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Activity Sheet

Name of the Student/Program: Mariah Jamby A. Vivas – BSN II Date: October 21, 2021
Name of Instructor: Joseph Totanes Course: Community Health Nursing
Weekly Activity II: Answer the following questions:
Nurse Cherub must teach a mother to wick her child's ear dry.
First, she explains how drying the ear will help the child, and how to do it. She shows the mother how
to make a wick and dry the child's ear. Then, Nurse Agnes asks the mother to practice wicking the
child's ear while she observes and offers feedback. Before the mother and the child leave the health
center, Nurse Cherub asks the mother several questions. She wants to make sure the mother
understands why, how, and when to give the treatment at home.

1. What information did Nurse Cherub give the mother about the treatment?
Nurse Cherub gave the mother information regarding the treatment which is wicking her
child’s ear dry. She explained thoroughly to the mother of the patient how drying the ear will help
the child. She also explained to her the procedure, possibly step by step, on how she would be
doing the said treatment. By doing all of these, Nurse Cherub is providing health teaching on the
child’s treatment and helping the mother how to independently provide the required care her child
needs to address his or her condition.

2. In the paragraph above, underline the sentence that describes how the nurse gave examples.
(The sentence was underlined on the given paragraph above ^)

3. What did the nurse do while the mother practiced?

When Nurse Agnes asked the mother of the patient to practice how to wick her child’s ear, the
nurse observed how the mother applied to practice what she learned from Nurse Cherub who was
the nurse that taught her how to do the treatment. While she was observing the mother practice,
she took notes on what could the mother might have done wrong or if the mother followed all the
steps she was taught, effectively and correctly. After the practice and the observation, the nurse
gave her feedbacks on the return demonstration done by the mother to inform her about any
mistakes she must correct or details she needs to remember in doing the procedures of the treatment
on her child.
4. As a nurse, what do you think is the importance of a good communication skills?
As a nurse, I believe that in any communication, there should be a need for good communication
skills, especially in communications between patients and healthcare providers and other
healthcare members. Good communication skills include both parties, the sender and the receiver
of the information listen to each other very well to understand the message relied properly and
effectively. In conveying the message, speakers should also be clear, concise and direct with the
information that they want to share to the receiver. As much as possible they should only focus on
the topic or the very matter that they are pertaining to for them to avoid any confusion for the
receivers. These are all important for nurses so that they would be able to communicate properly
with their patients which is very important to make sure that both parties understand each other
and all information needed to be disclosed were given. With good communication skills they would
be able to provide holistic care effectively to their patients and address their needs properly.
Through good communication skills, exchange of vital information would be done smoothly for
administration of medications, health teachings, history taking and more.

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