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Test 6

1. I eventually _____ to temptation and had a bar of chocolate at the seventh hour of my fast.
A gave B yielded C flaunted D retired
2. I used to take my health for granted until my body was seriously _____ by sickness.
A blighted B amputated C battered D raved
3. That’s weird he didn’t agree to lend you his bike, isn’t he the type of person who would give you
_____ off his back?
A the coat B the shoes C the bag D the shirt
4. I had no idea they were planning to organize a party for my birthday, they must have kept it _____.
A in deep water B in a lip lock
C among the flowers D under the rose
5. I don’t really like Meg but it was a case of _____ when she was the only person I could ask at that
A any Tom, Dick and Harry B any port in a storm
C any fool could do D any shape or form
6. Since a large percentage of her students failed the exam, the teacher decided to give them a second
bite at _____ by allowing them to take the test again.
A the apple B the pie C the cherry D the olive
7. The graduates of this medical school are considered to be _____ in cardiology.
A the icing on the cake B the big cheese
C the cream of the crop D the captain of industry
8. The men turned to us, both _____ confident smiles on their faces and ready for the match.
A smearing B wearing C clothing D masking
9. I decided to watch The hollow crown series of BBC because Tom Hiddleston was in it but the
language of Shakespeare is largely _____ to me.
A insatiable B unearthly C inscrutable D undulating
10. You had better prepare a more persuasive speech because you will have to _____ a large majority
of your colleagues if you want to get the leadership.
A freight B carry C swathe D impel
11. After watching “Capernaum”, a sombre feeling descended on me and got me _____ on the injustice
of the world.
A ruminating B snaring C instigating D sulking
12. Although humanity has long dreamt of exploring the mysterious galaxy, people believe it was the
moon landing that really _____ a whole new era in space exploration.
A elicited B precipitate C inaugurated D expedited
13. We can only put a stop to school violence should everyone stop being so negligent and realize the
fact that this phenomenon actually _____ our ignorance.
A prates on B snaps up C battens on D feeds off
14. I wish my girlfriend would just tell me what she wasn’t pleased about, she should know how much
I am _____ by her silence, not knowing what went wrong.
A beguiled B discomfited C fouled D mortified
15. Can you guys please stop arguing and work in _____ so that we can complete this daunting task a
little bit faster?
A concomitant B concoction C concert D conciliation

Word form
1. Although Anna appeared positive, I can feel a(n) _____ of desperation in her speech. (TONE)
2. Chinese mythology contains many tales of animal _____ like huli jing, a fox spirit which can turn
into a beautiful woman. (SHAPE)
3. Political conflict and foreign intervention led to the permanent _____ of the country. (MEMBER)
4. In Can Tho, there is a park named after Luu Huu Phuoc to _____ the musician whose birthplace is
this city. (MEMORY)
5. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. (HEART)
Test 7
1. The Forbidden Forest, which borders the edges of the Hogwarts School, is a dark and _____ forest
thick with mysterious creatures and lurking dangers.
A brooding B crooked C dubious D gloomy
2. Because he started writing his term paper far too late, he is now behind the _____ ball.
A last B ninth C eight D tenth
3. Don’t you think an employee with _____ like Henry will soon be promoted?
A a song in his heart B a fire in his belly
C kindred spirit D a soul of discretion
4. My daughter is a very confident girl and likes to express herself in public, unlike her brother, who is
a _____.
A bowl of cherry B top banana
C ripe plum D shrinking violet
5. He is just a little child, please keep your _____ on and be patient with him.
A hat B socks C belt D shirt
6. Next time if you happen to arrive somewhere in my _____ of the woods, do come round and have a
meal with us.
A neck B foot C head D leg
7. Although the _____ route I showed you is longer, it will actually take you a shorter time as you can
avoid traffic jams during the rush hour.
A exigent B deviant C protracted D devious
8. Although the famous singer dismissed the allegations as _____ and innuendo, police investigation
has shown the opposite.
A smudge B smears C amnesty D bedazzlement
9. Students, when you arrive at the theatre, remember that you must sit according to the seating _____ I
showed you yesterday and whoever doesn’t follow will be disciplined!
A plan B scheme C command D structure
10. The search for _____ between the two sides has appeared to be in vain as none of the two
companies was willing to compromise.
A moot point B the third way C middle ground D a safe passage
11. Marriage, though not the social imperative it once was, still stands for a major rite of _____ into
adult life.
A threshold B doorway C pathway D passage
12. Though it is still controversial regarding the character of the young actor, most people can’t deny
he is worthy of his _____ success.
A wildfire B phenomenal C aspiring D influential
13. The bullet, luckily, just _____ his shoulder, thanks to which his life
A crouched B rasped C browsed D grazed
14. Those openly _____ their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible dignity of
A eliciting B flaunting C reviling D exerting
15. I understand and would totally support you if you want to _____ of this toxic relationship.
A sift out B bail out C churn out D blow out

Word form
1 Her toes are severely _____ from years of pursuing a career in professional ballet. (SHAPE)
2 Teaching in mountainous areas is full of hardship but it is _____ to see the determination of the
students. (HEART)
3 Mulan is a(n) _____ adaptation of the 1998 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name,
starring Liu Yifei in the title role. (LIVE)
4 The haughty employee _____ his hand when asking for a pay rise and was eventually given the sack.
5 Firefighters are working 12-hour shifts in extreme heat to battle devastating _____ in the northern
forests. (FIRE)
Test 8
1. I goofed off for the first two years of college, but I turned into a real _____ once I realized the
importance of my academic performance.
A sly dog B study animal C eager beaver D war horse
2. I rarely take my kids to the library because he can be a bit of _____, running around and making a
A a bull in a china shop B a pig in mud
C a bird in the hand D a duck in Arizona
3. I know you really want the promotion, but telling the boss about my personal problems was _____.
A under the hatches B under thumb
C below the belt D below par
4. Don’t worry, I am confident that Annie will manage to solve the quiz soon, she is as sharp as _____.
A a blaze B a blade C a knife D a tack
5. Kids, please hold your _____, let’s sing the birthday song before we start eating the cake!
A tatters B horses C brake D tongue
6. If you desire some practical lessons before your start-up, there are clear _____ to be drawn
from the failure of these companies.
A cheeks B chapters C morals D policies
7. His reasoning is based on the _____ that humans are innately good, which reflects his belief in
A premise B inception C surmise D conjecture
8. Although the matter was outside my _____ of responsibility, I still lent her a helping hand.
A bound B orbit C sphere D hall
9. I don’t think the two directors would cooperate again in the second part, there was a real personality
_____ between them.
A disagreement B brawl C clash D discord
10. Although he was a talented artist, he lived a life _____ with financial worries.
A pestered B beseeched C clasped D beset
11. When Tony came in class with his ridiculous costume, he was greeted with _____ of laughter.
A clap B blasts C gales D rounds
12. I intended to petrify him by telling him there was a snake in his room but he didn't seem _____
A in least B at least C the least bitD leastways
13. The architecture chose a gentle colour scheme to create a relaxing _____ for the owner’s bedroom.
A ambience B complex C palette D sentiment
14. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam.
A pulse B heartbeat C compass D avatar
15. While everybody else all _____ or the Shang-Shi premiere, director Chloe Zhao dressed casually
in jeans and a loose-fitting top as if she was just dropping by.
A gussied up B bobbed up C blazed up D bucked up

Word form
1 If there is still time remaining after you have finished the test and gone over it, try to _____ your
answers to avoid mistakes. (CHECK)
2 After graduating, I kept some books that are necessary for college and gave away the _____
3 My parents always deem my playful personality _____ of a high school teacher, who should be
decent and serious. (FIT)
4 The journalists are regarded the _____ to the dictatorial government by publicly denouncing their
selfish and cruel policies. (WEIGHT)
5 Although political changes affected the social position of a samurai, he still shows great _____ and
decency of a noble family. (FINE)
Test 9
1. Our teacher said _____ after lunch was a good way to refresh ourselves and be more productive in
the afternoon.
A taking a dive B catching forty winks
C hitting the deck D striking a chord
2. You must have been crazy to challenge John in chess, he is the state champion and he will _____
with you.
A wipe the floor B carry the day
C buy the farm D dress to the nines
3. There are 40 people coming to the party tonight, I need _____ to help me with the decoration and
A all beer and skittles B all hands on deck
C all ducks in a row D all mops and brooms
4. I will let the kids play in the living room so please make sure the floor will be as dry as _____ when
you finish.
A a bone B the air C sand D Africa
5. You should hire an engineer to check that used car before making the final decision or you may end
up buying a _____ in a poke.
A parrot B house C horse D pig
6. Harry and his friends spent hours in the library _____ through hundreds of heavy old books to find
information about the Philosopher’s stone.
A sifting B poring C sieving D meshing
7. After volunteering in the SOS village for the orphans in Ben Tre, I now understand how lucky it is to
be able to live in the _____ of your family.
A center B bliss C oasis D bosom
8. Marriage is a big and long-term gamble in which _____ is dubious in defiance of all oaths and
A jubilation B winnings C felicity D swoon
9. Returning home after a bad exam, I just wanted to sleep and _____ all the disappointment and
A bliss out B winnow out C blot out D clock out
10. The National Contest for the Gifted is an annual event in which students from all over Vietnam
_____ their wits against each other.
A hedge B pit C have D set
pit your wits against somebody (=compete against someone using your intelligence or knowledge)
11. Despite his fame and talent, the well-known rock star’s reputation was seriously damaged by the
_____ factor.
A plague B smugness C haul D sleaze
12. Please tell Severus to come to my office should you see him, I need him to help me _____ the
applications that have no chance of succeeding.
A make out B sift out C leaf through D muddle through
13. As an inexperienced first-time traveller, I was _____ by a local vendor, who charged me $40 for a
little souvenir fridge magnet.
A ragged on B eaten away C ripped off D torn up
14. I don’t think congratulating someone on acing a test and adding that you have never expected that
is a real praise but more like a _____!
A faint praise B false note
C two-handed comment D backhanded compliment
15. Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral _____.
A magnet B anchor C compass D arrow
Word form
1 Thanks to months of _____. research by the film producers, the enthronement ceremony of Qianlong
in “The story of Ruyi” was highly commended for being historically accurate. (PAIN)
2 “Under the hawthorn tree” is a romantic movie with a lovely but tragic _____ (STORY)
3 The death of Bruno and Shmuel in “The boy in the striped pajamas” really tugs at your _____
4 Border _____ between the two countries is one of the issues that receive the most public attention.
5 Following the release of Den Vau’s MV “Hide and Seek”, VTV24 made a _____ joke to advise
against running away from COVID-19 isolation centres. (TOPIC)
Test 10
1. Not until the doctor confirms that my sister is _____ can the whole family stop worrying.
A beyond the pale B out of the woods
C on the round D in the zone
2. After the competition, my friends tried to _____ by teasing me about my failure.
A bell my cat B go to the dogs
C get my goats D shoot my bull
3. Only kids _____ when Tet comes because they don’t have so many things to do like adults.
A keep their chins up B hit the hay
C carry the day D have a ball
4. My younger brother keeps begging me to let him join our club’s party, but it is likely that he will feel
like _____.
A a fifth wheel B the fourth wall
C an extra pair of hands D a gift horse
5. Work-life balance is the most important thing to me so I would never take that job for all the tea in
A Britain B England C Turkey D China
6. Large, black rain clouds _____ in the sky this morning, signalling an approaching storm.
A glowered B scowled C ruptured D crouched
7. I don’t know what’s so interesting that my daughter always listens to this speaker with _____
attention whenever there is his show on TV.
A blissful B rapt C spellbinding D griping
8. Despite his competency, the director was _____ after a conflict with his boss and was demoted to a
low-level employee.
A struck off B ratted out C toned down D crossed out
9. Eight months of lockdown were eight months I was _____ in the stifling tiny flat of mine in the city,
unemployed and unable to go anywhere.
A bricked up B clocked up C bottled up D cooped up
10. The well-reputed CEO _____ with £10,000 of the company's money last night and has come
England’s most wanted man at the moment.
A assailed B absconded C debunked D deflated
11. I thought I only liked the character Loki, but it turns out after that I like the actor himself as I can’t
help _____ over photos of Tom Hiddleston.
A drooling B slobbing C dredging D drizzling
12. The monument is a(n) _____ reminder of those who died in the catastrophic Sichuan earthquake 14
years ago.
A poignant B affective C sardonic D pungent
13. The gentle colour _____ creates a relaxing ambience for the bedroom of my little daughter.
A complexion B palette C structure D scheme
14. One special thing about Ron is that he never has a _____ plan - he just makes decisions as the need
arises but still manages to ace any task given.
A ground B base C foundation D post
15. He _____ with only 152 votes out of 300, which is not at all something to brag about compared
with that of his predecessor.
A tucked in B dragged by C scraped in D passed through

Word form
1 When I first met your mother, I just thought she might be 40 or _____ because she looked so young.
2 When demand for a product _____ its supply, the price of that product will increase. (STRIP)
3 His love for life and optimism gave him a _____ power to overcome what the doctors refer to as “an
incurable disease. (NATURAL)
4 Fans do not know where the event was held because its location was _____ (CLOSE)
5 You may earn a six-figure salary from that job but your health will be the cost, it’s all swings and
_____ (ROUND)

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