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Jericho Hyansalem Wicaksono

5019201004 Page | 7

Picture A: Based on the figure, it can be seen that there is a cylindrical tank filled with some kind of fluid
(let’s assume the fluid is water). Two pistons are installed each on the left and right of the tank. Each piston
works on a cylindrical tube with a different surface area size. Looking at the figure, the left piston has an
arrow that indicates the piston is moving downward, whereas the right piston has an arrow that indicates the
piston is moving upward.

Picture B: The piston, which is called the pump plunger, that installed on the left cylindrical tube
(cylindrical tube A) is connected to a lever. On the right cylindrical tube (cylindrical tube B), the installed
piston (press plunger) is given an object on top of it. From the look of it, the fluid, which is water, is the
intermediary and crucial for this hydraulic press system.

Picture C: Based on the figure, the hydraulic press appears to be in a stationary condition. The object, that
placed on top of the press plunger, seems to have weight. That means, the object gives force downward to
the press plunger and the press plunger can transmit that force to the water. The fluid is also in a closed

Picture D: In figure D, someone moves the lever that connected to the pump plunger and gives force to the
pump plunger. The pump plunger then transmits that force to the water inside cylindrical tube A with a
surface area of A. We know that the force exerted by a fluid acting on an area is defined as pressure. The
pressure, produced by pushing the pump plunger to the water, works in any direction inside that closed tank,
by using the water as means of transmission, including the press plunger. The water gives pressure upward
to the press plunger and it produces a force that pushes the press plunger and the object upward.

Conclusions: Looking at how the hydraulic system works, we could conclude that Pascal’s law is directly
applicated to this system. Pascal’s law states that whenever an external pressure is applied on any part of a
fluid contained in a closed space, it is transmitted by the fluid without the loss of the pressure amount and
equally in all directions inside that space. So, what is the relationship between force, pressure, work, and

We know that the pressure is caused by the force exerted by the water acting on a certain area size and that
pressure is transmitted by water to all directions inside the tank. The pressure then gives force to the press
plunger and moves it upward or higher (changing its position). Also, a certain amount of water naturally has
mass, which means that the water has internal energy. Energy interaction is defined as work if it is
associated with a force acting through a certain distance. In this case, the force caused by the pressure that
pushes the press plunger is moving or changing the position of the plunge, which means there is work
produced by that act. Whereas power is directly related to work, which is the time rate of doing that work or
how much work is done per unit time.
Jericho Hyansalem Wicaksono
5019201004 Page | 8

1. What is a “reduction gear”?

As the name suggests, reduction gear is a gear that reduce something. That “something” is the
rotational speed of the shaft. So, reduction gear is an equipment with the objective to reduce the rotational
speed of the propeller shaft that is installed.
2. What is the function of a reduction gear in a ship propulsion system?
As explained by the answer from question no 1, the function is to reduce the rotational speed of the
shaft. But why exactly is a reduction gear used? First, we should know that the reduction gear is usually
installed on a propulsion system that uses a medium or high-speed diesel engine as the prime mover. Medium
and high-speed engines have a fundamental difference from the low-speed diesel engine. A low-speed diesel
engine produces more torque but less rotational speed than a medium and high-speed diesel engine.
So, if the ship uses a medium or high-speed diesel engine, naturally the engine operates at relatively
high RPM. However, unfortunately, most propellers require a relatively low RP to be able to operate
effectively. There’s where the reduction gear comes into play. The reduction gear reduces the rotational speed
that comes from the engine shaft so the propeller shaft can rotate slower and match the desired rotational speed
for the propeller. By slowing down the propeller, we can minimize slippage which means making the power
plant operate more efficient.
3. Describe the basic construction and the working principle of a typical reduction gear.

 Basic Construction of a Typical Reduction Gear:

- Input and output shaft
- Gears (usually double helical type gears are used)
- Clutch
- Piston (inside the clutch)
- Engaging lever
- Friction and Steel plate.

 How does it work?

First, we must know that at around the end part of the input shaft, there are gears mounted. In other
words, the input shaft has gears at the end part of it and is located inside the gearbox. The output shaft also
has gears (double helical type) mounted on it. The input shaft is connected to a clutch. When the engage lever
is shifted, it starts applying hydraulic pressure to the clutch piston, then the piston starts to slide along its axis
until the gap between friction and steel plates is eliminated and the clutch engages. When the clutch is engaged,
its pinion provides a drive to the large gear wheel of the driven shaft. The engine rotates the input shaft, which
means also rotates its gears. The input shaft’s gear rotates the output shaft’s gear, which is different in size
and shape, hence rotates the output shaft with slower rotational speed than the input shaft’s. The output shaft
then rotates the propeller with the same rotational speed.

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