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ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Time allowance: 60 minutes

Test code: ……………
Full name:Bùi Đức Anh
Date of birth: 26/12/2000 Group: ……………………

1C 11D 21A 31B 36B
2B 12A 22B 32A 37C
3B 13C 23D 33C 38B
4A 14C 24C 34B 39C
5C 15D 25A 35C 40C
6B 16B 26C
7D 17B 27C
8D 18D 28A
9B 19A 29B
10C 20D 30D

Dear Jessica,
How have you been lately? As you wish, I write this letter to tell you what I have done to keep fit and
healthy. And..It is true that I have been playing sports to improve my health recently,. However, that is not
enough for a good health. Therefore, besides regular exercise, I also pay attention to nutrition in my daily diet.
Eat lots of green vegetables and limit sweets and fatty foods. Besides, I also drink enough 2 liters of water every
day to stay hydrated.
Don’t forget the most importain things you need to do is regular check ups because when something is
abnormal,you will get to know about timely and can consult with your doctor.
Then,getting enough sleep is neccesary to stay fit and healthy, many of us do not get enough. Sleep allows the
body to heal and repair.
Finally,exercise is important for being fit and healthy. I do gymnastic everyday, 1 hour a day. It also improves
circulation and body awareness and can help combat depression. At the weekend, I usually play basketball or
doing cardio to burn fat. You know, if you chose cardio instead of playing sport, skipping rope is a what a
recommend you to do, cause it is a one of the most effective exercises to burn calories.
One more thing…never forget your breakfast !
Best wishes,my best friend
See you again soon !

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