Values or Wealth? Which One Is Necessary To Survive?: Additional English

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Additional English

Values or Wealth? Which one is necessary to survive?

Wealth and money are often wrongly used in place of each other.
Wealth by definition means, “an abundance of valuable possessions
or money”. Money, however, is needed for basic necessities. We
should give wealth only its due importance and not make it all
important, for, if we do that, we are certainly going to sacrifice some
other vital items of a good life. For example, a gush of wind from
where we take our very breath of life, cannot be purchased at any
cost. We can wear the most glamorous dresses but, to give health to
that same body, no amount of money is enough. We can buy the
thickest and costliest of mattresses with money but, no amount of
money can buy for us a good sound, night’s sleep. In today’s world,
most of us often neglect the importance of values. Values are
principles or beliefs that you hold most dear and that are of central
importance in your life. Values are important because they act like a
compass to help you lead the life that you want, no matter where
you find yourself in this world. Some of my core values are,
compassion, discipline, gratitude, happiness, health, love, trust and
respect. We should realize that wealth is not all that is needed to
survive. I daresay, the opposite is correct – and all the unhappiness
spread in the world today is caused due to money in circulation, and
the lust for it. Finding happiness in success requires that you use
your values as your guide and not your check book. With the right
values, the money will come naturally. Your career should be looked
at as something that you do, not define who you are.
To conclude:
When it comes to surviving, your core values are your guide and
money is important for basic necessities. Wealth on the other hand,
as mentioned before is an abundance of money, which is nothing
without values and not necessary to survive.
Additional English

“A true man’s wealth is the good he does in this world”

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