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Interdisciplinary Professional Ethics (NURS 523)


Topic: Ethics, Values and Beliefs
Score: 5 Marks
A. Guiding Questions: Reflect on your Ethics, Values and Beliefs, and consider the following
1. Why do you think it is important that you learn about ethics in relation to working within your
professions and from other professionals disciplines?
2. What or who has influenced your moral development and/or philosophies in life?
3. Can you identify those who hold different moral views from your own? Who are these people and
what relationship do you have with them? It may help to think about figures in public life who
take particular stances on social issues – these often become political.
4. Do your values change depending on the situation? Think of a scenario from your life or work
when you thought your value position was firm but it changed when confronted by a situation.
5. What ‘value messages’ govern your life now? How have these messages changed over time?

B. Guiding Instructions on Writing: You may use different format as suggested below:
a. Simply answering the question no. 1 to no. 5, but write at least 300 words per each questions.
b. Introduction, Body and Conclusions – (at least 1500 words)
c. Gibbs Reflective Cycle of Writing format below (at least 1500 words)
• Description of the experience (1, 2)
• Feelings and thoughts about the experience (1, 2)
• Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad (3)
• Analysis to make sense of the situation (3)
• Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently (4)
• Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general
changes you might find appropriate. (5)
Note: when choosing the writing format of either b, or c, you may cite an example based from your
experience and connect with what you learn from the 4 units that has been discussed. You may use
different physical or electronic resources to utilize your references.

C. At the last part of your essay quiz. Kindly put the references/ works cited/ bibliography where did
you get the idea.

D. On next page is the Reflective Writing Rubric. This is how you will be graded accordingly.

DUE DATE: October 29, 2021

Reflective Writing Rubric
Skills 5 - Excellent 4 - Proficient 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Fair 1 - Poor
Depth of reflection Demonstrate a conscious and Demonstrate a thoughtful Demonstrate a basic Demonstrate a limited Demonstrate little or
- exploring issues thorough understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the no understanding of
- analyzing writing prompt and the subject writing prompt and the writing prompt and the scenario and the subject the scenario and the
matter. This reflection can be used subject matter. subject matter. matter. This reflection subject matter. This
as an example for other students. needs revision. reflection needs
- critical thinking revision.
Use of textual Use specific and convincing Use relevant examples Use examples from the text Use incomplete or vaguely No examples from the
evidence and examples from the texts studied to from the texts studied to to support most claims in developed examples to only text are used and
historical context support claims in your own writing, support claims in your your writing with some partially support claims claims made in your
making insightful and applicable own writing, making connections made between with no connections made own writing are
- links to theory
connections between texts. applicable connections texts. between texts. unsupported and
- comparing & between texts. irrelevant to the topic
contrasting Fully comprehends and has insight Understands there has been Unable to say if there is a at hand.
- exploration of into what has made a difference to Understands what has a difference to own difference to own practice
the possibilities own practice and makes effective made a difference to own practice. No indication there
links to changes that have positively practice, to patient care has been a difference
influenced patient care and/or and/or colleagues to own practice.
Language use Use stylistically sophisticated Use language that is fluent Use basic but appropriate Use language that is vague Use language that is
- appropriate language that is precise and and original, with evident language, with a basic or imprecise for the unsuitable for the
- convincing engaging, with notable sense of a sense of voice, sense of voice, some audience or purpose, with audience and purpose,
voice, awareness of audience and awareness of audience and awareness of audience and little sense of voice, and a with little or no
- depth of thought
purpose, and varied sentence purpose, and the ability to purpose and some attempt limited awareness of how to awareness of sentence
- creative & structure. vary sentence structure. to vary sentence structure. vary sentence structure. structure.
Coherence and Style Demonstrate control of the Demonstrate control of the Demonstrate partial control Demonstrate limited control Demonstrate little or
- structure is conventions with essentially no conventions, exhibiting of the conventions, of the conventions, no control of the
evident errors, even with sophisticated occasional errors only exhibiting occasional errors exhibiting frequent errors conventions, making
language. when using sophisticated that do not hinder that make comprehension comprehension almost
language. comprehension. difficult. impossible.

Actual Score Actual Marks

Computation: X (5 marks) = X (5 marks) =
Overall Total Score of Students

Student Name: _________________________________________ Instructor (Name & Signature): __________________________

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