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Position, Time, Distance, Displacement Speed, Velocity, Acceleration 4 this section, we wil learn abaut basic concepts of kinematics such as position, time, distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration DFRONTLEARNERS: —coynpeesorovemen Kinema’ 's 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Position, Time, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration CORE IDEA LEARNING OUTCOMES CODES hese ara our learning outcomes. Kinematics: Motion Along a Straight Line 1. Convert a verbal description of a physica situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension into a mathematical description Recognize whether or nts chysicel stuation invalves constant velocity or constant acceleration Interpret displacement anc velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs time and acceleration vatime curves Interpret velocity and acceleration, respectively, as slopes of position vs. time and velocity vs time . Construct velocity vs time and acceleration vs. time graphs, respectively, covresponding toa given position vs. time graph and velcctyvs.time graph and vice versa ook on STEM_GPT2Kin-Ib-(12-16) Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Classical Mechanics * Classical mechanics — a systematic theory developed by Isaac Newton. It focuses on answering the questions, “What is motion?” and “What causes motion?”. Kinematics — the branch of classical mechanics that deals with the study of motion of objects regardless of what caused the motion. Sir Isaac Newton Classical mechanics isthe study of motion and the causes cf motion. kinematics, being Just @ branch of classical mechanics, has @ smaller scope and deals only wth Seserbing motion Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Position atts By lalo-) Velocity mane (Average, Displacement (Average) Instantaneous) ‘To begin let us study these important concepts related to Kinematics Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Position Position — is the location of a particle from a reference point. In a coordinate system, the reference point is the origin. Usually denoted as x. Example: initial position — x; final position —X-, position 1- x; Postion -ie the location ofa particle fom a re Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Position Example: Setting the office building as the reference point, what are th positions of the man (Xx,,) and the store (x,)? Xu =-25mM 7 5 Direction is important in = telling the position. This also a vector quantity. YZ -30 -25 -20 5 -10 5 oO 5 10 15 Letus stugy this exemple. STEM _CPTaKirlo-236) ‘General Physics “Shae Wee secssace Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Distance Distance -a scalar quantity that pertains to the total path length travelled by a particle moving from one location to another. Distance a scalar quantity that pertains to the total path length travelled by a particle moving from one location to ancther. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Distance Example: The man went to the store first then rushed back to the office (x,). What is the total distance the man travelled? qd, Distance is scalar, thus, only ‘the magnitude is important. -25 -20 5S -10 Letus study this exemple. STEM.CaKto-t216) ‘ceneral Prs) ee ae Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Displacement + Displacement -a vector quantity that pertains to the straight path length between the initial and final position of a particle (x-- Xj), thus, it is also referred as the change in xor the Ax. AX = X_- X; [Displacement - 3 vectar quantity that pertains tothe sraight path length between the initial and final paston ofa particle ay—xj, thus, ie aso referred asthe change nx ort Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Displacement Example: The man went to the store first then or back to the office (x,). What is the man's total displacement? © recoutfax (Ax = x;-%; Ax The man's initial position at -25 m while his final position is the office (0), therefore Ax=0-(-25m) = 25m +z -30 -25 Let us study this example inematics Time Time - measure of duration of events we j LN WY EQ WKH c ~ ascalar quantity that pertains to the measure of duration of events Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Average Speed Average speed - is a scalar quantity, and is defined as the ratio of the total distance travelled and the total amount of time needed to travel that distance. total distance average speed = ——————_ total time Average speed ica cealar quantity, and is defina as the ratio ofthe total detance travelled and the total amount of time needed te travel that dietance, Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Average Speed Example: The man went to the store first arrived there after 30 s, then rushed back to the office and arrived there after 10 s. What is the man’s average speed? [4,,,=55 mM ta) = 405 Ave. speed = 55m/40s =14m/s -30 -25 -20 a5 -10 5 oO 5 10 5 2 he average speed isthe ratio ofthe total distance travelled and the total amount of time needed to travel that distance. It is @ scalar quantity. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Average Velocity Average velocity — a vector quantity and is defined as the ratio of the total displacement and the amount of time during which the displacement occurred. It is denoted as tape. - Ax Xxf-X% Vave = Ae tt average space -ie8 calor quantity, and is defines asthe ratio ofthe ttal cistance tavellad anc the tata annaunt of time needa to aval that sistance Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Average Velocity Example: The man went to the store first arrived there after 30 s, then rushed back to the office and arrived there after 10 s. What is the man’s average velocity? [ax= 25m +2, At=405 5, -25mte 405 = 0.625 m/s +8 dy -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 5 0 5 10 15 20 ‘Average velocity asa vector quantity ‘5 the unit vector that denctes the rection of the average velocity It Indicates that the average velocity points toward the postive xctection Its acceptable {this case tonot write the unit vector. The postive velue of the average velocity already indicates that tis going tothe postive x direction, Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Instantaneous Velocity Instantaneous velocity -a vector quantity that tells us how fast an object is moving at any single point along its path. To express this mathematically requires some basic concepts of calculus. Inetantanagus velociy)-a vector quantity that tale us how fast an abject e maving at any single pint along ts path To express this mathematically requires some basic conasets of eaculoe Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion Recall A graph is an illustration of a variable in relation to another variable. Constructing graphs aid in picturing the relationship of the two main variables —- independent (x) and dependent (y). The list of ways how these variables are related is wide and varied. The most common relationship is the linear proportionality. In this proportionality, the relationship of x and y is described by the equation of the line y=mx+b, where m and b are constants and referred as the slope and the y-intercept, respectively. The slope, m, tells the amount of change in y with a change in x. Graphical analysis of tion. STEM.CPRKbsT216) Genera Bhyics? Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion Example: A car moving in uniform motion. The position of the car at various t is shown in the table at the right. ‘Graphical Anais of Motion. t(s) x(m) 0 0 5 30 10 60 8 90 20 720) xis the dependent variable, thus, it isin the y-axis, while tis independent, thus, itis in the x-axis. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion Example: A car moving in uniform motion. 125 The graphical representation of the car's motion is shown in the right. This is called the position vs time graph or x vs t. x (m) t(s) | x(m) ° ° 5 30 10 60 sn 90 20 720 “Graphical representation of motion Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion By linear regression, m = 6 m/s and b = 0. The y-intercept or b is the value of y when x=0. Specifically, in this case, the y-intercept is the position of the car at t=0, of the initial position of the car, x,0r % (* nought") x(m) 120 The equation of the linear fit is y=6x+0 Since the y variable is the position and the x variable is the time, the equation representing the car’s motion is x=6m/s-t+0 The general relationship is: x = m-t + x9 Graphical representation of motion. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion Calculating for the average velocity, ax _%y-¥i_120m—0_ at tt 20s-0 ~o™S x (m) Vave = It can be noticed that m = Baye Waive! Therefore, in the position vs time graph, the slope is the average velocity. Then, we can write the general linear relationship as X= Daye t+ Xo Graphical representation of mation Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion: x vs t x The x vs t graph with this shape has a constant value of slope. Since, the slope is the average velocity (or velocity, in general), this graph represents a motion with constant velocity. Graphical presentation of mation with constant velocity Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion A.The object moved from x, to x=4m in 3s. soe Bee Re tatmie x (m) Example: The motion of an object is Bae ae tug 3smje divided into four parts as shown below. ——. Describe the motion for each part. —t+++++-+-++-+-—. 323012 3 4 5 6 x(m B. The object stayed at x=4m from t=3s to 166s, The average velocity is 0, Voge = 0 3230123 4 5 6 xm ©. The object moved from x=4m to x=-3m during the time interval t=6s to t=8s. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion x (m) Example: The motion of an object is divided into four parts as shown below. Describe the motion for each part. D. The object moved from x=: during the time interval t=9s to, Ls mje 3 1012 3 4 5 6 x(m) nd D, the object exhibited 3 motion with constant velocity. While at part he object is at rest. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion: 7 vs t Recall The graph of # vst below represents a * motion with constant velocity v, No change in velocity (constant). The 2xvs t graph with this shape has 2 constant value of slope. Since, the slope Js the average velocity (or velocity, in general), this graph represents 2 ‘motion with constant velocity, Graphical representation cf motion witn constant velcity Graphical Analysis of Motion Motion with constant velocity. Bave B = constant Crapiclepresertatn of moti with conatantveey Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line In calculus terms, the velocity is the derivative of the position with respect to time. ay a For motion with constant velocity, X= Dtt x, then, £@-t+x9) =. Taking the derivative of # with respect to time, £3 = 0. Therefore, proving that Bis Constant Activate Window: Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion (m/s) Example: Construct the corresponding Bvs t graph of the car's motion given its xvs t graph below dx. xm) a d qeSmis-0 = # = constant = 6 m/s eo [xiv | wa ts) etivate Windle ematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Tarr [a Graphical Analysis of Motion — Interestingly, the value of the position isequal tothearea. | 1~1— under the ¥ vs t graph. This is one way of constructing the = [= [= xvs t graph if you are given the B vs t graph. = pets Bmw Bs) By Bs) Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Graphical Analysis of Motion _ In calculus terms, the velocity is At rest (¥ = 0) the derivative of the position with . respect to time. z ie a Ifatrest, x= constant. The derivative of a constant is 0, hence ¥=0. No change in position, Graphical representation ofan abject a rest Activate Window: TOD FRONTLEARNERS —cisyiesiicrwanenine Aanenions Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Acceleration Acceleration - is the amount of change in velocity per unit time. It is denoted by the vector a. _ Mw a a@=—= At t—t; In calculus terms, acceleration is the derivative of # with respect to time. do a” Definition af acceleration. Activate Wind: TOD FRONTLEARNERS: —cinptcesi:crwusanes ne Atte meones Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Acceleration Recall In calculus terms, the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time. ao at Motion with constant velocity. B, aver B = constant For a motion with constant velocity, ¥ = constant. The derivative of a constant is 0, hence a=0. Graphical representation of mation with constant velocity. Kinematics 1: Motion Along a Straight Line Graphical Analysis of Motion Motion with constant velocity. v, @, X= Vave t+ Xo Bave B = constant a@=0 o X=B-l+Xq “Graphical representation of motion with constant veloc. [OD FRONTLEARNERS! —ciryoreacmoronemne ne sosate manne Position, Time, Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration ‘This quizis about basic concepts of kinematics such a poston time, distance, displacement speed, velocity. and acceleration [OD FRONTLEARNERS: Spy 2t0Fteenen be 2 iimsmmed é Multiple Choice Setting the man as the reference point, which of the following statements is true? A) The position of the office is positive B) The position of the store is positive C) The store is at x=2m store office: D) All of the above ¥ es 4 tH HH tH ODFRONTLEARNERS: —cesratto20riemeanen ns Alsguamaenes 6 Multiple Choice The man first went to the store then rushed back to the office building. Setting the man as the reference point, which of the following statements is true? A) The man’s total displacement is d,-d. B) The total distance travelled is |d,|+|d| -—4=im C) d,is negative because it is pointed to -x office D) All of the above d, g$ a" d, eal store *x re (=) Multiple Choice Which of the following graphs best represent an object at rest? A) ll only B) Vonly C) llandv D) None of the above t t t t SSSUUATCRASONI — Cmmidt 0208 Fentmeer in: Michio e Multiple Choice Which of the following graphs best represent a motion with constant velocity? A) land Ill B) llandV. Cc) landiv t D) Hand Iii ‘VE t t [ID FRONTLEARNERS: —Conryr9:t0Fnrtemen no Abghemenet QD reer False True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right AB represents a body at rest. SUGARMAN ~~ coneseempreenme tm. Aattizmme True or False True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right BCD represents an object exhibiting One- dimensional Uniformly Accelerated Motion. Qe False True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right EFG represents a motion with constant velocity. TDBPRONTLEARNERS — congrezmrortamen ne. Aligts mart, Q reo False v True or False. Refer to the 8 vs t graph at the right AB represents a body at rest. Se aaanNi — comscmmeaeees me atime True or False True or False. Refer to the 3 vs t graph at the right DE represents a motion with constant velocity TODFRONTLEARNERS: — canyee2morwicaren uo argh mad True or False True or False. Refer to the ¥ vs t graph at the right EFG represents an object exhibiting UARM [OD FRONTLEARNERS) — cyips02229P tame oc gta mee e Problem Solving An experiment was done where a motion sensor measured the position of aman while walking away from the sensor. The data is given in the table. Determine the man's velocity using graphical analysis. (2 pts) Time (s) | Position (m}] To 0254 TZ 0287 Sensor 14 0.326 16 308 18 0.430 —_——_ 18 450 22 0559 2e 0.622 26 0679 28 O73 COD FRONTLEARNERS: —cexectoztecrcmaires io Aliguenees e Problem Solving The velocity of a kid trying the slide in a playground was recorded and the data is shown in the table below. Determine the kid's acceleration while sliding down using graphical analysis. [ODFRONTLEARNERS: — coxrsit82200Fotenes in Aligte mere! e Multiple Choice Setting the man as the reference point, which of the following statements is true? A) The position of the office is positive B) The position of the store is positive C) The store is at x=2m store office: D) All of the above ¥ a & tt at tt ttt HY x | J =1m od AN Cuetgsementederen bc Kidd e Multiple Choice The man first went to the store then rushed back to the office building. Setting the man as the reference point, which of the following statements is true? A) The man's total displacement is dy-dy B) The total distance travelled is |d,|+|d9| b—4=1m C) d,is negative because it is pointed to -x D) All of the above office x [OD FRONTLEARNERS: — csnyseo2iofotennes re Atiptemnnet True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right AB represents a body at rest (T) EDD PRONTLEAROIRRE? — Cuvist0 208 Feteenen bn Mite Qe Quiz False True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right BCD represents an object exhibiting One- dimensional Uniformly Accelerated Motion. (T) EDD PRONTLEARNERE? Cones 02020Cartmrun, tu. Migenmret, Dove False True or False. Refer to the x vs t graph at the right EFG represents a motion with constant velocity (T) [OD FRONTLEARNERS: —Covrgh922:0Fenenen ne Alig men @ True or False v True or False. Refer to the % vs t graph at the right AB represents a body at rest (F) FRONTLEARNERS® — Cesirpit 02020 Fonteamae ne lng zens Q rr False True or False. Refer to the ¥ vs t graph at the right DE represents a motion with constant velocity (T) TDD FRONTLEARNGRS: —ceopgcczmerrteanan, ne ype mend Drees False v True or False. Refer to the @ vs t graph at the right EFG represents an object exhibiting UARM (T) TODFRONTLEARNERS copy caimscricares we abrghemanad Time (6) [Position (m)] TO O23 12 0.287 14 0326 3 0388 Te 0.430 20 0500 22 0559) 24 ‘Dez 26 0679 28 O73 [ODFRONTLEARNGRS coppgie209Forwaress ne presen 2 Problem Solving \Walking Away from the Sensor venice? oo 8 = Slope = 0.2812m/s e Problem Solving Stiaing Down EDORANTLRARAINRG — corppretmerunmeren. ue Se epmnmens THANK YOU a

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