Give Me Some Insights On What You Have Learned From Your History Classes Pertaining To American Period

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Give me some insights on what you have learned from your history classes pertaining to

American Period, not necessary architecture related.

The American Colonial Era in the Philippines started when Spain got defeated in the Spanish-
American War of 1898. Spain gave up its longstanding colony in the Philippines to the United
States in the Treaty of Paris. A war broke out between American forces and Filipino nationalists
led by Emilio Aguinaldo. Rather than a change in colonizers, he sought independence. The
following Philippine-American War lasted three years and claimed the lives of a significant
number of American and Filipino soldiers. Many Filipino civilians died from violence, famine, and
During their colonization in the Philippines, they have greatly influenced the Filipinos when it
comes to culture, government, values, and architecture. Some examples include; freedom in
choosing a religion, free education, English (English became a secondary language, not a
foreign language for Filipinos), clothing, and foods like hamburgers, sandwiches, ice cream, and
The Philippines held its first elected assembly in 1907, and the Jones Act of 1916 promised the
country's ultimate independence. In 1935, the archipelago became an autonomous
commonwealth, and in 1946, the United States awarded sovereignty.
In your opinion, what are the major contributions of Americans to our architecture?

When the Americans colonized the Philippines, they brought several key influences incorporated into
our local architecture with them. The establishment of civil government was one of America's significant
achievements to the country. As a result, the city built government buildings that resembled Greek or
Roman temples. They also built infrastructure that encourages sanitary norms as well as educational
facilities. Furthermore, David Burnham's arrival in the Philippines resulted in the construction of the
Burnham Plan, which makes the city of Manila alike with plans in European cities. New buildings used
more durable materials like concrete.

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