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Name: Satriani

Student ID Number :C30021038

Study program:D3 Acoounting

1.Cari 5 profesi yang bisa di pasangkan dengan artikel a,an,dan the!

2.Jelaskan mengapa artikel a,an dan the memiliki fungsi yang berbeda?

3.buatkan kedalam kalimat jawaban anda pada nomor 1!


1.Article “a”

-a neurologist

-a midwife

-a student

-a musician

-a translator

Article “an”

-an electrian

-an artist

-an actor

-an english teacher

-an accountant

Article “the”

-the waiters -the ballerina

-the firemen

-the nurses

-the driver
2. Artikel “a” di gunakan sebelum noun yang berawalan dengan huruf konsonan.Sedangkan
artikel”an”digunakan sebelum noun yang berawalan dengan huruf vokal.Dan biasanya artikel “the”di
gunakan untuk menunjukkan kata benda (noun) yang spesifik dalam bentuk singular ataupun plural

3 -I’m meeting a neurologist to examine my injury

-Anisa said she wanted to be a midwife just like her mother

-A student must be both open minded and critical

-Junot is starting his career as a musician

-Ria is a translator that speaks 3 languanges

-Mr.han works as an electrician for this company

- When I was little ,I wanted to be an artist like da vinci

- He is an actor

- I’m an english teacher

- He wants to be an accountant

-The waiters of this restaurant are so friendly

- The firemen are really brave

- The nurses are taking care of the patients

-The ballerina dances beatifully

- The drivers spend most of their time on the road

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