Organisms or Ecosystems Have Value

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Supporing services, such as nutrient cycling, oxygen production and soil formation. These underpin the
provision of the other "service categories.

Provisioning services, such as food, fibre, fuel (e.g. biofuels) and water.

Regulating services, such as climate regulation, water purification and flood protection.

Natural services, such as education, recreation and aesthetic value.

supporting, provisioning, cultural, regulating

natural income film (podstast on spofity)


Organisms or ecosystems have value:

- intrinsic values: values that are not determined by their potential use to human, their value is given
vary by culture, religion, etc. E.g. a statue.

- Economic value: value that are determined from the market price of the good and services a resources

Ecological value\; value that have no formed market prce but are essential to human, e.g.

aesthetic value: no market price, similae to ecological value, (basically things that look good), e.g.

Sustaiable development

4 basic principles of sustainable development

- reduce dependence on substances extracted from the Earth's crust (fossil fuels and heavy metals)

- reduce dependence on synthetic chemicals that persist in nature (e.g. DDT)

- reduce destruction of nature (e.g. overfishing, defosteration, destroying wildlife habitat)

- ensure that we are not stopping people globally from meeting their needs (people should have capacity
to feed and shelter themselves but also they should have safe working conditions and enough pay to live

ARAL SEA -example of unsustainable water usage

Situated in central Asia, across the border of Kazachstan and Uzbekistan

2 tributaries: Amu Darya and Syr Darya (both rise in the Tian Shan mountiains)

Their combined average annual flow of 111 cubic km. (Nile - 90 cubic kilometers)

Much of water lost in evaporation, transpiration and seeoage

No outlet

The biophysical environment

· dry climate

· average annual precipitation rarely exceeds 150mm

· desert os steppe

· the average remterature changes from -20 to 45

· low humidity

· soils are sandy (do not retain moisture)

· sald deflation (so many soils are salty)

· towns establushed around oases

Area between Tashkent and Samarkand was knwon as Hungry Steppe

One of the oldest area for practicing irrigitation (for up to 6000 years)

In XIX and XX century Russians introduced massive program of canal building

The main reason irrigation expanded was to grow cotton. Exported cotton was exchanged for food grown
Huge collective farms were formed by Russians, so traditional wooden ploughs was replaced by modern

Water use also by Turkenistan, Rajikistan and Kyrgystan.

Consequences of water mismanagement

By 1980 just 2 cubic km per year rivers brought into the Aral Sea

More and more pesticides and fertilizers were draining into the rivers from cotton fields, and industrial
pollutants from factories beside the rivers.

Between 1960 and 2009 the area of the lake shrank from 68 000 squere km, to about 13 000.

Because evaporation the concentration of pollutants became stronger with passing time.

The shoreline has receded (cofać się, ustępować) by up to 80km.

The remains of pesticides and fertilizers was blowe over the farmlands and villages

Also salt is toxic for plant growth

By 1994 cotton yields per hectare were only 70% of average for the period of 1976-1980.

Human health

Over 80% of women of child-bearing age in the area of Kazachstan and Uzbekistan east of the Aral Sea
are affected by amaemia.

Rate of typhoid has risen by 3000% since 1970

Rate of viral hepatitis has risen by 700%

The rate of cancer of oesophagus is 50 times greater than the world average.

cities impacted: Munjak and Aralsk

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