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Announcement on April 22nd, 2021

The name of the article: Sustainability from Seed to Shelf

It talks about how Pepsico plans to reduce GHG (greenhouse gas emissions throughtout its supply

The company includes some solutions as:

- Spreading regenerative agriculture

- Transitioning to renewable electricity
- Leveraging technology to turn potato peelings into fertilizer and energy
- Reducing carbon impact at retail
- Transforming our fleet operations
- Making proress toward a circular economy

It is a strategic plan because it shows a vision in the future, purposes to improve the environment,
and having particular steps or solutions to conduct the plan.

The strategic planning here is: coorperate & operation strategy – because the strategy is at the
multi-business level, concerning how to improve Pepsico’s performance gain advantage to enhance
benefits of stakeholders as the environment and community, mention about “Leveraging technology
to turn potato peelings into fertilizer and energy”

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