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A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

in English VII

I. Objectives

At the end of the period, the students are able to:

a. recognize the different functions of conditional sentences;

b. construct sentences using conditionals; and
c. value the importance of good decision making through a composition writing.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The first 3 Conditional Statements
b. Target:
i. Forms:
Open Conditional Statement,
Open hypothetical Conditional Statement
Unfulfilled hypotheses
ii. Meaning:
Open Conditional Statement- refers to a future event which is
conditional on another future event

Open hypothetical Conditional Statement- refers to a possible

future situation which depends on another possible future situation

Unfulfilled hypotheses- refers to a situation which an event might

have taken place, but did not, because a condition was not
iii. Use:
First Conditional – Possible Condition + Probable result
(Present Simple)

c. Method: Interactive Teaching

d. Reference: DepEd Grade 7 Learning Module; pages 42- 43
e. Materials: Chart, pictures, strips of paper
f. Values Integration, Respect to others

III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings and Checking of Attendance
 Checking of Classroom
 Drill/Review of previous lesson
 Motivation
The teacher prepares 5 songs and ask the students to listen and identify the
similarity of each song.
1. If you’re happy and you know you clap your hands
2. If I were a boy
3. If this is the last time
4. Boyfriend
5. Locked Away

B. Presentation

1. Recall the instructions given by the teacher. Based from the previous activity,
you noticed that the lyrics of the song has if- What do you think will be the
condition of each song?
2. How do you express conditions?
C. Discussion
Conditional Sentences

- expresses condition and its result

3 Types of Conditional Statements

1. Open Conditional Statement- refers to a future event which is conditional on
another future event
Ex. If you eat too much, you’ll get fatter.

2. Open hypothetical Conditional Statement- refers to a possible future

situation which depends on another possible future situation.
Ex. If you ate too much, you would get fatter.

3. Unfulfilled hypotheses- refers to a situation which an event might have

taken place, but did not, because a condition was not fulfilled.

Ex. If you had eaten too much, you would have got fatter

Have you had any regrets in your life? Shortcomings which could have been
(Students are asked to participate)

D. Application

Chain Conditionals
 Give each student a piece of paper.
 Each student writes a sentence in that structure at the top of the paper.
 Then they pass it to the student on their left.
 Each student must then write a second conditional sentence which follows
from the previous one. In other words, they would use the second part of the
previous sentence as the first part of the next one.
 After each sentence is written, the student must fold over the piece of paper
so that only one sentence is showing i.e., the student is only able to see the
previous sentence.

If I won the lottery, I’d buy a Ferrari.
If I bought a Ferrari, I’d drive to France.
If I drove to France, I’d eat a lot of pasta.
If I ate a lot of pasta, I’d get fat.
If I got fat, I wouldn’t fit into my clothes.

Materials: Paper

E. Generalization
1. What are conditional sentences?
2. What are the 3 types of conditional sentences? What are its functions?

IV. Evaluation
Complete the following sentences with an appropriate result or if-clause.
1. I can go shopping to the Mall of Asia this weekend if ________________.
2. If I have time _______________________.
3. I could have gone to Boracay last year if _____________.
4. If I met my old friends, I _______________.
_________________if I won the lottery
V. Assignment
For your assignment, write a short paragraph on the importance of proper decision
making. Apply your knowledge on the different types of conditional sentences.

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