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Page 2 of 12 is 1. The function g(x) is shown in the graph below. The value of g(0)i pomP> A vet2-W2 . as 3. If f(x) =~ and x + 0, then f (x) is equal to F 10)" eae fi A. 0 B. 1 i Cc 7 D 4. Ifx isan integer and x ¢ (~2,2], then the possible values of x are A. (3-2,-10,1,2} B. -2,-1,0,1,2} Cc. £2,-1,0,1} D. 1,0,1,2} FITO0S-O721110 DEWTLIVED WILTe LUISE Page 3 of 12 BY 6 For any two functions ify =u) and 1 = f(x), then 2 is equal to a AS N Bet ° du dx ay du Cc. at dy de Oa du 4 AY oO It f@)= (2) then the first derivative of f(x) is equal to Ace x 7 Bot x 1 as 2x | | po + | 4x | 5 || 8. Graph of a function f(x) is given below. The value of f(x) where. f'(x)=0is | | A 0 B. Land4 Cc. -3and2 D. 0,2.3 and 5.2 | Lue sejere-t then /’())is equal to AL -1 BO Qo4 D 2 OVER TH PLEASE TURN cl IE PAGE. | Mroosorarrr L \' DEWTUILEW WILTl LUISE 4. one second derivative of f(x) A. cosx B. sinx C. ~cosx is negative, does not exist. 1 7 and —are partial fractions of x J@x-1)aeis equal to x+€ x4C 2 2 z x14 24C po p> Page 4 of 12 =cosx is function; Vx € (a,6),then for the interval (a, 6), f(x) “HAI00S-0721110 DUWTUILEW WILTl LUISE 17. 18, Page 5 of 12 The instantaneous velocity of a car at time t ist? —1. The displacement covered by the car during time fis AL 24 lp . +E es 1p +P-t40 chat D. 2 4+C i ‘f(x)de is equal to A 0 BOL c.f) dD. s'@) Py ay ‘The order of differential SUC tr tell =0is A. 0 B. 1 c. 3 D 4 If is the mid point of line segment AB, then B divides AP externally, in the ratio a 12 feaie B. 2:1 co Dot “The equation of the line passes through the point P(x,,4) and the origin is un SE-TURN OVER THE PAGE DEWUTLILEW WILTL Lume Page 6 of 12 20! The equation of x-axis is A x30 B. y=0 C. x=c D. yse 21. Slope of the straight line / in the following graph is A -V3 yomis 1 20° B 1 v ct B eis DO 22. Iftwo lines ax—2y+5=0 and x= 6 are perpendicular to each other, then @ is equal to A 2 B. -1 cama dD @ 23. A tangent is drawn at point (2,3) to the circle x? + y’ 3.. The slope of normal at point A is a -3 2 2 Bo-5 23) a a 2 3 3 3 D3 ieee) a) TIT00: DLUWTUILEW WILTt LUMSCL \N | Page 7 of 12 | | a4, Ifacirclex? + y? + 2gx +2 fy + ¢ = 0 is touching x-axis, then its radius (7) is | y-axis | a lA xy e2get2pte=0 | a. NP-e | | oc Ne v. | Fre axis 25, Inthe following figure, OA and OB are the radii ofthe circle. Ifthe circle is touching y-axis at point B, then the coordinates of B are oepsis A. (05-2) + B. (0,2) Cc. 03) “oP D. (0,4) aa ed 26. A tangent is drawn at point (54) on the parabola y = x*. The slope of the tangent is A 0 a i 4 « Do 21. Aline segment, whose end points le on the two distinct points ofa parabola which also passes through the focus of the parabola, is known as A. focal chord. B. focal radius. C.latus rectum. D. principle axis. 28. The equation of the minor axis of an ellipse A, y-1=0 B. y+1=0 C. x-3=0 D. x+3=0 Ti PLEASE TURN OVER THE PAGE OFZ ~ DEUTLILEW WILTL vumSc 29, 30. 31. 32. Page 8 of 12 A straight line x = a is a tangent to the hyperbola x? -y? =1if A. a=dl B -Li D. a=0 In the following figure, point isthe focus of the ellipse. The length of EF is 2 a BE @ 2 Bees a 2 ce 2 6 po = 8 2 ‘The vertices of hyperbola F-2 yy? =I are A. @V2,0) B. V2) L Cc Ore L D. eo The equation of a parabola whose vertex and focus are (3:2) and (5,2) respectively is AL (9-2)? =8G-3) B. (y-2)? =-8(x-3) C. (y-2)? =106e-3) 2a 20. DEWTUILEW WiLTy LUMSC 3B. 34. 35. Page 9 of 12 To transform an equation referred to (/h,) as origin, axes remaining parallel to the old axes, ‘equations of transformation are +h fa +k 3 TX “ ys¥-k -x c. -Y p xektk yaYth Ifcoordinate axes are rotated about the origin by 45°, then the equation of transformation for x-axis is A ee B. ae) c ae y) D. en) ‘After transforming the equation x? + y? =16 referred to O'(-1,1) as origin, axes remain parallel to the old axes, the transformed equation is AL (x4iP +(¥-1) =16 a (xi =16 c. (x4 +(r4l) =16 Db. (x-1)? +(r+1) =16 END OF PAPER OTTO DEWILILEW WiLTy LUMSCL

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