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Temporary fillings materials

1. During treatment of root canal fillings
2. During inlay and on lay preparation until the final
restoration is placed
3. After pulp capping in case of traumatic exposure ,to give
time for the pulp healing process and production of dentin
4. Pedodontic practice
Gutta Percha
Natural gutta percha, zinc oxide, wax or resin and metal salts
to give radiopacity
It is applied by softening G.P. on the flame and put it inside
the cavity
1. Lack ability to seal the cavity and lead to micro leakage
2. Softening heat cause pain to the patient. 3. low strength

Cavity varnish
It is a barrier against the passage of irritants from cement or other
restorations and to reduce the penetration of fluids at the tooth-
restoration interface into underlining dentin and pulp. They also reduce
postoperative sensitivity. They are not used as thermal insulator under
metallic restoration.
Cavity varnish are supplied as liquid in dark color bottles.
Composition: It is a solution of one or more resin dissolved in solvent like
chloroform or acetone .
Properties and Uses :
1. Low resistance to abrasion
2. No antibacterial effect
3. Low strength and low thermal insulator because of thin
4. Protect the pulp from chemical & metallic irritants from overlying
restoration like zinc phosphate ,silicate, silico phosphate and metallic irritant
from Amalgam
5. Prevents the discoloration of natural tooth by preventing metal ions from
amalgam passing into adjoining enamel and dentin
6. Reduce marginal leakage around amalgam
7. To act as surface coating for silicate cement to prevent desiccation
8. To act as surface coating over metallic restoration to prevent galvanic
Contra indications
1. Should not be used with glass ionomer cement
because it eliminate the adhesion
2. Should not be used when therapeutic action is
required from the overlying cement like ZOE and Ca(OH)2
3. The solvent of the varnish may softer composite and
acrylic filling
Paint all the cavity with the varnish by dipping small
cotton into the varnish. No excess varnish should be used.
Uniform & continuous coating should be made on all
surfaces of the cavity. Several thin layers can be applied.
When the first layer dries pinholes may develop and
should be filled with second or third layer. 15-20 sec.
should elapse between applications. Varnish should be
applied in thin consistency

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