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Case Study

Urban Resilience to Floods in Coastal Cities: Challenges

and Opportunities for Ho Chi Minh City and Other
Emerging Cities in Southeast Asia
P. N. Duy 1; L. Chapman 2; M. Tight 3; L. V. Thuong, Ph.D. 4; and P. N. Linh 5

Abstract: Flooding is a hazard in many cities despite the presence of flood protection systems. However, recent losses and damage owing to
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flooding in many coastal cities have indicated that the increasing volatility of natural disasters and flood events are now exceeding present day
design considerations. By comparing and deriving common lessons from case studies in New Orleans, Manila, and Bangkok, this paper
focuses on the extent to which coastal cities are becoming more vulnerable to flooding and argues that broader urban resilience in the planning
process now has an increasing role to play alongside traditional flood defenses. Given the present speed of development in Southeast Asia,
there are opportunities for these ideas to be readily and rapidly incorporated into development plans to reduce the severity of increasing flood
events in the region. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000419. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Urban resilience; Flood vulnerability; Spatial planning and management; Coastal city.

Introduction floods—in the United States (New Orleans 2005), Europe (Lancaster,
United Kingdom 2015), China (Guangzhou-Guangdong 2007),
In August, 2009, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, called on Australia (Brisbane 2011) as well as a number of cities in Southeast
“local authorities to accelerate all efforts to make cities safer to pre- (SE) Asia, such as Manila (Philippines 2009), Bangkok (Thailand
vent the loss of lives and assets,” (UN 2009). 2011), and Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) (Vietnam 2015).
Floods in urban areas continue to make headline news through- The flooding problem can be particularly acute in coastal cities.
out the world with the increasing frequency and severity of events Of the 20 largest cities in the world, 13 are located on the coast
often attributed to climate change (Zevenbergen et al. 2008). In a (World Bank 2010), with more than 20% of the world’s population
review of significant events from 1980 to 2009, Doocy et al. (2013) now living in the coastal zone (Du-Gommes et al. 1997; Brooks
attributed flooding to be the cause of 539,811 deaths, while affect- et al. 2006). The low-elevation coastal zone (LECZ) normally re-
ing a further 2.8 billion people all over the world. Although extreme fers to land that is less than 10 m above sea level (Vafeidis et al.
events can cause long-term devastation, even small floods can have 2011; IPPC 2014). Although tidal flooding and storm surges have
a significant impact on urban activities. The standard response to always been a hazard in the LECZ, vulnerability increases in a
mitigate against flooding is through flood defense systems. These changing climate because of sea-level rise (Neumann et al. 2015),
can take on many forms—coastal dike, river embankment, dam and which is now estimated to be 74 cm by the end of the 21st century
levee system—but they typically have design constraints (e.g., built (IPPC 2014). Cities in the LECZ are often also located on estuaries
to withstand a 100-year flood). There is clearly a need to balance or at the mouths of major rivers. This means the threat of flooding
probability with cost benefit, but in a changing climate, the like- in this zone can also be fluvial (or often a combination of both). An
lihood of extreme events continues to increase, meaning in recent illustration of this is the location of Manila, based on the western
years that flood protection systems have not always proved effec- shore of Manila Bay and through which the Pasig and San Juan
tive in dealing with the disastrous effects of large-scale flooding. River traverse.
This is demonstrated by many recent examples of protected cities As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, pressure to in-
worldwide that have subsequently suffered substantial losses to crease development in the LECZ is also increasing, resulting in
larger (or new) settlements facing flooding hazards (McGranahan
Doctoral Researcher, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental et al. 2016). Ultimately, rapid urbanization is producing a concen-
Sciences, Univ. of Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, tration of people and assets in areas prone to floods, particularly in
U.K. (corresponding author). E-mail:; pnd396@
built-up areas along major bodies of water (Zevenbergen et al.
Professor, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2008). Such rapid development further contributes to the problem
Univ. of Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, U.K. because of weak planning regulations in the wetlands, forests,
3 floodplains, and mangroves adjacent to the urban areas (often lo-
Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Birmingham,
Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, U.K. cated in the LECZ), which provide a natural defense to flooding
Ho Chi Minh City Univ. of Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City 70000, (UN 2013a). For example, in a study of 76 developing countries,
Vietnam. Dasgupta et al. (2012) highlights the gradual loss of coastal wetland
Dept. of Urban Planning, Ho Chi Minh City Univ. of Architecture, through human actions resulting from urban expansion. Driven by
Ho Chi Minh City 70000, Vietnam.
economic growth, urban enlargement results in a concentration of
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 8, 2016; approved
on August 14, 2017; published online on December 20, 2017. Discussion citizens and assets outside of former centers. Enlargement is not
period open until May 20, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for new and can be traced back to the nineteenth century, during which
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Urban Planning and the industrial revolution prompted the expansion of towns and
Development, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9488. cities (Hall and Jones 2011). This trend has continued to this

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day, and now more than 50% of the world’s population is urbanized learned for potential improvements in planning and managing ur-
(UN 2014). However, this growth is becoming increasingly difficult ban spaces to enhance resilience. Because of the large-scale expan-
to accommodate, and many cities have now expanded their territory sion of cities, this paper primarily uses a case study approach to
without thorough consideration of the risks to living environment. document the impacts of key flood events in Southeast Asia
Angel et al. (2005) examined the processes of global urban expan- (e.g., Manila and Bangkok). However, for contrast, the high-profile
sion and concluded that population had not actually been distrib- impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in New Orleans are also
uted according to the plans approved in almost all of the 90 cities documented. Finally, the key conclusions drawn from the case
surveyed, whereas Gentleman (2007) relied on the estimation of the studies are applied to Ho Chi Minh City, a city in Southeast Asia
United Nations (UN), who stated that only 5% of new develop- with an emerging flooding problem.
ments had been exactly implemented alongside to their existing
In this paper, the term coastal city is used to define an urban area Case Studies
where settlement has occurred on the LECZ and is vulnerable to
flooding (which may be both coastal and fluvial). According to
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the Population Division of the United Nations (UN 1993; Nicholls Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
1995), there has been a remarkable increase in the number of coastal The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in
megacities, which have the potential to be impacted by sea-level rise, August 2005 is one of the greatest natural disasters in U.S. history
from 13 in 1990 to 20 in 2010. Indeed, this feeds into a general trend resulting in significant impacts in the Gulf Coast Area (Fig. 1).
of global cities becoming more vulnerable to disasters because of Although the magnitude of the event was the primary cause of most
spatial development related to sprawling suburbanization widespread of the impacts, it was exacerbated by massive human failure during
to areas prone to environmental hazards (National Research Council the event (Cigler 2007). The scale of the storm surge striking flood
2006), creating a spatial redistribution of the population into vulner- defenses had not been well predicted, and the design of the flood
able areas (Chang et al. 2012). As such, because of the rapid develop- protection was broadly inadequate for such an event (Petterson
ment experienced over the last few decades in Southeast Asia, a large et al. 2006). Indeed, postevent the levee system actually helped re-
concentration of increasingly vulnerable coastal cities has emerged. tain the water within the city at depths of up to 3 m. Owing to the
In this region, countries are targeting the economic growth associated poor prediction of the intensity of this event, many citizens re-
with urbanization, but this now means that urban expansion has mained in the city because of their confidence in its flood protection
spread to areas that are increasingly at risk from flooding; this is system. Unfortunately, once the scale of the disaster became appar-
compromising the adaptive capacity of the broader city to cope with ent, the lack of available transportation not only prevented them
natural risks, which is essential for the long-term planning for urban from escaping, but also constrained the evacuees returning to
development (UN 2013a) but frequently overlooked by local the city after the flood (Cigler 2007). Ultimately, the high flood
government. Since 2008, the average growth rate in this region magnitude originated from insufficiently considering the limita-
has been approximately 6%, compared with the world average of tions of the region for urban spatial enlargement, with many areas
approximately 2.4% (UN 2015, 2016). Linked to this is the second of the city being developed approximately 2 m below sea level on
highest projected urbanization rate in the world from 1990 to 2020 average (Cigler 2007). This development ensured that the city was
(UN 2012, 2013b). Shortly, the rapid development has entailed completely reliant on flood defenses, the insufficient maintenance
higher flood risk to coastal cities in SE countries.
of which meant that the levee system was nearly 1 m lower at the
Resilience is an emergent approach to help cities dealing with
time of Katrina than its original construction (Petterson et al. 2006).
natural hazards including flooding. Based upon the early concept of
Wetland development was also common, reducing the area’s natu-
resilience in ecology by Holling (1973), Liao (2012) expands this
ral resilience to disaster, driven by the popularity of living at a
to the terms of “urban resilience to floods” as the capability of a city
waterside location (Cigler 2007).
that can tolerate flooding and reorganize itself in order to minimize
potential fatalities and injuries while maintaining socioeconomic
identity; this requires a shift in process from resistance to resilience Ketsana (Ondoy)
in practices with three key properties related to preserving individ-
ual safety and urban identity, i.e., “localized flood-response capac- The Ketsana (Ondoy) flood in the Philippines was primarily caused
ity, timely adjustments after every flood, and redundancy in by heavy rains accompanying a tropical storm in metro Manila,
subsystem” (Liao 2012). In relevance to urban spaces, effective where several parts were inundated in September 2009. Manila,
land-use planning and management is a key objective to reduce which is located in this region, experienced fluvial flooding from
physical exposure and vulnerability for resilience improvement the Pasig and San Juan Rivers despite the significant investment in
(Rockefeller Foundation 2014; Coaffee and Lee 2016). Mileti a flood management system consisting of a dense network of flood-
(1999) defines community resilience as the capacity to withstand ways and reservoirs (Sato and Nakasu 2011). The system had been
hazards with a minimum of potential losses and damage to produc- exceeded by actual discharge in reality (Sato and Nakasu 2011).
tivity and quality of life without outside assistance. Research to Although inadequate flood management was clearly a contributing
improve resilience to flooding is now receiving considerable atten- factor, illegal settlement on low-lying flood plains had decreased
tion, but few studies focus on the relationship between urban spatial the natural capacity of the system in relevance to human interac-
development and flood resilience, a gap that this paper seeks to tions to watercourses. Floodways in these areas were blocked with
address. rubbish from inhabitants (Sato and Nakasu 2011). The city had sig-
nificantly expanded its urban area over recent decades, but develop-
ment had been generally inappropriately planned, and urban river
Methodology channels were mostly inadequate (Muto et al. 2010). Despite the
magnitude of this flood, the degree of the impacts was reduced,
The aim of this paper is to investigate significant flooding events in primarily owing to an established shelter network and the collective
coastal cities around the world to determine what lessons can be experience of citizens and the government during previous events.

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Thai Flood resilience to flooding. As such, sufficient management of urbani-
zation processes is crucial to ensure ongoing resilience. The case
Although water levels in Bangkok, Thailand, were lower than other
studies used in this paper highlight that inappropriate (and some-
historic events in 1942, 1983, and 1995 (World Bank 2012), the
times illegal) urban expansion onto wetlands and floodplains is
length of the 2011 flood made it a hugely significant. Starting
in June 2011 and lasting for 5 months, the flooding was a conse- frequently common practice, reducing natural resilience and expos-
quence of a series of prolonged heavy monsoon rain and storms, ing more citizens to flood risk.
which produced consistently high precipitation leading to the Although the enlargement of cities is inevitable, the consider-
downstream from the North to the lower plains of the Chao Phraya ation of natural hazards such as flooding, especially in a changing
River Basin, where it frequently met with high tides. The peak im- climate, cannot be ignored; the need for integrated resilience has
pact was realized in Bangkok in November 2011, when nearly the emerged. Cities need effective planning for urban spaces and
whole city was immersed. The flooding scale was exacerbated by new developments should attempt to avoid the quick and easy wins
inadequate weather forecasts, which affected storage and discharge associated with building on vulnerable areas such as lowland ad-
options; meanwhile the intensity of rainfall meant the 10 major jacent to rivers and coasts (even if these areas command the highest
flooding protection schemes were breeched, leading to widespread real estate values through their desirability). As an alternative, com-
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inundation over the city from the Thailand Gulf (World Bank pact development on advanced lands (e.g., high elevation) could be
2012). Although the evacuation of inhabitants helped reduce the targeted so as to leave more open space between higher elevations
impact, the long duration of the event caused a chaotic situation and floodplains, in which transportation can act as an interlink.
across a large part of the country. Available evidence supports the benefits of spatial compactness
to improve transportation efficiency and to reduce emissions in
cities (McLaren 1992; Bozeat et al. 1992; Rickaby et al. 1992;
Discussion Matsumoto 2012). Indeed, through recent testing of the compact
city index in 41 Japanese cities, Lee et al. (2015) believed that
The three case studies chosen in this paper are clearly all very dif- the transportation network can contribute to improvement of urban
ferent, yet there are also many similarities and opportunities to look compactness for sustainable development. However, the costs of
forward and learn from these events (Table 1). Although the cause compact development can be high, whereas the development of sur-
of flooding is ultimately natural, the geographical location of each rounding areas, such as wetlands, are normally low-cost and offer
city in the LECZ (and associated inadequate planning decisions) affordable housing for migrants on low incomes. In addition, land
along with human failures significantly increased the impact of directly adjacent to bodies of water is attractive to those with higher
the events. The common problems of urban planning and manage- incomes and offer significant profit potential for developers. These
ment related to resilience are two factors result in a high-demand for such locations, the develop-
• Flood protection based on engineering structures is not a sus- ment of which needs to be strictly managed by local government.
tainable solution to all floods, and many established flooding The higher costs associated with compact development can to some
defenses are obsolescent for extreme events in light of unpre- extent be offset by the need to invest less in flood protection sys-
dicted changes of natural conditions such as water level, preci- tems. The savings of which are further realized in the event of a
pitation, and land subsidence; severe flood that breaches defenses (i.e., the significant costs
• Uncontrolled settlement along water bodies has resulted in more and losses experienced in New Orleans and Manila). For physical
residences being vulnerable to floods and compromised natural infrastructure, the lack of efficient transportation for resilience has
flooding protection systems; also been emphasized. The importance of emergency routes in case
• Resilient infrastructure, with the crucial role of transportation, is of extreme floods is clear, and the number of fatalities in New
often lacking but is essential to ensure continuity of urban func- Orleans would have been significantly reduced if key elevated
tions or ultimately aid evacuation (e.g., transport and shelter or hardened roads were available. Such roads would be linked
networks); and to other elements of critical infrastructure in the city (i.e., medical
• The importance of precise information (e.g., weather forecasts) facilities), and elevated land in the city should be reserved for such
to ensure both citizens and the government can make timely purposes.
decisions is often not available. Further, the importance of the scientific community in develop-
ing accurate forecasts and how this information is conveyed to
communities can very much underpin their resilient capability.
Resilience to Floods: Integration into Spatial Planning The case studies chosen demonstrate the importance of effective
and Management communication between community and government when dealing
Coastal cities are increasingly reliant on the effectiveness of flood with disaster. In vulnerable locations, an early warning system
protection systems. Although these are designed to cope with ex- accompanied by clear action plans for certain scenarios are essen-
treme events (e.g., the 100-year flood), it is becoming clear that in a tial. This provides the tools to enable individual adaptation based
changing climate this may not be adequate, and traditional princi- on the notion that community resilience can be consolidated by an
ples may no longer be appropriate (Rogers et al. 2011). Estimates ability of learning experiences and solving problems (Berkes
of current flood protection are normally based on knowledge ac- 2007). Fundamentally, early preparation is always more effective
cumulated from the historic weather record, but climatic features (Godschalk et al. 2009), but this requires a change toward trans-
are now more volatile (Zevenbergen et al. 2008). It appears that parency of information about flooding risks to reduce overconfi-
the limited effectiveness of flood defenses to the volatility of a dence in hard engineered solutions. Overall, people need sufficient
changing climate is becoming a serious threat. Furthermore, the information to make an informed choice with respect to risk,
presence of such a protection system can lead to complacency adaptation, and resilient capacity in their living environment.
and actually encourage further developments by attracting popula- In summary, planning and governance is at the center of this
tion and assets on vulnerable areas (Hallegatte et al. 2013). It is discussion. Coastal cities need to be consolidated, and resilient
clearly impractical to continue to build ever-higher flood defenses, spaces should be created for development rather than unique invest-
and there is a need to look at alternative means to improve urban ments using conventional flood protection systems. This creates

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Table 1. Comparison of Flooding Impacts Related to Resilience

Factors New Orleans (Gulf Coast)a Manila (metropolitan Manila)b Bangkok (metropolitan Bangkok)c

Duration August 29, 2005 (Katrina) to September 24, September 25–26, 2009 June–November 2011
2005 (Rita)
Heavy rains and storm surge Typhoon followed by heavy rains Tropical storms accompanied with high rainfall
Main features Main water body: Mississippi River Main water bodies: Pasig River Main water body: Chao Phraya River
Average elevation 1.8–2.1 m below sea level Average elevation (Manila): 1–3 m above the sea level Average elevation: 1–2 m above the sea level
Impact: scale, Upstream water more than 3-m depth More than 1.6-m depth of water Approximately 1.5 m depth of water
damages, and losses 80% of New Orleans area affected, 233,100 km2 of Gulf Main part of metropolitan Manila (16 cities), equivalent Nearly the whole city
Coast area (23 coastal counties) to 4,678 km2
85% population affected (approximately 1 million); 872,097 people affected; 19 fatalities in Manila 5.31 million people affected (Bangkok); 680 deaths
1,577 deaths (in Louisiana)
850,791 housing units damaged and destroyed 65,521 buildings influenced (of which 12,563 were 1.9 million houses affected, 19,000 destroyed
$108 billion of damages $43.3 billion of losses and damages $46.5 billion of losses and damages
Measurement of urban 85% of population displaced, but the remaindering stay in 450,000 people displaced, 380,000 other people allocated 2,400 national shelters and 175 places were set up for
resilience to floods the city until the late realization of water level rising up to in makeshift shelters but immersed roads led to many evacuees, and emergency clinics were located nearby to
3m people confined in buildings provide relief kits (drinks, food packs, and medical kits)
Immersed transportation prevents evacuation 80% of the capital area was flooded; 65,521 buildings Nearly the whole metropolitan area inundated by water
were damaged or destroyed because of the weak for 3 weeks leading to urban disruptions
adaptation capacity
Unconnected communication between local and national Clean water, electricity, and other services were not Financial support was delivered but was considered
government resulted in delayed rescue and support available during the floods insufficient for marginal groups
Lessons learned Poorly maintained flood defenses were not only There was a mismatch between the estimate and practical Imprecise weather forecasts led to inadequate flood
overwhelmed by storm surge, but also became a barrier to implementation of discharge capacity of rivers; resulting management. Flood protection systems were breached

the process of water discharged from the city in inadequate water management because of the volume of downstream water
Ineffective cooperation and preparedness in dealing with The flooding control system are mainly based on the Land subsidence is a considerable phenomenon, reducing
natural disasters (communication, and less- water bodies which have been unexpectedly interacted by the height of the city and increasing vulnerability to
connectedness between different organizations) built-environment, whereas an integrated plan of coastal flooding
generated an insufficient rescue construction between the short-term and long-term would

J. Urban Plann. Dev., 2018, 144(1): 05017018

avoid an unexpected interaction to the floodways system
Inappropriate spatial planning and perceived economic Urban settlement over low-lying plains, particular in river Immersed transportation made evacuation difficult
gains have led to increased development settlement on zones and lakeshores, has increased the number of
low-lying land and increasing flood risk. Because of citizens vulnerable to flooding
economic impulse (increase in population, expansion of
industry, reduction in wetlands) flooding risk has
gradually increased
Handwerk (2005), Campanella (2006), Petterson et al. (2006), and Cigler (2007).
Sato and Nakasu (2011).
World Bank (2012).

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Fig. 1. Location and flood impacts in the three case studies: (a) Hurricane Katrina tidal surge in gulf coast including Orleans City (adapted from
Petterson et al. 2006, map data © 2017 Google, INEGI); (b) Ondoy flood effects in Metro Manila including Manila city (adapted from Disaster
Warning Centre, Rangsit University, map data © 2017 Google); (c) Thai flood effects in Bangkok Metropolitan including Bangkok City (adapted
from World Bank 2010, map data © 2017 Google)

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Fig. 1. (Continued.)

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Fig. 1. (Continued.)

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J. Urban Plann. Dev.
more pressure on authorities by ensuring this process is under con- strategies through more effective architectural designs, such as
trol according to an approved master plan containing detailed lower height, maximized spaces, and being located on high land
strategies for flood risk management in reference to land use. and at sufficient distance from water bodies. Alongside to this,
Ultimately, the government system has to control urban changes the residents can get benefits from more affordable prices because
across different sectors such as water resources, land use and con- of the improved economics of building upward/smaller units rather
struction, housing and human settlement, transportation and mobil- than larger properties in the new development zones. Counterintui-
ity, economy and trading, and policy and governance perspectives. tively, many of the latter actually fetch a premium price because of
These are in line with recent thinking from the UN (2013a) stating their aesthetically pleasing proximity to water despite the increased
that “A new wave of urbanization is unfolding in hazard-exposed hazard. It is accepted that a reverse on policy from new develop-
countries and with it, new opportunities for resilient investment ment zones to compact living is difficult. However, given the scale
emerge.” of growth in HCMC, there is certainly a case to revisit older areas of
the city. Even if development continues on the floodplains
unabated, the provision of additional space in the city center is
Implications for Emerging Cities in Southeast Asia: a sensible route to follow with such spaces providing additional
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Case Study of HCMC city-scale resilience in years to come should the current trend of
The aforementioned lessons learned from the flooding incidents flooding continue. For continued development on the floodplains,
should become the opportunities for coastal cities, especially for stricter planning should be enforced in ensuring wide spaces are
Southeast Asian emerging cities, which are defined as on-going incorporated into the design to maintain some degree of the original
rapidly developing urban agglomerations in emerging economies flood absorption function of the land. Frequently, open space is
in Southeast Asia (UN 2016, Table 1; Pena et al. 2014). They can overlooked and incorporated as an afterthought. Ultimately, it will
enhance resilience owing to the significant growth driving an in- be nature itself that forces a total change in policy because it is not
tegration of resilient objectives into urban planning. Low-income economically feasible to engineer flooding resistance into every
countries are considered more vulnerable to natural disasters than development in vulnerable locations.
developed countries because a larger proportion of their resources Such development pressures are not limited to HCMC; they are
are threatened (World Bank 2010). Especially in Southeast Asia, evident across the region (Hallegatte et al. 2013; World Wildlife
World Bank (2010) highlights three hot spots having a predicted Fund 2009), with many coastal cities facing an increasing threat
increase in population but with assets at considerable risk to flood- from floods unless resilience becomes better integrated into devel-
ing: Manila, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City. These cities alone opment master plans that clarify which areas can be made resistant
are expected to expand into increasing flood-prone areas from 30 to or resilient to flooding. Flood risk assessments need to be shared
70% with the cost of damages ranging from 2 to 6% of regional with communities so that it is not only used for management by
gross domestic product (World Bank 2010). authorities but adds transparency for residents who should ac-
In this context, HCMC has also seen increasing vulnerability to knowledge what risk level they can accept for a living environment
floods in recent years resulting from the effects of rapid urbaniza- in adaptation. This therefore can improve community resilience
tion and a changing climate. For 40 years, its population and and, on the other hand, reduce pressure of protection by hard-
territory have increased fourfold (General Statistic Office of structures resistant to floods.
Vietnam 2015) with new suburbs rapidly appearing on the former
wetlands to the south and southeast of the city, for example, the
developments of PhuMyHung (750 ha, in District 7) and ThuThiem Conclusion
(657 ha, in District 2). A changing climate has seen maximum
water levels increase by approximately 1 cm per year [Southern As demonstrated by the compared case studies, coastal cities
Regional Hydro-Meteorological Center (SRHC) 1981–2015]; worldwide are becoming increasingly vulnerable to flooding. This
some extreme rainfalls were recorded in 2016, e.g., the 40-years paper emphasizes that inappropriate spatial planning for urban de-
return precipitation of 204 mm during 2 h in September 26, 2016 velopment can be a primary cause of the increased vulnerability
(SRHC 2016). As a consequence, the city now has more than 50% because of the results of the rapid growth of new residences in flood
of urban land affected by regular floods (ADB 2010) despite only prone areas while decreasing urban resilience to extreme weather.
rarely experiencing floods prior to the 1960s (Hong 2010). Criti- Built-up areas encroaching water bodies for esthetic purposes has
cally, HCMC has realized the nature and potential problems and commonly portrayed local governments investing intensive flood
can potentially learn lessons from the three case studies considered defenses that are considered expensive but unsustainable solutions
in this paper, but the local government is still following strategies to increasingly volatile climate in recent years. This trend is highly
focused on resistance, in particular, investment in flood defenses. visible in Southeast Asian countries, which have been experiencing
There has been an ongoing debate on the effectiveness of such rapid growth and facing the challenges similar to the lessons men-
hard-engineering projects, which have now cost approximately tioned, as the conventional strategies of flood defenses ultimately
US$1.2 billion, as well as doubts on the feasibility of new pro- undermine urban resilience. Such hard-protection system reduces
posals for continued construction, which is estimated at a further community resilience, in which cities are actually adaptive to
US$4.4 billion (Nguyen 2015). Instead of such investments, adversities.
HCMC has much to learn from Manila and Bangkok because Improvements in flood resilience are feasible in practice but rely
the challenges actually originate from the uncertainty of a changing on dramatic changes to planning policy. First, it is essential to con-
climate, with rising sea levels and higher rainfall intensity becom- strain developments on floodplains, which should be left as open
ing the norm and overwhelming existing flood defenses. As the city spaces. To accommodate further growth, compact spaces should be
expands into former marshlands to the south and east of the city, the comprehensively encouraged from building scale upward, particu-
arguments for increased compact development in the higher alti- larly in former central zones or new advanced areas (e.g., elevated,
tude old town along with hardened transport routes again appear well-drained land). Second, resilient infrastructure involving the
a sensible alternative option. Higher rise development (e.g., apart- vital role of transportation constitutes an essential component of
ment projects in District 2) can ensure spatial compactness resilience to floods, providing service and evacuation routes in

© ASCE 05017018-8 J. Urban Plann. Dev.

J. Urban Plann. Dev., 2018, 144(1): 05017018

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