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‘The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos" University of Gala FascicleXIL, Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVI, 2006 : SSN 1221 4639 EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS OF Fsw Pedro Vilaga, Luisa Quintino Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical Univesity of Lisbon, Portugal edo.vilaca@ is. gt ABSTRACT ‘For more than one century welding technology plays an important role in mast ofthe technical development of our society. Friction Sir Welding (FSW) invented fn 1991 ts unanimously considered one milestone inthe development ofthe welding lechnology and it i foreseen it will bring important contributions in the (development of present and future design and consraction of metallic structures. ‘Ths fact has wlready ‘being confirmed by the growing number of industrial ‘pplicatons in many and diferent sectors mainly in the manufacturing of light (lloys The Group for Welding and Joining Technologies at the Insituo Superior ‘Téenico (SD has sated its activity approximately three decades ago and in 1999 the frst PRD thesis on the fndamentals and modeling of FSW was presented and ‘Since then anew area of RED in solid state welding is being developed. ‘The work performed at IST on FSW started based on literature survey, participation in dedicated conferences and seminars sideby-side with basic trials Cabling the development of know-how about the experimental and physics fundamentals of the process. Later on with the development ofthe computational ‘modeling supported by the participation in cooperate research projects allowed efitely the consolidation ofthe knowhow about the material flow, thermal flow ‘and metallurgical evolutions “Although the need for further develop the modeling of the process, both anclytially and rumericaly, nowadays the efforts are also concentrated in ‘Supporting the Portuguese companies intrested in acquire the FSW technology and “developing non destrctveteckigues fo access the quality of the joints suramary (some of the work performed at IST on FSW is presenied with more emphasis 0% the modelling of the process but also revealing some echnological features. KEYWORDS: FSW, experimental fundamens, computational modeling. 1, INTRODUCTION Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid state welding process, which proceeds below the melting point ofthe weld material. A rotting non-consumable fool, with a somewhat complex shoulder and pin profile, is plunged into the weld joint and forced t0 fraveree along the joint line, hesting the sbuting components by interfacial and intemal friction, thus producing @ weld joint by extring, forging and String the materials from the two workpieces in the ‘iinty of the too 1, 2 31 "The principles behind the technology have been patented [1], and the development of FSW has been taken up primarily by large companies including aerospace, aircraft, naval and automotive sectors [2, 53]. Moreover, research into FSW should not only be ‘eriented to provide solutions for major industial ‘ppliations but also to achieve encugh application flexibly for is wanston ino small and medium enterprises. ‘The Group for Welding and Joining ‘Technologies a the Tnsitto Superioe Téenico (ST) has started is activity approximately three decades ‘ago with the aoqiskion of a power supply for pulsed ‘TAG welding and MSc thesis on TIG welding of issimilar ‘materials, Since then the group has cnlarged its activity and has developed a sirategy based on complementarity of R&D and training setvtes. In this context the results obtsind in R&D projects are ured to update training materials and iceversa topics given for students project lead often to new ideas for RDT projects. in 1999 a PRD thesis [2] on the FSW fundamental and modeling was ‘The Annals of "Dunaren de Jos" University of Galati Frasciele XI, Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVI, 2006 ISSN 1221 ~ 4638 launched and since then a now area of R&D in solid sate welding is being developed. The experimental Timitations “Altiough the inexstence of a FSW machine at IST. many differen issues tave been ttresed revealing he potential of the process when Compared with the fusion welding processes in the ‘welding of aluminium alloys [4 FSW. encompasses complex phanamens elated with plastic flow deformation resting from the. sirring of the workpicees material. The ‘development of process models conributes towards 8 ‘eter understanding of joint formation and resultant tachanicl properties [5]. Thus the development at IST of the compustinal modeling of FSW is one key contrition of IST tothe development of FSW. “The presentation of some of the experimental tundaments of the FSW developed atthe IST stat wit a description of the concepts for the tools Geveloped and follows addessing the diferent ptems of the plastic flow of the material in FSW. "The typical hardness feds for aluminium alloys ae presented pri 1 the mechanical and metallurgical techniques for evaluation of the FSW joins. Finally fomasion studies on AASOS3-HIN1 and an fsuestment of the tallorblanks consiruction wit FSW, GMAW and GTAW are described. Before the conclusions the implementation of both thermal analytical model and coupled fluid. dynamics and ‘Solid mechanics numerical approaches are reviewed. 2. FSW EXPERIMENTS ‘At IST the fundamental conditions for perfoming experimental iss with FSW were developed. First the dvelopment of the wools, wih bath mono-bulk ols and’ modular tools as it represented in Figare 1. The modular iSTIRtool_¥1 flow the combiraion between different pins and shoulder geometries ar the continuously variation of the length of pin coming out of shoulder. Also ‘clamping devices were develope. frre es Fig, Modular FSW tool: iSTIRtol_v1 [2,6] ae ee lto, [tz me row (TS Lv Taz a Classica | ibo_ | SHAZ Poms ity ittmaz ns, Fig2. Classification of he typical material flow patterns (2 Tre mechanical and mtallrgical ctaraeristics of all tbe main families of wrought Slminium alloys Rave been investigated from 1.0 10 ‘Shout 10mm in differen joint geometries ‘One important esl ffom the sensitivity analysis of the influence of FSW process parameters {nthe properties of the jot was the exsbishment of the main patterns of material low around the tool (Gig 2) Inthehor conditions the vseoplasic material ‘ow is mere concentrated around the pia andthe heat affected zone is wider. In opposite under cold Condit. the themmo-mechanieally est affected ‘ane is wider and the heat affected zones smaller. Tn figures 3 and 4 the typical hardness fields obtained forthe two man differen greaps of wrought ‘iulaium alloys are represented. In any of the cases itis possible 1 conclude about the ear matching of the hardness eld ofthe welded zone compared with the base material ‘The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos" Univesity of Galati Fascile XU, Welding | From the figure 3 showing the behavior of ‘the non heat treatable alloy itis possible to conclude about the increased hardness of weld bead and heat affected zones when compared with base material Because these alloys are very sensitive to sain hardening the increase is most significant in ‘dynamically recovered zone and thermo-mechancally ‘heat affected zone Tn figure 4 it is posible to conclude about the typical location of the global minimum value of yayguEaeese Equipment and Technology, Year XVI, 2006, ISSN 1221 ~ 4659 e the harmes field located in the itrfae batwoon the heat affected zone and the thormo-mochanially heat atfecied zone. Along the heat affected zone there is typically a local minimum due to over-ageing Depending on the pattern of material flow around the tool the FSW onder cold conditions the minimum value at the flo side (retreating side i smaller than in the shear side (advancing side. Foe FSW vader hot ‘conditions the minimum values in both sides of the ‘weld bead have moce identical valves. Fig.3. Typical hardness profile forthe non heat treatable aluminium alloys, (AASO83-II111; thickness: dn) [6] FFig.A Typical hardness profile forthe heat treatable aluminium alloys (AAGOGI-T4; thickness: 4.8mm) [2] ‘The ardoess profile enables a rlible assessment of the static mechanical resistance of the joims bu the fatigue resistance is moce dependent on the geometric characteristics of the weld bead at the top and botiom surfaces and eventual interal defects both volumetric or layers of socand phase particles or oxides, eg. root defects (2 7) “Metallargcal features were also investigated I, such as, the diffusion of the initial precipitate, and changes of grain size in the heat affected zone and thermal-‘mechanically affected ‘one, resulting from the thermal-mechancal eycle of the process [2, 7,8]. The results allow understanding the mechanisms that determine the metallurgical changes. in the weld bead, The metallographic analysis is compared with hardness ests developed in 19 all zones of the welded joim, enabling conclusions bout the mechanical resistance efficiency. Resuks of motllurgy analysis canbe imerpreted analysing. the grain morphology and precipitates density and location, eg. in Figure 5 the ‘material analysed was the non-heat treatable aluminium alloy AASOB3-HI11, where is possible to emphasise the small coalescence of griin and the ‘eduction of precipitate in the grin boundaries of he HAZ and TMAZ which it i know 10 play an important role in the prevention of corosion evelopment and also the that. TMAZ/Nogget interface enhances the significant difference between the stractre of iil gran andthe grain resultant of the dynamical recrystalisation process of the nugget “The Annals of “Dunares de Jos” University of Galati Fascicle XIL Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVII, 2006 ISSN 1221 ~ 4639 The transfer of the FSW ino industrial pplications, such as shipbuilding, demands for = detailed investigation aout the infience of eomosion fn the performance of both parent materials and ‘welded joins. In cooperation with the Mondego Shipyard, Figueira es For, Ponugal, the IST fevalusied for the AASOS3HIIT the main mechanisms of corrosion, sich as: inergrnulit ‘corrosion and exfliaton. In figure 6 iis posibe to ‘Sbicrve some resuitant coroson ia FSW specimens ‘of AASO8S-HIT] after 7 deys of exposition 1 rel conditions. rom the fnal results it should be emphasised thatthe loss mass in the base material samples i much higher than inthe ficton si welded amples because icorgranular eorasion mechanism is fnost suscepible atthe intergranular precipitates and these are more abundant in bate materia 6,7]. Tn order to access the prtntal of FSW t0 improve the consrucion of talorblanks the IST esublished a comparison of relevant welding fares, eg. surface finishing, residual deformation retallorgical analysis and suength efficiency ofthe joins performed by FSW, GMAW and GTAW between plate with diferent thickness of AAIOSO; AAZO2A-TS snd AASORYHIL. A sample of the tess forthe AA224-T3, ie presented in Fig.7 Fig.6, Corrosion developed in bse material of AASQSS-H111 afer 7 days Exposition in Tagus River (20g/ NaC) (7+) Intergranular corosion slong the BAI-Mg precipitates) Pitng formation mechanism under the ship of the weld bead ‘The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Gala FascicleXIL, Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVIL, 2006 ISSN 1221 ~ 4639, : Welding Process cma Welding Process ‘maw GTAW, (ceatiteetieeati] a Fig.7. Assessment ofthe macrographic chraceristies and NDT x-ay test results ofthe A2024T3 dissimilar in thickness (38mm/4mm) welded by FSW, GMAW and GTAW [4] 3. COMPUTATIONAL MODELING ‘The development of computational models ‘can greatly contribute 10 better understanding any Industrial process, particularly FSW. A validated ‘model has the "potential to produce reliable Tnonssaon abu he ueformaon end ising patiems that are imporant when designing. FSW tools and thus shouldbe capable of producing welds {hee of defects and voids. Further, a model can measure process characteristics that are difficult to. observe experimentally such a local stains, strains ates and stresses [9, 10), These strain and stress fields, fogether with temperature histories are seen as critical in predicting mierestracture evolution. A detailed understanding of microstructural evolution can guide FSW designs by further Improving, mechanical propane, age strength ‘While considerable experimental work has been done! 10 improve the knowledge on FSW, there's yet lot of work needed to create a satisfying slobal model that can produce consistent results ‘The main difficulties in modeling FSW are R53) ‘+ Extensive material deformation inthe ropion containing ful-pasticlzed material ‘+The viscous-plasic flow imposed by the tool rigid) surface, into the materials constrained by the interaction wih the cold base material, with an essentially elastic a behaviour, and the rigid plate (ani) supporting the joint; ‘+ Hout generated de tothe sliding between the surface ofthe fool and the materials in the joint depends on an unknown. the fiition coefice + Tieconedt pein uf Ue vscousplastc flow imposed by the tool rigid surface into the muterals being welded is also important because the viscous dissipation contributes signiticamly to. the heat ‘evelopment during the performance ofthe weld bead + The materials thermomechanical propenies vary throughout the FSW process; ‘+The tharmal flow ito the tool and support plate, needs tobe considered inthe models; + FSW process modelling. doss nt allow ‘geometric simplifation Because ic doals ‘with 2 complex 3D material flow around the pin: + Thehighty rating tool pin has typically, 2 complex geomarie profile (eg. threaded), ‘hich is tutor dificult 10 consider for ‘most ofthe numerical methods avalble ‘The challenge is thon fo create a mode able to fully describe the complex. FSW process as ‘usrated in figure & “The Annals of "Dunarea de os" University of Gala Fascile Xl, Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVI, 2006 ISSN 1221 4659, Materials plaste tow ‘and deformation peal 2 Heat dissipation by Inter fetion tscous) Defective joins seer ant ro I | Heal Generation Wtatargie structure changes (éynaiic rsrystlization ofthe et Fig, Coupled mechanicalhermal/motallurgcal character of FSW process 2, 9,10] 4, ANALYTICAL MODELING ISTIR is the acronym of a thermal analytical model for 2D and 3D cases when FSW Similar and dissimilar materials. The development of the ASTIR code came about, due to the perceived fed 10. establish relationships between | FSW parameters and easy 10 measure geometric features fndlor mechanical properties via an assessment of. the Heat Int developed during the steady-state FSW regime Figure 9). ‘The thermal analytical model, (STIR, is based on evolutions from thermal flow equations sstablised by D. Rosenthal [11], fr point heat Soures with uniform velocity. Tis model also takes in account the spocificies of the heat generated by viscous energy dissipation during. plastic flow (eformation and. interfacial fiction, eg) the ‘symmetic teat goneration mostly atthe periphery ofthe shoulder of the FSW tool as rest of the ‘imposition of both linear and rational velocities fd finally the sfferinoes botween hot and cold SW conditions (2) 2 Due to percived cifficultis in modeling the FSW process an fterative mehod was employed ‘where the heat rower source is incremented so that the final value wll minimize the difference betwen the STIR thermal fled rosulis and the ones resulting fom the experimental temperatre “Therefore, ‘STIR code Is imended 10 be od ina “reverse engincering approach”. based ‘ona thermal field previosly measured, the ress (ofthe thermal field fom ASTI may be iteratively Superimposed on results osined from the experimental thermal meisuremens (ander identical thermo physical conditions) and the value of the point power soures, which produces sich thermal Fields then determined, "The FSW elficieney coefficient, is then systemaicaly related wih the FSW parameters and Characteristics of weld macographs “made in Sections transverse to the welding direction, eg. the Thardnes field an the rio Betwocn tho extension of the thermo-mechanically heat affected zone andthe fextension ofthe hea affected zone, ‘The Annas of “Dunaea de Js" University of Galati Fascile XI, Welding Equipment and Technology, Year XVI, 2006 ISSN 1221 ~ 4659 i > Fecerseoctocescchan Fig 9. — Basic principles ofthe development of STIR [2, 12,13] iSTIR Code Inverse Engineering Approach mon }-(-fes Fig. 10. Concept of the “revere engineering approach” s. NUMERICAL MODELING ‘The aumerial modelling, approach of the [FSW access the material low in the vieiity ofthe tool and the residual stresses and deformation field resulting fom the process in the real geometry ofthe parts being welded, Because there is no commercial software able to perform a complete analysis ofthe process, the strategy adopted was 10 use a coupled process based on a specially developed code, InegrasD, ‘whieh bridges two commercial software's, namely a ‘uid dynamics (Fluent), used for the viscoplastic ‘ogime steady-state analysis of the material flow in the vicinity of the tool and structural mechanics (Abaqus), used for compute in a transient analysis the residial deformation and sess fields based on the stress and thermal history resulting from the FLUENT analysis. ‘used inthe STIR code [13] ‘Tis inegration i presented inthe figure 3. The invegration of the to approaches is made through a FORTRAN code routine named Integra3D. The concept of integration of the two ‘approaches used in this work is based onthe fct thatthe FSW process has two regions with different behaviours. Aft 20ne, near the tol, whore the ‘material as viscous plait behaviour, and a second zone; that includes the rest ofthe domain, which has ‘rodominantly elastic plastic bchaviou "The material behaviour used by the fluid Aynamies analysis fellows the Zener-Hollomon (14, 15] material model which is based on 2 viscosity parameter, depending of the temperature and sain rate, The material behaviour wsed by the structural analysis i the pial elastic-plastic. behaviour depending onthe temperature “The Annals of “Dunares de Jos” University of Gla {2 nga Fenian do proces attr por eo Feu ies eprom wn. 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