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An In-Depth Examination of an Energy Summary

Efficiency Technology
Pumping water for irrigation is the larg-
est use of on-farm agricultural energy in
California. Growers are fully aware of
the need for increasing overall efficiency
Agricultural of their pumping plant (pump and motor
combination), but they do not always
Pumping know how to achieve it. This Application
Note describes some specific meas-
Efficiency Overall pump system efficiency de-
Improvements pends on the efficiency of the motor, the
pump, and the design of the piping lay-
out. This Note focuses on improvements
most directly related to the pumping
plant rather than piping. And, this Note
primarily addresses electric motor-
driven pumps, but gas and diesel en-
gines are used as pump drivers as well.

The single greatest contributor to pump

inefficiency is an oversized pump. If a
Summary ............................................. 1 pump is selected based on some antici-
pated future condition, such as de-
How This Technology Saves Energy graded (scaled) pipe or a higher pro-
............................................................. 2 jected flow to meet increased crop re-
quirements, it will deliver excess fluid at
Types of Energy Efficiency
a higher head than necessary when
Measures............................................. 4
new. A throttling valve on the pump dis-
Applicability ........................................ 5 charge is often set to turn down the flow
when the pump is oversized. Impeller
Field Observations to Assess trimming, pump speed changes, and
Feasibility ............................................ 6 parallel or series pumping are more en-
ergy-efficient ways to reduce the energy
Estimation of Energy Savings ........... 7 waste associated with oversized pumps.
Cost and Service Life ......................... 8
Pumping plant efficiency improvements
Definitions of Key Terms ................... 9 can also be made by directly increasing
the efficiency of the motor or pump di-
References to More Information...... 10 rectly. Motor efficiency can often be in-
creased by replacing a standard-
Major Manufacturers ........................ 10
efficiency motor with a high- and pre-
mium-efficiency motor. Pump efficiency

Copyright © May 1997, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, all rights reserved. Revised 4/25/97
can be improved by replacing worn or of pump operation, terminology, and
damaged impellers. pump and system curves is provided.

System Curves
How This Technology
Figure 2 depicts a typical pumping sys-
Saves Energy tem and the system head curve, or
system curve. This is the graphical rep-
A pump converts mechanical energy resentation of the head required at all
into pressure energy to move liquids by flows to satisfy the system function. The
applying that pressure energy, or head1, three components of total system head
to the liquid. In a centrifugal pump, the are static head, design working head,
driver, in most cases an electric motor, and friction head. Static head is the
rotates an impeller, which imparts en- vertical difference between the system’s
ergy to fluid directed into the center, or point of entry and its highest point of
eye, of the impeller. The fluid is then discharge. Design working head is that
acted upon by centrifugal and rotational head which must be available at a
forces which increase its velocity. The specified location to satisfy design re-
pump casing is designed so that the quirements. Friction head is the head
uniformly increasing area of its volute required by the system to overcome the
produces the maximum conversion of resistance to flow in pipes, valves, fit-
velocity energy of the fluid into pressure
energy. Figure 1 shows the centrifugal Design Working Head
pump components and fluid flow pat-

To better understand how to improve

Static Head
pump system efficiency, a brief overview

Bearing Housing

Line Bearings Outlet

Impeller Friction Head


Sleeve Total System


Figure 1: Components and Operation Head

of a Centrifugal Pump (Sources:
Chemical Engineering and ASHRAE)* Design Working Head

Static Head
Bold-Italic words are defined in the section
titled Definition of Key Terms. Flow

Figure 2: Pump System Curve

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 2
tings and mechanical equipment.
Pump Curves 120

Total Head in Feet

Pump manufacturers provide pump 100
head-capacity curves, or pump curves, 90
that predict pump performance, which 80

can be shown as a single-line curve de- 70

picting one impeller diameter (Figure 3) 60

or as multiple curves for the perform-
ance of several impeller diameters in
one casing (Figure 4). To meet the wide
variety of needs, manufacturers will

produce different-sized impellers to be
U.S. Gallons per Minute
10" Dia.
l Hea
d Flo Figure 4: Multiple Pump Curves
point indicate areas of equal efficiency.

r A system curve can be developed and

a k e Horse overlaid on the pump curve. The inter-
B r
ti o n H e section of the pump head-capacity
P o s it iv e S u c
Net curve and the system curve will be the
0 Flow operating point for the pump (Figure 5).
This condition represents the point at
which pump head matches system head
Figure 3: Single Line Pump Curve as defined by the system piping configu-
(Source: Peerless Pump)**

used inside a single casing. This keeps The efficiency of agricultural pumping
costs down by reducing the number of plants can be improved by:
needed casings, but sacrifices some ef-
ficiency.  Replacing a standard-efficiency
motor with a high- or premium-
A pump operates over a range of head efficiency motor
and flows for a given speed and impeller
diameter. Change either and a given
 Improving pump efficiency by ad-
pump will operate on a different curve. It justing or replacing worn impeller(s) or
is characteristic of centrifugal pumps bowl(s)
that, for any given speed, as flow
through the pump increases, its head
decreases. The pump design point is
 Reducing total dynamic head by
changing impeller diameter or motor
the point on the curve where maximum
speed, or by using multiple pumps
efficiency is attained. Lines forming a
concentric pattern around the design

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 3
 Replacing or Repairing the Pump
Curve Impeller and/or the Pump Bowl: A
Point retrofit of the impeller and bowl assem-
Pressure Rise

bly of a pumping plant, and the optimal

P Feet

System placement of the bowls relative to water

Friction levels, can improve pump system effi-
Dynamic ciency.
Static Head  Pump Adjustment: Proper adjust-
ment of the impeller relative to the bowl
Water Flow Rate (gpm) assembly will minimize the clearance
Figure 5: System Curve and Pump
between impeller and bowl and maxi-
Curve (Source: Peerless Pump)** mize the quantity of water pumped.

Decrease Total Dynamic Head

Types of Energy Efficiency Oversized pumps are the single largest
Measures source of energy waste in pumping
systems. The situation arises in the de-
Pumping plants can be optimized by a sign process. Engineers add pressure
number of measures discussed in this losses to the system head to allow for
section. As stated earlier, this Applica- scaling and fouling of piping that occurs
tion Note focuses on measures directly over time; margin is also added to en-
related to the pumping plant and its op- sure that the pump selected will deliver
eration; piping system characteristics the required flow. After installation, the
are beyond its scope. And, this Note system head may be less than antici-
primarily addresses electric motor- pated, especially early on. If pump se-
driven pumps, but gas and diesel en- lection is based on some anticipated
gines are used as pump drivers as well. future condition, such as "old" pipe or a
higher projected flow to meet increased
Improve Motor or Pump crop requirements, it will deliver excess
fluid at a higher head than necessary. If
Efficiency allowed to operate at an excessive flow,
the pump "runs out on its head-flow
Pump system efficiency can be im-
curve" until system resistance matches
proved directly by increasing the effi-
the pump head. As the pump operates
ciency of the motor and/or pump. The
further to the right on the curve, opera-
following specific actions can be taken:
tion becomes less predictable and more
unstable. Motor overloading or cavita-
 High-Efficiency Motors: Agricul-
tion may occur as a result. A valve on
tural pumps normally run 3,000 hours or
the pump discharge is often set to turn
more annually. The 3 to 5 percent in-
down the flow. The extra head is then
crease in motor efficiency of a high- or
taken as a pressure drop across the
premium-efficiency motor can provide
valve. Figure 6 depicts this situation on
quick paybacks.
a system curve.

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 4
Valve sary to either:

1) Change to a motor with a different

Valve Fully
Open speed.
2) Change to a two-speed motor.

3) Install a Variable Speed Drive

(VSD) to control the frequency of the
power delivered to the motor. VSDs
100% are useful for controlling pumps with
variable demands.

Figure 6: Effect of Pump Throttling  Parallel and Series Pumping:

(Source: Peerless Pump)*
Parallel pumping can reduce energy re-
There are several more energy-efficient quirements when flow requirements
ways to reduce the total dynamic head change in distinct steps. Series pumping
and minimize overpumping: also can improve energy efficiency.
Both are popular choices because they
meet additional criteria such as high re-
 Impeller Trimming: One way is to
liability, backup capability, low mainte-
change the impeller size. This can be
nance, and low first cost.
done by trimming the existing one or re-
placing it. Pump manufacturers normally The following example illustrates the
build their pump bodies to accept a benefits of series pumping. Assume 10
range of impeller diameters. Changing units of water have to be pumped up a
this diameter raises or lowers the entire constant slope. The required total dy-
pump curve. Practically speaking, im- namic head is 100 feet to move water to
peller trimming is limited to a 20% re- the highest part of the system, but that
duction in diameter. part only uses 3 units of water. Using
only one pump station requires that all
 Pump Speed Changes: Another 10 units of water be pumped with a
way to reduce a pump's output is to re- head of 100 feet. It may be economical
duce its speed. This may not be as sim- to use two pumps, one to pump all the
ple as changing the impeller diameter. water at 60 feet of head and another to
Because most pumps are driven directly add 40 feet for the three units required
off the shaft of their motor, to change at the highest point.
the speed of the pump you must change
the speed of the motor.

Induction motors, the most common, Applicability

operate at synchronous speeds which
are multiples of the frequency of the 60 The nature of system flow requirements
Hz AC power delivered, perhaps 1800 can significantly impact the applicability
or 3600 RPM. To alter the speed of an of different measures to reduce the total
AC induction motor it would be neces- dynamic head. Table 1 indicates the
applicability of the different measures.

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 5
change should be identified.
Field Observations to
Assess Feasibility  Obtain the pump curves (if avail-
able). By using these curves a prelimi-
nary evaluation can generally be done
This section discusses steps to take in
without measuring the actual gpm. If the
the field to identify situations where en-
pressure (head) is known, simply read
ergy efficiency improvements can be
the flow off the pump curve. Keep in
mind that the pump curves are only rep-
resentative of the model. Large pumps
System Flow Requirements should be tested because small differ-
Distinct Highly ences in performance can add up to
Eff. Measure Constant large energy costs. Worn pumps will
Steps Variable
operate at a lower efficiency than the
Impeller sizing X
curves would suggest; they should be
Motor speed X fully tested, or simply replaced with an
2-Speed motors X efficient, appropriately sized model.
Parallel pumping X
 Consider and evaluate for
Series pumping X changes in the motor, the pump, and
VSDs X the system.

Related to Energy Savings

Table 1: Measure Applicability Matrix
Related to Applicability The applicability of motor and pump ef-
ficiency improvements and the potential
The following information is needed to for energy savings depend on the effi-
evaluate a pump: ciency of the existing motor and pump.
Table 2 provides typical Overall
 Record pump nameplate data such pumping Plant Efficiency (OPE) val-
as design head and flow, impeller size ues for various size motors. The OPE
(if listed), speed, make and model num- accounts for both motor and pump effi-
ber. ciency and can be obtained with a stan-
dard pump test.
 Record the motor nameplate data.
Related to Implementation Cost
 Record the pressure gauge read-
ing(s). Gauges are often installed with  High-speed pumps are often more
the system for balancing. efficient in small sizes. The potential for
cavitation increases, however, and
 Walk the system to identify prob- higher speed may mean more frequent
lems in the areas in pump noise, layout maintenance.
configuration, valve type and throttling,
and required static head. Possible  A multiple-stage pump, because of
problems with any pump or system the reduced head per stage, may be

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 6
Motor HP Low Fair Good Excellent cent, a 20 percent improvement.
3-7.5 <44.0 44-49.9 50-54.9 >54.9
10 <46.0 46-52.9 53-57.9 >57.9 The following equations can be used to
15 <47.1 48-53.9 54-59.9 >59.9
determine pumping power:
20-25 <48.0 50-56.9 57-60.9 >60.9
GPM × H × SG
30-50 <52.1 52.1-58.9 59-61.9 >61.9 BHP =
3960 × PEFF
60-75 <56.0 56-60.9 61-65.9 >65.9
100 <57.3 57.3-62.9 63-66.9 >66.9 BHP × 0.746
150 <58.1 58.1-63.4 63.5-68.9 >68.9 KW =
200 <59.1 59.1-63.8 63.9-69.4 >69.4
250 <59.1 59.1-63.8 63.9-69.4 >69.4 where:
300 <60.0 60-64.0 64.1-69.9 >69.9
BHP = Brake horsepower at pump
Table 2: Typical Overall Pumping driveshaft
Plant Efficiency Classifications
H = Total dynamic head

more efficient than a single-stage unit, PEFF = Pump efficiency

though at higher initial cost.
GPM = Flow in gallons per minute
 Inefficient, low-cost pumps are in-
stalled by some manufacturers to keep SG = Specific gravity of the liquid
costs down. Rapid paybacks are often (1.0 for water at 60F)
possible with their replacements.
MEFF = Motor efficiency
 A slightly over-sized pump with a In addition to these equations, the Affin-
trimmed impeller can be installed ity Laws can be used to predict changes
where added load or scaling is antici- in flow, head and horsepower as pump
pated. When system demands exceed speed is changed. These laws may be
the capacity of the pump, only the im- stated as follows:
peller will need to be changed.
The flow rate from a pump will vary di-
rectly according to the ratio of the motor
Estimation of Energy speed:
Savings Q2 = Q1 x ( N2 / N1)

The potential for improving the effi- where:

ciency of a pumping plant is highly de-
pendent on the age and design of the Q2 = flow rate at the new speed
equipment and its operation. An old,
worn pump and standard-efficiency Q1 = flow rate at the starting
motor may be operating in the vicinity of speed
50 percent efficiency. A new pump and
premium-efficiency motor could improve N2 = pump speed for the new
overall pump efficiency to over 60 per- condition

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 7
N1 = pump speed for the starting MEFF1 = old motor efficiency
MEFF2 = new motor efficiency
Head (pressure) will vary as the square
of the ratio of the pump speed: Pump efficiency improvement -

H2 = H1 x (N2/ N1 )2  PEFF1 
KWHsavings = BHP1 × 0.746 × 1 −
 PEFF2 
where: ×annual operating hours
H2 = pressure at the new speed

H1 = pressure at the starting where,

PEFF1 = old pump efficiency
Required horsepower (BHP) will vary as
the cube of the ratio of the pump speed PEFF2 = new pump efficiency
or impeller diameter:

BHP2 = BHP1 x (N2 / N1 ) 3 Cost and Service Life

Factors That Influence Service
BHP2 = brake horsepower required Life and First Cost
at the new speed or impel-
ler diameter An important factor to be aware of is the
variability of the system design point
BHP1 = brake horsepower required over time. If the system piping and/or
at the starting condition. flowrates vary with different seasons or
crops, the service life of a measure to
optimize the pumping system for a par-
Standard Savings Calculation ticular configuration and flow rate may
be quite short.
When improvements are made in motor
or pump efficiency, the following stan-
Typical Service Life
dard calculations can be used to esti-
mate energy savings: Following are the PG&E CEE program
assumptions for the service life of sev-
Motor efficiency improvement -
eral measures:
KWHsavings = BHP × 0.746
 Pump retrofit - 8.7 years
 1 1 
× −
 MEFF1 MEFF2   Pump adjustment - 3 years
×annual operating hours
 Variable speed drives - 16 years
 High efficiency motors - 15 years

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 8
 Base-mounted pumps - 20 years low.

 Pipe-mounted, sump and well  Induction Motor: The most com-

pumps - 15 years mon type of AC motor, in which a pri-
mary winding on the stator is connected
Operation and Maintenance to the power source, while the secon-
dary winding on the rotor carries in-
duced current.
PG&E has for years offered free tests to
determine the performance of agricul-  Net Positive Suction Head Re-
tural pumping plants under field condi- quired (NPSHR): The amount of pres-
tions. Tests measure gallons per min- sure in excess of the liquid’s vapor
ute, input horsepower and water levels pressure required to prevent vapor
(pumping, static and discharge). From pockets from forming and bursting,
these data a Pump Test Report is pre- leading to noisy and destructive cavita-
pared. If potential savings are indicated, tion. NPSHR is a characteristic of a
a Pumping Plant Efficiency Comparison given pump and varies with speed and
Report is also prepared, detailing en- flow. It is determined by the manufac-
ergy and dollar savings. turer and included on the pump per-

Definitions of Key Terms

 Cavitation: The collapse of vapor

pockets formed in the impeller passages
because the absolute pressure at the OPEN SEMI-OPEN CLOSED
pump suction nozzle has approached
the vapor pressure of the liquid.
formance curve.
 Head: A quantity used to express
the energy content of the liquid per unit
 Overall Pumping Plant Efficiency
weight of the liquid, referred to any arbi- (OPE): The ratio of pump output to
motor input, in percent. Equivalent to
trary datum. In terms of foot-pounds of
the product of motor efficiency and
energy per pound of liquid pumped, all
pump efficiency.
head quantities have the dimension of
feet of liquid.
 Vapor Pressure: The pressure at
which a pure liquid can exist in equilib-
 Impeller: The heart of the centrifu-
rium with its vapor at a specified tem-
gal pump, it is the rotating piece housed
in the casing, or volute, and driven by a
motor. The impeller has spiral-shaped
vanes whose diameter increases in the  Variable Speed Drives: Such
direction of the flow. The spiral acceler- drives coordinate induction motor speed
ates the velocity of the water, develop- to the needs of the job, using semicon-
ing pressure. Examples are shown be- ductor devices and switching circuits to

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 9
change the frequency of power deliv-
ered to the motor. Major Manufacturers

References to More
Information PACO Pumps, Inc.
800 Koomey Road
Brookshire, TX
1. American Society of Heating, Refrig- Tel (800) 955-5847
erating and Air-Conditioning Engi- Fax (713) 934-6090
neers, Inc., "HVAC Systems and
Equipment Handbook," 1996. Peerless Pump Co.
1441 Peerless Way
2. Chemical Engineering McGraw-Hill
Montebello, CA 90640
Publications Co., "Fluid Movers:
Tel (213) 726-1232
Pumps, Compressors, Fans and
Fax (213) 726-0814
Blowers," 1979.

3. Luhm, G., "Multi-Stage Pumping," VSDs

PGandE Company Application Note
No. 75, July 1986. ABB Industrial Systems, Inc.
16250 W. Glendale Drive
4. Luhm, G., "Centrifugal Pumps and New Berlin, WI 53151
Pump Systems," PGandE Company Tel (800) 752-0696
Application Note No. 47-56-89, May Fax (800) 648-2072
There are many other manufacturers of
5. Luhm, G., "Parallel and Series relevant equipment. A good source of
Pumping," PGandE Company Appli- manufacturers and products are
cation Note No. 74, October 1986. grouped by type of product in Heating
Piping and Air Conditioning’s annual
6. Pacific Gas & Electric Company, "Info-dex" issue (Penton Publishing,
"Adjustable Speed Drives: What’s in Chicago, IL; (312) 861-0880).
it for you," 1989.
Further information may be obtained
7. Pacific Gas & Electric Company, from: University of California Irrigation
"Agricultural Resource Guide," April Program - Dr. Blaine Hanson, (916)
1996. 752-1130; Cal Poly Irrigation Training
and Research Center - Dr. Charles Burt,
8. Peerless Pump, "System analysis for (805) 756-2434.
pumping equipment selection," Bro-
chure B-4003, 1979.

9. Peerless Pump, "Handbook of Pump

Engineering Data," Brochure-EM77.

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 10
*Reprinted with permission from “Fluid Movers:
Pumps Compressors, Fans and Blowers” by S.
Yedidiah. Published in Chemical Engineering.
Copyright, 1979 by McGraw-Hill Companies. All
rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission. Copyright 1996, by

ASHRAE. All rights reserved.

**Reprinted with permission. Copyright 1979, by

Sterling Fluid Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

PG&E Energy Efficiency Information “Agricultural Pumping Efficiency Improvements” Page 11

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