This Is MIL Module 4... Grade 12 Bezos

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Jay Adrian M. Lozano Nov.

7, 2020

G-12 Bezos

What I Know
A 1. A 6. B 11.

C 2. D 7. A12.

D 3. B 8. D 13.

C 4. C 9. B 14.

D 5. D 10. B 15.


1. What are the similarities and differences of media, information and technology literacy?

The similarities of media literacy, information literacy and technology literacy are all
informative-giving and all educating people. It is an ability of a person to know, create, evaluate
and use a certain thing. It is also a mastery and understanding of a thing.

2. What do you think is the importance of the lesson?

We are generation Z and we live in a modern world were media, information, and technology
literacy is important and part of lives, so therefore it is also important to know about them and
their meaning. Also media reduce the barriers in communication, making it easier for
everyone to express their thoughts to the world and also it affect communication, which is
important for us to know and learn about them.
Based on the reading you have in the presentation of the module draw a thing that best
describes a responsible user of media and information in the box below:


Make a reflection about the lesson of this module.

There are many ways to get the things that I want for myself and in my life however,
basically it all begin with how I choose to think. One thing I’d learned in this module is that I
should take the responsibility of what happens to me because as a responsible user I am the
one who knows what is right and wrong. In reading this module I feel motivated and being
thankful that these modules teach me of what things I should not do in social media, especially
in getting information from another website or sources. I’d also learned in this module that I
must learn the rules in using social median and gathering information. I should also think before
clicking and I must think logical in using media and gathering information. I’d also learned in
this module that I should be aware in using media and also while gathering information because
it is important to make sure that the information I’ve searched is credible and authoritative.

What I learned the most in this module is that I should not be glued to my smartphone
because I am one of this addictive generation. A generation that can’t live without smartphones
and other gadgets. This generation is like a big time bomb ticking and I must be aware of that,
because a lot of people commit suicide and one of the reasons is not being responsible in social
media or other forms of media. A lot of individuals is involved in the media world and pretty
much it controls the information which is presented in public. Media have become a free
speech community which individuals can share or can post their opinions. However, these free
speech had been abused by many persons in media and that is the reason why I should be
responsible and be aware in social media.
Enumerate the six responsible uses of media information and give 2 examples each.

Responsible use of Media Information Examples

1. Be mindful of emotions  Thinking logical in using media
 Identifying and labeling your thoughts
in using media and control your
2. Don’t be glued to your smartphone  Trying other things like exercises and
putting your phone behind
 Scheduling when to use phone and
trying other things that is real or things
that is not in media
3. Don’t Plagiarize  Paraphrasing or summarizing idea by
other (and add your own ideas) but
giving credit to the owner
 Keeping track of the sources you
consult in your research ( use
plagiarism checker before you submit)
4. Don’t trust, just verify  Confirming the truth of something you
read in media or appear in your
 Doing research to make sure that
something you were told in fact or true
5. Avoid accidentally sharing personal details  Making your contact number in
Facebook private
 Avoiding in sharing sensitive
information in public such as work
history, driver’s license number,
password and social security numbers
6. Know the Rules  Knowing and following Facebook
competition rules to avoid having your
content deleted o your account being
disable and suspended
 Learning and not breaking the rules or
pushing things so far in Instagram so
that your account will not going to be
banned for repeatedly breaking the
List down the 10 reasons why do you think this lesson is important?

1. This lesson reminds us to think before clicking and think logical and not emotional in using
2. The lesson is all about becoming responsible user in media and gathering information which
is very needed now days because our generation is dependent in media.
3. The lesson teaches the word “avoid plagiarism” and it is important to avoid being expelled or
other consequences.
4. The lesson enlightens our mind to be not dependent in media and don’t focus yourself in
5. We are generation Z and we live in a modern world were media, information, and technology
literacy is important and part of lives, so therefore it is also important to be responsible in using
these opportunities, which is stated in this lesson that we should be responsible in using media
and gathering information.
6. The lesson teaches us to know rules which are important to avoid other major consequences.
7. The lesson teaches “avoidance of sharing personal details” which if you posted personal
details in public you are at a great risk of identity thief, stalking and harassment.
8. The lesson reminds us to verify information which is important to avoid scam or other
9. The lesson is all about media and we are dependent in media that is why it is important to be
10. The lesson also reminds us to be responsible in life, learn and think before doing something
and be prepared specially in using media.

A 1. A 6. B 11.

C 2. D 7. A12.

D 3. B 8. D 13.

C 4. C 9. B 14.

D 5. D 10. B 15.

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