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NIM : 210512500021

Watch and listen no 1,2,5, & 6

1). Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (a-h).

1. region ===> C. a particular area in a country or the world
2. surrounded ===> A. to be everywhere around someone or something
3. explode ===> D to burst with noise and force
4. erupt ===> E. to throw out smoke, fi re and melted rocks
5. ash ===> F. the grey powder left after you burn something
6. release ===> B. to let substance such as gas or water get out
7. monitor ===> H. to check a situation carefully
8. sample ===> G. a small amount of something which can be examined

2). Complete the sentences using the correct form of words from Exercise
1. Using petrol in your car release CO2 into the atmosphere.
2. The village is surrounded by beautiful mountains.
3 The gas bottle explode under pressure.
4 He burned the paper and threw the ash away.
5 The volcano erupt without any warning
6 Siberia is one of the coldest region in the world
7 The doctor took a sample of my blood to find out what the problem was
8 When I was in hospital, the nurses monitor me every day to see if I became worse.

1. Kamchatka is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world.

5.Watch again. Complete the summary. You do not need to use every word in the box.

2. It is as big as California but only 400,000 people live there.

3. Sasha Ovsyannikov is a Volcanologist and is checking the Mutnovsky volcano for any signs
of activity.
4. He thinks Mutnovsky could explode at any moment, releasing dangerous ash into the air.
5. Sasha takes samples of rocks.
6. They fly to another volcano to fly over called Karymsky. They need to check if it is safe to fly

6. Watch the video again. Write true (T) or false (F) next to the statements below.
1. There are about 300 volcanic sites in Eastern Russia. (True)
2. Sasha has worked as a volcanologist for more than three decades. (True)
3. The Mutnovsky volcano is over 14,000 years old. (False)
4. Sasha thinks that all the volcanoes are the same. (False)
5. Scientists collect rock and gas from the volcano to see whether the volcano is going to erupt
soon. (True)
6. Volcanologists inform the airlines about volcanic activity. (True)
7. Plane engines can be damaged by flying through ash clouds. (True)
8. Sasha knew that Karymsky was about to erupt. (True)

Listening 1

2. Match the sentence halves Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. C. Not increase it.
2. D. But solar energy is unlimited.
3. A. When we heat water
4. E. For more and more people.
5. B. Where we can grow plants
6. F. To make it drinkable.
5.Watch again. Complete the summary. You do not need to use every word in the box.

7. G. Is to use alternative sources of energy

4. Listen to the lecture and circle the best answers below.

1. Desert farming uses solar energy and sea water.
2. NASA has been researching hydroponics because it allows us to grow food with more in
extreme climates.
3. The greenhouse is heated by using solar power.
4. Food from desert farms contains no chemicals.
5. Desert farms can help solve the global food problem.

5. Listen again to the second part of the lecture and complete the summary below.
1 The farm is used system combines Hydroponics, with solar energy from the sea.
2 Heat is reflected from the Sun onto a pipe which has oil inside.
3 The hot oil heats up the seawater
4 When the sea water is at a temperature of 160°C, the steam heats the greenhouse.
5 The desalination plant produces up to 10,000 litres of fresh water every day.
6 No pesticides are used during the process.
7 This type of farming has a minimal effect on the environment

6. Match the extracts (1-4) to the ways of explaining (a-d).

1. D. Explains what this word means.
2. B. Says what group of things this belongs to.
3. C. Gives a simple explanation of a process.
4. A. Gives a simple example of what these things are similar to

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