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Police and GNPF-MUI Agreed Action 212 Held at Monas

JAKARTA, CITRAINDONESIA.COM- Police and National Guard Movement MUI Fatwa

(GNPF-MUI), the movement powering the Islamic Action Bela I-III, agreed to agree on a
number of matters related to the Islamic Action Bela III on Friday (12/02/2016) ,

“The agreement involves specifying the Qibla, stage, pulpit and rows of prayer, so orderly.
Maintain and opened the emergency doors, providing medical post and logistics, ablution and
toilet, “said Priest Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab after the meeting
GNPF-MUI with National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian in building MUI, Menteng,
Jakarta center, Monday (28/11/2016).

In addition to this, it was agreed that the site of action, known as “Action 212” was moved
from its original in Jalan MH Thamrin-Sudirman, Central Jakarta, to Monas Square, Central

“The field can accommodate 600-700 thousand people. If it still does not fit, then it will be
put up in Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, “said Chief of Police at the same location.

Bela Islamic Action III which aims to urge police to immediately restrain the incumbent
candidate in the gubernatorial election in 2017 DKI Basuki Purnama Tjahaja alias Ahok
which has been designated as suspects charged with blasphemy, will be filled with the Friday
prayer and istighosah.

In a meeting between the Chief of Police with GNPF-MUI was also agreed to set up the
integrated team that will set the technical implementation of the action, in order to provide
security and direct the action participants headed Monas field.

The team is comprised of members of the task force (Task Force) a number of Islamic
organizations are involved in the title of the prayer rugs that will be placed at a number of

“Placed at the intersection along Jalan Sudirman and Thamrin to welcome participants of the
action, leading to the location where the Friday prayers. There are (also) in Semanggi, Benhil,
HI, Kebon Sirih, Statue Horse, all will be placed task force, “added Habib Rizieq.

Integrated team of Bela Islam in Action III will also set the action participants from outside
of Islam.

“Because the 411 demo too many (non-Muslims) who participated, because cross mauhaf,
cultures and religions. Because of this act of worship. We had the same goal; stands of law
and justice, there should not be any religion humiliated. There will be a meeting of their own
and will not be delivered here, “he said.

Tito claimed to be grateful for a meeting between himself and GNPF-MUI reach an
agreement, based on Law No. 9 of 1999 concerning Freedom Expression Your Public,
express their aspirations should also not interfere with the public interest, including the use of
roads which can impede the flow of traffic.

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