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Name: Bamba, Angel S.

Subject: Applied Business tools and technologies

Course/year: Bshm 1 A

Learning log

Course Outcome:3

Lesson No Topic Generalization Ear 6 Facets

E-The function of mobile

devices is to easy the
10 Mobile Devices The different forms of mobile message and storage your
devices are tablets, computer,
important things in your
netbook, smart phones and smart mobile devices
I- Mobile devices reveal
about sharing information
is thru text or chat and in
search engine such as

A- We use our skills in

mobile devices in field of
education is to share the
lesson thru your phone
and connect to Bluetooth
or share it to teach your
lesson or in power point
and also Microsoft are also
available in phone now a
days. They create a report
in their phone.

P- The different point of

view of mobile devices are
the negative and positive

E- We might reach our

understanding about
mobile devices is how we
use it property and control
to use it

SK- I show my best

knowledge in mobile
devices are to how to use
it property and I choosing
what are the best in my
need in mobile devices

11 Document Document Management system Document E- Document management

Management System are important because if the management system system is a system used to
document are important you safe it are the automated receive, track, manage and
in your local devices in your organizing, securing, store documents and
computer and organize it capturing. There are reduce paper.
2different how to safe
your document, 1 is I- Reveal about in dms are
is to save your documents
on premise document
and cloud base and reduce paper and easy
to find your documents
document. The on
premise document is A- DMS applied in larger is
runs on internal everyone use mobile
serves while the cloud devices in business simple
based document is like send an email to some
need to use internet people and present some
connetion. presentation, they find in
local devices or in cloud

P- The different point of

view in DMS are the
positive and negative to it

E- Maybe because I what

to try the this. How do
they do it
SK- The limits I think is in
the cloud based because
it’s new. Limited are to
use because is internet

12 Cloud Computing The different types of cloud Cloud computing is E-The function of cloud
computing are (IAAS)- on demand computing are to store
infrastructure as a service, (PAAS)- availability of your file in use of
platform as a service, serverless computer system internet ,accessing and
computing, and (SAAS)- software resources now a retrieving them from any
as a service days, there are 4 web enabled interface
types of cloud
computing I- Cloud computing reveal
about sharing of
information is easy to
access today if you have a
fast internet connection

A- we use the skills in

cloud computing to store
some files like in Google
drive it’s is to access and
easy to access

P- the different point of

view is to how to store the
file in cloud based or in
local drives and what to
use it

E- We might our
understanding to study
about the cloud computing

SK- I show my best in my

knowledge are to study
and learn the cloud

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