Results Exploration and Decision Making With NVH-CAE Applications

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Results exploration and decision making with NVH-CAE


B. Leblanc1, A. Koch2
Altair Engineering GmbH,
Calwer Straße 7, D-71034, Böblingen, Germany
Altair Engineering GmbH,
Eupener Straße 129, BT D 6.OG, D-50933, Köln, Germany

NVH-CAE engineers commonly deal with huge amount of results data. This has to be managed efficiently
so that effort can be better invested into the root cause analysis of noise and vibration issues. With two
automotive applications, it will be shown how to achieve this goal. In the first example a tool for “what if”
analysis based on existing simulation results for full vehicle NVH will be demonstrated and the benefits
highlighted. This is achieved using transfer path analysis; where a response is stripped down to the
contribution of each attachment point for a given type of vehicle loading. This enables the user to study
how the vibration coming from the chassis and powertrain sources, is transferred through the vehicle body
(the receiver) resulting in radiated noise into the driver’s cabin.
In the second example it will be shown how two numerical approaches can validate each other in the area
of brake noise where the complex tribology nature of the contact is dominating the vibration issues and
makes the problem non-linear. Transient simulation results and instability analysis outcomes are compared
and post-processed in order to identify sensitive components providing engineers useful information on
system behavior.

1 Introduction

Over the last few years, finite element analysis has become an efficient tool to study noise and vibration
issues in the automotive industry. Efficient numerical methods for quick modal computation of large
structures such as Automated Multi-Level Sub-structuring have been combined with different numerical
approaches including transient integration, frequency response analysis and modal complex analysis,
enabling rapid inspection of specific vibration issues. Fluid-structure coupling with a Boundary-Element
Method enables sound propagation studies as well as sound radiation computations to help to estimate
noise issues based on structural vibrations [1]. This method is widely used in the automotive industry for
full vehicle NVH simulation.

Altair is focused on the development and broad application of simulation technology to synthesize and
optimize designs, processes and decisions for improved business performance. Privately held with more
than 2,000 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and operates more than 40 offices
throughout 20 countries. Today, Altair serves more than 5,000 corporate clients across broad industry
segments. To learn more, please visit


2 “What if” analysis for full vehicle NVH

2.1 Introduction to TPA

The transfer path analysis offers the engineer a tool to strip down a response to the contribution of each
attachment point for a given type of vehicle loading [2]. Typically this is done to investigate the vibrations
and noise coming through chassis and powertrain into the vehicle body and from there being radiated to
the driver’s cabin. Obvious that this is applicable mainly for full vehicle investigations, that exclusively
offers the complete NVH behavior of the real automotive. Performing simulation on body in prime and
directly applying measured forces will off course not show the real and complete interaction between all
subsystems after modifications.
The principle of TPA is shown schematically in Figure-1. The FRF model description of the vibro-
acoustical system which relates a loading or excitation vector {s(ω)} to the target response vector {t(ω)}
by an FRF matrix [H(ω)] as
{ ( )} [ ( )]{ ( )} (1)
Where s (or the source) can be a force or a volume velocity depending on whether you are considering a
structural or airborne path, respectively. The target response t can be sound pressure P or
displacement/velocity/acceleration X.
TPA is typically done through a two-step approach. The first step is to determine all the transfer functions
at all the body interfaces, such as the front and rear cradle mounts, front and rear suspension attachments,
powertrain mounts, exhaust hangers and steering system. The major component in this first run is the fully
trimmed body excited with unit loads at all these attachment points in all relevant directions (Figure 1).
The body model needs to contain the acoustic cavity model and all components that could cause acoustic
problems or influence the acoustic behavior in a certain way.

Figure 1: fully trimmed body

The second run is a full vehicle model analysis (Figure 2) with a particular critical loading on one of the
non-body components. For example a P/T type of analysis. That is a torque loading applied to the
crankshaft and the acoustic response at the driver’s ear is captured.
The system responses and the forces in all directions that enter the body at the attachment points are
measured. Grid point or cbush forces are requested for a set of nodes and elements. By multiplying the
transfer functions from first run with the forces from second run for all paths (attachment point and degree
of freedom) you can recalculate the total response and the participation of each attachment point.

Figure 2: full vehicle model analysis

2.2 TPA Tool of NVH Director

NVH Directors TPA tool does this automatically and offers the results: transfer function, forces and point
mobility for each attachment point, as well as individual contribution. The contributions can be summed
up to point, component and subsystem level.
Inputs for the tool are the results from both analyses: a) transfer function run, b) force run. Additionally
the user can add a configuration that links the unit load cases to the related force measurements. The TPA
tool detects the available responses and does the TPA calculation dependent on the selection.

Figure 3: TPA Tool overview

NVH Director presents the original response overlaid by the recalculated sum of all path contributions.
This gives the engineer a check if all paths are collected and the results of the TPA are reasonable (Figure
3). Huge differences in the two curves would indicate missing paths or significant model differences used

for the two runs. The user than selects a frequency to analyze – most likely this will be a peak of his
Bar charts show the Top n contributors to the results at the selected frequency. Simultaneously the force,
transfer function and point mobility are presented and give the engineer an indication for the reason for the
high or low contribution of each path. It is possible to combine the path results to certain levels in the
hierarchy, which are the attachment point, component or subsystem. Subsystems could be powertrain,
exhaust system, front and rear suspension for example.
Now the engineer may want to investigate the highest contributors one by one. Therefor the path
contribution plots are created on the fly with detailed information about contribution, transfer function and
point mobility for each path over frequency in relation to the total response.
There are different contribution plot styles additional to the bar chart, like polar plots, sand dune and 3d
bar chart plots. Each has advantages in certain situations.
The Study mode lets the engineer modify the calculation of the sum of all contributions by excluding one
or many contributors by a special percentage. Using this kind of “What if”-Study, the engineer gains a
better system understanding, like “what would the response look like if we could reduce the contribution
of one path by x percent”. The effect of a modification is shown over the whole frequency range than.
Similar to this theoretical investigation (“What if…?”), the user can also modify the input prior to
performing the TPA. It is possible to scale or even limit the transfer function and force individually for
each path. The result would then be an additional “modified calculated response”. By doing so, the
engineer can estimate the effect of a change in a path to the total response and decide if it pays out.

2.3 Example: TPA Taurus Model

With the following chapter it is shown how a TPA analysis is performed on a modified public domain
CAE Taurus model (Figure 4) to identify the root cause of an issue. The investigated loadcase is a drive
shaft imbalance loading, that is simple an oscillating moment applied to a grid at the engines driveshaft.
The response being investigated is the sound pressure level at the driver ear. There is a peak at 102Hz that
needs to be resolved.

Figure 4: modified public domain CAE Taurus model

The input for the TPA tool is two result files in punch format coming from the above mentioned 2 FEA
runs being solved by a linear solver (OptiStruct or Nastran). The transfer function analysis contains the 24

x 6 = 144 unit load subcases as there are 24 attachment points between body and suspension, powertrain,
exhaust system. Each loadcase is a modal frequency response subcase with harmonic excitation in
x,y,z,rx,ry or rz at one attachment point. The result file in punch format contains the results of the
response point: sound pressure at driver ear and velocities of excited points and accelerations of
characteristic structural points. The model for this loadcase is only the body including the cavity.
The force load case analysis contains the specific load case, in our case a drive shaft imbalance excitation.
The punch file contains the force results of the grid points between body and attachments and also the
results of the response points as described for the transfer function analysis. The model is a full vehicle
model including, body, cavity, suspension, powertrain and exhaust.
To enable the TPA tool to calculate the contribution of each path, which is TF x FORCE, there must be a
link defined between the TF load case and the FORCE grid point id. In this case this is done using the
SUBCASE LABEL of the transfer function load case (Figure 5). If this is done properly, no additional
input is required on import and all paths are marked as valid.

Figure 5: Mapping Panel Overview for TF x FORCE

The user selects the response to investigate. In our example it is the pressure at grid 8000000, which is the
position of the driver’s ear.
The TPA tool now calculates the path contributions, transfer function, force and point mobility’s for each
path as well as the calculated total response as the complex sum of all contributions. NVH Director creates
4 x-y-plots for each path: Contribution, Transfer Function, Force and Point Mobility. The following
screenshot shows 3 path results in columns (Figure 6).

Figure 6: path analysis for a low control arm bushing in x, y and z directions

In the picture below (Figure 7) the contribution for the path “Frt Susp.: LCA – Frt Bush:RHS:+RX” are
presented as green curve next to the solver result and calculated result. You can see that the contribution
of this path is very small as the green curve shows a huge offset to the total result. Also you can see that
the “Solver Response” and the “Calculated Response” are very close – that shows that the TPA is good.

Figure 7: contribution for the path “Frt Susp.: LCA – Frt Bush:RHS:+RX”

To filter out the top10 contributor at a certain frequency instead of browsing through all the plots, the user
can select the frequency and choose a plot style. For example, a bar chart at frequency 102Hz (Figure 8):

Figure 8: top10 path contributor

From this contribution he can see that the „front bushing at lower control arm“ at „Right Hand Side“ in
“X” has the highest contribution of 94% followed by a “stearing gear mount” at “left hand side” in “X”
with 72%. This is not obvious especially if we remember, that this is a driveshaft imbalace loadcase that
excites the system at the engine. We also see that there are negative or “out off phase” contributors, that
would reduce the response if they where stronger.
The same screen in NVH Director offers the related Transfer Function, Force and Point Mobility of the
Top10 contributors (Figure 9). From here we see the reason for the high contribution. Remember:
Contribution is Force multiplied by Transfer Function. In the case of the highest Contributor “Frt Susp.:
LCA – Frt Bush:RHS:+X”, the Force is high in relation to the other paths (red marked bar). To overcome
this issue the engineer might focus on reducing the input force of this particular path. This can be done by
rebalancing the mounts properties (Stiffness, damping, location). High transfer functions can be resolved
by working on the body side. This can be done by adding stiffness, for example, by using beads or adding
damping material to the system.

Figure 9: Transfer Function and Input Force for Top10 contributors


To get an quicker overview about the contribution of complete subsystems, someone is able to sum the
contribution to System/Component/Nodes. Doing this on system level, we see that the Front Suspension is
the dominant contributing subsystem (Figure 10).

Figure 10: sum the contribution by component

What if Study can be used to modify with the contributions and identify the benefit and cost of changes
introduces to the system. This also leads to an improved understanding of the dynamic system. In our
example we use this “What if” Study to exclude the paths belonging to the “Frt Susp.: LCA – Frt
Bush:RHS” in all 6 DOFs (Figure 11).

Figure 11: “What if” Study with exclusion of a critical path

By removing the top contributor it was possible to significantly reduce the peak at 102Hz (marked green),
but by doing so some other peaks increased (marked red) at 33 and 73Hz. Off course this is just a
theortical investigation and removing only some contributors without affecting the others will not be easy
to achieve with constructive modifications, but it gives a good understanding about the system behaviour.
Another way to approach this issue is the modification of the input for the TPA. From the investigations
above we know that the path “Frt Susp.: LCA – Frt Bush:RHS:+X” is the highest contributor because of
the high input force. When doing the TPA we are able to modify the force (or TF) by scaling or cutting the

input by a certain amount. In this example we cut the force at 0.0004 and get a modified input force curve
as in the screenshot below (Figure 12).

Figure 12: Cut off an input force

This leads to a modified response that has slighly reduced the peak at 102 Hz without adding new peaks in
the whole frequency range (Figure 13). Additional reductions can be expected by working on the second
high contributor “steering gear” on a similar manner.

Figure 13: “What if” Study with cutting off an input force

2.4 Summary of TPA tool from NVH Director

We have shown how TPA can be used also in CAE to break down a total system response to the
individual contributing paths carrying the excitations from attachments to the vehicle body. It was
demonstrated how this approach, originally introduced in test environment, is implemented in the software
NVH Director and how “What if Studies” can help to better understand and improve the system behavior.
The benefit of this approach is to enable the identification of countermeasures ideas, before making any
new CAE simulations.

3 Brake noise analysis by the use of CAE methods

The level of noise heard within a vehicle’s interior can drastically impact a passenger’s comfort. Brake
noises can give the customer a poor impression of product quality. Within the C.A.E. industry, the study
of mode coupling instability through the use of F.E.M. and modal complex analysis is widespread to
reduce those phenomenon, even those methods have known limitations.
Based on the instability calculation results, additional acoustic information can be derived in order to
estimation noise radiation capability or to identify the critical system components in the specific instable
Besides, a complementary method is presented in this paper where brake noise issues are predicted by the
use of a time transient integration of the non-linear differential equations of motion using multi-body
system analysis. The transient results will be transformed by Fourier for a frequency domain study which
enables a comparison with the instability calculation.

3.1 Instability Analysis

Finite element analysis is commonly used to study brake squealing in the range from about 1 kHz to about
5 kHz. For the numerical analysis of brake system, it can be demonstrated that the general equation of
motion [3] in linearized form is:
̈ ( ) ̇ ( ) (2)
M = mass matrix of the structure
K = stiffness matrix of the structure
D = damping matrix of the structure
G = gyroscopic matrix that describes the transport of material
N = circulatory matrix resulting from the forces due to the friction
q = vector representing the degree of freedom of the numerical system.
The vector q is also called participation factor and is coming from the modal reduction of the finite
element system is such a way that:
Φ = modal matrix built with several shape vectors of the structure
u = degree of freedom of the finite element model
The stability analysis of the equation of motion is usually done by using the ansatz in order to
obtain the general quadric eigenvalue problem [4] from the following form:
[ ( ) ( )] (4)

λ = complex eigenvalue;
v = eigenvectors associated to the eigenvalue λ
In the industrial application it is commonly considered that a positive real part α in the eigenvalue
correspond to an instability (instable mode). The eigenvector v represents the complex mode shape of the
structure associated to the frequency f.

3.2 Derivation of acoustic information based on instability calculation results

Based on the eigenvector v representing the instability at a certain frequency f, some additional values can
be derived. Three values will be computed for post-processing; the first is the component model
displacement associated to the component surface, the second the kinetic Energy associated to each
component and the third one the acoustic input power associated to each component. Those values enable
a qualitative analysis of the instability, since the exact amplitude of the mode shape remains unknown.
Nevertheless qualitative analyses of each component are very useful information for the development
engineer and enable also virtual models comparison.
The component model displacement associated to the component surface is computed for each selected
component k using following equation:

Rk   ui  ai (6)

Sk = the quantity of all finite elements in each component k
ui = the mean nodal displacement for an element i at the surface the component k
ai = the surface of the element i on the component k
The component kinetic energy is computed for each selected component k using the following equation
k k

Kk  v Vi
i (7)
2 i 1

|vi |= mean velocity from nodes at element i derived from nodal displacement ui and frequency f
Vi = the mean nodal displacement for an element i at the surface the component k
ρk=density of the component k
For the acoustic input power, some values are to be computed in between. First velocity normal to
component surface, also called panel mobility vn has to be computed for each element at the surface of the
component k. Then the sound intensity for each element i at the surface the component at can be computed
I i  0.5   k  c  vn2 (9)
And finally the acoustic input power is computed for each component as:
   I i  ai (10)
i 1

All of the values can be displayed in form of diagram and in specific cases as contour results on the finite-
element model. Thus enable a better understanding of the computed instability. A typical display is shown
at Figure 14. In this example the caliper housing and the bridge are identified as critical components. Also
the acoustic input power contour displayed on the structure gives a clear indication of noise radiation
capability of the brake disc.

Figure 14: acoustic input power display and classification

3.3 Self-excited system

A self-excited system describes a mechanism that has the capability to move from a steady state situation
into a stable oscillatory state (attractor). The final amplitude is usually constant. It is enough to have at a
certain time a very small variation into the steady state equilibrium and the system begins to oscillate with
growing amplitude until the final natural maximal amplitude. This physical phenomenon can be observed
for example and as comparison in aero-elasticity at Figure 15.

Figure 15: example measured LCO in aero-elasticity [5]

Some literature describes the behavior of brake squealing also as self-excited vibration [6]. One of the
objectives of the non-linear dynamic simulation model presented in this paper is to demonstrate its ability
to behave as a self-excited system. Which means that the mechanical input will be in steady state (rotation
velocity of the wheel is constant, brake pressure is constant) but the output will become periodic
(acceleration, relative speed between pad and disc). This is represented as a scheme at Figure 16

Figure 16: representation of a self-excited system


The benefit of this approach is to introduce the amplitude of the self-excitation into the system analysis.
Resulting time oscillation could be analyzed and transform by Fourier in the frequency domain. Results
can be compared to the ones obtains by instability analysis.

3.4 Multi body analysis

Multi body analysis enables the study of mechanical structure by the time integration of non-linear
differential equation of motion. Using flexible body theory, the stiffness of components can be taken into
account. For each mechanical component of the vehicle axle system, a modal reduction of the finite
element model is performed. The resulting differential equation of motion using generalized coordinates
system for the flexbody as the following form [7]
̈ ̇ ̇ [ ̇] ̇ ̇ [ ] (11)

ξ = generalized coordinates of flex bodies
M = mass matrix
∂M/∂ξ = partial derivative of mass matrix with respect to the flexible body generalized coordinates
K = generalized stiffness matrix
= generalized gravitational force
D = modal damping matrix
Ψ = algebraic constraint equations
λ = Lagrange multipliers for the constraints
Q = generalized applied forces
For the contact interaction between the disc and the pad it is necessary to describe a deformable friction
ring called “deformable surface”. This instance enables the sliding along the disc from discretized points
of the pad. The flexibility of the “deformable surface” is given by the modal basis of the disc (Figure 17).

Figure 17: “deformable surface” and flexible information


Two “deformable surface” instances are built in the model for the two friction rings on the brake disc. On
the brake pads that are also described as flexible bodies, a discretized number of force elements are
defined in order to model the tribology of the system. At each discretization point forces are defined such
= friction force
= normal force as a function of penetration
μ = coefficient of friction as function of relative velocity at discretized point
The tribology is the science of interactive surfaces in relative motion, in other words the science of
contact. A good introduction to the tribology is given by A. Meziane in her Thesis [8].
As it is commonly done for the instability analysis, a complete suspension system is modeled in the multi-
body system. The main difference is the ability to introduce non-linear interactions between components.
Fundamental is the introduction of the friction law between the pads and the friction disc as described
above. In second stage, bushing rates and damping could be also defined as non-linear or frequency
dependent. The example model of this paper contains only linear values for bushings. As steady state
boundary condition, the wheel rotation is driven by a “virtual drive line” and rotation velocity is set to 2
[km/h], but can be changed by the user. As well, the brake pressure is defined with a ramped function
from zero to the final value of 20 [bar].
The model is built and resolved with the Solver MotionSolve from Altair.

3.5 Brake noise simulations results analysis

The results of the time transient integration show the typical behavior from a self-excited system. The
plotting from the relative velocity at a contact point shows a stick-slip phenomenon. The amplitudes of
vibration are increasing until quasi-constant amplitudes for a particular frequency. Since the behavior of
the system in the quasi-constant amplitudes region looks like it is periodic, it is obvious that Fourier
analysis can be performed. For acceleration at some caliper points FFT’s are performed for different time
interval and the resulting curve are compared to the instability analysis with FE-approach. In this example
(Figure 18) the most important peak is identified at 1,0 [kHz].

Figure 18: Comparison of results obtain by instability analysis and time integration

The instable mode shape at 1,0 [kHz] can be animated and compared to a time animation of the MBD
simulation for a very small time interval corresponding to 2 or 3 time the basic harmonic of the stick-slip
phenomenon. Doing this the time animation is looking like a modal animation and thus easy to compare.
This enable a reciprocal validation of the both simulation approaches. In the instability analysis the contact
needs to be linearized with a fixed friction coefficient that leads to some limitations and unknowns.
Therefore the usage from MBD as a parallel method might be very useful to increase the predictive
capability of CAE. In addition we have shown how acoustic values can be generated based on instability
results which help to break down an instability result to a component classification or which help to
estimate noise radiation capability. Based on all those information it becomes possible for the CAE
engineer to propose appropriated countermeasures.

4 Conclusion

NVH-CAE engineers commonly deal with huge amount of results data. We have shown in this paper with
two automotive applications; the “What if study for TPA analyses” and “Brake noise analysis by the use
of CAE methods” how complex system behaviors can be better understood and how countermeasures can
be identified. All of these applications are implemented into the software and services package offering
from Altair Engineering GmbH and had been already adapted by some customers. Enhancements and
future developments will continue so that time and effort of CAE engineers can be even more invested
into the root cause analysis of noise and vibration issues.


[1] OPTISTRUCT Documentation, Altair Engineering, Inc., Troy, Michigan

[2] J. Guang, Advancement in Vehicle Development Using The Auto Transfer Path Analysis, 2014

[3] D. Hochlenert, Dissertation :Selbsterregte Schwingungen in Scheibenbremsen p.23

[4] H. Hetzler, VDI-Berichte Nr. 2022, 2007, Friction induced vibrations: Oscillatory instability with
dissipative and gyroscopic influences, p. 186

[5] T. Andrianne ; Wind tunnel analysis of separated aerodynamcis leading to different types of torsional
flutter in bluff-bodies – Université of Liège

[6] A. Meziane; Thèse : Apport des analyses numériques temporelle et fréquentielle dans l’étude des
instabilités de contact – Validation expérimentale, chap. 1, p. 45

[7] ADAMS Documentation; Appendix D: Theoretical Background, MSC.Software Corp., Santa Ana, CA

[8] A. Meziane; Thèse : Apport des analyses numériques temporelle et fréquentielle dans l’étude des
instabilités de contact – Validation expérimentale, chap. 1, p. 31

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