
enjoy preference with respect to specific property, real or personal, the payment upon presentment simultaneouly by the tender of
shall be added to the free property which the debtor may have, for documents required by the letter of credit. The buyer and the seller
the payment of the other credits. (1928a) agree on what documents are to be presented for payment but
ordinarily they are documents of title evidencing or attesting to the
shipment of the goods to the buyer.

Art. 2251. Those credits which do not enjoy any preference with Once the credit is established, the seller ships the goods to
respect to specific property, and those which enjoy preference, as to the buyer and in the process secures the required shipping
the amount not paid, shall be satisfied according to the following documents and documents of title. To get aid, the seller executes a
rules: draft and sends it together with the requried documents of the issuing
bank. But what usually happens in practice is that instead of the
supplier directly contracting the buyer’s bank, he would transact
(1) In the order established in Article 2244; through his own bank so bank-to-bank syana transaction.
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |65

The issuing bank pays cash to the seller if it finds that the obligations such as bidders or financial obligation considered as
documents submitted by the seller conforms to what the letter of borrowers. While security arrangements, they are not converted into
credit requires. The bank obtains possession of the documents upon a contract of security as the obligation arising therein is primary in
paying the seller and transaction is completed. The buyer then nature, and not subsidiary like a contract of guarantee.
reimburses the bank and acquires the documents entitled to be used.
In this arrangement, the seller gets paid only if he delivers the Types of Letter of Credit
documents of title over the goods while buyer acquires the said
documents and control over the goods only after reimbursing the 1. Irrevocable- obligates a bank to honor drafts drawn in
bank. compliance with the credit and it cannot be cancelled
or modified without the consent of all parties.
The purpose is to substitute and support the agreement of
the buyer-importer to pay money under a contract or other 2. Revocable- it can be cancelled or amended anytime
arrangement. before payment and intended as a means for
arranging payment but not as a guarantee for
Essential Conditions of a LETTER OF CREDIT payment.

1. It is issued in favor of a specific person. 3. Confirmed-both banks are obligated to honor drafts
drawn in compliance with the letter of credit.
2. The letter of credit is limited to a fixed and specified
amount; or to one or more undetermined amounts but 4. Unconfirmed- an obligation only of the issuing bank
within the maximum limits which must be stated and is issued if the exporter has doubts of the foreign
exactly. bank’s ability to pay.

A letter of credit can become void if the bearer does not make 5. Revolving Letter of Credit- one that is valid for several
use of it within the period agreed upon by the drawer or in default to transactions even over a given period of time. Most of
a period fixed within six months counted from is date to any point it are issued in a revocable form.
within the Philippines or within 12 months from anywhere outside
thereof. It is void in fact and in law as provided under Art 572 of the 6. Non-revolving- valid for a single transaction only.
Code of Commerce.
7. Non-cumulative- any amount not use by the
Parties Involved beneficiary during a specified period may not be
drawn on a later period.
1. Buyer who procures the letter of credit and obliges
himself to reimburse the bank upon receipt of the 8. Cumulative- any undrawn amounts can be carried
document of title. over to future periods.

2. Issuing bank who issues the letter of credit and

undertakes to pay the seller upon receipt of the draft
and proper documents of title which will be
surrendered tot eh buyer upon reimbursement.

3. Seller who ships the goods to the buyer and delivers ~END OF SEMESTER ~
documents of title and draft to the issuing bank to
recover payment. "If you are absolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the
thing is more than half done already"
In this transaction, there are different independent contracts
which exist. We have a contract of sale between the buyer and the ~Abraham Lincoln
seller. We also have a contract between the buyer and the issuing
bank; and the seller. In consonance with the Independence
applicable to letters of credit, a bank in determining compliance with
the terms of the letter of credit is required to examine only the
shipping documents presented by the seller and precluded from
determining whether the main contract or the contract of sale is
actually accomplished or not. This arrangement assures the seller a
prompt payment, independent of any breach of contract of sale.

Also take note with the rule on strict compliance. The

documents that will be tendered here by the seller must strictly
conform with the terms of the letter of credit. A correspondent bank
which departs from what has been stipulated in the letter of credit
and releases the payment to the payment to the seller acts in its own
risk and may not be able to recover from the buyer.

Stand-by letter of credit--- A bank issued option to the loan

involving three parties (the bank which issued a credit, the party
requesting for such issuance, and the beneficiary). So,here, there is
a letter of credit where for example X would say that for the amount
of 2 million he will open a stand-by letter of credit, and he purchased
goods from a certain supplier which will be covered by the letter of
credit up to the amount provided therein. It supports non-financial
|2-Manresa CredTrans TSN |66

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