Bài Giảng DiSC Model Final.ppt Phan Tich Con Nguoi

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Introduction to Behavior

Behavior and the Reasons Behind

Words Tone of Voice Body Language


Surface Knowledge

Core Attitudes Upbringing

Values Experiences
Hidden Needs Demographics
Core Personality Culture
Behavior is Situational

 Environment plays a
Situation Work
important role in DiSC®:
Training We can choose to behave
differently in different
Roles? Sales
Management  Still, the true power of using
Situation At home
a specific situation is in the
 Changes in response focus
Roles? Parent will only have small impact
on results
The DiSC® Model
The Story Behind DiSC®

 William M. Marston: Emotions

of normal People, 1928:

We all have psychological motives and drives for our

actions, but our motives are different, and different in
strength, from person to person.
• Dominance (Chi Phối)
• Inducement (influence – Ảnh hưởng)
• Submission (Steadiness – Ổn định)
• Compliance (Conscientiousness – Cẩn trọng)
The DiSC® Model

Perceives self as
more powerful than the environment

Dominance influence

Perceives the environment Perceives the environment

as unfavorable as favorable

Conscientiousness Steadiness
Perceives self as
less powerful than the environment
The DiSC® Model

Active, Fast Paced Get

Get it Assertive, Louder Speech, Dynamic, Bold RECOGNITION/

Questioning What? Who?

Logic Focused
D People Focused

Skeptical Receptive
Challenging Agreeable
Why? How?
Get it Get
RIGHT! Calm, Methodical, Careful, Softer Speech ALONG!
Moderate Paced, Thoughtful
DiSC® Styles

Competitive Interactive
Control-focused Active Enthusiastic
Strong-willed Expressive

Dominance Influence
D i Accepting

Conscientiousness Steadiness
Analytical Thoughtful Accomodating
Task-Oriented Harmonizing
Private Stable
Your Personal DiSC® Graph

Primary Style
Secondary Style


The DiSC® Styles
The DiSC® Styles - Dominance

Primary motive Characteristics

 Control  Self-confident/egoistic (tự kiêu)
Fears  Willing to take risks
 Losing control, being taken  Decisive (thích quyết định)
advantage of (sợ bị lợi dụng)
 Result-oriented (ko quan tâm
Desires cảm xúc cá nhân of nhân viên)
 Strength and authority
 Straightforward (thẳng tính)/
 Challenges (thích thay đổi, thách
 Straight answers  Unambiguous (rõ ràng)
 Freedom from direct control Limitations
and rules  Lack of consideration towards
 New and varied activities others
 Possibility of individual  Impatience
achievement (mong muốn đc ghi  Insufficient (thiếu) focus on
nhận từ Sếp or người khác)
The DiSC® Styles - Influence

Primary motive  Optimistic
 Social recognition/ attention  Easily trusted (dễ đc người khác tin)
Fears  Emotional
 Social rejection  Involved with people
Wants  Outgoing
 Being popular  Enthusiastic /charming (duyên, sức
 Being the centre of things hút)
 Praise (you are OK) ca tụng  Open
 Group activities (ghét cô Limitations
đơn)  Impulsive (bốc đồng, thích thì làm) /
 Positive relationships (giữ disorganised (ko gọn gàng)
mối qh cũ, qh rộng)  Promises too much
 Freedom from control and  Inadequate follow-through (theo dõi
details ko đầy đủ)
The DiSC® Styles - Steadiness

Primary motive Characteristics

 Deliberate (suy nghĩ cân nhắc)
 Keeping the status quo
(thích an toàn, hoài niệm,  Consistent (nhất quán, đúng gì họ nói)
quá khứ)  Cooperates well
Fears  Patient / attentive
 Change / the unpredictable  Loyal
Wants  Considerate of group interests (chấp nhận ý kiến
tập thể)
 Sincere appreciation  Accepting
 Co-operation
 To work with familiar
 Too willing (ít biết say no)
methods, etc.
 Security (thích sự an toàn)  Puts own needs last (đặt lợi ích cá nhân sau cùng)
 Clings to what is familiar (bám víu vào cái cũ)
 Time to adjust to new
methods (ko vội đc đâu) and passively resists change (gián tiếp phản đối)
The DiSC® Styles - Conscientiousness

Primary motive Characteristics

 Quality/precision  Analytical and factual
Fears  Attentive to standards and detail
 Mistakes, carelessness, criticism  Conscientious
from colleagues, emotionally charged  Diplomatic (khéo léo) / cautious (thận
situations (vd sợ nước mắt, cảm xúc trọng)
dâng trào)  Businesslike /reserved (thuần business)
Wants  Hungry for knowledge
 To be right  Reliable
 Overview Limitations
 Security  Over-critical towards self and others
 Praise for tasks  Indecisive (do dự)
 Limited risks  Lacks creativity (thích ko gian cá nhân,
 The support of authority, including nhóm quen thì đi chơi)
printed matter, reference works etc.
Learn How to Recognize the
Styles of Other People
Introduction to People Reading

Remember That…

There are no good or bad styles.

There is no best or worst style.

All styles have strengths and limitations.

All styles can be more or less effective.

People are a mixture of styles.

Observable Behavior

 Body Language
– Posture
– Use of hands
– Facial expressions
 Tone
– Pace
– Inflection
– Volume
 Words
Personal Development using DiSC®
- use your strengths and know your
Personal Development with DiSC®

and others

Vary and adapt Extend

your behavior your repertoire
to the situation of behaviors
DiSC®-based Communication and Collaboration
– High D
High D’s like others to be: direct, straightforward, open to their need to create results

When Communicating When Collaborating

with a Person who has a High D: with a Person who has a High D:

 Come to the point quickly Try to:

 Recognize achievements  express yourself concisely and come to the point
 Give direct answers quickly
 Be decisive  respect their need to be in charge
 Keep to the point  make your expectations clear
 let them start
 Present the facts
 demonstrate your competence
 Stress the logic  keep to the point
 Use specific examples  show independence
 Outline the options  avoid wasting time
 If there is a difference of opinion, focus on
the facts and not on the person Be prepared for:
 Be frank  a frank and demanding manner
 Depart promptly  a low degree of empathy
 a lack of sensitivity
 a low degree of sociability
DiSC®-based Communication and Collaboration
– High i
High i’s like others to be: friendly, emotionally direct, and to express appreciation for their efforts

When Communicating When Collaborating

with a Person who has a High i: with a Person who has a High i:

 Be prepared for open dialogue Try to:

 Ensure a friendly atmosphere
• be informal
 If possible give praise • be relaxed and sociable
 Socialize • let them express their thoughts and feelings
 Ask for ideas, opinions, • keep the conversational tone light
impressions, etc. • give the details in writing
 Use personal references • praise their results in front others
 Talk about the latest news • use humour
 Listen attentively and ask
questions Be prepared for:
 Say how well the meeting went • an attempts to persuade or influence others
 Make special offers • a desire to be in the limelight
• an overestimation of oneself and others
• an over-selling of their ideas
• a sensitivity to rejection; both real and imagined
DiSC®-based Communication and Collaboration
– High S
High S’s like others to be: relaxed and cooperative, and to show agreement and appreciation

When Communicating When Collaborating

with a Person who has a High S: with a Person who has a High S:

 Show a genuine interest in them as a

Try to:
 be logical and systematic in your approach
 Find areas of common interest  ensure an atmosphere that is stable and
 Present the case in a calm and quiet secure
manner  tell them how things should be done
 Be loyal  express sincere appreciation
 Minimize the risks  draw attention to their importance to the
 Do not engage in too much small talk
 allow them time to accustom themselves
 Adopt an easy and informal manner
to changes
 Keep your affairs in order
 Provide safety and security Be prepared for:
 Give guarantees  a friendly and tranquil manner
 a resistance to change
 Lend full support
 difficulty with prioritizing task
 difficulty with deadlines
DiSC®-based Communication and Collaboration
– High C
High C’s like others to: minimize social interaction, go into detail, be precise and accurate

When Communicating When Collaborating

with a Person who has a High C: with a Person who has a High C:

 Appeal to the person’s knowledge Try to:

and/or experience  provide clear expectations and deadlines
 Be thoroughly prepared  be reliable
 Formulate agreements precisely and  show loyalty
with care  be tactful and keep feelings in the
 Arrive punctually background
 Be systematic and logical  give them the opportunity to display
 Speak about data and facts, not feelings their expertise
 Be prepared to lead  be precise and focus on what is relevant
 Give an overview  appreciate high standards
 Allow time for thought and reflection Be prepared for:
 Answer questions patiently  discomfort with ambiguity
 Leave once the discussion is over,  dissatisfaction with vague or general
without unnecessary talk information
 the desire to double-check
 less of a need to form personal
A Person with a High D May Develop by

 Thinking more about the

consequences before reacting
 Listening more, and more actively, to
others thoughts, feelings and
 Learning more about how e.g.  Developing more tact and diplomacy
negotiations can become win/win (ngoại giao) in their dealings with
situations others
 Explaining his thoughts instead of just  Becoming better at giving praise and
stating his conclusions recognition to others when it is
 Learning how to participate in a group deserved
without necessarily leading or  Smiling more
controlling it
 Being more considerate of others
A Person with a Low D May Develop by

 Taking on new and varied tasks more often D

 Seeking new and diverse challenges
 Exercising authority somewhat more
 Making quicker and more independent
 Asserting themselves more - even if it means
going against others  Being more ready to take risks and try out
new things
 Being more direct and demanding towards
others  Speaking out and making their position
 Relying more on their own judgment
 Stretching their boundaries – breaking limits
 Remaining firm when agreeing or
and challenging themselves and others
 Asking direct and pertinent questions and
 Setting specific and personal goals –
thinking more in terms of results
demanding clear answers
 Being prepared to enter conflicts and solve
A Person with a High i May Develop by

 Evaluating people and situations in a i

more realistic way, i.e. evaluating
negative as well as positive aspects
 Working in a more orderly and
efficient manner
 Developing the ability to be firm and
direct when resolving conflicts  Being more consistent in following
 Being willing to listen to and consider up details
less positive thoughts and feelings  Becoming better at time
expressed by others management
 Adopting a more critical attitude
towards time spent on meetings and
A Person with a Low i May Develop by

 Being more open and extrovert (hướng ngoại)

in their communication and contact with others i
 Cooperating more often and with more people
 Speaking more often and more about
themselves, their opinions and thoughts
 Being more inspiring for others to listen to/be
with  Believing in their ideas and opinions and trying
 Taking time to socialize and join in group to ‘sell’ these to others
activities  Showing more presence of mind
 Improving their insight into psychological  Expressing and trusting in his/her emotions
matters  Teaching and training others
 Switching focus from the thing to the person  Being inspiring and stimulating (kích thích)
 Getting inspiration from unfamiliar  Emanating and expressing a positive and
environments and seeking out people who are optimistic view of life
different from themselves
 Becoming more aware of social signals
A Person with a High S May Develop by

 Developing their capacity to accept

 Learning both how to disagree and to
stand by his/her convictions
 Taking the initiative in clarifying
situations regarded as difficult and  Becoming more flexible in regard to
confusing form and method of work
 Being more independent  Looking out for possible
 Accepting more challenges improvements, i.e. easier and quicker
methods which can lead to more
effective work procedures
A Person with a Low S May Develop by

 Talking less about themselves, their

opinions and feelings
 Developing positive habits and attitudes
towards routine work, rules, and details
 Being more accommodating towards S
others’ opinions and needs
 Helping others more
 Being more positive and open towards  Achieving results quietly and calmly
stable conditions and harmonious  Working in a more methodical and structured
environment way
 Being tolerant  Showing more stability in his/her activities
 Living in the present  Improving his/her concentration in matters of
 Being content with the way things are rules, routines, details etc.
 Cooperating more closely with others  Listening more often, more actively and for
 Being more patient and compliant towards longer periods at a time
colleagues, friends and family
A Person with a High C May Develop by

 Creating a better balance between the

striving for perfection and the time
available for a particular matter
 Reacting less defensively when their C
efforts are under discussion
 Moderating their criticism of others and  Becoming more willing to discuss his
their work by taking account of working methods
emotional as well as objective and factual  Being more flexible towards others’
aspects ways of doing things
 Imparting their knowledge and insight in  Avoiding seeing things too black-and-
a way that does not disparage or white and being too rigid (cứng nhắc)
condemn others in their way of thinking; not always
 Being more open and willing to express wanting to be “absolutely right”
their feelings
A Person with a Low C May Develop by

 Adopting a more neutral stance (lập trường

trung lập) in conflict situations
 Being more critical (phê bình)
 Working more slowly and
analytically/reflecting more C
 Paying more attention to accuracy and detail
 Finding logical arguments and viewpoints  Decide and justify more on the basis of
 Focusing more on quality and less on quantity facts and data than of feelings
 Working at a consistent level of quality over a  Analyze and observe better
longer period
 Being more independent
 Stay focused
 Spending more time on planning  Be more self-disciplined when it comes
to arriving on time, being prepared, and
 Adopting more regular habits – arriving and
being systematical
leaving punctually etc.
 Live according to the rule: SEE – THINK –  Wait longer before deciding their
DECIDE – ACT position
 Realizing that the social element is not
always so important/ decisive
F LY H I G H , W H E R E N O B O D Y C A N T O U C H Y O U !


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