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An experimental research manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of

Senior High School, Samuel Christian College in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Applied Track Subject 7: Research Project, Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics. March 2018. Research Adviser: Mr. Mark Anthony Boac Cura and
Technical Critic: Mr. Chriz John Rejie A. Sansait.


Freshwater ecosystems can be divided into two categories: those in which the

water is running downhill, such as streams and rivers and those in which the water is

relatively stationary, such as lakes, ponds, and reservoirs (Angagao, Quiao, Roa, &

Prado, 2017). Rivers and streams drain water that falls in upland areas. Moving water

dilutes and decomposes pollutants more rapidly than standing water, but many rivers and

streams are significantly polluted all around the world (River Water Quality, n.d.). Many

human activities make use of freshwater bodies as their source of water. They serve as

sources of drinking water, water for agricultural use, domestic use (including cooking,
washing etc.), transportation, electricity generation, recreation and sometimes, the

disposal of waste materials (Angagao et al., 2017).

Rio Grande River is a stream and is located in Province of Cavite, Calabarzon,

Philippines. The estimate terrain elevation above sea level is 23 metres (Rio Grande

River, n.d.)

In 2011, DENR evaluated and classified water bodies within CALABARZON.

The Rio Grande River was classified as Class C waters along with Cañas River, Imus

River, Labac-Balsahan River, Maragondon River, Balite River, Timalan River, and

Malaking Ilog. In accordance to DENR’s Water Body Classificaion and Usage of

Freshwater, Class C water is designed for (1) Fishery water (propagation and growth of

fish and other aquatic resources), (2) Recreation Water Class II (for boating, fishing or

similar activities), and (3) for agriculture, irrigation, and livestock watering.

Two similar studies have been reviewed. One is about evaluation of the water

quality of the South-Eastern Part of Lake Lanao, Philippines, where a total of eight (8)

water quality parameters were assessed. The other is about the assessment of the water

quality of Buhisan River, Cebu, Philippines. For Lanao Lake, its lake water can still be

classified as Class A (under Public Water Supply Class II) in the time of the conduct of

the research in the year 2015. For Buhisan River, results showed that mean midstream

and downstream dissolved solids (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels

did not comply with the standard for Class D surface waters set by DENR. All measured

parameters except for temperature vary significantly across location. The levels of BOD

and DO in the midstream and downstream sites exceeded the DENR limit which is
suggestive of organic pollutants from domestic sources and urban runoffs from

surrounding areas.

In order for the residents to gain awareness on the present condition of the river,

there is a need to perform water quality analysis in the Rio Grande River. Consequently,

this can also provide knowledge to the residents as to how human activities, industrial

activities, and agricultural activities may affect the water quality of the river. Primary

physicochemical parameters will be assessed to contribute in providing information or

data to the residents for the potential use of the river. The results of this study could also

be used as basis in terms of management options of the river. The study seeks to know

the present state of Rio Grande River using primary physicochemical parameters such as

biological oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, color, dissolved oxygen (DO), fecal

coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate, temperature, and total suspended solids (TSS).

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aims to assess the water quality of Rio Grande River in

General Trias, Cavite using physicochemical approach.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. perform water quality testing in the three stations along Rio Grande

River using physicochemical parameters:

a. biological oxygen demand (BOD);

b. chloride;

c. color;

d. dissolved oxygen (DO);

e. fecal coliform;
f. nitrate;

g. pH;

h. phosphate;

i. temperature; and

j. total suspended solids (TSS);

2. classify the physicochemical results of the three sampling sites

identified in the river;

3. compare the results with the standard set by the Department of

Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR).

Significance of the Study

This study, the water quality assessment of Rio Grande River in General Trias,

Cavite will benefit the following:

Households. It will be beneficial for the households near the Rio Grande River for

them to be informed of the proper and suitable usage of the river as its classification is

dependent on what the results might be.

Community. This study can help the authorities gather information of the water

quality of the Rio Grande River in the year 2018.

Future researchers. This study can be used by future researchers as a reference of

the Rio Grande River’s water quality in the year 2018. Moreover, they may be in benefit

of using this study as a basis for their own research.

Time and Place of the Study

The researchers conducted the study and gathered the river water samples in the

following stations namely: Station 1 - Bacao I, Station 2 - Pinagtipunan, and Station 3 -

Manggahan on January 2019.

Table 1 presents the description and profile of each sampling stations.

Description/Profile of the Sampling Stations

Stations Actual photos of the River Water Stations
Station 1. Bacao 1.
Station 1 is located at
Purok 2 of the Barangay. It
is near the residential
areas. One side of the river
bank has a built concrete
wall (riprap). The station
is characterized by the
presence of vegetation and
few garbage around the
Station 2. Pinagtipunan –
Station 2 is located at the
Hospital road of the
barangay near the
residential areas. There is
presence of garbage and
huge amount of vegetation
on certain areas of the
river. The water coming
from the river has a dark
brown color and foul odor.
Station 3. Manggahan.
Station 3 is located at
Barangay De Fuego near
the bridge along the
Governor’s Drive. It has
newly constructed
divisions along the
highway. The water from
the river is flowing with
presence of living aquatic
animals, trees and
flowering plants
surrounding the river.

Table 1. Description of Rio Grande River Sampling Stations

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will only focus on assessing the water quality of Rio Grande River in

General Trias, Cavite for primary physicochemical parameters such as BOD, chloride,

color, DO, fecal coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate, temperature, and TSS with the use of

kits and laboratory testing. This study will not cover the effects of the gathered

information about the contents of the river to the people and aquatic organisms.

Definition of Terms

Physicochemical parameter is an analytical data of combined physical and

chemical parameters.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of the quantity of oxygen used

by microorganisms in the oxidation of organic matter.

Chlorides are salts resulting from the combination of the gas chlorine with a


Color is a parameter that depends on the facade of water whether it’ll be pleasant

to drink or not.

Dissolved Solids (DO) refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions

dissolved in water. Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise inorganic salts.

Fecal Coliform bacteria are generally used as indicators of potential water

contamination, as these bacteria are found in human and animal feces.

Nitrates (NO3) are an essential source of nitrogen for plants. When nitrogen

fertilizers are used to enrich soils, nitrates may be carried by rain, irrigation and other

surface waters through the soil into ground water.

pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is.

Phospate is a chemical parameter to be tested as it is one the factors affecting the

life forms which if it grew out of control, it can produce harmful toxins as well as destroy

other life forms. Their presence in water is due to detergents, used boiler waters,

fertilizers and biological processes.

Temperature impacts both the chemical and biological characteristics of surface

water. It affects the dissolved oxygen level in the water, photosynthesis of aquatic plants,

metabolic rates of aquatic organisms, and the sensitivity of these organisms to pollution,

parasites and disease.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) are solids in water that can be trapped by a filter.

TSS can include a wide variety of material, such as silt, decaying plant and animal

matter, industrial wastes, and sewage.

Conceptual Framework

The independent variables of this study were the physicochemical parameters,

sampling site (stations), and the amount of samples needed. Meanwhile, the dependent

variable is the result of the experimentation.


Parameters Sampling Sites Sample Amount

BOD Station 1: Bacao II 6 liters of water per
Chloride Station 2: Pinagtipunan sampling site
Color Station 3: Manggahan
Fecal Coliform
Total Suspended Solids

Gather water samples from the three

sampling sites and compare the

physicochemical results
Compare the results withofthe
each. set

by the Department of Environmental and

Natural Resources (DENR).


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


Water Quality Assessment

According to a study by Patil, P.N., Sawant, D.V., and Deshmukh, R.N., (2012),

water is one of the most important and abundant compounds of the ecosystem. Water is

needed for the survival and growth of all living organisms. Earth is the only planet that

has about 70% of water. However, it is highly polluted with different harmful

contaminants due to increased human population, industrialization, use of fertilizers in

the agriculture and man-made activity. Industrial development, whether new or existing

industry expansion, results in the generation of industrial effluents, and if untreated

results in water, sediment and soil pollution (Fakayode and Onianwa 2002, Fakayode


Moreover, there are interrelated factors to consider in checking the quality of

natural water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs and below the ground surface. In its

movement on and through the surface of the earth, water has the ability to react with the

minerals that occur in the soil and rocks and to dissolve a wide range of materials, so that

its natural state is never pure. Water always contains a variety of soluble inorganic,

soluble organic and organic compounds. In addition to these, it can carry large amounts

of insoluble materials that are held in suspension. Both the amounts and type of

impurities found in natural water vary from place to place and by time of year and

depends on a number of factors such as geology, climate, topography, biological

processes and land use. The determination of the characteristics of a water body depends

greatly on impurities (River Water Quality, n.d.).

Physicochemical Parameters

According to Patil, P.N. et al, before water is used for drinking, domestic,

agricultural or industrial purpose, it is very essential and important to test the water first.

Different physicochemical parameters must be used to test water. Selection of parameters

for testing of water solely depends upon for what purpose we going to use that water and

what extent we need its quality and purity. Water does contain different types of floating,

dissolved, suspended and microbiological as well as bacteriological impurities. Some

physical test should be performed for testing of its physical appearance. This includes

temperature, color, odour, pH, turbidity, TDS, and etc. Meanwhile, chemical tests should

be performed for its BOD, COD, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness and other
characters. Water should be tested for its trace metal, heavy metal contents and organic

i.e. pesticide residue in order to obtain more and more quality and purity water. Due to

very low concentration of heavy metal and organic pesticide impurities present in water it

need highly sophisticated analytical instruments and well trained manpower. Following

different physicochemical parameters are tested regularly for monitoring quality of water.

According to the study of Kristine Martinez in the Philippines, the

Physicochemical (PC) Indicator is composed of ten Primary Water Quality Parameters

indicated in Table 3 of the DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 2016-08, Water Quality

Guidelines (WGS) and General Effluent Standards (GES) of 2016. The primary

parameters include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, color, dissolved

oxygen (DO) fecal coliform, nitrate as NO3-N, pH, phosphate, temperature and total

suspended solids (TSS).

Biological Oxygen Demand

BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen required in mg/L for stabilizing the

biodegradable organic matter by microorganism of the sample under aerobic conditions

and the oxidation of certain inorganic material such as iron and sulphites. The test for

BOD is typically conducted over a five-day period, and determined by standard method

(Nigam, Behl, & Kanchan, 2017).


Chloride may be present naturally in groundwater as well as originate from

diverse sources such as weathering, leaching of sedimentary rocks and infiltration of sea

water, etc. It is measured by titrating a known volume of sample with standardized silver
nitrate solution using potassium chromate solution as an indicator. (Nigam, Behl, &

Kanchan, 2017).


In natural water, colour is due to the presence of humic acids, fulvic acids,

metallic ions, suspended matter, plankton, weeds and industrial effluents. Colour is

removed to make water suitable for general and industrial applications and is determined

by visual comparison of the sample with distilled water (Limnology, 2001).

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is an important factor that determines the quality of water in

lakes and rivers. The higher concentration of dissolved oxygen, provide better water

quality. DO is determined by titration using modified Winklers method as given by

Adoni Titration is done by standardized sodium thio-sulphate solution. This

procedure needs special BOD bottles which seal the inside environment from

atmospheric oxygen (Nigam, Behl, & Kanchan, 2017).

Fecal Coliform

Fecal coliform bacteria are generally used as indicators of potential water

contamination, as these bacteria are found in human and animal feces. It indicates the

possible presence of other pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that line in animal

and human digestive systems. The presence of these organisms can make swimming or

eating shellfish harvested from contaminated waters a health risk. Water is general tested

for just fecal coliform because it is costly, difficult, and time-consuming to test for each
pathogen organism. The test for fecal coliform is a quick and effective method of

detecting potential threats to human health (Fecal Coliform Bacteria, n.d.).

Moreover, if fecal coliform counts are high (over 200 colonies/100 mL of a water

sample) in a river or lake, there is a greater chance that pathogenic organisms are also

present. If you are swimming in waters with high levels of fecal coliform, you have a

greater chance of developing a fever, nausea or stomach cramps from swallowing

disease-causing organisms, or from pathogens entering the body through cuts in the skin,

the nose, mouth, or ears. Some examples of diseases and illnesses that can be contracted

in water with high fecal coliform counts include typhoid fever, hepatitis, gastroenteritis,

dysentery and ear infections.  


Nitrates are the most oxidized forms of nitrogen and the end product of the

aerobic decomposition of organic nitrogenous matter. Chemical fertilizers from cultivated

lands, drainage from livestock feeds, as well as domestic and industrial sources are the

significant sources of nitrates. Natural waters in their unpolluted state contain only

minute quantities of nitrates. The stimulation of plant growth by nitrates may result in

eutrophication, especially due to algae. The subsequent death and decay of plants

produces secondary pollution. Nitrates are most important for biological oxidation of

nitrogenous organic matter. Certain nitrogen fixing bacteria and algae have the capacity

to fix molecular nitrogen in nitrates. Domestic sewage is the main source of polluting

nitrates. Nitrates may find their way into ground water through leaching from soil and at

times by contamination (Limnology, 2001).


pH is an important parameter in assessing the water quality. It is a term used to

express the intensity of acidic or alkaline conditions. It is also the expression of hydrogen

ion concentration, more precisely, the hydrogen ion activity. Acidic conditions will

prevail as pH value decreases and alkaline conditions will prevail as the pH value

increases. It is determined with the help of pH meter (Nigam, Behl, & Kanchan, 2017).

The determination of pH is very important because of its effect on the chemical

and biological properties of liquids. It is considered as one of the most important

parameter in water chemistry and is defined as -log [H +], and measured as intensity of

acidity or alkalinity on a scale ranging from 0-14. If free H+ are more it is expressed

acidic (i.e. pH<7), while more OH- ions is expressed as alkaline (i.e. pH> 7) (Limnology,


Moreover, in natural waters pH is governed by the equilibrium between carbon

dioxide/bicarbonate/carbonate ions and ranges between 4.5 and 8.5 although mostly

basic. It tends to increase during day largely due to the photosynthetic activity

(consumption of carbon-di-oxide) and decreases during night due to respiratory activity.

Based on the nature of the pollutant, waste water and polluted natural waters have pH

values lower or higher than 7.


Phosphates occur in natural or wastewaters as orthophosphates, condensed

phosphates and naturally found phosphates. Their presence in water is due to detergents,

used boiler waters, fertilizers and biological processes. They occur in solution in particles

or/as detritus. Phosphates are essential for the growth of organisms and a nutrient that
limits the primary productivity of the water body. Inorganic phosphorus plays a dynamic

role in aquatic ecosystems; when present in low concentration is one of the most

important nutrients, but in excess along with nitrates and potassium, causes algal blooms

(Limnology, 2001).


Temperature effects the seasonal and diurnal variation because it is responsible in

the management of the rate of all biochemical and biological reactions including growth,

multiplication, decay, mineralization, production etc. Temperature is recorded with the

help of maximum minimum thermometer (Nigam, Behl, & Kanchan, 2017).

Impinging solar radiation and atmospheric temperature brings about spatial and

temporal changes in temperature, setting up convection currents and thermal

stratification. Temperature plays a very important role in wetland dynamism affecting the

various parameters such as alkalinity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity

etc. These parameters affect the chemical and biological reactions in an aquatic system,

such as solubility of oxygen, carbon-di-oxide-carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium,

increase in metabolic rate and physiological reactions of organisms, etc. Water

temperature is important in relation to fish life (Limnology, 2001).

Total Suspended Solids

According to Shiela Murphy (2017), TSS are solids in water that can be trapped

by a filter such as silt, decaying plant and animal matter, industrial wastes, and sewage.

Many problems for stream health and aquatic life may rise from high concentrations of

suspended solids. High TSS can block light from reaching submerged vegetation.
Photosynthesis slows down as the amount of light passing through the water is reduced.

Reduced rates of photosynthesis causes less dissolved oxygen to be released into the

water by plants. Plants will stop producing oxygen and die if light is completely blocked

from bottom dwelling plants. As the plants are decomposed, bacteria will use up even

more oxygen from the water. This may then lead to fish kills. An increase in surface

water temperature may also occur because the suspended particles absorb heat from

sunlight. This can cause dissolved oxygen levels to fall even further (because warmer

waters can hold less DO), and can harm aquatic life in many other ways.

Moreover, the decrease in water clarity caused by TSS can affect the ability of

fish to see and catch food. Suspended sediment can also clog fish gills, reduce growth

rates, decrease resistance to disease, and prevent egg and larval development. When

suspended solids settle to the bottom of a water body, they can smother the eggs of fish

and aquatic insects, as well as suffocate newly hatched insect larvae. Spaces between

rocks which could have been used by aquatic organisms for homes can be filled by

settling sediments.

Furthermore, high TSS in a water body can often mean higher concentrations of

bacteria, nutrients, pesticides, and metals in the water. These pollutants may attach to

sediment particles on the land and be carried into water bodies with storm water. The

pollutants in the water may be released from the sediment or travel farther downstream

(Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group, 1998). High TSS can cause

problems for industrial use, because the solids may clog or scour pipes and machinery.


In order to test the primary physicochemical parameters which are biological

oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, color, dissolved oxygen (DO), fecal coliform, nitrate,

pH, phosphate, temperature, and total suspended solids (TSS), laboratory testing in

Cavite Water & Wastewater Testing Laboratory (CWWTL) located in Trece Martirez,

Cavite will be used.


In this study, the researchers will utilize laboratory testing in CWWTL to

determine the physicochemical parameters which are biological oxygen demand (BOD),

chloride, color, dissolved oxygen (DO), fecal coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate,

temperature, and total suspended solids (TSS).

Table 2 presents the list of parameters along with the methods utilized for the


Table 2. List of Parameters and Methods of Analysis

Paramater Method of Analysis

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) Azide Modification SMEWW 5210 B
Chloride Argentometric, SMEWW 4500-Cl B
Color Photometric
Dissolved oxygen (DO) Azide Modification SMEWW 4500-O C
SMEWW 9921 E. Multiple Tube
Fecal coliform
Fermentation Technique
Nitrate Photometric
pH Probe Method
Phosphate Colorimetric-ascorbic acid
Total suspended solids (TSS) Gravimetric SMEWW 2540D

Experimental Units

The researchers will gather water samples from the three different stations along

Rio Grande River with the use of laboratory testing in CWWTL to determine the

physicochemical parameters which are biological oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, color,

dissolved oxygen (DO), fecal coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate, temperature, and total

suspended solids (TSS). Therefore, the experimental unit will be the three sampling sites

along Rio Grande River since it will be the one to receive the treatment.

Experimental Design

The researchers will use one shot case study design under the pre- experimental

design, because the experimental unit, which is the sample of the water river, will receive

one experimental treatment and a single measurement is taken afterwards. Also it only

measures the post-test results.

Experimental Treatment

The researchers will conduct an experiment from the river water samples with the

use of laboratory testing in CWWTL to determine the primary physicochemical

parameters which are biological oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, color, dissolved

oxygen (DO), fecal coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate, temperature, and total suspended

solids (TSS) of the water samples of Rio Grande River in General Trias, Cavite.

Data to be Gathered

The researchers will gather water samples from the three stations namely: Station

1 - Bacao I, Station 2 - Pinagtipunan, and Station 3 - Manggahan. Then with laboratory

testing, the researchers will determine the biological oxygen demand (BOD), chloride,

color, dissolved oxygen (DO), fecal coliform, nitrate, pH, phosphate, temperature, and

total suspended solids (TSS). The gathered data for each primary physicochemical

parameter will then be analyzed and interpreted using the standards for Water Quality

Guidelines (WGS) and General Effluent Standards (GES) of 2016 as seen in Table 3 of

the DENR Administrative (DAO) 2016-08.


Field observations were recorded during collection of river water samples in three

stations along Rio Grande River and are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Field Observations and In-site Measurement

Stations Bacao I Pinagtipunan Manggahan

Station Number 1 2 3

Date January 16, 2019 January 16, 2019 January 16, 2019

Time 8:00 AM 8:51 AM 10:10 AM

Water Temperature (°C) 29 28 39

Weather condition Sunny Sunny Sunny

The results of analysis for the parameters are tabulated in Table 4 and presented in

Figures 1-10.
Table 4. Results of the Physico-chemical Analyses of Water Samples

Rio Grande
River Water

1 2 3
Paramaters Class C
Bacao I Pinagtipunan Manggahan

BOD, mg/L, 20°C 11 4 <2 7

Cl, mg/L 35 29.4 15.0 350

Color, PCU 3 83 4 75

DO, mg/L 3.2 5.2 8.8 5

Fecal coliform,
92,000 9,400 2,200 200

NO3, mg/L 2.4 6.4 8.2 7

pH, units 8.3 at 25°C 8.3 at 25°C 8.4 at 25°C 6.5-9.0

Phosphate, mg/L 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.5

Temperature (°C) 29°C 28°C 29°C 25-31

TSS, mg/L 9 57 6 80

BOD – Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/L
Cl – Chloride, mg/L
DO – Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L
NO3 – Nitrate, mg NO3-N/L
TSS – Total Suspended Solids, mg/L

a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Biochemical oxygen demand is the amount of dissolved oxygen required in mg/L

for stabilizing the biodegradable organic matter by microorganism of the sample under

aerobic conditions. The set water quality criterion of BOD for Class C waters is 7 mg/L.
The measured BOD in Station 2 (Pinagtipunan) and Station 3 (Manggahan) are 4 mg/L

and <2 mg/L, respectively and are within the acceptable range of the water quality

criteria for Class C waters (7 mg/L). While the measured BOD in Station 1 (Bacao I)

being 11 did not conform to the set criterion for BOD of Class C waters.



8 Bacao I

BOD, mg/L

6 n

4 WQ Criteria
for Class C


Figure 1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

b) Chloride (Cl)

Chloride may be present naturally in groundwater as well as originate from

diverse sources such as weathering, leaching of sedimentary rocks and infiltration of sea

water, etc. The set water quality criterion of chloride for Class C waters is 350 mg/L.
The chloride measured in all the stations are within the criterion of Class C Waters based

on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order 2016-08

(DAO 2016-08).



Bacao I
Chloride, mg/L

200 n

150 Manggahan

WQ Criteria
100 for Class C
50 35 29.4

Figure 2. Chloride (Cl)

c) Color

In natural water, colour is due to the presence of humic acids, fulvic acids,

metallic ions, suspended matter, plankton, weeds and industrial effluents. The set water

quality criterion of color for Class C waters is 75 TCU/PCU. The measured BOD in
Station 1 (Bacao 1) and Station 3 (Manggahan) are 3 TCU/PCU and 4 TCU/PCU,

respectively and are within the acceptable range of the water quality criteria for Class C

waters (75 TCU/PCU). While the measured color in Station 2 (Pinagtipunan) which is 83

TCU/PCU did not conform to the set criterion for the color of Class C waters.


80 83


60 Bacao
Color, PCU

50 Pinagtipuna
WQ Criteria
20 for Class C
3 4

Figure 3. Color

d) Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved oxygen indicates the quality of water as well as how aquatic life

survives. The higher concentration of dissolved oxygen, provide better water quality. The

lower the DO means the poorer the water quality, which is unfavorable for fish to live.
The set water quality criterion of DO for Class C waters is 5 mg/L. The dissolved oxygen

concentrations in Station 2 (Pinagtipunan) and Station 3 (Manggahan) passed based on

Class C Water Quality Criteria (DENR DAO 2016-08) except for Station 1 (Bacao I)

with the result of 3.2 mg/L.


6 Bacao

5 Pinagtipun
DO, mg/L

5.2 an
4 Manggaha
3 3.2
WQ Criteria
2 for Class C


Figure 4. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

e) Fecal Coliform

Fecal coliform bacteria are generally used as indicators of potential water

contamination, as these bacteria are found in human and animal feces. It indicates the

possible presence of other pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that line in animal
and human digestive systems. The set water quality criterion of fecal coliform for Class C

waters is 200 MPN/100mL. Based on the results of analyses, all the three designated

stations extremely exceeded the Class C Water Quality Criterion for fecal coliform. The

measured values for fecal coliform are remarkably high ranging from 2,200 to 92,000.


Fecal Coliform, MPN/100mL

WQ Criteria
for Class C
15,000 Waters

Figure 5. Fecal Coliform

f.) Nitrate (NO3)

Nitrate as nutrients favor growth of aquatic plants (algae) which are food for fish.

But once their concentration reaches beyond the allowable limit this could lead to

excessive growth of algae referred to as “algal bloom”. The set water quality criterion of
nitrate for Class C waters is 7 mg/L. Station 1 (Bacao I) resulted with 2.4 mg/L, Station 2

(Pinagtipunan) with 6.3 mg/L and Station 3 (Manggahan) with 8.2 mg/L. The dissolved

oxygen concentrations in Station 1 (Bacao I) and Station 2 (Pinagtipunan) passed based

on Class C Water Quality Criteria (DENR DAO 2016-08) except for Station 3


8 8.2

6 6.4 Bacao
Nitrate, mg/L

5 Pinagtipun
4 Manggaha
WQ Criteria
2 2.4 for Class C


Figure 6. Nitrate (NO3)

g) pH

pH is a term used to express the intensity of acidic or alkaline conditions. It is also

the expression of hydrogen ion concentration or a measure of acidity of a solution. The

set water quality criterion of pH for Class C waters is 6.5 to 9.0 units. The measured pH
in all stations (Stations 1, 2 and 3) ranged from 8.3 to 8.4 units and are within the

acceptable range of the water quality criteria for Class C waters (6.5 to 9.0 units).


8 8.3 8.3 8.4

pH at 25°C, units

WQ Criteria
4 for Class C
Waters (max)
WQ Criteria
2 for Class C
Waters (min)


Figure 7. pH

h) Phosphate

Phosphates are essential for the growth of organisms and a nutrient that limits the

primary productivity of the water body. Inorganic phosphorus plays a dynamic role in

aquatic ecosystems; when present in low concentration is one of the most important
nutrients, but in excess along with nitrates and potassium, causes algal blooms. . The set

water quality criterion of phosphate for Class C waters is 0.5 mg/L. The measured

phosphate in all stations (Stations 1, 2 and 3) ranged from 0.15 to 0.17 mg/L and are

within the acceptable range of the water quality criteria for Class C waters (0.5 mg/L).



Phospahte, mg/L

0.3 Pinagtipun

0.2 Manggaha
0.17 0.16
0.1 WQ Criteria
for Class C

Figure 8. Phosphate

i) Temperature

Temperature effects the seasonal and diurnal variation because it is responsible in

the management of the rate of all biochemical and biological reactions including growth,

multiplication, decay, mineralization, production etc. The set water quality criterion of
temperature for Class C waters is 25-31°C. The measured temperature in all stations

(Stations 1, 2 and 3) were 25°C and are within the acceptable range of the water quality

criteria for Class C waters (0.5 mg/L).


29 29
28 Bacao
Temperature (°C)

WQ Criteria
for Class C
Waters (min)
WQ Criteria
5 for Class C
Waters (max)


Figure 9. Temperature

j) Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total suspended solids are solids in water that can be trapped by a filter such as

silt, decaying plant and animal matter, industrial wastes, and sewage. Many problems for

stream health and aquatic life may rise from high concentrations of suspended solids.
High TSS in a water body can often mean higher concentrations of bacteria, nutrients,

pesticides, and metals in the water. The set water quality criterion of TSS for Class C

waters 80 mg/L. The measured total suspended solids in all stations (Stations 1, 2 and 3)

ranged from 6 to 57 mg/L and are within the acceptable range of the water quality criteria

for Class C waters (80 mg/L).



57 Pinagtipun
50 an
TSS, mg/L

40 n
30 WQ
Criteria for
20 Class C
10 6

Figure 10. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)



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