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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

‘ Describing Places ’

English /group A; General

Program Grade X, Semester 1
Basic Competency 3.4 & 4.4

Composed by:



SMA Al Hikmah Surabaya 2020 – 2021 1

Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

Learning Module


Subject : English (group A/ General Program)
Grade/ Semester : X/1
Materials : Describing Places
Time allotment : 6 x 45 minutes (3 meetings)
Learning venue : home

Basic Competencies (BC) and Indicators

3.4 To distinguish the social functions, text 4.4 Descriptive texts.
structures, and linguistic elements of
several oral and written descriptive texts 4.4.1 To grasp the meaning of a short and
by providing and requesting information simple oral and written transactional
regarding famous tourist attractions and interaction text that involves the act of giving
historical buildings in short and simple, and asking for information related to the
according to the usage context. intention to act / activity, considering the
correct social functions, text structures, and
linguistic elements with proper contexts.

4.4.2 To compose oral and written descriptive

texts in short and simple, related to famous
tourist attractions and historic buildings, by
paying attention to correct social functions,
text structures, and linguistic elements, with
the proper context.


3.4.1 To indicate the social functions of oral To detect the social function of
and written descriptive texts by providing descriptive in oral and written texts in short
and requesting information regarding and simple, related to famous tourist
famous tourist attractions and historical attractions and historical buildings.
buildings in short and simple, according to
the context. To construct the text structure of
descriptive texts in spoken and written texts
3.4.2 To categorize the text structure of in short and simple, related to famous tourist
oral and written descriptive texts by attractions and historical buildings.
providing and requesting information
related to famous tourist attractions and To develop the linguistic elements
historical buildings in short and simple, of descriptive in oral and written text in
according to the context. short and simple, related to famous
tourist attractions and historical buildings.
3.4.3 To subdivide the linguistic elements To create a descriptive text about a
of oral and written descriptive texts by
famous tourist spot or historical building
providing and requesting information
considering appropriate social functions,
regarding famous tourist attractions and
historical buildings in short and simple

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1


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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

correct text structure, and well-developed

linguistic elements. To post the descriptive text about

a famous tourist spot or historical building
on social media accounts considering
great attractions.

Learning Objectives
Through the Discovery Learning model and with some the learning media, such as LMS and online zoom classes, students are able to:
- deeply analyze the social function, comprehensively categorize the structure, and correctly subdivide
the linguistic elements of descriptive texts;
- create a well-developed descriptive text and then post it to their social media accounts;
with enthusiasm, responsibility, perseverance, discipline, confidence, responsiveness (critical thinking),
and pro-active attitude, and ability to communicate and collaborate well during the lessons.

Learning Instructions

Assalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Good morning everyone! I hope that you

are all fine. First, congratulations on having passed the first mid-term exam! I hope you are all
satisfied with the scores you achieved. Now, let us get back to business. For the following three
meetings, we are about to learn a new text type: descriptive text. By the end of the third meeting,
you are expected to:
1. Be able to analyze the social function, categorize the structure, and subdivide the
language features of descriptive texts.
2. Be able to create a well-developed descriptive text.
As usual, I want to remind you of something in case you forget. I am always holding my
scoring sheet. All activities are recorded and scored. Consequently, you must be actively
involved in any discussion and activities in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In
case you find any difficulties, or you have any questions regarding the module, feel free to
contact me through Whatsapp, LINE, or IG anytime. I will be available 24/7, as always. Now let
us begin the lesson by reciting basmalah. Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim.

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

Meeting 1 Observe
Spend some time to read an article about Madakaripura Waterfall by clicking the link below:

Now, after you finish reading the article, try to list vocabularies you might not understand, then try to figure out
the meaning/definition in the dictionary.
1. Secluded Being private; far away from crowds
2. Enchanting Very pleasant
3. Grandeur Greatness; the quality of being great and special
4. Rumbling Continuous low sound
5. Ambiance Situation
6. … …
7. … …

Now, spend 5-10 minutes to learn the vocabularies. After that, reread the article. I bet the next reading process
will be much easier. Now, are you through? Great, now try to answer the questions below (don’t worry, some
hints are already prepared for you):
1. What is the topic of the article?
Answer: the article is about …
2. In your opinion, what could be the reason(s) of the author to write the article?
Answer: a. to … ; b. to …. ; c. to….
3. How does the author develop the article?
Answer: The author starts the article with …; and he continues to …
4. What tenses is used in the article?
Answer: The article mostly uses ….

Okay, you have done great so far! It is time to relax and pamper your eyes. Watch a video by clicking the link

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

How was it? So peaceful, right? We should be grateful for having such natural beauty of Indonesia. It is our duty
to protect and preserve the nature Indonesia!
The next activity will be a discussion with your tutor group. Make sure you are all connected in either chat or
video conference before going on to the next activity.

Now, generate ten questions about the video you have watched! (two have been done for you)

What is the video about?

What could be the purpose(s) of the video?
3. …. Let’s

If you try to relate the objectives of the study I have stated in the beginning with a series of activities
you have done, you realize that we are now studying …………….

Like the other type of texts, descriptive texts have three essential components:

1. P___ o_e_, which are …

2. Str_ _t_ _ _, which is ….

3. La_ _ _ _ _ e _ _at ___s, which are …

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1


To indicate the social functions of oral and written descriptive texts by providing and
requesting information regarding famous tourist attractions and historical buildings in short
and simple, according to the context.

To categorize the text structure of oral and written descriptive texts by providing
simple, according to the context.

To subdivide the linguistic elements of oral and written descriptive texts by providing
simple terms.

Read a descriptive text about The Mosque of Amr ibn al-As. In this part, you will learn to analyze the
purposes, categorize the structure, and subdivide the language features of the text!

The Mosque of Amr ibn al-As (Arabic: ‫)جامع عمرو بن العاص‬, also called the Mosque of Amr, was initially
built in 641–642 AD, as the center of the newly founded capital of Egypt, Fustat. The original structure was the
first mosque ever built in Egypt and the whole of Africa. The location for the mosque was the site of the tent of
the commander of the Muslim army, general Amr ibn al-As. One corner of the mosque contains the tomb of his
son, 'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As. Due to extensive reconstruction over the centuries, nothing of the original
building remains. Still, the rebuilt mosque is a prominent landmark and can be seen in what today is known as
"Old Cairo." It is an active mosque with a devout congregation, and when prayers are not taking place, it is also
open to visitors and tourists.

The original layout was a simple rectangle, 29 meters in length by 17 meters wide. It was a low shed
with columns made from split palm tree trunks, stones, and mud bricks, covered by a roof of wood and palm
leaves. The floor was of gravel. Inside the building, the orientation toward Mecca was not noted by a concave
niche like it would be in all later mosques. Instead, four columns were used to point out the direction of Mecca
and were inserted on the qibla wall. It was large enough to provide prayer space for Amr's army but had no
other adornments and no minarets.

It was completely rebuilt in 673 by the governor Maslama ibn Mukhallad al-Ansari, who added four
minarets, one at each of the mosque's corners, and doubled its area in size. The addition of these minarets
allowed the call to prayer to be heard from every corner and taken up by other nearby mosques. Governor Abd
al-Aziz ibn Marwan added an extension to the mosque in 698 and once again doubled the mosque's area. In 711,
a concave prayer niche was added to replace the flat one. In 827, it had seven new aisles built, parallel to the
wall of the qibla, the direction that Muslims were to face during prayer. Each aisle had an arcade of columns,
with the last column in each row attached to the wall using a wooden architrave carved with a frieze.

In 827, governor Abd Allah ibn Tahir made more additions to the mosque. It was enlarged to its present
size, and the southern wall of the present-day mosque was built. In the 9th century, the mosque was extended

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mamun, who added a new area on the southwest side, increasing the mosque's
dimensions to 120m x 112m.

At a point during the Fatimid era, the mosque had five minarets. There were four, with one at each
corner and one at the entrance. However, all five are now gone. The current Minarets were built by Mourad Bey
in 1800. Also, the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir added a silver belt to the prayer niche, which was eventually
removed by Saladin when the mosque was restored after the fire in Fustat.

In 1169, the city of Fustat and the mosque were destroyed by a fire that was ordered by Egypt's own
vizier Shawar, who had ordered its destruction to prevent the city from being captured by the Crusaders. After
the Crusaders were expelled, and the area had been conquered by Nur al-Din's army, Saladin took power and
had the mosque rebuilt in 1179. During this time, Saladin had a belvedere built below a minaret.

Currently the mosque is an active mosque with a devout congregation, and when prayers are not taking
place, it is also open to visitors and tourists.

The purposes of the text are:

try it out!

The structure of the text is:

Now go back to the text and categorize the part of the paragraph
based on the structure!

The language features of the texts are:

The use of …

1. …
2. …
3. …
Don’t forget to give examples on each feature! (from the text)

This is the end of meeting 1. Before you close this module, please consider these:

1. Tidy up your notes in this meeting and compile the answers to your group work.
2. Submit the group work to the LMS
3. Put the compilation into PPT for you’re about to have a discussion with other groups next
meeting in the synchronous session.

Let’s call it a day by reciting hamdalah, alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin. See you next week!

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

Meeting 2



Meeting 3
Assalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Good morning everyone! How are you doing?
I hope that you are all okay. For your information, this is the last meeting of the current materials.
On this occasion, you are about to practice creating your descriptive text! Even better, you will
have a chance to promote the beauty of Indonesia by posting it to your Instagram and get as
many as possible likes from your followers. Isn’t that great? I hope you think so.
As usual, I want to remind you of something in case you forget. I am always holding my
scoring sheet. All activities are recorded and scored. Consequently, you must be actively
involved in any discussion and activities in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In
case you find any difficulties, or you have any questions regarding the module, feel free to
contact me through Whatsapp, LINE, or IG anytime. I will be available 24/7, as always. Now let
us begin the lesson by reciting basmalah. Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim.

Just before we go on, I want you to take some time to review the materials we have learned so far to make sure
you are still on track.
Answer the questions below correctly!
1. What are the social functions of descriptive text?
2. What is the generic structure of descriptive text?
Answer: ………………………… and ………………………………..

3. What are the language features of descriptive text? Give an example of each feature!
Answer: the use of:
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1


To detect the social function of descriptive in oral and written texts in short and
simple, related to famous tourist attractions and historical buildings.

To construct the text structure of descriptive texts in spoken and written texts in short
and simple, related to famous tourist attractions and historical buildings.

To develop the linguistic elements of descriptive in oral and written text in short and
simple, related to famous tourist attractions and historical buildings.

To create a descriptive text about a famous tourist spot or historical building

considering appropriate social functions, correct text structure, and well-developed
linguistic elements.

To post the descriptive text about a famous tourist spot or historical building on social
media accounts considering great attractions.

Now, let us watch a video again about Wonderful Indonesia that we watched a couple of weeks ago! Kindly
click the link here:
Now, let’s start with an outline. Generate questions on each generic structure to help you develop your writing
Identification Paragraph 1
(contains the introduction of a place, in this case, 1. ….
Indonesia) 2. ….
3. ….
Description Paragraph 2
(contains further detailed information about the 1. …
place. Here, you can list all places of Indonesia in the 2. …
video along with the descriptions you are about to 3. …
prepare later. Explore your creativity to generate 4. …
good questions that can make you easier to develop 5. …
your paragraphs. Make sure all the questions are 6. …
related to each other to make your writing coherent. Paragraph 3
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. ….
5. ….

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

6. ….
7. …
8. …
Paragraph 4
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. ….
5. ….
6. ….
7. …
8. …
Paragraph 5
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. ….
5. ….
6. ….
7. …
8. …

Now you have generated the questions. For the rest, try to answer those questions and form a good writing

By the way, if you find difficulties in developing the descriptions, take some time to watch this helpful video.
Click the link here: Not enough clues? Try to visit this
website. Click the link here:
children/activities-for-children/a2-level/f-rw-03-describing-people-and-things/ .

Now, let’s see if it works. Try to combine the answers to the questions you have and arrange them into a good
writing composition. Don’t forget to give a title.

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Learning Module of grade X, semester 1

Well done, students! You have made your own descriptive text! Now let’s practice for the last time.

In this last part of the lesson, it is time to promote the beauty of Indonesia by writing another
descriptive text about your most favorite place in Indonesia. The writing should not be
more than 175 words. After you finish writing, find a fascinating picture of the described place
and post it to your Instagram. The title of your writing will be the caption of the post, and the
writing will be the post’s description.

Before you start writing, these are things to consider:

1. Make sure your writing can really attract readers.

2. Make sure you organize the structure very well.
3. Elicit the language features you have learned.
4. Think of these other scoring criteria, too: grammar usage, vocabulary, and mechanic.

Good luck!

Now let’s call it a day by reciting hamdalah, alhamdulillahirabbil’alamiin. See you

next week with new learning materials. Stay sharp everyone!
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

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