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Gender and Development and Child Protection Policy

Day 1

What I learned when I attend the seminar about Gender and Development and Child
Protection Policy are the following first in Gender and Development all human has
their own right and we need to respect that right, especially in their choosing what
they what to become or what gender they want to be, second in Gender and
Development, because if you are a woman you need to have given special attention
the answer is no, because all human in this world is equal no one is above anyone in
the another side if you are Guys and you are the one who does the household it’s
not make you useless as a father but it is your choice to do that.

In the other topic the child protection policy it about the right of the children it’s a law
that protect the child in harassing or bullying theme, we need to become more
sensitive in handling child especially in the field of education, the teacher always be
good or nice to their student even the child is nutty or always making trouble to the


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