HDR 2020 - Unitar Workshop v2

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Lessons learned from the Human Development Report 2020

UNITAR Division for Multilateral Diplomacy - New York Office

UNDP - Human Development Report Office
The 2020 Human Development Report (HDR) doubles down on the belief that people’s agency and empowerment
can bring about the action we need if we are to live in balance with the planet in a fairer world. It shows that we
are at an unprecedented moment in history, in which human activity has become a dominant force shaping the
planet. These impacts interact with existing inequalities, threatening significant development reversals. Nothing
short of a great transformation – in how we live, work, and cooperate – is needed to change the path we are on.
The Report explores how to jumpstart that transformation.

Though humanity has achieved incredible progress, we have taken the Earth for granted, destabilizing the very
systems upon which we rely for survival. Covid-19, which almost certainly sprang to humans from animals, offers a
glimpse of our future, in which the strain on our planet mirrors the strain facing societies. It took Covid-19 very little
time to expose and exploit overlapping inequalities, as well as weaknesses in social, economic, and political systems,
and threaten reversals in human development.

While the devastating effects of Covid-19 have taken the world’s attention, other layered crises, from climate
change to rising inequalities, continue to take their toll. The challenges of planetary and societal imbalance are
intertwined: they interact in a vicious circle, each making the other worse. How should we react to this new age?
Do we choose to strike out on bold new paths striving to continue human development while easing planetary
pressures? Or do we choose to try—and ultimately fail—to go back to business as usual and be swept into a
dangerous unknown?
This Human Development Report is firmly behind the first choice, and its arguments go beyond summarizing well-
known lists of what can be done to achieve it.

Date and format

Tuesday, 16 November, 9:00 am – 11: 00 am. The training will be held over zoom in English.
9:00 - 9:10 am Welcoming remarks
Pedro Conceição, Director, HDRO
Marco A. Suazo, Director, Head of the UNITAR New York Office

9:10 - 9:25 am Renewing human development for the Anthropocene

- Objective of the report
- Measurement: The income component and planetary pressures
Heriberto Tapia, Research & Strategic Partnership Advisor, HDRO
9:25 - 9:35 am Questions and comments

9:35 - 9:50 am Anthropocene risks and human development

- Covid-19: An x-ray exposing shocks
- Planetary change is disempowering
- Empowering people for equity, innovation and stewardship of nature
Heriberto Tapia, Research & Strategic Partnership Advisor, HDRO
9:50 - 10:00 am Questions and comments
10:00 - 10:05 am 5 minute break

10:05 - 10:20 am Acting for change

- Empowering people, unleashing transformation
- Shaping incentives to navigate the future
- Building nature-based human development
Carolina Rivera, Research Analyst, HDRO
10:20 - 10:30 am Questions and comments

10:30 - 10:45 am Nature-based Solutions and Household Well-Being: Evidence from LAC through an
asset based approach
Almudena Fernandez, Advisor to the Director for Latin America and the Caribbean,
10:45 - 10:55 am Questions and comments

10:55 - 11:00 am Closing remarks

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